HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-23-02 "- '" "".;". CJ. "- L~~ REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MONDAY, MAY 6, 2002 {D I Resolution #:0/1J ~;Z -0 ~ Meeting: By.law #: Report #: EGD-23-02 File #: PB.40.28 Subject: HERITAGE PLAQUES ON MUNICIPAL PARKS AND OPEN SPACE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-23-02 be received; 2. THAT Council approve the attached policy for the provision of heritage plaques on municipal parks and open space; 3. THAT the plaque cost of approximately $1 ,000 be funded from Engineering Services 2002 Budget; and 4. THAT Mr. And Mrs. Jose be advised of Council's decision and thanked for their suggestion. Submitted by: ~~ AS. Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services ./) t~~Y {: ". Reviewed by:U -->"-..: lo1, Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer PW*ASC*ce 30/04/02 701 '- REPORT NO.: EGD-23-02 PAGE 2 1.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT To establish a policy for the installation of eritage plaques on municipal parks and open space and to address a request for a plaque by Mr. and Mrs. Jose. 2.0 BACKGROUND At a meeting held on January 28, 2002, C uncil received correspondence from Mr. and Mrs. F. Jose (see Attachment #1 . In their letter, Mr. And Mrs. Jose expresse appreciation for Council's decision to name the new park in Newcastle, Walbrid e Park after one of the first settlers in the area. The letter notes many contributi ns to the community by Asa E. Walbridge and his descendants. The letter further requests that an information plaque be erected on the park site to com nemorate the Walbridge family. This matter was referred to staff for the pr paration of a policy and report addressing the installation of plaques and or signage to recognize various individuals. The policy is Attachment # 2 ( f this report. 3.0 COMMENTS Council adopted a policy regarding memo ial tributes in 1998 to name roads, parks, or facilities after members of Coun ii, members of the community at large or in recognition of royalty and national trit utes. There is also a Volunteer Wall of Fame located in the Municipal Administ ation Centre. However, the Municipality currently has no policy to commemorate significant subjects or individual contributions to municipal herita e through the installation of a plaque or sign. The Ontario Heritage Foundation, a non-p ofit agency of the Ontario government, has a provincial plaque program to promo e the understanding of significant provincial heritage subjects. The provinci I program may not necessarily recognize subjects that would be consider d significant to Clarington. A program 702 '-~ REPORT NO.: EGD-23-02 PAGE 3 to specifically commemorate Clarington heritage is recommended for subjects or individuals who have made significant contributions to the heritage of the municipality. Staff would use the proposed policy to evaluate future requests and make recommendations to Council. The onus for making the case for significant heritage interest will be the responsibility of the applicant. The Bowmanville Museum, the Clarke Museum, and the Newcastle Village and District Historical Society do not have a plaque program. All three groups have reviewed this report and policy and agree with the establishment of a heritage plaque program for the Municipality. They are also available to assist staff in the evaluation of requests from the public. It is recommended that bronze plaques with raised letters would be the most appropriate method to commemorate Clarington's heritage. A consistent colour scheme, text style and letter size would be used on all plaques. The plaques could be mounted on a metal pedestal or set into a boulder or other masonry feature (see Attachment #3). The cost for the supply of a 14" x 20" plaque is approximately $1,000. The cost would vary depending on the exact number of words. It is anticipated that no more than 2 or 3 requests would be received annually. As Council approves requests, funding for the supply of the plaque would be from the Engineering Services annual budget. Installation of the plaques could be done by Operations. The request by Mr. And Mrs. Jose has been reviewed based on the procedures outlined in the attached policy and is deemed appropriate. Staff would receive input from Mr. and Mrs. Jose to finalize the text for the plaque. In their letter to Council the Jose's offered to share the cost of a plaque with the Municipality. However it is recommended that the Municipality fund the entire cost of heritage plaques. Future requests would be evaluated based on their heritage value not by the ability of the applicant to share the cost. Also, requiring 703 REPORT NO.: EGD-23-02 PAGE 4 applicants to share the cost could discourage the public from making requests. For this reason the offer by the Jose's to share the cost should be acknowledged with thanks. The plaque would be unveiled at a park opening in the spring of 2002. 4.0 CONCLUSION As the municipality grows, new public park and open space sites throughout Clarington will be created. Most sites will have a previous owner and some sort of history associated with them, however it is important that the criteria for approving plaques be based on significant Clarington heritage subjects, not simply to describe the history of a site or a past owner. The criteria used by the province to adjudicate plaque requests were used as a guide in the preparation of the attached municipal policy. As requests are received from the public, the policy will guide staff in its recommendation to Council. The funding for plaques would come from the Engineering Services Annual Budget. Attachments: Attachment #1 - Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Jose Attachment #2 - Proposed Policy on Heritage Plaques on Municipal Parks and Open Space Attachment #3 - Sample Sign Graphic Party to be advised of Council's decision: Mr. and Mrs. Jose 3600 Lakeshore Road Newcastle, ON L1B 1L9 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 F (905) 623-9282 7U4 ATTACHMENT NO.: 3 REPORT NO.: EGD-23-02 707 .. ATTACHMENT NO.: 1 REPORT NO.: EGD-23-02 3600 Lakeshore Rd., Newcastle, ON LIB 1L9 January 22, 2002 Mayor Mutton and Councillors of the Municipality ofC1arington, 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, ON LIC 3A6 Re: Walbridge Park, Newcastle Mayor and Councillors, We would like to express our appreciation to Council for their action in naming this park after one of the first settlers in the Newcastle area. It would be appropriate to have an information plaque erected at the site to commemorate this pioneer family. Asa E. Walbridge purchased all the land where the park and subdivision are located in 1816. He was one of the founding members of the Bond Head Harbour Company in 1838 and the first recorded religious service in the area was held in his home in 1824. His descentlllnt~ have been active in municipal affu.irs and community groups up to the present time. They include a reeve of Newcastle village, another member of council, a postmaster and leaders in various organizations. We would be willing to share the cost of the plaque and happy to meet with the municipal staff to provide input for the plaque. -:fA.' .:A'-'--vJ . ...__...__.".._.~ "__~~'''' ....... ...T....,.. . : ;':HS-;::'d::i..t";r:...:''': i . I """ ' , ,.-.,.'. : ......;.. Yours truly, ; !~i.T Francis and Erla Jose ; !~~.'. ",!.; l--'.H Cb..............\ . . _. C>\<e.c.,~\o........ ." 1. . --~ r I "i -' ....... IUS ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: EGD-23-02 ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENTAL POLICY SUBSECTION: SUBJECT: HERITAGE PLAQUES ON MUNICIPAL PARKS AND OPEN SPACE DATE APPROVED/ UPDATED: APPROVED BY: COUNCIL PURPOSE: To establish the criteria and procedure for the installation of heritage plaques on municipal parks and open space. POLICY: Upon written request the municipality will review requests to install heritage plaques on municipal parks and open space. If approved by Council the municipality will arrange for the supply and installation of a plaque. Applicants wishing to commemorate a specific subject or individual must submit a letter complete with background information to substantiate the importance of the proposed subject in the heritage of the municipality. Significant municipal heritage interest will be the criterion by which applications for plaques will be assessed. The onus for making the case for significant municipal heritage interest rests upon the applicant. Municipal staff will evaluate requests with the assistance of the Clarke Museum, Bowmanville Museum and/or the Newcastle Village and District Historical Society, and recommend to Council acceptance or denial of the request. Once Council makes a decision the applicant will be notified in writing of the outcome. If approved municipal staff will work with the applicant and relevant heritage group to develop text for the plaque. The funding for plaques will come from Engineering Services annual budget. MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT G:\Misc.correspondance\Policy on Heritage Plaques. doc 706