HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-54-02 '- CI[[#!glOn REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: DECEMBER 2, 2002 -ro~ File #: RC.32.05 0/f)-~S:O;L By-law #: Report #: EGD-54-02 Subject: LONGWORTH AVENUE EXTENSION - SCUGOG STREET TO REGIONAL ROAD NO. 57 PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-54-02 be received; 2. THAT a copy of this report be provided to residents who attended the Information Centre; and 3. THAT the subject project be rescheduled for commencement of construction in the Spring of 2003. ~1L Submitted by: Anthony Cannella, CET. Reviewed by: Director of Engineering Services ;J~~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer WM*ASC*ce November, 25, 2002 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-62313379 F 905-623-9282 723 REPORT NO.: EGD.54-o2 PAGE 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION On August 7,2002, a Public Information Centre was held in Council Chambers of the Municipal Administrative Centre to present to the public alternatives for the improvement of traffic flow in the northwest area of Bowmanville. The proposals centered on extending Longworth Avenue from Scugog Street westerly to Regional Road No. 57 with options for alignment and grade also presented. This Public Information Centre was the second mandatory point of contact in the Municipal Environment Assessment process for the project, which began with a published Notice of Commencement in February 2000. The project is planned under Schedule C in accordance with the Class EA process. The lengthy time frame from commencement to the second point of contact was primarily the result of inactivity in getting the creek realignment works underway. In all, eight members of the public attended the centre and four registered at the meeting and gave written comments. In general, the response was favourable but concerns were raised particularly with respect to environmental issues related to the former landfill site located in the vicinity of the proposed road alignment. A copy of the register and the written comments are provided as Attachment NO.1. 2.0 BACKGROUND The pace of development within the Bowmanville Urban Area has put increased pressure on the road network and its ability to provide efficient movement of traffic. Consequently, a study was commissioned to review transportation needs within the context of the Official Plan of the Municipality of Clarington. This study, referred to as "Transportation and Implementation Study, Phase 1 - Bowmanville", confirmed that a major requirement of the future road network is an extension of Longworth Avenue (in four lanes) westerly to Regional Road No. 57. As a consequence of this, the Environmental Assessment process was commenced to implement this recommendation. 724 REPORT NO.: EGD-54-02 PAGE 3 In conjunction with the extension of Longworth Avenue, realignment of the Bowmanville Creek and construction of a large storm sewer outfall are also necessary. This undertaking was the subject of an earlier Environmental Assessment carried out by Sernas Associates but to date final approval for this work has not been received from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and no construction has been undertaken. Completion of this work is the responsibility of Halloway Holdings Limited. Their obligations are documented in a Front-Ending Agreement they entered into with the Municipality in May of 1997. The Director of Engineering Services has had numerous discussions with representatives of Halloway Holdings Limited over the past year regarding the need to complete the creek realignment works in order to permit the extension of Longworth Avenue. These discussions have concluded with letters from both Valiant Property Management and their consultants Sernas Associates to the Director of Engineering Services. The letters commit Halloway Holdings Limited to complete the works in 2003 and define a schedule common to that of the Municipality for approvals and construction. Copies of the letters are included in this report as Attachment Nos. 4 and 5. 3.0 PROJECT STATUS In addition to the delay in the creek realignment, concerns were raised at the Information Centre, which have also affected the project schedule. Comments raised at the Information Centre pertaining to the extent and content of the former landfill site have dictated that further field investigation be carried out to fully assess the conditions and implications of a larger landfill area than what has been determined to date. This investigation is ongoing and expected to be completed by December 13, 2002. We believe the landfill limits established in the report prepared by Soil Probe in April 1995 are accurate. The investigation in the vicinity of the proposed road works showed clean ground conditions. Further soils investigation for the project bridge foundations and road embankment construction is necessary however, and this is now being undertaken. With this field work, some additional probes are being advanced to satisfy 725 REPORT NO.: EGD-54-02 PAGE 4 concerns raised at the Public Information Centre in August 2002 with respect to the limits of the landfill area. In conjunction with the soils work, Mr. Lawrence Jackson, Co-Director, Advance Archaeology, has been hired to undertake additional archaeological assessment of the area. This work is currently ongoing and will be completed by December 20, 2002. Following the above investigations and assessment of impact, the Environmental Study Report will be completed in accordance with the Environment Assessment process. A Notice of Completion will be published to advise Review Agencies and the General Public of the status of the project. It is anticipated that the Environmental Study Report will be on record by the second week of January 2003, barring unforeseen developments from the work currently under way. It is anticipated that Construction will commence in June of 2003. 4.0 PUBLIC COMMENT In all, eight altemative approaches were outlined in documentation at the Public Information Centre. The preferred alternative was presented as a high level bridge crossing of the Bowmanville Creek with two horizontal alignment options displayed for this approach. Verbal and written comments received at the Information Centre were generally favourable. The alternative of using Concession Road NO.3 was suggested by at least one attendee as a viable alternative. There was urgency expressed by several residents from Jackman Road about the current state of repair of the Bailey Bridge which carries Jackman Road over the creek. In addition, removal of this structure was seen as a matter of urgency by those same residents. As previously mentioned, concern was expressed about disturbing the existing landfill site for channel realignment or excavation for structure foundations. The need to realign Bowmanville Creek drew the most concern, although it was not the focus of this 726 REPORT NO.: EGO-54-02 PAGE 5 Information Centre and had previously been dealt with as a separate project through the EA process. 5.0 CONCLUSION While it was originally intended to start construction of the Longworth Avenue Extension in 2002, completion was always anticipated for 2003. Clarington staff still believe that even with the delay in obtaining project approvals, a Fall 2003 completion date is realistic. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Notice of Public Information Centre and Key Map Attachment 2 - Information Centre Register Attachment 3 - Letter of Commitment on Channel Realignment with Schedule, Sernas Associates, Dated October 28, 2002 Attachment 4 - Letter of Commitment from Valiant Property Management, Dated October 31, 2002 Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Evylin Stroud 89 Little Avenue BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L 1 C 1 J9 Bruce Cuthbertson 72 Jackman Road BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L 1 C 2C9 Mavis Carlton 119 Cove Road BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L 1 C 3K3 Chris Tomlinson 55 Jackman Road BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L 1C 2E2 721 ATTACHMENT NO.: 1 REPORT NO.: EGD-54-02 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON LONGWORm AVENUE EXTENSION CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT SCUGOG STREET TO REGIONAL ROAD NO. 57 INCLUDING BoWMANVlLLE CREEK BRIDGE CROSSING NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE In order to provide adequate capacity in the Bowmanville transportation system to accommodate future growth, the Municipality of Clarington is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for the westerly extension of LOlliworth Avenue from Scugog Street westerly lO Regional Road No. 57 including a crossing of the Bowmanvil1e Creek. The study will include the determination of a preferred route and the design of the proposed creek crossing and the westerly road approaches to the strUcture from Regional Road No, 57. The Study Area for the project is illustrated below: This project is being planned under Schedule C in accordance with the requirements of the M\IIlltipal Class Environmental Assessment. A Public Information Centre is planned to provide further infonnation 10 the pOOHc on the propOsal and to receive InpuI and comment from interested persons or agencies: Public Information Centre; Time: Date: Location: 4:00pm to 7:00pm Wednesday, August 7,2002 Council Chambers of the Municipal Administralion Centre 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville Mr. W, McCrae, P.Eng. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 513 Division Strcct Cobourg, Ontario. K9A 4W4 Phone: 1-800-463-8046 CONeISSION ROAD' Following the Public Information Centre. further comments are invited, for incorporation into the planning and design process of this project, and will be received until Friday August 30,2002. For further information, please contact the following individuals: Mr. A. S. Cannella, CET Director of Engineering Services Municipality of ClaringlOn 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Lie 3A6 . ~~-..::--. Phone: 9051623-3379 ext. 203 1~1~S\lAN01'\ClE.WOII P~\12-109JZ\PuhIit:\PIC NOb;o,dOC: 728 N o o 'N r-: 00 :J Ol :J <l: 0:: w J- Cf) - (9 w 0:: Z o I- C) Z 0:: :5 Uw u.0::0:: Ol-(/) >-ffiw !::uww ...Jz::::l...J <(oZ...J a._w> "I-> ....<(<(z Z:!::J:<C ::::l0::1-:2: ~f2~$o :J:Z;: l-uC)OJ u.-z oalo Z::::l...J 00. i= ~ o a. 0:: o U 1 I I 'C Q) ~ :;. "5 Q) g Q.) j1- U lID , Ol ~ :g ":;:.J:: CO ffi a . >- E c "*~~ :;: Q) -I'" ofia.(IJ CC .8 ~1:2 '0 lD U 0 C> C _S a .f;; ::i >- Ql ::; c CD g o :;: > '" "r 0 .~ c ~ ..... 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C (I) C\I ~ rJ'J C Q) Q5 fU C Q) ~ CD rJJu-oO)-u ctlco.:;::>-cQ.c ~i8 is 8'~ is 8 U) U) w 0::' C. 0: <( CJ) -, ~ (') ~ (') o o ~ -' o 'C ro C ~o ffi~ ~ 'S; ~ ~ :::; :;: CJ) 0 "'cc ~ -' o .~ c 160 &~ Q) 'S: > c o '" o E CJ) :;: ~ 0 ~CC ~)nd Deve10pmenl E.r.Qinocring Lal1d DevelopmlnL Plal1nln~ MuniciEMII En~ine.m. SilVie.. Tr&n5~al'UltiGn &. TrIlnlit PI.Ming UtiliTy IntratWCturo D.si9n Wlter RUDur'C:I' Engineering ATTACHMENT NO.: 3 REPORT NO.: EGD.54.02 !ll!~ 4SS0C'ATliSi r:: ,....... III 1N' ,.".. IrI4$ Me. 110Scotl.Co,It T.I06.&8l;.&402 Unite! f'905.Unm Whitby, ON "emas.licm L1Nffi October 28, 2002 ~ INEEa IrlG OCT 3 0 2002 MunicipalitY of Clarington 40 TelTllleranoe Street Bowmanvllle. Ontario L 1 C 3AB Attention: Mr. A.S. Cannella, C.e.T. , R T " r " . " ,'iell i Dear Sir: Re: Bowmanvllle Creek Valley Works Municipality of Clarington Our Protect No. 94010 We understand that the Municipality of Clartngton is proceeding with the design and construction of the Longworth Avenue t>r1dge. The bridge piers and abutments are reliant upon Bowmanville Creek realignment works to be completed. The c:o-ordlnatlon of these works were the subject of meetings on May 28, 2002 between Valiant Property Management and municipal staff; and on June 28, 2002 between the approval agencies - Central Lake Ontario Conservation (CLOC), Municipality of Clartngton, Ministry of Natural Resources, Department of FISheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), and the consulting engineer, Semas Associates to revtew the process and schedule for Longworth Avenue bridge and that of Bowmanvtlle Creek realignment workS. ihese matters were also di8c;o'-llCI at various times, the latest over the past several weeks, to confirm how these works will proceed. It was the condusion of the June 28. 2002 meeting and acknowledged by CLOe and the DFO, that the creek realignment design was acceptable In principle. A copy of the minutes of that meeting is attached. We have asked for CLOC and DFO to acknowledge this In writing to assist you in reporting to Council. We have prepared the following schedule for the creel< realignment work to be undertaken by Valiant Property Management and to assist In co~ordinatlng the bridge works. Bowmanville Creek Realianment Phase I Item 1. Descri tlon Design and sediment monitoring program reviewed b Parrish Geomomhic Drawln compllatlon Semas As80dates November 21 2002 Samas to prepare Letter of Intent, Compensation November 29, 2002 , Agreement. Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act \ Application to MNR. and application submission to I CLOClDFO " I Processing of application and 'compensation January 15. 2003 a reement b CLOC and DFO Prepare tender for Phases I and II of Bowmanville February 15, 2003 Creek Reali nment , Construction work 2. 3. 4. I July 15 - August 15, \ 2003 (completion) 73U Municipality of Clarington Mr. A.S. Cannella, CET. October 28, 2002 Page 2 We trust that the foregoing will assist in the overall scheduling with the bridge construction. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesiiate to contact the undersigned. Yours truly, SERNAS ASSOCIATES NICk J. Mensink, P. Eng. Princlpal. General Manager NJMlbr Attch. 731 . . ATTACHMENT NO.: 4 REPORT NO.: EGD-54-02 C)J.a1ianl flJl4tJpel4lq ./Itanag.ernenl DCT J 1 200Z '77 NONQUON ROAD. 2OCI\ FlOOR. OSHAW.... ONTARIO L1G 352 Toll: (1051 &71-1626 FIX: (10515JM472 e-mail: valianttiilsneedUnc.ca , :: GIN E t R I N G October 31, 2002 ~. ? !; ~ T t,~ E :~ : Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON LlC 3A6 Attention: A.S. Cannella, CET Dear Sir: Re: Bownumville Creek VaUey Works Municipality of C1arington " Valiant Property Management acknowledges responsibility for the Bowmanville Creek Realigmnent Work summarized in the North Bowmanville Stormwater Management project noted in the front-ending agreement between Halloway Holdings Ltd. and the Muncipality ofClarington as H-A works. The valley works are contemplated to be undertaken in two stages: the first phase would act as a monitoring control section and would be proposed for the section of creek from the north limit to the proposed realigmnent southerly for.balfthe distance to the Hockin erosion site. This would provide the realignment to Bowmanville Creek in the area affected by Longworth Avenue bridge construction. We are committed to meeting the schedule as per the attached correspondence forwarded by Semas Associates (October 28rl1, 2002) including the timing for Phase V and VI (plan 18T -87057) registration and construction of the related over-the-bank works presented in Semas Associates correspondence of October 29dl, 2002. Please accept this as our undertaking to proceed with the work. ~~tru~~ De~arke Executive Assistant DC:pb cc: Nick Mensink-Semas Associates BUILDING FOR yOU SINCE 1922 732