HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-94-92 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE F/�• REPORT File # - ., Res. # } ( - By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: November 2, 19 9 2 REPORT #: TR-94-92 FILE #: SUB.ECT: TENDER NW92-36, SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PARKING METERS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report TR-94-92 be received; 2 . THAT J.J. MacKay Canada Limited, London, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $20,058 .30, meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender NW92-36, be awarded the contract to supply, deliver and install a total of thirty-eight (38) fully electronic parking meters (Option "A" ) , as required by the Planning and Development Department; 3 . THAT Electromega Ltd. , Candiac, Quebec, with a total bid in the amount of $17,742 . 61, meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender NW92-36, be awarded the contract to supply, deliver and install a total of thirty-seven (37) electromechanical parking meters (Option "B" ) , as required by the Planning and Development Department; and 4 . THAT the total required funds in the amount of $37,800. 91, be drawn from the Parking Reserve Fund; account #1110-00162-0000 . 7 Page - 2 - TR-94-92 TENDER NW92-36, SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PARKING METERS BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Subsequent to Council Resolution GPA-450-92 (copy attached marked Schedule "A'' ) , tender specifications were advertised and issued with the following bids being submitted: Bidder Total Bid Amount Total Bid Amount Option "A" Option "B" Electromega Ltd. No Bid $ 35,964 . 84 Candiac, Quebec J.J. MacKay Canada Limited $ 39,588 . 75 No Bid ** London, Ontario Domtrec Limited $ 60,081. 75 No Bid Mississauga, Ontario ** bid adjusted - addition error For the information of Council, the tender specifications provided for two (2) options as follows: Option "A" Fully Electronic Option "B" Electromechanical The specifications also provided that the Town may choose either fully electronic, electromechanical or a combination of both. The total quantity of meters required is seventy-five (75) and in accordance with the specifications, the Town reserves the right to decrease the quantity by fifty percent (50%) without invalidating the unit prices tendered. As outlined in the attached report from the Director of Planning and Development, (marked Schedule "B" ) , staff recommend that the tender award be split between Option "A" and Option "B" . Subsequently, based on the unit prices submitted by the two (2) low bidders, the recommended tender award is as follows: Option "A" - J.J. MacKay Canada Limited London, Ontario $20,058. 30 (thirty-eight (38) fully electronic) Option "B" - Electromega Ltd. Candiac, Quebec $17,742 . 61 (thirty-seven (37) electromechanical meters) 702 Page - 3 - TR-94-92 TENDER NW92-36, SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PARKING METERS The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc. , should be referred to the Director of Planning and Development. After further review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing and the Planning and Development Department, it was mutually agreed that Electromega Ltd. , Candiac, Quebec and J.J. MacKay Canada Ltd. , London, Ontario, be recommended for the tender award to supply, deliver and install thirty-seven (37) electromechanical and thirty-eight (38) fully electronic parking meters respectively. J.J. MacKay have previously performed satisfactorily for the Town of Newcastle. While Electromega Ltd. have not previously performed for the Town of Newcastle, they have recently provided satisfactory service for both the City of Hamilton and the City of Brockville. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, 1 e Marano, H.B.Sc . , AMCT. , Law ence E. Kot ff, Treasurer. Chief Administa i ve Officer. Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. , Director of Planning and Development. LAB/hjl Attachments i 703 SCHEDULE "A" Parking Matters Resolution #GPA-450-92 T02.3890-GE Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor O'Toole THAT Report PD-142-92 be received; THAT approval be granted to draw on the Parking Reserve Fund for the purchase of seventy-five (75) electronic parking meters with a built-in 15-minute grace period after time expiration and further that tender be let for the above purchase; and THAT the B.I.A. be advised of Council's decision and a copy of Report PD-142-92 be forwarded to same. "CARRIED" I I 704 i THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: PARKING.COU REPORT Meeting: ' g: General Purpose and Administration File# TO.Z 3tg0 L7e Date: Monday, June 15, 1992 Res. # Report#:PD=:4 2 -9z File#: By-Law# Subject: PARKING MATTERS FILE: PLN 5.2.4 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration, Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-142-92 be received; 2. THAT approval be granted to draw on the Parking Reserve Fund for the purchase of seventy-five (75) electronic parking meters with a built-in 15 minute grace period after time expiration and further that tender be let for the above purchase; and 3. THAT the B.I.A. be advised of Council's decision and a copy of Report PD-142-92 be forwarded to same. 1. BACKGROUND: As per the direction of Council, a meeting was held bn May 27, 1992 with representatives from the Bowmanville B.I.A. to discuss. the various issues related to parking. Councillor Hooper, Councillor O'Toole and the Director were also in attendance. 2. ISSUES DISCUSSED: 2. 1 The issues discussed include parking meter vandalism, parking revenue and expenditure, parking fines, Silver Street Parking Lot, recommendations of the CAUSE Study, and request from the B.I.A. with respect to a 15 minute grace _ . . . 2 705 PPE. ®ZC..'« na tnniNi[n axcc�ur<rcn { REPORT NO. : PD-142-92 PAGE 2 period on parking meters. The pros and cons were examined and discussed for every suggested solution. In summary, it was generally agreed the following approaches be taken. 2 .2 Firstly, the Town should continue to purgue'•the purchase of Silver Street Parking Lot. It was understood that the current parking reserve fund is insufficient for this purpose. The B.I.A. mentioned the possibility of financing the balance of fund provided the recommendations of the CAUSE Study regarding parking lot signage, beautification and Silver Street lot purchase be implemented as a total �{ package. Planning Staff will be working on the cost estimates of the above and it was agreed that this matter will be discussed further with the B. I.A. once more information becomes available. ,3 2 . 3 The Director suggested the Town should replace the on- 4; street parking meters on King Street between Scugog Street and Temperance Street, and on Temperance Street between King Street and Church Street. The replacement meters are electronic meters protected by heavy duty covers. The advantages of this type of meter are as follows: a) it can withstand forceful assault; b) it has no mechanical moving part and therefore is less prone to breakdown; C) it can be easily calibrated to provide for rate adjustment and adjustment to the grace period at a much ` lesser cost compared to mechanical meters; d) it can reject foreign coins and slugs. 2 . 4 Electronic meters are currently in use in many municipalities and have been proven superior and cost . . . 3 O 4, ::;�..% 706 th rt REPORT NO. : PD-142-92 PAGE 3 effective compared to mechanical meters. The location of the on-street meters proposed for replacement are areas of heavy usage and involves seventy-five (75) meters. The balance of the on-street parking meters will be replaced in subsequent years through a phase-in program to be reviewed with Council in next year's budget discussion. 2.5 The cost of the electronic meters with the heavy cover is approximately $600. 00 per unit plus G.S.T. Replacing 75 meters would cost somewhere in the neighbourhood of $45, 000. 00 plus G.S.T. To enable this purchase, funds must be drawn from the Parking Reserve Account which stands at $228,385. 00 at year end 1991. 2. 6 The 75 new electronic meters will be calibrated to allow for a 15 minute grace period after time expiry as reugested by the B.I.A. The balance of the michanical meters will not be recalibrated due to hgih cost at $100. /unit. In addition, they will be replaced in future years. 2.7 In addition to the advantages of electronic meters cited earlier, the purchase is necessary to replace some 40 meters that have been vandalized as well as to replace some aging meters that have to be repaired frequently. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I.P. Lawrence E, ' tseff Director of Planning Chief Admin trative and Development Officer FW*j ip 3 June 1992 =� 79 7 SCHEDULE "B" THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Memorandum To: Lou Ann Birkett, Purchasing Agent From: Franklin Wu, Director of Planning and Development Date: 23 October 1992 Subject: PARKING METER TENDER Please be advised that I have reviewed the tender and recommend that the tender be awarded as per the attached comments. Franklin Wu. FW*df i 1O � COMPARISONS OF KEY COMPONENTS OF TENDER BIDS ELECTROMEGA METER MACKAY METER COMMENTS Total bid price for 75 meters $ 35,964.84 $ 39,588.75 Electromega meters cost $ 3,623.91 less Per unit cost $ 479.53 $ 527.85 Electromega meters cost is $ 48.32 less per unit Mechanism Turning handle contains Fully electronic with Mackay meter is much C Q mechanical moving parts, circuit board, ability superior in this regard accepts only 3 coin sizes to read all size coins and less prone to break has problem identifying and reject slugs down due to absence of slugs mechanical parts Battery Life 24 months 12 months The longer battery life for Electromega meter is probably due to presence of mechanical parts Housing Lid may catch the meter No apparent problem Advantage to Mackay meter mechanism in opening or in open or close closing of housing operation STAFF COMMENT It has become obvious that a true comparison of the two sample meters provided by Electromega Meter and by MacKay Meter is difficult, since one is fully electronic while the other still contains some moving parts. Setting aside the differences in the bid price, staff would recommend the MacKay meter for the reasons cited in the comparison table. However, the Electromega bid is lower, resulting in a saving of $3,623.91. It is difficult, if not impossible, to put a value on the advantages of the MacKay Meter and only time can tell whether or not it's worth the saving to go with Electromega meter. Further compounding the selection process is the impossible task of assessing the after sale service, frequency of repairs, battery life, etc. all of which cannot be determined until the Town has the opportunity to use the product for at least a year. In view of the aforementioned comments staff recommend the Town should split the purchase with the two companies. This would give both companies and their respective products an opportunity to prove themselves. This is important as the Town will eventually phase out all existing old meters. The splitting of the purchase conforms to the term of the tender which stipulates that the Town reserves the right to decrease the quantity by 50% without invalidating the unit price. 710