REPORT NO. : P-107-81
SUBJECT: Bowmanville Urban Area Plan
File: 2.1
It is respectfully submitted that the Planning and Develop-
ment Committee recommend to Council the following:
1. That Report P-107-81 be received; and
2. That Council approve the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan
as revised and attached to this Report; and
3. That the Region of Durham be requested to amend the
Official Plans for the Bowmanville planning area and
the former Township of Darlington and to submit the
Urban Area Plan for the Bowmanville Urban Area to the
Ministry of Housing for approval as soon as possible.
On June 23, 1980, the Planning and Development Committee con-
sidered staff report P-111-80 (copy attached) in respect of the draft
Bowmanville Urban Area Plan and recommended to Council that staff be
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authorized to arrange for public displays, meetings and notices in
order to solicit public input to the plan. Council endorsed these
recommendations on June 30, 1980.
On July 9, 1980 staff advertised the location of the various
public displays inviting written submissions and advising residents
that public meetings would be advertised in the near future.
On September 3, 1980 staff advertised a notice of public
meetings to be held on September 11, 18 and 25. On September 11, 1980
the first of the scheduled public meetings was held and the plan explained
to and discussed with those members of the public in attendance.
Following a limited turn-out to the first meeting, further notices
were placed in local newspapers to advertise the second and third meetings.
In addition, major property owners were advised of the third meeting by
written notice.
In response to the public notices and meetings, staff have, to
date, received only three written submissions (copies attached) . In addition,
staff have met with two of the major landowners to discuss their concerns
and possible objections to the plan.
Aside from some minor concerns about hazard land designations
delineated by Schedule 1 to the draft plan, the major concern identified
has been in respect to staging and the sequencing of neighbourhood develop-
ment plans.
Staff have discussed the first, more minor concern, with the objector
and indicated that the delineation of hazard lands conforms to the intent
of the Durham Regional Official Plan and will be further refined at such
time as a development application is actually being given consideration.
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The second, and obviously the major concern, has been reviewed
by staff and we are recommending the following modifications to overcome
the potential objections and to ensure the ordering development of the
urban area based upon the logical extension of services.
Page (ii) Section 1.3.2 Schedules - Delete subsection (v) in its entirety.
Page 2 Section 2.1.2 (iii) (e) Neighbourhood Development Plans - Addition
of a new section 2.1.2 (iii) (e) as follows:
"While Schedule 3 represents the intended sequence for the pre-
paration of Development Plans by the Town of Newcastle; subject
to Council approval, the Town may consider the approval of Neigh-
bourhood Development Plans out of sequence provided that such
Development Plans encompass an entire neighbourhood as designated
on Schedule 3; and that development of the neighbourhood respects
the intent of Section 2.8.2 (iv) of this Urban Area Plan."
Page 23 Section 2.8.2 (iv) - Delete in its entirety and replace with the
"2.8.2 (iv) a) The Council of the Town of Newcastle shall consider
the development and/or redevelopment of the Bowmanville Main Central
Area and residential neighbourhoods adjacent to the Main Central
Area or existing residential areas as a first priority in the develop-
ment of the Bowmanville Major Urban Area. This shall be accomplished
through such means as the approval of development proposals, the
provision of public works and the provision of community facilities.
b) Town Council shall monitor the rate of residential
development on an annual basis and shall ensure that such develop-
ment is both in keeping with the financial and administrative capa-
bilities of the municipality and is within the Municipality's capa-
bility to provide and maintain the required services.
c) The timing and phasing of development with the various
neighbourhoods will be determined through the consideration of plans
of subdivision, and the negotiation of development agreements and
will be based upon the logical use and extension of services, rein-
forcing the Main Central Area Plan."
The Bowmanville Urban. Area Plan defines the scale, scope and policies
related to future development within the defined urban area. It provides
the framework within which Council and the Land Division Committee can assess
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the merits of development proposals and exercise powers to pass restricted
area zoning By-laws, to control subdivision development, and to grant con-
sents for the conveyance of land.
The Bowmanville Plan will form a component of the District Plan
for the Town of Newcastle and has been proposed in accordance with the
provisions of the Durham Regional Official Plan. This Plan will replace
the Official Plan of the former Town of Bowmanville Planning Area.
Each of the eight development policy sections in the Plan
(1. Residential, 2. School Sites, 3. Parkland & Open Space, 4. Environ-
ment, 5. Commercial, 6. Industrial, 7. Transportation, 8. Servicing
and Staging) contain objectives, policies and implementation procedures
that provide general guidance and relate specifically to the various land
use designations outlined on Schedule 1.
Schedule 1, the Land Use Structure Plan breaks the Urban Area
into three neighbourhoods, each with several sub-neighbourhood areas.
Projected populations within each sub-neighbourhood are plotted on this
Schedule, as are proposed parks and schools (in approximate locations) .
The ultimate population for all neighbourhoods is 43,200 persons.
The Bowmanville Plan contains Schedules and related policy which
identify environmentally sensitive areas and address environmental concerns,
outline a transportation network, and show which neighbourhoods will receive
priority in the preparation of neighbourhood plans.
The Urban Area Plan requires that a Neighbourhood Development
Plan, or a plan which contains more specific policy for a defined neigh-
bourhood, be prepared and adopted by Council prior to the approval of sub-
division plans.
Respect 11 submitted,
TTE:FA:]_b D. S4nith, M.C.I.P.
Mav 27. 1981 Director of Planning