HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-61-92 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# Date: July 6, 1992 Res. By-Law# Report#: TR-61-92 File#: Subject: TAX PAYMENTS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That report TR-61-92 be received for information, 2 . That the method of paying current taxes be amended to allow payments to be made at all branches of all banks and most trust companies within the Region of Durham (subject to the individual financial institution's acceptance policies) rather than exclusively with the Bank of Nova Scotia, 3 . That the Bank of Nova Scotia and all Chartered Banks and major Trust Companies within the Region of Durham be notified of Council's decision, 4 . That the ratepayers be notified of the change in payment procedures by advertising the change in all local newspapers prior to the September instalment. BACKGROUND & COMMENTS: 1 . Since the final 1992 tax notices were mailed June 4, 1992 there have been a significant number of phone calls with regards to the payment of taxes. In particular the major concern was with respect to the payment of taxes being restricted to any branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia. 2 TR-61-92 Page 2 2 . The Banking Services Report TR-18-92 (attachment #1 for reference) which was passed March 16, 1992 outlined the following as the acceptable methods for making tax payments: 1) By mail . 2) In person at the Municipal Administrative Centre. 3) Through the mortgage companies . 4) At any branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia. 3 . As it was explained in Report TR-18-92, dealing with one bank as opposed to several leads to an interest savings since, we are guaranteed that tax payments made at the Bank of Nova Scotia will be deposited into the town's account within 24 hours of a payment being made. There is also a substantial time savings if one bank is doing the processing. 4 . However, there have been complaints that the new banking arrangements are inconvenient particularly to senior citizens who live in the areas in and around Orono and Newcastle Village where there are no branches of the Bank of Nova Scotia. Without transportation it is difficult for many to obtain a ride into Bowmanville. In addition some do not have chequing accounts and therefore, cannot mail in payments by cheque. It has also been brought to our attention that some banks offer free banking to their senior customers . 5 . Staff feel that Council may wish to amend the original proposals put forward in TR-18-92 and choose option #1 which would allow the tax payments to revert back to the previous method of payment at any Branch of the Chartered Banks and most Trust Companies within the Durham Region. i CONCLUSION It is recommended that the payment of current taxes be amended to allow current taxes to be payable at all branches of all banks and trust companies in the Region, and than this change be effective for the September tax instalment. i . . .3 i TR-61-92 Page 3 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee --6- w�' G j~ Marie A. Marano, H.BSc . , A.M.C.T. Lawrence E. Kots ff Treasurer Chief Administrati Officer MAM/RS/yam Attachment I i I i i I i l i I I I AT%ChKM -#1 . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN'OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: File# GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Res.# March 16; -1992 By-Law# Report#: File#: .. . .. TR-18-92 Subject: BANKING SERVICES Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose ands Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That report TR-18-92 be .received; 20 the*'contract for banking services for the Town of Newcastle be awarded to the Bank of Nova Scotia; 3. That the contract be awarded for a three year term to expire on December 31, 1994, 4. That the Town of Newcastle reserves the right to renew the contract upon expiry, on a month .by.month basis for a maximum period, of.one year. with the -rate of charges to be adjusted in- accordance with 'the prevailing-Consumer, Price Index; 5. That taxes outstanding be payable in the following manner: 1) By mail to the Municipal Administration Centre 2) Through the mortgage companies 3) At any branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia within the Region of Durham 6. That .Staff be authorized. to pursue different means of tax collection which might include direct access to customer accounts for payment on a monthly basis for possible introduction in 1993; 7. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign all appropriate documentation; and 8. That the Bank of Nova Scotia be notified of Council's decisions . i RECYCLED PAER PAPER � P RECYCLE ., TR-18-92 Page 3 3.3 This method change in fact cost the municipality in terms of lost interest because the payments made directly to the bank were credited to the Town's account immediately. Under the present method of payment there is a one or sometimes a two day turnaround period before the monies collected either at: other banks or the Municipal Administrative Centre are credited to the Town's account. 4.0 Cost to Municipality: 4.1 In 1991 the typical methods of payment during the peak. instalment periods were approximately as follows: # Bills % Total i . Mortgage Company Payments 4,640 29 % . Paid at all Banks 3,520 22 % . Paid through mail 3,840 24 '% . Over the counter in person 4,000 25 % Total 16,000 100 % Seventy-five percent of all tax payments are made by methods other than over the counter. 4.2 The estimated additional cost to the Municipality attributable to the method of payment of taxes can be summarized in the following options: Annual Estimate: Option 1: - Estimated cost attributable to payments made over the counter and all banks within the Region: . 47% of lost interest re: turn around time $ 91500 . Overtime cost to process over counter 3,000 . Security guard during instalments 1,000 . Courier Service 8.000 Total $21,500 . . .4 I , f I TR-18-92 Page 5 4.7 Staff are investigating direct deposit payment into the Town's bank account by the Mortgage Companies as another method of reducing both the interest lost due to delay in deposits and the amount of cash on hand. 4.8 The reduction of cash on hand resulting from the above recommendations will also pose less of an audit security and a safety risk to staff. 5.0 Direct Deposit: 5.1 Direct monthly deposit from the taxpayer's account into the Town's bank account has been investigated as an alternative to quarterly instalments. However using the volume that is currently paid through the banks, this is not a cost efficient method at this time. 5.2 Staff would like to pursue this alternative in the form of a questionnaire to be included with the final tax bill to determine the interest in this method of payment. The cost to process decreases with volume and if the interest is significant this alternative could be implemented through the current contract period. If this alternative were to prove of interest to the public it would be implemented for the 1993 tax year and thus any associated cost would be reflected in the 1993 current budget. 6.0 Contract Term: 6 .1 The extension to the contract on a month by month basis was built into the proposal call and is intended to allow flexibility due to the contract term coinciding with the time of the-next municipal election. 7.0 Conclusion: 7.1 It is recommended that the Bank of Nova Scotia continue to provide the Banking services to the Town of Newcastle and the proposal be accepted subject to the recommendations contained in this report. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, ie A. Marano, H.BSc. , AMCT. LawrenWVistrative Rotseff Treasurer Chief Officer MAM/PP