HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-104-81 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1.10 TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 8, 1981. REPORT NO.: P-104-81 i SUBJECT: Procedures for Development Agreement Approvals RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended. that the Planning and Develop- ment Committee recommend to Council that Report P-104-81 be received for information. BACKGROUND & COMMENTS: During the course of administering site plan and development agreement approvals, pursuant to By-law 79-151, it has become apparent to staff that certain revisions to the procedures would be desirable. In that regard, staff have undertaken a review of the procedures and amended them accordingly. The purpose of the amendments being to speed up and simplify the process and at the same time make allowances for the I complexity of various types of agreements. The most significant of these revisions being; a reduction in the number of copies of plans to be sub- s mitted by the applicant; elimination of a step in the circulation process, thus avoiding duplication and reducing the amount of time plans remain in circulation; and a reduction of the fee schedule in accordance with they C) r 2 - complexity of the application. The revised procedures are attached for the Committee's information. Respectfully submitted, j J TTE:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. May 20, 1981 Director of Planning f r r � � 'I PRO"ICEDURES FOR DEVELOPMENT I A 1� AGREEMENT �._ o." 'r APPROVALS , I Prepared the Town of Newcastle Planning v of Dept. , April i A. PROCEDURE FOR DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT APPROVALS 1. The applicant shall make application to the Town of Newcastle for approval of Development Agreements and Plans using the attached forms . 2. The completed application shall be submitted, with fee, to the Planning and Development Department accompanied by the following: - I notes and bounds description of the property - 5 copies of a Survey Plan - 15 copies of preliminary site plan as detailed - 15 copies of preliminary grading plans - 15 copies of preliminary landscape plans - 15 copies of building elevations - 5 copies of underground parking layout (if applicable) - any further information as available or requested Note: All dimensions on plans and documents must be shown in metric. 3. After review and circulation of plans by staff, and the possible review by the Town's Site Plan Committee, if deemed necessary, the applicant shall be advised of any necessary amendments or revisions to the plans and a meeting convened with staff, or the Site Plan Committee, to discuss same. 4 . Planning staff shall prepare one copy of the development agreement with red-line revised plans to be forwarded to the applicant. 5 . The applicant shall undertake all required revisions to agreements and plans, and prepare five signed originals , including plans, and fifteen duplicate originals, less plans, • with one complete set of rendered plans and/or optional model. 6. The submitted documents are then presented to the Planning and Development Committee and Council for approval and execution. 7. Upon approval and execution, the applicant shall be respon- sible for registration of the agreement, where required, and pro- vision of three registered copies of the agreement to the Town. . . ' ^ ~~� (\ \V �Y) D. R i for Development A C ~~ ' . l . Survey Plan by O.L .S. showing: - net lot area in square metres - the proper(y and its bearings , dimonsioos , stakes , etc, - location and size of existing w0tcrDaiD /iU[0rm0tiOD available from Regional Works Dept. ) - location, size, and existing invert elevations of existing sanitary sewers /available from Regional Works Dept. ) - location and type of closest existing fire hydrants ( information available from Regional Works Dept. ) . - location, 5i /u and existing invert elevations Of existing storm sewers (information available from Regional Works Dept. ) 2. Site Plan Details of Development: Net lot area M2 building coverage m (max. 2 � '-------- GrVss Fl0or areo /max. \ 2 ' ' m 8Uilding Heigh L /|xJX. \ � \ /mux ` ' / storeys No. of units (max. \ Nu. of Parking Spaces Landscaped area m (min. 2 ` ' The Site Plan showing: - VrOV2rtv Boundaries - Front, side` rear lot lines - Location of buildings - Maximum dimensions of buildings - Ground floor elevations of buildings and/or units - Minimum yard requirements ( front, side. rear) - Minimum distances between buildings - Roadways , driveways , parking area | ayouL, and ramps with maximum dimensions of Parking ar' is and minimum dimensions of roads , driveways and ramps . ` ` � - Building block; to be numbered with number of units such as : � Building No. 2 4 dwelling units - North arrow (preferably the drawing should be oriented to have a vertical north line) . - Metric Scale : (preferably 1 : 100, 1 : 200 or 1 : 500) - Note: All printing shall be clear and legible using letraset printing or leroy stencil or similar. 3. Grading Plan - both existing and proposed grading by spot elevations and/or contour lines and line arrows showing direction of drainage flow. - drains and ditches - sidewalk and property line elevations 4. Landscape Plan To show the landscape treatment of the project including: - location of all plant material , planting beds and sodded areas - plant listing by index, name, size, quantity, etc. - location of pathw,rys , play areas , special activity areas , open space areas - location and treatment of garbage collection areas - curbing fencing, including privacy fencing or screening - listing of play equipment ( if available) 5. Building—Elevations - front, side and rear elevations of a typical building block showing generally the material to be used i . e. , brick, wood, concrete, block precast concrete, stucco, etc. - the elevations must be complete in showing texture intended - e.g. horizontal limes to show brick course, vertical lines to show wood siding or concrete patterns , stipple tone to show stucco finish, etc. � � l 6. One set of building elevations must be architecturally rendered for presentation purposes . 7. Perspective (and/or Model ) (Optional ) - architectural rendering of a view of a typical block or building and its setting for presentation purposes . d. Underground P arkind layout showing ramps , stairwells , parking spaces for floor or floors of underground marking as required. t I i I . '^ ON SITE PLAN NOTES: l . All V0r[ involved in the construction, relocation , repair of municipal services for the project shall be Co the satisfaction of the Town Works Department and Regional Works Department and at the expense of the developer. 2 . Fire Route Signs and ] Nay Fire Hydrants shall be established i0 the satisfaction of the Town Fire Department and at the expense of the developer. 3. Main Driveway Dimensions at the property line boundaries are plus or minus ` in accordance with the entranceyoy policy. � 4 . All driveways from property lines shall he within lO% maximum grades . ON GRADING PLAN NOTES: l . All changes in grades and catch basins requires the approval Of the TO#A of Newcastle Works Department. ON LANDSCAPE PLAN N0TEY l . Any plant material or play equipment substitutions requires the approval Of the Town of Newcastle. 2. Plant N3terial , play equipment and fencing shall be minimum LV be provided by the developer. ` � THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE APPLICATION FOR THE APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT PLANS N 0 T E S These notes for the assistance of applicants -should not be regarded as complete or exhaustive. 1. This application is to be fully completed and submitted in duplicate , and must be attested before a Justice of the Peace or. a Commissioner of Oaths, etc. One copy is provided for retention by the Applicant. 2. The application cannot be processed if insufficient information is provided. Complete all sections of the application and give as much information as possible. 3. Additional sheets, signed and dated, may be attached to the form where space is otherwise Insufficient for answers. The numbers and headings of the questions should be clearly indicated on the added sheets . 4. The effective date of this application shall be deemed to be that on which it is received with sufficient Information. 5. If the applicant Is not the owner of the land, this application must be accompanied by wrILLen authority of the owner, for the applicant to apply for approval of development plans. 6. Five copies of a survey plan of the land affected by the appli- cation must be submitted. These plans must show all dimensions Including the area of the land in square Metres . 7. Fees, in accordance with the following schedule, shall be sub- mitted with each application: a) parking lots $ 100.00 b) extension or enlargement of existing uses $ 175 .00 c) new uses $ 250.00 ` . . ' MINIMUM E J - I --- --[-V-L-L-O-P-M-L-N-T--A-M--'L-/-CAT-l-U-H- - GRADING PLAN \Y ' / I \ Plan - preferably 1 :600 or larger` detailing all proposed surface, features . 2\ Existing dcLYl required: 8\ & road c)cYaLi0Us b\ sidewalk elevations - if existing c\ all lot corner elevations Plus maXiNuN lO M square grid internally ( including lO m interval profile all property limits) in addition t0 sidewalk profile, - ~ ' d\ Major grade change e\8vdtiOOu ' 2) sufficient grades external t0 the site, Ch03mU t0 be representative of the drainage pattern adjacent to and surrounding the lands being developed. J) Proposed detail required: a\ Property corner and intermediate lot line elevations / at the approaches) b\ Ground e|eVdLiODS at all building corners as well as at all special points . C\ Swale elevations d\ Catch basin top elevations 2\ Directional arrows which conform t0 the proposed elevations f\ ElcvuUmu of individual internal driveways where u depressed garage exists . g\ Typical cross-section of interior drives . h\ Where sidewalks are to be installed interDally, an additional cross-section ' typical of individual driveway approaches / perpendicular to & of interior drives /as opposed LO individual ( i .e.riVewaysis required. 4\ Legend detailing all symbols used , e.g. catch basins , retaining walls. I road property line , building line, existing and proposed elevations. ` S) All elevations should be shown as follows : l \ Existing l 16.47 N 2\ Proposed � 'N � � 3. If proposed and existing are the \umu use "existing" method to show this � on plan, 6) Drainage Must remain internal to the site. 7) All elevations must be to Geodetic Datum. ` | ! ' | ��� �� Noo P a .P o P. a e•a s s o Ply, 1'VED o e **so *too o. THE' COR1.'011ATION OF TTl T 4H Op, jTfjiCASTLE Thies application foam is to be completed and q*ubuELttod in duplicate To the Corporation of—the Town of" T,,rjw0€,etl0 I/�fo certify that, to the beat of my/our kaiowledge and belief, the Particulars given in the following a.pplic-ation mid accompanying plans are correct. I/We hex. by- apply for the approval of development ply. Signature of applicant or Agent a e a a ... ...... Date o.aoler►.fetsard•sert++.P PART 1 APPLICANT (Note: Full and correct name 01' applicant (a), whether BLOCK a Corporation or individl-I 1, amt be provided) p p•{{ryry,1 r ADDRESS Oa f a f a f « a a• f e f a ►f f e f B 0 B 6 a 8 1. f O a f a#f f a a P e O a« e b a n p e a a O P O O O f s f O p• � r e f P.p.O O e a b a f 1 0 a r r► 0 O►f e ► P O a a p 9 i i f 1 8 P.a P . « a« #d d O R O 1 f a f a P..P e P a r p P e.f O f 1 1 a P .001f.• r►R • .• . 00teoesla►. rr ►►r. rr . �-hono No. •r r►r e►.I l.ttr.+IP PART 2 ACRM Name and w1dreso of • . •aRSfPS . o .Y .• •e «R . eas ..as . .w P►.r►s rar re►►..•.o« Authorized A nt or other person acting- on fo«aaPraa «P««aParo « PRPaeP « .7.� ._.ssYa jarsPffol..ra.+ .e behalf of appli t Phone ne o• er .afe+fsfoa PAM' 3 APPLICANT"3 INTEnST State whether Applioant is Owner/prospective ownarNaaee If the applicant is not the Owner, S$ 1 the owner oonBentod to the application (Y�rSAJO) ... ...... .•o.o e P lh State the owner's name and add ax /']� r P « . . ..e . . . e 0 . . . • . . .♦ O.. . a . . . . • « « #e « .a « « « «. k R . .• . w . a... •► 6 e • a •e .. •.r a Addreac YR . .« ♦ . P .ra . . .Rase # tle ► . . . . .. .« .. . . . . ... z. . . Vtwino No. ..I r 0►r O P I P PART 4 LAND , + i cm State Municipal. 1 boy, Add-revs and give description of the land for which the development plans proposed . A. .a . . .r . . . . . . f... . ........ ...a1. ... .s s e.e e a 1! ► s r. • . . .s e s ♦ o♦ •• r . s e o 4. . r e . . . a . .a m • • a e a e b m . .o!e. s e.a e..a •o e e o..o a. e 1 B. a 1 1 e.. .tl ! a r •a ♦ ! • . .r •♦ ♦ /. . .e A. . a . .9 a e 1 ► . a a «A a m a O f / 1.► . o P .. • .! 9 1► . e o . ! e. . .e !e. e e l . 1 . 1 1 •.! .e 8! . f P a . 0 a 4 e e b !a 4 .a ♦ . a 0 6♦• !.. ►O e..1!O P.. .O 9 e. . . . 1 ! tl.4 •. 1 .. . . .. .♦ 1 . w . 0• .. ! 1 . . 1 1 • .I. e a .• . .I.k A e e e. 1. . ..o....1 PART 5 PRE,n•a� r dZONI�r�a.Am LAND us'E c� land State the jxcese"lt zoning of the land .. . .....O i i O.! ►.• •P.O.O..e. ... ... . For what purpose/s is the land (including btaild4WSm) now usodt O► B !.1. .1 / ! . ♦f e.. ! Y e . . .1 ...♦.r 1. . . .► Y• 1 Y .. a.f e .. e P a 0/. ...1 .1• tl. ♦ e 1• •1. .♦. e/ . tl e Y .•.. .. .!../ .♦. ..•. . . •1 a.. • • 1.a 1 .. .1 1 0 . s .1 6. . . 4 C ..•1.•!... ..I e ... •.. . a. 1 ...... ...►e.f. !l e e • 1/ . ► 1. .a .. . • B r 1 a . . a . . f .0 A. ...?. . . .. . ► . •. . 1 ....1...►. PART 6 ADDIr.VIOWA.L IN:GUiMATION I PAW1' 7 STATUTORY RM� LARATION DOMINION OF CkNADA In tho matter of an application by . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... PROVINCE OF OVTAHIO > .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. ... HOGIOW WICIPILITY) for approval of Development to the Cor- poration Olt' DUJUIAM Of the Town of Nowoaatln of lands . . . . . . . . .... . . ... -i-OVh OF RT,,VCI'3TIT,, ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is. . . . . . . w . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . . . . . . . .o . . 4 . . . . . of the . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . .... .• of the . . . DO SOLENT41,Y DETLARE, that I am the OWner or duly authorized agpnt of the owner of the lands described as I . .. . . ... . . . . . . .. ... Declared before me at the of in the of this dAy of Cyner or Agent 19 00010: IS 1 OINER