HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-97-92 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT _2CA Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# " Date: November 16, 1992 Res. #f:i�- Report#: TR-97-92 Fil #: By-Law# e Subject: TAX PAYMENTS BY MAIL - PENALTY CHARGES Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That report TR-97-92 be received; and 2 . That Council endorse the existing procedure detailed in Report TR-97-92 respecting tax payments made by mail and applicable penalty charges . 3 . That Mrs . Brenda Towler be advised of Council 's decision and be provided with a copy of report TR-97-92 . BACKGROUND & -COMMENTS Currently, the tax department's procedure with respect to application of penalty and interest on tax arrears is to charge penalty and interest on outstanding taxes on the first day of each month at the maximum legislated penalty/interest rate of 1 1/4% per month. This information is stipulated in the Town's levying by-law each year and is also indicated in the text of the tax bill. This applies to payments made over the counter the 1st day of the month in addition to payments received through the mail. The instalment due date is normally in the third week of the month thereby allowing an average of a 7 day grace period before a penalty is applied. It is not uncommon for this procedure to be questioned with regards to the payments made through the mail. Any mail physically received in the tax department on the first of the month is processed as a late payment. However, the argument has been made by taxpayers that an envelope post-marked in the month prior should constitute a payment of the previous month regardless of when received. A specific example which has arisen involves a Newtonville taxpayer, Mrs. Towler. She has indicated she mailed her cheque for her September 25th instalment on September 22, 1992 . Payment was received by mail on October 1, 1992 and as a result penalty was charged for the month of October. Mrs . Towler feels that her payment was mailed in plenty of time and cannot help the fact she has no control over the service provided by the Post Office. $ 1 _. X o 9 ❑ _ I I 1S 1111 H111 1111 1R­yl L I.­1 TR-97-92 Page 2 The tax department has surveyed the area municipalities and has gathered information on the federal and provincial government payment policies . The following are those results: TYPICAL INSTALMENT PAYMENT RECORDED ON DATE: DUE DATE RECEIVED POST-MARK Town of Newcastle Third week X Township of Scugog Middle of X Fourth week Town of Pickering Third week X Town of Ajax Last Wednesday X of the month Town of Whitby * Middle of X ** the month City of Oshawa Last working X day of the month Federal Government N/A X Provincial Government N/A X * Penalty, charged first day of default and first day of month ** Excludes Lawyers submissions RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Council of the Town of Newcastle endorse the continuation of the existing practice of allowing a grace period from the due date to the first of the following month before application of a penalty and interest and the processing of payments on the date received rather than by the post-mark on the envelope. The current system deters taxpayers from mailing payments too late into the month. The grace period currently offered after instalment due dates is considered to be ample. In addition, post-dated cheques are accepted and this method of payment may provide a safe-guard against possible mail problems currently experienced by some taxpayers . Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee 'e A. Marano, H.BSc . ,A.M.C.T. Lawrence E. Kots f' Treasurer Chief Administra iC,e Officer MAM/RS/ges i 7 ? O