HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-28-93 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# t Date: April 19, 1993 Res. # TR-28-93 By-Law# Report#: File #: TENDER NW93-5, RECONSTRUCTION OF PRINCE STREET Subject: Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-28-93 be received; 2 . THAT Calder Hill Contracting Limited, Thornhill, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $365, 148.52, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender NW93-5, be awarded the contract for the Reconstruction of Prince Street, as required by the Department of Public Works; and 3 . THAT the funds in the amount of $327,500 . 00 be drawn from the approved 1993 Public Works Capital budget, account #7205-93002-X. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Tender specifications were provided by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates for the Reconstruction of Prince Street as required by the Department of Public Works . Tenders were advertised in the local papers, as well as the Daily Commercial News . Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as per Schedule "All attached. The Town of Newcastle's portion of the total project cost as detailed in the letter from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, marked Schedule "B" is estimated at $327,500.00, which is within the budget allocation of $355,000 .00, as reflected in the 1993 Capital Budget. The remainder of the project cost $37,648 .52 is for work to be performed on behalf of the Region of Durham and they will be invoiced as appropriate. It is proposed that the required funds be drawn from the Public Works Capital budget, account #720 002-X. HIS IS VA­4 RECYCLED PALER Page - 2 - TR-28-93 TENDER NW93-5, RECONSTRUCTION OF PRINCE STREET Although the low bidder has not previously performed for the Town of Newcastle, their references have been outlined in the attached letter from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, marked Schedule "B" . The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc . , should be referred to the Director of Public Works . After further review and analysis of the bids by Public Works, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Calder Hill Contracting Limited, Thornhill, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the Reconstruction of Prince Street. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Ma-fib Marano, H.B.Sc . ,AMCT. , Lawrence E. Kots}� f, Treasurer. Chief Administr�ft ve Officer. W.A. Evans, P.Eng. , Director of Public Works. LAB/hjl Attachments I I I I I I / OB SCHEDULE "A" BID SUMMARY NW93-5 PRINCE STREET RECONSTRUCTION Bidder Total Bid Amount Calder Hill Contracting Limited $ 365, 148.52 * Thornhill, Ontario Novacor Construction Ltd. $ 384,301.09 * i Queensville, Ontario Kamlu Construction Limited $ 384,304.73 * Aurora, Ontario Pachino Construction Company Ltd. $ 392,300 . 19 * Stouffville, Ontario Hollingworth Construction Co. $ 392,828.24 * Gormley, Ontario Cobourg Development Services Ltd. $ 404,370. 38 *,** Cobourg, Ontario Fernview Construction Limited $ 404,654 . 09 Bolton, Ontario Dagmar Construction Inc. $ 414,901.59 Markham, Ontario Hard Co. Construction Ltd. $ 422,238 . 37 *,** Whitby, Ontario C.M. Dipede Group Limited $ 427,280.43 Toronto, Ontario Behan Construction Ltd. $ 434,759 . 75 Cobourg, Ontario Bennett Paving & Materials Limited $ 435, 167 . 08 Oshawa, Ontario F.C.M. Construction Limited $ 441,784 . 06 Inglewood, Ontario Mar-King Construction Limited $ 453,032 . 38 Concord, Ontario Elirpa Construction and Materials $ 457,786 . 64 Limited Pickering, Ontario Sanan Construction $ 496,722 . 61 Maple, Ontario I * No GST on contingencies ** Contingency not included *** Extension error / 0 9 I •.--- . ,-11. I-vuvnu 11111 111)1J`IYV1 11111 IYV. Y1VJ1J`I1V1 F. Ur_ y A SCHEDULE ..8.. EL� 1A KING STREET' EAST, P.G. DOX 358,GOBOURG. ONTARIO, CANADA K4A W 'then asims hubs ki associates (416)372.2121 FAX(416)372-36x1 Mrs. Lou Ant) Birkett, Purchasing & Supply Agent. Co!Toration of the Town of Newcastle Municipal Building, 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3A6 April 6, 1993 Dear Mrs. 13irkett: Res 11rinc'e Street Reconstruction, Liberty Street to Simpson Avenme, Rowma.nville, Contract No. MV93-5 Tenders for the above project were opened at the Municipal Offices on Friday, April:,,:, 1993. The bids received are as follows: Saia.an Constmetion $496,722.61 Elirpa Construction 457,786.64 Mar-Icing Construction 453,032.35 F.C.M, Construction 441,784,06 Bennett Paving & Materials 435,167.05 Behan Construction 434,759.75 C.M. Dipede Group Ltd. 427,250.43 H,C.rd-Co Construction 422,238,37 Dtgrnar Construction 414,901.59 Fernview Construction 404,654.09 Cobourg Development Services 404,370.35 Hollingworth Construction 392,828,24 Pachino Construction 392,300.19 Kamlu Construction 384,304.73 Novacor Construction 3$4,301.09 Calder Sill Contracting Limited 365,145.52 Engineer's Estimate $434,894.00 All totals have been corrected for omissions, errors of extension and apptication of GST, We have checked the low bidder's tender: and wish to advi,�e that all requirements bave been satisfactorily addressed. An Agveeamnt to Bond was supplied and a deposit cheque for $19,000 accompanied the bid, Calder Hill Contracting Limited is based in Thornhill, Ontario and has undertaken a number of Municipal and Subdivision servicing contrasts in recent years for the Region of Durham, Region. of Halton, Town of Ajax, Town of Whitby, City of Oshawa and for private developers within the Town of Newcastle. Several projects within the Towns of Ajax and Whitby were constructed under the supervision of Totten Sims Huhicki Associates. Most of the construction contracts undertaken in 1991 and 1992 by Calder Hill enceeded die cost of the Prince Street contract, i i ENGINEERS ARCHITECT'S AND PLANNERS / 1 U i Iu n 1 av rvLAI 1C.CU IJfi. UUDURU f[1A itJIJ41U1 f r1A IYU. 41UJt041U1 F. UJ M • Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, Purchasing & Supply Agent April 6, 1993 2 Ou:t experience with Calder Hill is good. We have found the Company to be very cooperative with good site control. Construction standards have been met within specified time frames, Calder Hill is also considered to be a very good Contractor by other Consultants and Municipalities Contacted as references, Ea.,ed on our research, we recommend that the Contract be awarded to Calder Hill Contracting Limited Subject to agreement witlt the Ministry of Transportation Ontario and the Region of Durham. The, total value of khe amount payable by the Town of Newcastle is now estimated as f)llows: Roadworks - Section t and General Items - Section 4. 1. By Contract (Section 1) $243,827.00 2. By Contract (Section 4, Pro-rated) 4,150.00 3. Contingency Allowance 7,487.61 4. Final Design and Tendering (Jan - May 1993) 19,00no 5. Construction .Administration 27,100.00 6, Utility Relocation (Sell) 5,000,00 CAST (Items No. 1,2.,4,5 and 6) 20,935.39 Total Cost 327 . Of the total cost, sidewalk construction, tree planting, bus shelter pad and barrier for tree protection are works which are not eligible for subsidy by the Ministry of Transportation. These costs amount to approximately $69,000,00 including GST. Sanitary lateral costs under Section 1 are chargeable to the Region of Durham and Dave been deducted. All deposit cheque other than those of the low and second low bids may now be released. Yours very truly totten rims hubicki associates R,A, Kempton, P.Eng. DeAgn Manager RA.KIag S2W;S/2/2S197&/C pc: Mr. W.A. Evans, P.Eng,, Director of Public Works Mr. D. Patterson, Manager of Operations Mr, A.S. Cannella, CET, Manager of Engineering Ms. Kaye Rand Ms, Lori Oordon 1 totten suns hubicki associates