HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-26-93 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# ELL Date: April 19, 1993 Res. #(A- _ `' TR-26-93 By-Law# Report#: File#: CO-OPERATIVE TENDER, T257-93, SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF Subject: UNLEADED GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-26-93 be received; 2 . THAT Shell Canada Products Limited, Don Mills, Ontario, with a total bid price $54, 127 .20 (Part "A" ) , Unleaded Gasoline, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of the Region of Durham Co-Operative Tender T257-93, be awarded the supply contract for Part "All , as required by the Town of Newcastle; 3 . THAT Sunoco Inc. , North York, Ontario, with a total bid price of $104,891.85 (Part "B" ) ,, Diesel Fuel, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of the Region of Durham Co-Operative Tender T257-93, be awarded the supply contract for Part "B" ,, as required by the Town of Newcastle; and 4 . THAT the required funds be drawn from the 1993 Operating Fleet budgets. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: A co-operative tender was publicly advertised and called for by the Regional Municipality of Durham, which included the requirements of the Town of Newcastle, for the supply and delivery of bulk Unleaded Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, as required by the Departments of Public Works and Community Services, ie. Orono, Hampton and Bowmanville depots . Page - 2 - TR-26-93 CO-OPERATIVE TENDER, T257-93, SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF UNLEADED GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL The tenders were received and tabulated as per Schedule "A" attached. After review and analysis of the bids by both Purchasing and Public Works staff, it was agreed that Shell Canada Products Limited and Sunoco Inc . be recommended for the contract to supply Unleaded Gasoline (Part "A" ) and Diesel Fuel (Part "B" ) , respectively, to the Town of Newcastle, as required by the Departments of Public Works and Community Services . Both firms have previously provided satisfactory service to the Town of Newcastle. The required funds will be drawn from the approved 1993 Current Operating Fleet budgets . The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc. , should be referred to the Directors of Public Works and Community Services . The unit prices tendered represent an average three and a half percent (3 .5%) increase over those tendered for the 1992 contract. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, M 3 Marano, H.B.Sc . , AMCT. , Lawrence E. Kots f, reasurer. Chief Administr #ive Officer. Ad W.A. Evans, P.Eng. , Director of Public Works. k Car uana, ,irector of Community Services . LAB/hjl I i Attachments Schedule "A" Bid Summary Co-Operative Tender T257-93 Petroleum Products Part "A" - Unleaded Gasoline Bidder Unit Price/Litre Extended Amount (114,000 litres) Shell Canada Products .4748 $ 54, 127 .20 Limited Don Mills, Ontario Sunoco Inc . .4762 $ 54,286 . 80 North York, Ontario Olco Petroleum Group Inc . .4815 $ 54,891. 00 Ajax, Ontario Imperial Oil .4873 $ 55,552 .20 Willowdale, Ontario Petro-Canada Products .5083 $ 57,946 .20 North York, Ontario First Choice Petroleum Inc. bid rejected by Ajax, Ontario Region of Durham i i i Schedule "A" Bid Summary Co-Operative Tender T257-93 Petroleum Products Part "B" - Diesel Fuel Bidder Unit Price/Litre Extended Amount (248,500 litres) Sunoco Inc . .4221 $104,891. 85 North York, Ontario Shell Canada Products .4229 $105,090.65 Limited Don Mills, Ontario Olco Petroleum Group Inc. .4280 $106,358.00 Ajax, Ontario Imperial Oil .4306 $107,004 . 10 Willowdale, Ontario Petro-Canada Products .4340 $107,849 . 00 North York, Ontario First Choice Petroleum Inc . bid rejected by Ajax, Ontario Region of Durham i i i i