HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-4-93 FEPOHr #2 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL File# Date: January 11, 1993 Res. # Report#:___TR­4_-9 3 File #: By-Law# Subject: NEWCASTLE FAMILY RESOURCE GROUP - REQUEST FOR 1993 GRANT ADVANCE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. THAT Report TR-4-93 be received; 2 . THAT the Newcastle Hall Board be given a grant in advance of the 1993 budget in the amount of approximately $600, to accommodate the Newcastle Family Resource Group for the months of February and March, or until the 1993 Budget is dealt with by Council, 3 . THAT the funds be administered and released by the Community Service Department to the Newcastle Hall Board upon request and on behalf of the Newcastle Family Resource Group, 4 . THAT the Newcastle Hall Board be advised that any 1993 Hall Board grant request will be dealt with as a separate issue, 5 . THAT the Newcastle Family Resource Group be advised of Council 's decision. BACKGROUND: 1. 0 Mrs. Corrine Allin appeared as a delegation to the Council meeting of December 14, 1992 to request that consideration be given to providing a grant to the Newcastle Family Resource Group in advance of the 1993 Budget. 1. 1 The Newcastle Family Resource Group operates from the Newcastle Hall Board facility and pays them a monthly rental fee for the use of the Hall. The Group apparently has the equivalent rent for January and is requesting sufficient funds in the form of a grant to cover the rental cost for the months until Council considers the 1993 grant requests, (approximately March 1993) . . . .2 T, TR-4-93 Page 2 1.2 This current monthly rental fee for the use of the Newcastle Hall Board, as identified by Ms . Allin is approximately $70 . 00 per week ($280 monthly) . The total rental requirement for this group for 1993 as identified in the 1993 grant request is $2,600. 2 . 0 This Group has received a grant in each of the past few years as follows: 1993 Request $5,537 .50 1992 1,200 .00 (from contingency) 1991 1,500.00 (As N'Family Connections) 1990 375 . 00 3. 0 As a matter of practice, Council has not in the past committed funds in advance of the next budget year other than to the recognized Boards or Commissions of Council ( such as the Library or the B. I .A. 's) which normally would receive up to 25% of the prior year's budget allocation upon request. 4 . 0 It is recommended that the current practice be maintained and ! that the Hall Board, which is operating a Town owned facility be given a grant advance in order to accommodate the Group until Council has an opportunity to discuss the grant request through the normal budget process . If a rant advance is made ? P ? to any specific non-affiliated group, it may provide the group with an expectation of budgetary approval and may also set a precedent for other like groups to follow in the future. 5.0 The Newcastle Hall Board received a capital grant in 1992 of $10,000 . If Council considers advancing the grant to the Hall Board in advance of the 1993 Budget, this amount could be reflected as an operating grant and be dealt with separately from any other grant request of the Hall Board. 5. 1 If Council decided to provide a grant to the Newcastle Family Resource Group, through the normal budget deliberations, the equivalent amount could be deducted from the Newcastle Family Resource Group 1993 grant request. i Respectfully submitted Recommended for Presentation to Council ar'e Marano, H.BSc, A.M.C.T. Lawrence E. Kots f , M.C. I .P. Treasurer Chief Administr t VIP Officer 11 MAM/ges I