HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-93-92 REPORT #2 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File On Res. # 7_32 By-Law # METING: COUNCIL DATE: November 9, 1992 REPORT #: mR-93-92 FILE #: SUB,JECT: TENDER NW92-30, STREET SMART LIGHTING PROGRAM RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-93-92 be received; 2 . THAT Dundas Power Line Ltd. , Chesterville, Ontario, with a total bid amount of $315,671.40, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender NW92-38, be awarded the contract for the Street Smart Lighting Program, as required by the Department of Public Works; 3 . THAT the award be subject to Ontario Hydro's approval for an interest free loan under the Street Smart Lighting Program; 4 . THAT in accordance with Section 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act, authorization be obtained from the Ontario Municipal Board prior to the execution of this contract; and 5 . 1 THAT the attached By-Law authorizing the Mayor and . Clerk to execute the Agreement be approved. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Subsequent to Report WD57-92 and Council Resolution #GPA-504-92 (copy attached marked Schedule "A" ) , staff have been advised that Ontario Hydro requires the actual dollar value of the contract to be included with the grant application. Tender specifications were therefore prepared by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates for the Street Smart Lighting Program. Page - 2 - TR-93-92 TENDER NW92-30, STREET SMART LIGHTING PROGRAM Subsequently, tenders were advertised and issued with bids being received as follows: Bidder Total Bid Amount Dundas Power Line Ltd. $ 315,671.40 Chesterville, Ontario Black & McDonald $ 320,055 . 19 Scarborough, Ontario Ron Robinson Limited $ 324,411.59 Oshawa, Ontario Cliffside Utility Contractors $ 367,845.67 Scarborough, Ontario As outlined in Report WD57-92, financing for this project will be provided through an Ontario Hydro interest free loan. It is therefore recommended that the approval of this contract be subject to the approval of both Ontario Hydro and the Ontario Municipal Board. Other associated costs which would be part of the total loan requirements are: Contingencies $ 44,253.00 Design and Tendering Services 14,600.00 Contract Administration, Site Supervision 17,000 .00 and Inspection Hydro Connection Charges 50,000.00 P.C.B. Ballast Storage Charges 20,500 .00 Sub Total $146,353.00 GST on Sub Total (excluding contingencies) 7, 147 .00 TOTAL $153,500. 00 I Therefore the total estimated cost would be $ 469,171.40 (other associated costs of $153,500.00 + tender $315,671.40) , which is within the anticipated total project cost of $645,307 .25 as identified in Report WD57-92 . Although the total estimated cost is relatively lower than the costs identified through Report WD-57-92, the funding criteria remains unchanged (refer to Schedule "B" ) . Page - 3 - TR-93-92 TENDER NW92-30, STREET SMART LIGHTING PROGRAM The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc. , should be referred to the Director of Public Works . After further review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates and Public Works, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Dundas Power Line Ltd. , Chesterville, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the Street Smart Lighting Program. Although the subject firm has not previously performed for the Town of Newcastle, they have satisfactorily completed similar projects for several other municipalities, as outlined in the letter from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, marked Schedule "B" . Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, 1 r'e Marano, H.B.Sc. , AMCT. , Lawrence E. Kots f , Treasurer. Chief Administra it Officer. W.A. Evans, P.Eng. , Director of Public Works. LAB/hjl Attachments I i I SCHEDULE "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# Date: JUNE 15, 1992 Res. # By-Law# Report#: WD-57-92 File#: 0.80.04 Subject: STREET SMART LIGHTING PROGRAM Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-57-92 be received; 2. THAT Ontario Hydro be requested to formally convey the street lighting systems owned by Ontario Hydro in Hampton and Enniskillen to the Town for the .cost of One Dollar ($1) ; 3. THAT the Treasurer be authorized to make application to Ontario Hydro for an interest-free loan under the Street Smart Lighting Program; and 4. THAT upon receipt of approval of the grant from Ontario Hydro, tenders be called for the conversion of the Town's street lighting system to high pressure sodium lights. --------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Correspondence from Ontario Hydro No. 2: Outline of Two Financing Options 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 In the fall of 1990, Ontario Hydro introduced to all municipalities, an incentive program called the `Street-Smart . . . /2 REPORT NO. : WD-57-92 PAGE 2 Lighting Program' . The purpose of this program was to assist municipalities in reducing energy costs for street lighting through energy efficiency. 2.2 Under this program Ontario Hydro provides financial assistance for the conversion of a municipality's street lighting system to a High Efficiency System. The amount of assistance provided is equal to 25% of the 'Total Project Costs' and can be in the form of a cash grant or an interest free loan. 2.3 In order for a municipality to participate in this program, the municipality must meet the following criteria: - Must make application to Ontario Hydro and complete the street lighting conversion project no later than December 1994. - Must convert 100% of the municipality's street lighting system to high efficiency lights; this includes the conversion of all incandescent, florescent, and mercury vapour lamps to either high or low pressure sodium lamps. - Included with the application must be an Inventory of the current lighting system, a Detailed Work Plan and Works Cost Estimate - All conversions should meet the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES) recommended lighting levels. - All ballasts containing PCB's must be disposed of. according to the requirements of the Ministry of the Environment. . . . /3 REPORT NO. : WD-57-92 PAGE 3 - Any street lighting systems owned by Ontario Hydro are eligible for conversion as part of this program. 3.0 OWNERSHIP OF THE E%ISTING STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM 3 . 1 A Street Lighting Inventory was recently completed by Town staff. The inventory documented the ownership of all street lights within the Town and such details as location, spacing, ' lamp and pole types. 3.2 The Town's Street Lighting System is comprised of 2,762 street lights . The Town inventory indicates the existing street lighting system is not totally owned by the Town. The street lighting systems in Hampton and a portion of Enniskillen (totalling 94 street lights) are owned by Ontario Hydro. However, the Town is responsible to Ontario Hydro, for the costs of energy, maintenance and the `Capital Cost Recovery' of these systems . A summary of the Street Lighting Inventory is shown below outlining the ownership and the number of street lights within the Town. STREET LIGHTING INVENTORY Ownership Number of Street Lights Town of Newcastle 2,668 Ontario Hydro 94 3.2 As an additional incentive, Ontario Hydro has proposed to transfer to the Town, the street lighting systems owned by, Ontario Hydro in Hampton and Enniskillen for the cost of One Dollar ($1)', provided that the Town agrees to convert these systems to high efficiency lamps as part of the 'Street Smart Lighting Program' (see Attachment No. 1) . 3 .3 The maintenance charges from Ontario Hydro to the Town for the street light systems in Hampton and Enniskillen are comparable . . ./4 i REPORT NO. : WD-57-92 PAGE 4 to maintenance costs for the balance of. the Town owned -system. In addition however, the Town is billed a .'Capital Cost Recovery' charge for the financing of the original installation of the systems in Hampton and Enniskillen. The annual charge for Capital Cost Recovery is approximately $1,967 . 3.4 The Town's assumption of the Hampton and Enniskillen street lighting systems would result in an annual cost saving of $1,967 and provide better control and uniformity of maintenance and operation for the entire street lighting system. It is, therefore, recommended that the Town takes this opportunity and assumes the ownership of the Hampton and Enniskillen systems and includes these systems as part of its street light conversion program. 4.0 STREET LIGHTING CONVERSION PROGRAM 4. 1 The proposed Street Lighting Conversion Program outlined in this report is based on the Town's ownership of all street lights, including the Hampton and Enniskillen street lighting systems . 4.2 There are 1,467 units requiring conversion to High Pressure Sodium, consisting of 1,358 Mercury Vapour and 109 Incandescent units . In addition, in order to maintain the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America's (IES) recommended lighting levels referred to in section 2 .3 of this report, an additional 104 High Pressure Sodium street lights are required for installation as part of this program. 5.0 COST ANALYSIS 5. 1 Project Costs The estimated project costs are as follows: . . .5 REPORT NO. : WD-57-92 PAGE 5 Convert Existing System $466,475 .00 Infilling (Fixtures, etc. ) 39,050.00 (Additional Poles) 17,750.00 Set-up of PCB Storage Area 19 ,000.00 Sub-total 542.,275.00 5% Engineering 27, 113,75 7% Contingencies 37,959 .25 G.S.T. 37 ,959 .25 TOTAL IMPLEMENTATION COSTS $645 ,307 .25 IMPLEMENTATION COSTS ELIGIBLE FOR 25% ONTARIO HYDRO GRANT* $589,598.00 25% ONTARIO HYDRO GRANT $147,399 .50 *The total costs of the project include the cost of ten (10) new 25 , aluminum poles, nineteen (19) new 40, wooden poles, and G.S.T. which are not eligible for a 25% grant from Ontario Hydro. 5.2 Estimated Annual Cost Savings The estimated cost savings by converting the street light system to high pressure sodium lights are as follows: Existing System New System Difference Energy $166,032 $133,839 $ 32,193 Maintenance 109,000 40,000 69,000 Pole Rental 942 0 942 Capital Recovery 1,967 0 1,967 PCB Storage 0 1,500 1( ,5001 TOTALS $277 ,941 $175 ,339 $102 ,602 ROUNDED: $103,000 5.3 The benefits of the Energy Efficient System are: improved illumination to levels providing better uniformity distribution across the entire municipality . . ./6 r r REPORT NO. : WD-57-92 PAGE 6 enhanced safety and security and an aesthetically more pleasing driving environment reduction in operation costs for energy and maintenance and in stocking of inventory. 6.0 FINANCING �- 6.1 Two (2) options have been examined regarding the financing of the project: 1: Town-financed; or 2: Ontario Hydro loan - 0% interest. These two (2) .options are detailed on Attachment No. 2. Based on the analysis, it is recommended that Option 2, Ontario Hydro Loan at 0% interest; be selected. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Ajac U W Evans, P.Eng. , Lawrence E. KqtO, ff, Director of Public Works Chief Adminis r five Officer r , w. Ma Marano, H.B.Sc. , AMCT, Treasurer A.SC*WAE*ph June 22, 1992 Attachment I 1 UJ 0 -� 0 . V OCT 3 199D 339 Westney Road South,Suite 101,Ajax,Ontario L1S 7J6 339,Westney Road sud, bureau 101,Ajax(Ontario)L1S 7J6 ( TOWN OF NEWCASTLE September 21, 1990 ! MAYOR'S OFFICE ; i 508.01 ` Town of Newcastle fTCt'TI� T U OF Note and File Attn: Mrs. M. Hubbard NE��CASTLE pig With Mayor W R EID) Anw. 40 Temperance Street OCT 161990 "&Reunl tO' Bowmanville, Ontario inm,eat ad Report MC 3A6 ` 70 -- . t�° Phil Ll ,a . S Take Appropdate Action Dear Mrs. Hubbard: r qa�a Your Invitation To: Ontario Hydro's Street-Smart Lighting Program Ontario Place Friday October 26, 1990 @ 11:00 a.m. This is your invitation to the launch of our new Streetlighting Conversion Program. The program offers a 25% cash grant to the municipality or an equivalent interest free loan for the project costs of retrofitting existing energy inefficient streetlights. The benefits of the program are that the quality of the streetlighting in your community is improved while energy and operating costs are reduced. Even if your municipality.has a streetlight conversion project already underway, this program will assist you in converting the remaining lights.. Ratepayer relations are also improved: 1. You are seen as a leader in implementing energy efficiency measures in the Public sector. • 2. Longer lamp life means fewer burnouts, therefore fewer complaints. In addition: 1. Maintenance schedules maybe lengthened. 2. Uniform lamp inventory reduces costs. 3. New luminaires may be mounted on existing poles. ATTACHMENT N0. WD-57-92, i - 2 - In our pilot project involving 82 municipalities, the results achieved were impressive: 88% of existing streetlight fixtures were converted Electric power consumption reduced by 2600kW Grants totalling $2,022,265.00 were paid out to the local municipalities by Ontario Hydro. Over the next four years $30 million in streetlighting incentives are available to help reduce power consumption and make Ontario a more electrically-efficient Province. If you are considering carpool arrangements, invitees from the municipality generally include the Mayor or Reeve, Utility Commission Chairman, Utility Manager and Director or Manager of Public Works. I look forward to meeting you at Ontario Place on October 26. If you need further information about the event, contact Wayne Taggart or Dave Akers at (416) 686-9802. Yours truly, J.C. Brown, P. Eng. Customer Energy Services Manager. Durham Field Office Central Region (09073) TOWN OF NEWCASTLE STREET SMART PROGRAM OPTION 1 - TOWN FINANCED Total project cost $ 645,307 Less: amount not eligible for subsidy (poles & GST) 5( 5,709)* Project cost - eligible for subsidy 589,598 ONTARIO HYDRO SUBSIDY 25% (147,400) One time payment 442,198 Opportunity cost of interest lost (estimated) 185,000 COST TO TOWN $ 627,198 Annual Cost (5 yr. term) 125,440 Savings realized annually ( 102,6021** Annual Cost to Town $ 22,838 OPTION 2 - ONTARIO HYDRO LOAN - 0% INTEREST TOTAL project cost - 0% interest loan $ 589,598. Annual Cost (5 yr. term) ' 117,920, Energy Savings Annually (102,602)** Annual Cost to Town $ 15,318 * One time cost -for GST & poles - not subsidized would be added to the annual cost for year one under both options. ** Energy savings have not been inflated to provide a conservative estimate. ATTACHMENT N0. 2 WD-57-92 G.P.& A. Minutes - 16 - July 6, 1992 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONT'D. Street Smart Lighting Resolution #GPA-504-92 Program Moved by Mayor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT Report WD-57-92 be received; THAT Ontario Hydro be requested to formally convey the street lighting systems owned by Ontario Hydro in Hampton and Enniskillen to the Town for the cost of One Dollar ($1); THAT the Treasurer be authorized to make application to Ontario Hydro for an interest-free loan under the Street Smart Lighting Program, THAT upon receipt of approval of the grant from Ontario Hydro, tenders be called for the conversion of the Town's street lighting system to high pressure sodium lights; and THAT a copy of Report WD-57-92 be forwarded to Mr. D. Clarke, Manager and Secretary-Treasurer,Newcastle Hydro Electric Commie ion. "CARRIED" 300 WATER STREET, WHITBY. ONTARIO CANADA UN 9J2 totten Sims 'hubicki associates (416)666-0363 FAX (416) 066.0221 October 30, 1992 Town of Newcalltte 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Attention: .Mrs. LouAnn Birkett, A.M.C.T.(A) Purchasing and Supply Agent Re: Tender NW92-30 SireetSinart Lighting Incentive Program Dear Mrs, Birkett- On Tuesday October. 6th, 1992 tenders for the above noted contract were received at the town Offices. A total of 4 bids -were submitted. Table 1 summarises the bid details. Dundas Power Line Ltd. of Chesterville was the lowest bidder at $ 315,671.40 inClusiVC of G.S.T. ' We have rcvie.wed all tenders received and found them to be in order. r There appears to be no unbalancing of the bids submitted. 'A'e have obtained from Dundas Power Unc the at.t.ached reference list of similar projects thq have completed or are in the process of completing. Based on our discussions with the ToNvn of Kemptvilie -,nd the Township of Nibuntain we have no reason to believe the Town of Newcastle wilt l:e dissatisfied with the performance of Dundas Power Line Ltd. We recommend that Contract No. NW92-30 be awarded to the lowest bidden, Dundas Power Line Ltd, ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS i - 2 - The total estimated cost to the Town of Nlewcastle is as follows: Contract NW92�30 Total Cost Grant Eligible 1) Tender (excluding G.S.T.) 295,020.00 285,1$720 2) Contingencies 44,253.00 44,253.00 3) Design and Tendering Services 14,600.00 14,600.00 4) Contract Administration, Site Supervision & 17,000.00 17;000.00 Inspection 5) :hydro Connection Charges 50,000.00 50,000.00 6) P.C,B. Ballast Storage Charges 20,500.00 20,500.00 Sub Total 441,373.00 431,540.20 G.S.T. on Sub-Total (excluding 27,798.40 (ineligible) Contingencies) TOTAL 4693171.40 431540,20 The 2nd column details the portion of the total cost eligible for grant assistance. under the Ontario Hydro Street Smart Lighting Incentive Program. Items 2-6 inclusive are budget estimates and will be monitored as part of the Contract Administration during the coutse of the project. All deposit cheques other than the two lowest bidders may now be. released. Yours very truly, J. Wordley, P.Eng. Senior Electrical:, Engineer J W/nk Encl: C,C. Mr. W,A, Evans, P.Eng. Mr, D. Patterson Mr. A. S, Cannella Mr, D. Bourne Mr. D. Akers, Ontario Hydro totter sims hubicki associates I CONTRACT NW92-30 TENDER SUMMARY COMPARISON Dundas Black& Ron Cliffside Power Macdonald Robinson Utilities Line SCHEDULE A Qty UNIT PRICES 1. Remove cobra head 101 260.00 245.00 236.52 240.00 Install new head and arm 2. Cobra head changeout 1015 150.00 150.00 168.48 164.40 3. Post Top Changeout 264 285.00 300.00 265.68 375.00 4, Remove Fixture 6 50.00 20.00 37.80 30.00 SCHEDULE B Qty UNIT PRICES 1. Cobra head on existing poles 100W 58 260.00 250.00 236.52 340.00 150W 17 270.00 250.00 241.92 345.00 250W 1 300.00 250.00 252.72 360.00 2. New Post Top Fixture and pole 100W 5 1,400.00 1,462.00 1,279.80 1,400.00 250W 1 1,400.00 1;462.00 1,285.20 1,450.00 3. New Cobra Fixture and Wood 100W 14 700.00 835.00 681.48 1050.00 150W 4 700.00 835.00 654.48 1100.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE A (GRANT ELIGIBLE) 254,050.00 256,315.00 265,262.04 290,286.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE B (NOT GRANT ELIGIBLE) 40,970.00 42,802.00 37,926.36 53,495.00 TENDER TOTAL(INCLUDING G.S.T.) 315,671.40 320,055.19 324,411.59 367,845.67 %Increase Over Low Bid + 1.4% + 2.8% I I 10/07/1992 12:07 FROM DUNDRS POWER LINE LTD. TO 14166680221 .0 N DAS Power Line Ud. R.R.1.CNESTERVILLE,OUT.KW 1 HO & � Streetlights Converted Under Street Smart Program 1, t i n HGw__Many. Comoleted Russell Hydro - 139 lights -- Jan., 18.90 Emhrun Hydro - 257 liahts - Feb. 5,90 Finch Hydro - 95 lights - March 1Sr9Q Williamsburc Hydro & Townshin - 53 lights March 16.90 Townshiv of South Elmsley - 31 licshts -- March 22F90 Towrshis Gf Russell - nS 1=0-hts - March 2B_9C TQwrshiu of Winchester - 72 lights - June 18,90 Townshim of Matilda - 34 lights -- Aug. 24,90 a b - 110 lights - Oct. 16,90 township n* Edwar�s..•�ra Town of Kemotville -- 197 lights - Oct. 22,.90 Township of Pakenhar 34 licihts - Dec. 19.90 Ottawa, Hydra •- 1460 1?Wits - Aug. 6.91 Tt7wnshiD 04 Mountain - 99 liahts - Aug. 2f.92 TGwtyshic of F2ideaa! 219 lights - Oct. 52 TOTAL P.02 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 92- Being a By-Law to authorize a contract between --- - -- - - Dundas Power Line Ltd. in respect to the Street Smart Lighting Program for the Town of Newcastle THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACT S A FOLLOWS: LL s W O O S 1. That, (subject to the approval of Ontario Hydro for an interest free loan under the Street Smart Program) , the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between Dundas Power Line Ltd. and said Corporation. 2. That this By-Law not take effect until approved by the Ontario Municipal Board, pursuant to Section 64(1) of the Ontario Municipal Board Act. By-Law read a first and second time this day of November, 1992. By-Law read a third time and finally passed this day of November, 1992. Mayor Clerk i i i I i I