HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-46-02 ~ ~ of \ " CI~mglOn REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: OCTOBER 21, 2002 103GE' 6/fi-4'2;O -C.;L File #: B.01.13.15 By-Iaw#: Report #: EGD-46-02 Subject: PARKING ON QUINN DRIVE AND WAVERLEY ROAD, BOWMANVILLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-46-02 be received; 2. THAT Quinn Drive be posted as 'No Parking' May to September on the north side from Waverley Road to Lawrence Crescent; 3. THAT Waverley Road be posted as 'No Parking Anytime' on the west side from Lawrence Crescent to Regional Road 57 and that the yellow centre line on Waverley Road from Lawrence Crescent to Spry Avenue be reapplied during 2003 to create an off-centre yellow line to improve safety by providing a wider parking lane on the east side; and 4. THAT the By-law attached to Report EGD-46-02 be approved by Council. ~ o ~'-~-C..:- ~ Submitted by: Anthony Cannella, C.E.T. Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Director of Engineering Services Chief Administrative Officer RDB*ASC*ce October 8, 2002 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE~ ONTA'~ r 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 > REPORT NO.: EGD-46-02 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Parking Complaints The By-law Enforcement Division has received numerous complaints from residents of Quinn Drive regarding parking problems associated with soccer events from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Optimist Park fronting onto Waverley Road. Motorists were parking on both sides of the roadway impeding traffic, encroaching upon driveways and making it very difficult for residents to see and exit their driveways. In an attempt to improve enforcement efforts and reduce complaints, the By-law Department requested that the Engineering Services Department review the parking situation. 1.2 Engineering Review A review by Engineering staff determined that Quinn Drive, being an 8 metre wide roadway, was not suitable for long sections of consecutive parking on both sides as it impeded two-way traffic, particularly in the section of roadway between Waverley Road and House Number 32. Quinn Drive, from Waverley Road to Lawrence Crescent, could provide 32 parking spaces on the south side but only 19 on the north side due to location of driveways and fire hydrants on the north side. 1.3 Safety Concerns . Residents on the north side had vision and access impeded when motorists attempted to park two vehicles between driveways thereby encroaching upon the driveway apron. . Fire hydrant access on the north side was blocked west of House Number 32 as motorists encroached within 3 metres. . Children walking across Quinn Drive between the vehicles parked on the north side and the soccer field on the south side. . Emergency Services response could be hindered by the parking congestion. 1.4 Corrective Recommendations Staff determined that the best corrective measure to improve safety concerns and reduce parking complaints was to prohibit parking on the north side of Quinn Drive. 702 " REPORT NO.: EGD-46-02 PAGE 3 Banning parking on the north side would eliminate most of the safety concerns and provide the greatest number of parking spaces. It was also noted that the shift in parking should be observed to determine if parking problems would be shifted onto Waverley Road or if motorists would use the existing parking lots. 1.5 Authority The Municipal Traffic By-law 91-58 includes the following provisions: Section 3 (5) "The Chief of Police and the Director of Engineering are hereby authorized to erector place temporary "No Parking" and/or "No Stopping" signs on any highway," Section 4 (9)(E) "Where official signs to that effect are displayed no person shall park any vehicle anytime on one or both sides of a highway, which is immediately adjacent to a park or playground." 1.6 Corrective Actions The Director of Engineering Services requested that the Operations Department install the 'no parking' signs on the north side of Quinn Drive during June of 2002 to address the immediate safety concerns with the intent that the area would be monitored and that a more encompassing report and by-law could be presented to Council in September, based upon observations over the summer. 2.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 2.1 Public Comments Once the signs were installed, a resident of Quinn Drive requested that the newly installed 'No Parking' signs be changed to reverse the prohibition side to permit residents the ability to park on the north side near their driveways while banning parking on the south side. Mrs. Kempers' letter dated July 2, 2002 is shown as Attachment 2 and the response from the Director of Engineering Services is shown as Attachment 3. 703 REPORT NO.: EGD-46-02 PAGE 4 2.2 Review Durina Summer of 2002 Quinn Drive During periodic reviews by Engineering and By-law Enforcement staff over the summer, the parking prohibition on the north side of Quinn Drive appeared to make great improvements while parking complaints reduced and safety improved. Many motorists appeared to be parking either farther east on the south side of Quinn Drive or in the parking lots near the school. As with all park and school locations, periodic parking enforcement will still be required to remind motorists to obey the posted signs. Further discussions with Mrs. Kempers suggested that she preferred that the 'No Parking' on the north side only be effective from May to September, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., to specifically deal with the soccer groups. Staff feel that a consistent 'No Parking Anytime' sign is the best but will concede that limiting the parking prohibition from May to September would still address the time of year when the parking problem was occurring. Although limiting parking to one side of a roadway is best for emergency vehicles and traffic flow, occasional parking on both sides of local streets with little traffic can help moderate vehicle speeds. Staff do not support the request for specific time of day to be included because league play is Monday to Thursday approximately 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., but team practice sessions which also cause problems are Friday to Sunday and can be any time of the day. Waverley Road Waverley Road is a 10 metre wide collector roadway with a yellow centre line but presently permits parking on both sides. There did not appear to be a shift in parking from the north side of Quinn Drive to the west side of Waverley Road after the installation of 'No Parking' signs on Quinn Drive. Staff noted that the yellow centre line on Waverley Road was creating a number of problems during the peak parking periods: . Northbound motorists often drove with the left tires over the centre line to avoid the parked vehicles. . Southbound traffic was being confronted with northbound traffic encroaching onto their half of the roadway. 704 REPORT NO.: EGD-46-02 PAGE 5 . Adults or children exiting parked vehicles found it unsafe to open their doors due to the heavier traffic volumes if northbound motorists did not cross the centre line to give them more space. . These conditions would affect both park users from May to September and parents at school dismissal times from September to June. The section of Waverley Road north of Lawrence Gate does not appear to have consistent parking concerns and the occasional parked vehicle should not cause major problems for either motorists or persons exiting vehicles. This section of roadway should remain unchanged at the present time. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Correspondence from M. Kempers Attachment 3 - Reply to M. Kempers Attachment 4 - Proposed By-law to amend Traffic By-law 91-58 Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Margriet Kempers 22 Quinn Drive BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L 1 C 3T1 Margaret Jamieson 24 Quinn Drive BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L 1 C 3T1 705 - l~ 1--13 \ :-=} -=~lj r-'rCj! - -T'-- " I ___ \ L~/SC =1 f.-- t:=-::-~ " ---I I=~--! I ~_ , I __- - I - I -- --I t-=- t2 l t-f~:i ,--._ >.11 _~ ro " ,---'~ 5:J I I I I I I I I t. JI ,-:r"1 --=fJ ----j t 'IrF1T1f1ITV!,',f t...L! I L !u::LJTI; .. ! ( I - ----\ BOWNAANVILLE \\ \, '\ - , , \'\ ------">::::-:--.:--\ \--- 1- ""-, ,- ' ipro;;o;;e:- No 1rking, May 'to September I l Quinn Dr Optimist Park l (I ...~ I .....1 - -- r-J '--, "-,,~,' . --'" '- ... 'j" 1-- :> I - 1 ::> ='" L ,--;==1 ro ,! =-F ..J !mnTL ,fJ h-r ~-~ r--1 ml I--;-~' i IJ}-~ ==Proposed No parklngi - I.. _-- E-: ....l ..L..L_J LLl ~-~---' D IJn~lnh~ t== 'T' 1-~TiTl;T 1,/'",';,11 ill Ii" -- / I I -it-- >. ",.... '\ ", ' . : ".." ',' LL~l. Waverley Road School l ""@}-IN.=,...,.,,;, III :'_ '>~- - / ( Engineering Services REPORT EGD-46-02 ,'..1 --,-, AITACHMENT NO.1 OCroBER2002 70(, ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: EGD-46-02 JUlY .~. .;:\)\:.;.. 'A:-T:-VTlO'" "UNlC!o,urv OF L. j _.1' ":>; ~'':~j ..l:_..:....:.:J foJofe & Hie -'-- , i ----'1 PUciLl':; r-/ORI\S DEPT, I ::::>~ ,;<:;:' ~ ',';:; I ~;~'~_L~~~~_. ~~-=-- :._ r;;;::r'C'~ ~ r.. ' L:~" ...'.1:'J ~- I --'---.-,.-. ~,..-., .]., " -, I "",~ hi,.., '._ ,~ t..~')C!: . ------ TJ~(; f'f.:.r(';}l,..;:: hCi,Uil ]VJargnel l\.empcr:::. 22 Quinn drive. Bowmanville. ON LlC 3Ti I -. - , , 1-. '--- ._-~ :--'g" , . - .' _..l~ "ul 0 Z 2002 File D~ar Mr. lanella This ktter io \\Tilten to you in regunls Lu tile parli:lIlg ISSUI: un VUlfHl Ull\'~. On June 20"', 2002 at approximately 4 pm j spoke with Mr. Len Creamer of By- La" enforcement and at approximately at 4:30 pm I addressed Mr. Ron Bakers OJ' engineenn~ on the samc issue. Both Ivlr. Creamcr and Mr. Bakers promiscd to gct back to me Ofo Tuesday June 25'" in regards to my COlle ems. However. Both Mr. Creamer and Mr. Bnkers failed to get bnek to me. [then contacted Mr. Bakers on the same issue on F riaa) June 28>1,. Mr. Bakers failed to reenll my name or any of the euneerns that we had discussed on the 20t;' DC Jnne and advised me that council was out for summer and tlla; the issue w\)ulu have to wail. I tl,,'n Iried 10 "'lI)t,~et /vir. Creamer on the 2X"'. ] k Was no: available for comment !wwever. I spoke with Ms. Cheryl Tennisel of uY-JaI'- enforcement who suggested that 1 buy Ll permit nt $40.00 per lllonlll. Now I am addressing you with my concerns. On June 2(r" 2UUL parKlIlg slj!liliolVerc placed 011 the North side of QUitlil Drive at approximately 1 j :J\) am. Tv!y argument is that th,~ signs should in fact be placed 011 the south side OrQUillll I)m~. The following arc legitinlate reasons for the "No Parking" signs to be placed 011 the south side of Quinn Dnve ... ..' .' ..... .' I. When cars are parked Oil the SOUln Side of \.Juinn Uflve, T nilne traveling DOllt eaSl all" west on Quinn (hive cannot see on coming traihe. That these signs have been placed on Quinn drive to accommodate the Bowmanvi!:::' soccer association and that soccer games take place for two nighlS pl'r week lur approximately 2-4 hI'S. And that the needs uflhe residents of Quinn Drive have Deer: ncglected to accommodate 3 months of suecer: Also that there is in fact a parking 10; On the West side of Waverly Public School that is paved and thut can aeeommoam~ npproximately 25 vehicles during the course of the games and that it is never usee. J. ..[vir. Cn:a'l1cr presented the argument that the signs have been plaCed on the Norm siue uf Quinn Driv<: a~ a safely measure and iliat in fact iVlr. i3aker~ ~uppot1s lim issue. However, EMS vehicles would not be able to aeee~s ore hydranls on QUinn drive as they would not be able to turn onto Quinn drive from Waverly roa~~ Lnwrenee road or Hillary I'd during thc course of a soccer game as cars park alll!lc way from Lawrence Rd to Waverly Rd on the south side of Quinn Drive and men cars me parked from the comer of Quinn Dr. and Waverly Rd. 011 the east side of Waver I) all the way Lu \Vaverly public school. These parked cars in lact block visibility and ., 707 emergency vehicles from accessing Quinn drive. This poses a serious Safety issue Tor both the residents of Quinn Drive and any soccer players that may require the services of E.M.S. 4. I find the no parking signs to be totally useless if in fact anyone is able to buy parking permit at $40.00 per month. Should six permits be sold to constituents of ciannglon to access Quinn drive Mr.13akers and Mr. Creamers issues would be null and voin. Furthermore r consider this a tax that the residents of Quirm Drive would only be subject to pay. Why not tax all the residents ofClarington $40.00 per month to asstst in creating better parking for Clarington Parks and Recreation. S. Tbe residents of Quinn Dri ve arc now lUlable to entertain houseguesls in Ihelr own homcs as a result of thc lack of propcr rcview over this Issue. 6. When soccer games are taking place I can not safely back out of my own driveway as a direct result of cars parked on the south side of Quinn drive blocking visibiiil}. 7. That I am currently 8 months pregnant and planning a home birth and that if titis occurs during the course of a soccer game and Ihere is any reason for E.M.S. 10 attend and Ihey arc unable to get through Quinn drive as a direct result ofthis Issue not . being addressed in a timely manner the municipality ofClarington will in fact be responsible tor neglecting the Issue. 8. Mr. Bakers and Mr. Creamer had the opporlwlity to address tlris issue before council was out lor the summcr and I am nol willing 10 wail for council to return due 10 theIr lack ofinitiativc in addrcssing the issue in a prompt manner. It is therefore my suggestion that the no parking signs be placed on the south side of Quinn Drive and that 13y-Law enforcement enforce the current Trame Bylaw 9] -58 sections. 4(6)(b) Cars parked within 3m of a fire hydrant 4( 4)(a) Cars parked on sidewalk/footpath 4(6)(c) Cars parkcd within 10 m of intersection 4(4 )(b) Parked within a pedestrian crosswak. As all of the above by-laws are violated when residents ofClarillgton and their Guests access Optimist park [or the purpose of soccer games. I would appreciate your prompt attention to thiS matter ami I propose that tncsc sIgns be moved betore July 20th 2002. Sincerely Jl;1 Margncl J\.empers 708 ~ ATTACHMENT NO.: 3 REPORT NO.: EGD-46-02 August 15. 2002 Margriet Kempers 22 Quinn Drive Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 3T1 Dear Mrs. Kempers: RE: SAFETY ISSUES ON QUINN DRIVE, BOWMANVILLE This letter is in response to your letter of July 2, 2002 and should also summarize the verbal discussions you have had with myself and other staff members over the past few months. The municipality's Parking Enforcement staff had received numerous complaints concerning vehicles parking on both sides of Quinn Drive. This parking congestion prevented the safe movement of passenger and emergency vehicles and also hindered access to driveways. This parking congestion was created by use of the Optimist Park by soccer and baseball groups. Many soccer parents found it easier to park on both sides of Quinn Drive near the soccer pitch rather than walking from the parking lot at the school on Waverley Road. To address this safety issue, Engineering Services determined that parking should be limited to one side of Quinn Drive. The Director of Engineering Services is authorized to place such signs in accordance with the municipal Traffic By-law 91-58. The installation of the signs was considered a temporary measure to address the immediate safety concern as well as to determine if additional no parking restrictions may also be required on Waverley Road should the parking problems shift from one street to the next. It was the intent that parking would be monitored and that a report to Council would be required in September to address the parking in the area. In your phone calls and letter to the Municipality you supported the parking ban on one side of the street but requested that it be reversed by permitting cars to , park on the north side only. Parking complaints from resident on Quinn Drive have been significantly reduced since the no parking signs were installed on the north side of Quinn Drive and it would appear that the majority of residents are pleased with the action taken to address their safety concerns. 709 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTO 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623-33, Margriet Kempers -2 - August 15, 2002 The south side of Quinn Drive was selected as the permitted parking area for a number of reasons: . Greater parking capacity for soccer parents and local residents . Safety of children, now exiting vehicles, accessing the park without crossing the street . Visibility would be improved for residents exiting their driveways The only negative was that parking on the inside of the curve does limit visibility for motorists. The north side was not selected for parking for the following reasons: . Less available parking for residents and soccer parents due to drivewayslfire hydrants . Would still generate regular parking complaints when motorists try to squeeze in an extra vehicle, thus parking too close to driveways impeding access for residents and parking too close to fire hydrants reducing public safety In staffs opinion the new parking arrangement is considered successful, with safety being improved. By-law Enforcement has patrolled the area and found that soccer parents are obeying the no parking restrictions on the north side of Quinn Drive. Parking problems have not been observed on the west side of Waverley Road to date and the parking lots are being utilized more than they were in the past. As per your request I will also comment on each point in your letter. 1. We agree that cars parking on the south side on the inside of the curve does limit visibility for motorists, but consider it the better side for the other reasons listed above. 2. The no parking signs were installed to benefit public safety and address residents concerns rather than benefit the soccer parents. The parking lot at the schooi is being used more since some on-street parking has been eliminated. 3. Emergency Services have better access now than they did before the no parking signs were installed. All on-street parking can cause visibility problems but efforts are made to keep vehicles back a reasonable distance from intersections. 4. Parking Permits only permit parking beyond the 3-hour limit, they do not exempt users from other no parking restrictions. 710 Margriet Kempers - 3- August 15,2002 5. The residents should still be able to find parking spaces for visitors however, peak demand periods such as during soccer games may require people to walk a greater distance. 6. Cars parked on the opposite side of a driveway would not block vision of residents backing from their driveways, with vision actually being improved. 7. Emergency Services will have better access to Quinn Drive now that parking is restricted to one side. 8. A report to Council prior to summer recess would not have been complete as the parking had not been evaluated. In verbal discussions you also suggested the Municipality consider using the vacant municipal property behind the Waverley Road Plaza to create a parking lot. This property belongs to a developer and the lands were approved for residential development. Another point which you noted was that the parking congestion only occurs for certain months of the year. Staff will review the concept of banning parking from the north side of Quinn Drive from May to September rather than year round in the report to Council. I realize that you feel frustrated regarding our actions however, we feel that the steps taken were in the best interest of the local residents as a whole. You will be notified when a report is prepared for Council so that you may appear as a delegation if you should choose to do so. Yours truly, ~ A.S. Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services ASC/RDB/ce Attachment Pc: Don MacArthur, Councillor Ward 2 Patti Barrie, Municipal Clerk Ron Baker, Traffic Co-ordinator 711