HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-06-30 Minutes Minutes of the Meeting of the Clarington Older Adult Board of Directors Tuesday June 30th,2015 @ 9 am Voting Members Present: Norma Evans, Irene Gourlay, Tim Funchion, Elaine Spicer, Alan Tibbles, Barb Singleton, Gary Bray and Terry Traill Non-Voting Members Present: Erica Mittag, Angie Darlison, Councillor Ron Hooper Regrets: Muriel Moynes, Cathie Ward, Alan Bayliss, Mayor Adrian Foster 1.0Call to order Vice President Alan Tibbles called the meeting to order at 9 am 2.0Approval of the Agenda Motion to approve the Agenda Moved by Norma Evans Seconded by Elaine Spicer Carried 3.0Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes from Wednesday May 20th 2015. Motion to approve previous meeting minutes as presented Moved by Elaine Spicer Seconded by Norma Evans Carried 4.0Business Arising from Previous Meeting 4.1Older Adult Strategy Update (Alan) Alan stated that at the Council Meeting last night the councillors ratified Option 3 (Hybrid) of the CDS report CSD-008-15. We are not displeased with this option. Alan spoke at that meeting clearly stating our position. The councillors talked about the potential of the COAA using the Baseline facility, however an RFP deadline has passed and other organizations have applied. However there could be an opportunity to share with the successful bidder but the consensus of the Board was not to do anything at this time. 4.1.1Refund request for COAA Courtice Members A letter was sent to Council signed by a few Courtice members asking for a refund of their membership and for that Money to go to the Courtice Seniors. The total cost of the refund would be $112.50. No request has been received by the COAA. Motion that staff and volunteers will be directed to recommend to any Courtice members requesting a refund that they send a letter to the COAA Board of Directors for consideration. Moved by Tim Funchion Seconded Gary Bray Carried 4.1.2Committee Appointment RE: Meeting with Municipal Departments RE: Next Steps for COAA/CSD The Municipal Lawyer Andy Allison has suggested a meeting consisting of himself, Fred Horvarth, Nancy Taylor , and Joe Caruana and representatives of the COAA Board. He suggested a couple of dates, Tuesday July 7 or Friday July th 10. It was decided that Muriel Moynes, Angie Darlison, th Alan Tibbles, Norma Evans and Barb Singleton will be our representatives and that Angie Darlison would confirm that date for all members later today. 5.0Correspondence 5.1 Province of Ontario Re: Funding Approved for Rural Programming Angie updated the Board of Directors on the approval of our Rural Programming grant. Due to the decisions made for the future of the COAA it was decided that correspondence would be sent to the Province explaining our change of direction and thanking them for the funding approval however pointing out that we are no longer able to participate. 6.0Reports 6.1Treasurers Report (Alan Bayliss) Angie Darlison updated the Board of Directors that after the comments made at the General Purpose and Administration meeting of the Municipality on June 22 use of nd fundraising dollars for Courtice a letter was sent to the Rotary Club of Courtice asking them if they would like to allow the COAA to redirect the funds raised or if they would like the funds returned. The Courtice Rotary president Marie Visser requested the funds be returned. The event had a net profit of just over $12,000 so each organization received $6,000 each. It was decided that no matter what the original agreement the COAA does not want the negative effects moving forward so $6000 was returned immediately. 6.2Fundraising Report (Barb Singleton) Barb reported that the fundraising committee raised $13,500 in the month of June. This included $8,700 from Ribfest, $3,700 from Euchre Extravaganza, and monies from Variety night, Smile Theatre, Pie days, and the Square Boards. It should be noted that we have raised over $1,000 on the Square Boards since January 2015. Barb also asked the Board Members if they could come up with some fundraising ideas. Alan Tibbles was asked if he would do a Bridge Tournament, and he said he would. Some other ideas were suggested and will be passed on to the Fundraising committee. It was felt that we need to expand our audience for these events rather than relying on our members. 6.3Municipal Update (Ron Hooper and Erica Mittag) Erica reported that there will be an official opening of the Alan Strike Aquatic and Squash Centre on September 19. th Ron Hooper talked about the council meeting last night hoping that we will all work together. The question was asked about the 2 year agreement and whether we could be cut off at that feeling was that he did not think so, as long as we were doing well he felt that everything would be OK. We also asked if we could get copies of other agreements that the Municipality had with other organizations, and were told that that should not be a problem. There were also questions regarding having programs and events at other locations. Erica suggested that we bring all these questions to the July 7 meeting. th Motion to accept the reports as presented. Moved by Barb Singleton Seconded by Irene Gourlay Carried 7.0Other Business 7.1Board Roles and Responsibilities It was agreed that we need Job Descriptions for the Board Member and Volunteer positions. Elaine Spicer was volunteered by Angie Darlisoin to start working on collecting information to move forward on this task. Allan Tibbles also confirmed that there would be work required to process the changes going forward for the COAA and the Board Members would be expected to assist. Gary Bray and Tim Funchion agreed to work with Alan Tibbles on looking for other facilities to do local outreach. All of this information will be discussed at future Board Meetings. 7.2Ongoing meeting schedule of the Board As the meetings were always the 3 Friday of the month we decided rd not to change that, however we will meet during the summer months. Scheduled meetings are therefore as follows: July 17, August 21, September 18, October 16 and November 20 thstththth 7.3Beer Dispensing Trailer Tim Funchion mentioned that Bill Hyder a Bowmanville Rotarian has offered the COAA his Beer Dispensing Trailer. However there is some issue over ownership. Tim Funchion will follow up on this and we will gladly accept this donation when the matter of ownership has been sorted. 8.0Adjournment Motion to adjourn the meeting Moved by Barb Singleton Carried