HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-2-92 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# Date: January 6, 1992 Res. 4JEL Report#: TR-2-92— File#: By-Law# Subject: VISUAL ARTS CENTRE BOARD - MUNICIPAL GRANT REVIEW Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend the following to Council: 1. THAT Report #TR-2-92 be received; 2 . THAT the balance of the 1990 operating grant in the amount of $5,961.58 be paid to the Visual Arts Centre Board from the 1991 account 7007-X-298 (Unclassified Administration - Contingency) FORTHWITH; 3. THAT any future unexpended operational grants of the Visual Arts Centre Board be retained by the Town as part of the General Town Surplus; 4 . THAT future Municipal Grant applications of the Visual Arts Centre Board be accompanied by financial statements allowing disclosure of any reserve/reserve fund balances and budgeted and actual revenues/expenditures; 5. THAT Ms . Margaret Rogers, Administrator for the Visual Arts Centre Board be advised of Council's decision. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1. 1 The Visual Arts Centre building located on Simpson Avenue, Bomanville is a Town owned building. The building is leased from the Town by the Visual Arts Centre Board for one dollar per year. As the landlord of the building the Town pays the insurance (public liability and property damage) , maintenance and utility costs . 2 70 -1 TR-2-92 Page 2 1.2 The Visual Arts Centre Board receives an annual operating grant from the Town of Newcastle. Throughout the year the Town advances the Visual Arts Centre Board a portion of the annual allotment to cover the Board's operating expenditures . The Town does not advance the entire approved grant as utility, maintenance, and office supplies invoices are paid directly by the Town on the Board's behalf. 2.0 COMMENTS ON 1990 GRANT 2 . 1 The approved 1990 grant to the Visual Arts Centre Board was $30,000. and the actual contributions to the Board in 1990 through a combination of grant advances and expenses paid by the Town was $24,038 .42 . The balance or $5,961.58 has been requested by the Board's management. 2 .2 The Board's administrator has advised staff that outstanding 1990 invoices equal to the value of the balance of the 1990 grant have been paid in 1991 from the Board's fundraising reserve as a result of not receiving the expected 1990 grant balance. Staff have also been advised that no excess Town funds have been used to build the Board's fundraising reserve or any other savings accounts . The Board intends to replenish their fundraising reserve with the requested funds . 2 . 3 The Town's auditors have been asked to comment on the municipal grant for the Visual Arts Centre Board as approved in _the 19.90budget. It is the auditors opinion that the Town has no formal obligation to pay the balance of these grant monies to the Visual Arts Centre Board however, there is likely a moral obligation to pay this amount as it was j approved in the 1990 budget. 3.0 CONCLUSION 3 . 1 It is recommended that any future operating grant requests from the Visual Arts Centre Board be received through the Municipal Grant Program and accompanied by financial statements disclosing budgeted and actual expenditures and revenues . Moreover, the balances of any reserves and reserve funds should also be disclosed as the Visual Arts Centre should not be holding reserve funds or investments with j municipal funds . This will allow Treasury staff to monitor future grant requests, expenditures, and to determine whether excess or surplus amounts are a result of Town grants . . . . 3 7014 TR-2-92 Page 3 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to t e Committee Marie A. Marano, H.BSc. ,A.M.C.T. Lawrence Ptrative otseff, Ad Ai Chief A i Officer MAM/jr i i