HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-74-92 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # :� Res. - _ - By-Law # r / MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: July 20, 1992 REPORT #: TR-74-92 FILE #: SLB.ECT: BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA (B.I.A. ) - 1992 BUDGET AMENDMENT i I RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: i 1. That report TR-74-92 be received; 2 . That the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area budget for 1992 as amended be approved (Attachment #2) ; 3 . That the corresponding by-law (Attachment #3) be recommended to Council for approval. 4 . That the Tax Collector be authorized to adjust the tax accounts of the members of the Bowmanville B.I.A. in accordance with the amended budget reimbursement. 5 . That the Bowmanville B. I.A. members be given notice of the budget amendments and an adjusted statement of account reflecting these amendments be mailed to each member by August 31, 1992, FORTHWITH. BACKGROUND & COMMENTS 1. The -Bowmanville B. I.A. submitted their 1992 budget request of $95,000 earlier this year. (See Attachment #1) This budget was a $15,000 increase over the previous year's budget of $80,000 representing an 18. 75%. increase. 2 . The number of businesses within the boundaries of the Bowmanville B. I .A. has decreased over the last year. Since the number of business assessed has decreased the remaining business will pay extra in order to compensate for those business that are no longer operating. / � 6 TR-74-92 Page 2 3. The effect of the first two points resulted in an overall increase in the Bowmanville B. I .A. mill rate of 44 .2% for 1992 over the 1991 taxes levied. 4 . Since the 1992 final tax notices were mailed in June there have been a number of concerns by the B. I.A. members with respect to the increase. As a result the Board of Management has re-evaluated their budget and determined areas that they could cut costs . These areas include reducing Promotion costs and Capital Works by $8,000 and $5, 000 respectively. This $13,000 will not be eliminated from the budget, but instead shown as an expenditure which will be labelled "Member's Special 1992 Reimbursement. " (See Attachment #2) Therefore the 1992 Bowmanville B.I.A. mill rate need not be adjusted. 5. The B. I .A. members accounts should be adjusted to reflect their proportionate share of the reimbursement, which will be calculated in the same manner as it was when levied. RECOMMENDATIONS That the attached By-law (Attachment #3) be recommended to Council for approval which supports and enforces the amendments to be made to the 1992 Bowmanville Business Improvement Area budget. A forthwith approval is requested in order that the adjustments can be made as soon as possible. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee 0 M e A. Marano, H.BSc . ,A.M.C.T.. Lawrence E. Koltseff Treasurer Chief Administrative Officer MAM/RS/ges Attachments ATTACHMENT #1 ^k iR BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS CENTRE �tTff)0oi BOWMANVILLE t P.O. BOX 365 BUSINESS CENTRE JAN V 1! 15 AN '92 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. LIC 3L1 1992 01 24 yyy ut?'—�i C)6,�T i'Jri t�':7.r. i� y� JAN So 1997 CC:II I z1 N OF NEt�� S'rLF ti 4) Mrs. Patti Barrie t INAst,F Town Clerk Town of Newcastle i 40 Temperance Street —j Bowmanville, 'Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Mrs. Barrie At the regular meeting of the Board of Management held on Tuesday, January 21, 1992, the following motion was passed: THAT the proposed Budget for 1992 be as follows: Administration $13 ,500.00 Promotion 39,000.00 Parking 16,500.00 Landscaping 6,000.00 Capital Works 20,000.00 Total $95,000.00 While this budget represents an increase of $15,000.00 over the 1991 Budget, it is the first increase in three years, and does not exceed the $100,000.00 limit set by the current By-law. Yours very truly, .............. ... "y � 1 Gilpin _ G Secretary-Treasurer andyX -C�- --— ------ ; General Manager ATTACHMENT #2 LE77rTp® ® ® JUL BUSINESS CENTRE BOWMANVILLE UL 15 � 59 P11 192 P.O. BOX 365 BUSINESS CENTRE BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Li C 30 1992 07 15 Mrs . Patti Barrie Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Dear Mrs. Barrie As a result of the unprecedented increase in this year 's tax levy for BIA purposes, the Board of Management at a special meeting held on June 14, 1992, approved the following motion: "THAT the sum of $13 ,000 be returned to the members of the Bowmanville BIA by reducing the spending for this year in the Promotion Budget by $8,000 and the Capital Works Budget by $5,000. " In order to implement this motion, would you please request Council to approve the following revised Budget for 1992: Bowmanville Business Centre Budget 1992 (Revised) Administration $13 , 500.00 Promotion 31 ,000.00 Parking 16 , 500.00 Landscaping 6,000.00 Capital Works 15,000.00 Members Special 1992 Reimbursement 13, 000.00 Total $95, 000.00 If you have any questions or concerns about this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at 623-2997. Yours very truly I Garth Gilpin Secretary-Treasurer GeneralaMgnager Cf ATTACHMENT #3 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 92- being a by-law to amend the Bowmanville Central Business Districts 1992 Budget within the Town of Newcastle AND WHEREAS Chapter M.45, Section 220(10) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990, provides that, "A board of management shall submit to the Council its estimates for the current year at the time and in the form prescribed by Council and may make requisitions upon the Council for all money required to carry out its powers and duties, but nothing herein divests the Council of its authority with reference to rejecting such estimates in whole or in part or providing the money for the purposes of the board of management and when money is so provided by the Council the Treasurer shall, upon the certificate of the board of management, pay out such money to the board of management." AND WHEREAS Chapter M.45, Section 220(11) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990, provides that, "The board of management shall not spend money not included in the estimates approved by the Council or in a reserve fund established under section 163. " AND WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle considers it to be expedient to amend the Bowmanville Central Business District's 1992 Budget. NOW THEREFORE, Council of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. That By-law 92- , a) amend the 1992 Budget which now stands as follows: Administration $13,500 Promotion $39,000 Parking $16,500 Landscaping $ 6,000 Capital Works $20,000 TOTAL $95000 so that as amended will read: Administration $13,500 Promotion $31,000 * Parking $16,500 Landscaping $ 6,000 Capital Works $15,000 * Member's Special 1992 Reimbursement $13,000 * TOTAL $95,000 By-law read a first time this day of , 1992. By-law read a second time this day of , 1992. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of 1992. Mayor i I Clerk