HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1-92 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# Date: January 6, 1992 Res. By-Law# Report#: TR-1-9 2— File#: Subject: TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD - FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend the following to Council: 1. THAT Report #TR-1-92 be received; 2 . THAT the financial assistance request by the Tyrone Community Centre Board relating to 1991 plumbing/heating repairs and heating costs in the amount of $3,607 . 28 be paid by the Town FORTHWITH; 3. THAT the respective invoices be submitted by the Tyrone Community Centre Board to the Town for direct payment by the Town and the necessary funds in the amount of $3,607 .28 be drawn from 1991 account number 7007-X-298 (Unclassified Administration - Contingency) ; 4 . THAT Ms . Chris Brown, Treasurer for the Tyrone Community Centre Board be advised of Council's decision. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1. 1 At the Council meeting of November 25, 1991, Ms . Chris Brown, Treasurer for the Tyrone Community Centre Board appeared as a delegation. Wherein she requested financial assistance for the payment of the Board's outstanding invoices . Subsequently Council passed Resolution #C-709-91: THAT the delegation of Ms . Chris Brown be acknowledged and; THAT the request on behalf of the Tyrone Community Centre Board be received and referred to the Treasurer for action FORTHWITH. 2 7n TR-1-92 Page 2 1.2 Ms . Chris Brown advised that the Tyrone Community Centre Board has experienced an operating deficit in 1991 due to lower than anticipated rental revenues . 1.3 The Tyrone Board had incurred operating expenditures relating to plumbing/heating repairs and heating costs and is unable to pay these outstanding bills . 1.4 Ms . Chris Brown also advised that the heating repair invoice of $175 . 12 relates to the old oil furnace servicing the hall area located at the north end of the building. The two recently installed oil furnaces located at the south end of the building service the kitchen and dining room areas . 2.0 CONCLUSION 2 . 1 It is recommended that any future operating grant requests from the Tyrone Community Centre Board be received through the Municipal Grant Program and accompanied by financial statements disclosing budgeted and actual expenditures and revenues . This will ensure that the requests are realistic and allow staff from Community Services and Treasury to monitor future expenditures and programs. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to th ommittee a ie A. Marano, H.BSc. ,A.M.C.T. Law-rencEy V. Kotseff, Treasurer Chief Adm4nistrative Officer R pctful�y submitted, Jos4gph P. Caruana, Director of Community Services MAM/JC/jr I i I � 02