HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-54-93 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# R Date: June 21, 1993 Res. # TR-54-93 By-Law# Report#: File#: CO-OPERATIVE TENDER, CONTRACT NO. D93-8 Subject: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE/REGION OF DURHAM GRANULAR SHOULDERING AND HOT MIX PAVING Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-54-93 be received; 2 . THAT Contract No. D93-8, tendered jointly with the Region of Durham for Granular Shouldering and Hot Mix Paving, tendered by Harnden and King Construction, be approved; and 3 . THAT the funds in an approximate amount of $520,400 .00 (accounts as identified in the body of the report) , be drawn from the 1993 Public Works Capital budget; FORTHWITH. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Since 1989, the Public Works Department have participated in a co-operative tendering arrangement with the Region of Durham for Hot Mix Paving and Granular Shouldering. Although the contract conditions include both the Region of Durham's requirements and the Town of Newcastle's requirements, they are not independent of each other but rather are considered as one complete contract. However, the contract award is subject to the approval of the Region of Durham, the Town of Newcastle and the Ministry of Transportation. In this instance, the Town of Newcastle actually issues the purchase order to the Region, not the contractor. The Region is recommending that Contract No. D93-8 be awarded to Harnden and King Construction. Part of Contract No. D93-8 includes work to be done on behalf of the Town of Newcastle. The estimated cost of this work is $520,400 . 00 as outlined in the attached letter from the Region of Durham, marked Schedule "A" . -1716 iHiS IS 14 1- PA-I Page - 2 - TR-54-93 CO-OPERATIVE TENDER, CONTRACT NO. D93-8 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE/REGION OF DURHAM GRANULAR SHOULDERING AND HOT MIX PAVING Total expenditures included in the 1993 Public Works Capital budget, are as follows: Account Budget Approximate Expenditure 7205-92003-X Edward Street $ 68,500. 00 $ 26,464. 14 7205-92002-X Concession Street 110,000.00 120,716 .37 7205-88014-X Beaver Street 65,000. 00 54, 139 .65 7205-92001-X Prestonvale Road 50,000 . 00 34,426 .27 7205-91002-X Rudell Road 50,000. 00 50, 163.00 7205-93006-X Baseline Road 47,000. 00 26,014 .76 7205-01003-X Various Locations 136,000.00 121,628.06 7208-00401-X Pavement Resurfacing 93,400.00 85,977 .93 $619,900. 00 $519,530. 18 The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc. , should be referred to the Director of Public Works . As the Region of Durham expects to award the contract on June 14, 1993, a forthwith approval for the Town of Newcastle's portion is required. The subject firm have previously performed satisfactorily for the Town of Newcastle. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Marie Marano, H.B.Sc . ,AMCT. , Lawrence E. Xbt,seff, Treasurer. Chief Administrative Officer. W.A. Evans, P.Eng. , Director of Public Works . LAB/hjl Attachment 7 I l ' i SCHEDULE "A" ® June 3, 1993 . 'llrt?.g:%!'.lLr:1: •s...'.. -. . C.f.Y:A6 LiPfRmxrer-r+rn2iF{ !YIL DURHAM A71r_htW:N r 104UN OF Note&File pJ1^,'(;AS i LE Discuss.V ilit REGION �113ase Answer Wote&Fteturn to me _( The Regional Town of Newcastle 0 I %° '.: ._ ..� Municipality Department of Public Wo r_s ra _ Investigate&Report }j of Durham 40 Temperance 5t. w..r.�_ .. m._.` y._ i,lril: p i I LIE11.11; t h;� Take Aupropriate Action Works Department Bowmanville, Ontario I ... -- --•— i)ta t. �3z L1C 3A6 r r Box 623 .. ,. r 105 Consumers Dr. Whitby,Ontario Attention: W.A. Evans, P. Eng. Canada,L1 N 6A3 (416)668-7721 Director of Public Works Fax(416)668-2051 Dear Sir: V.A,SILGAILIS, P.Eng. Commissioner of Works Re: Region of Durham Contract No. D93-08 Please quote our ref: Hot Mix Paving — Various Locations The tender for Contract D93-08 closed on May 21, 1993, with the following tenders being received. The Town of Newcastle work is designated as part B of this contract. TOTAL TENDER AMOUNT TENDERER PARTS A & B Harden & King Construction $3,027,877 .45 Bennett Paving & Materials Ltd. $3,046,698.70 D. Crupi and Sons $3,431,862 . 70 Miller Paving Ltd. $3,450, 131. 89 Regional staff have recommended the award of Parts A and B of this contract to Harnden & King Construction and will be submitting a report to Regional Council for approval June 9, 1993 . Based on the low tender of Harnden & King, the Town of Newcastle share of this contract has been estimated as follows: Tender Amount - Part B $ 469,658.65 (includes General Items & G.S.T. ) G.S.T. Rebate ( 17 ,556.45) 8% Provincial Sales Tax on Granular Material (Item 13) 490.40 Sundry Work by Region 11,692 . 98 Engineering 42,091.63 Contingencies 14 ,022 .79 Total Estimated Costs $ 520,400.00 � 1 ` This paper contains recycled material. I 2 - A copy of the low tender of Harnden & King Construction is enclosed for your information, as well as a copy of our tender report to Council. It would be appreciated if you would arrange to obtain the necessary approval for the Town's estimated share of Contract No. D93-08, Part B. Yours truly, ibe—rt Goddard orks Department /rd cc: G. Farrington J. Baker