HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-83-94 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File ` Date: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 Res. # By-Law#€ J �✓ Report#t:___ TR-83-94 File#: By-Law Subject: TENDER CL94-13, CHURCH STREET RECONSTRUCTION, BOWMANVILLE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-83-94 be received; 2 . THAT Hard-Co Construction Limited, Whitby, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $1, 151,009 .59 , being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL94-13, be awarded the contract for the Church Street Reconstruction, Bowmanville, as required by the Department of Public Works; 3 . THAT the attached By-law marked Schedule "A" be forwarded to Council for approval; 4 . THAT the Municipality of Clarington's share of the total project cost be drawn from the Public Works Lot Levy Reserve Funds; and 5 . THAT the additional funds required of approximately $137, 338 . 00 be financed from the Public Works Lot Levy Reserve Fund; FORTHWITH. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Tender specifications were provided by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates for the Church Street Reconstruction, Bowmanville, as required by the Department of Public Works and as approved under the Canada Ontario Infrastructure Works Program. I Tenders were advertised in the local newspapers, as well as the Daily Commercial News . Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as per Schedule "B" attached. 709 PAPS ilIi51S f`IitP EU IX!FEUYU LCU PAPE q REPORT NO. : TR-83-94 PAGE 2 TENDER CL94-13, CHURCH STREET RECONSTRUCTION I i The total net project cost ($969,338.76 less $32,000 .00 GST Rebate) , as detailed in the letter from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, marked Schedule "C" is estimated at $937,338. 00 ( $1, 151, 009 .59 Contract plus $254,720. 00 Engineering, Construction Administration, Utility Relocation, Soils Report, Contingency minus I $436,390 . 83 Region of Durham Portion, minus $32,000 . 00 GST Rebate) . The Municipality of Clarington's share of the total project cost, approximately $404,005 .00, will be drawn from account #1110-00157- 0000, Public Works Lot Levy Reserve Fund. Under the original Infrastructure application, the Provincial/ Federal share of the $800, 00 .00 was $533,333.00 and the Municipal share was $266,667 . 00 . The tender price increases the Municipal contribution by $137,338 .00 to $404,005 .00 . The estimated balance in the Public Works Reserve Fund after all the Infrastructure Contribution, is approximately $1, 100,000 .00 . As a result of underestimating the Municipality's total project cost of $937,338 .00 is over the Canada Ontario Infrastructure Works Program application amount of $800,000. 00 . It is recommended that the additional funds required be drawn from the Public Works Lot Levy Reserve Fund. An information memo from the Director of Public Works has been distributed under separate cover which outlines the subsidy the Municipality would be entitled to if this project were to be completed under the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario grant process. I As this tender includes the construction of Sanitary Sewers for the Region of Durham, it is necessary that this project proceed as soon as possible, subsequently, a FORTHWITH approval is requested. i / 10 REPORT NO. : TR-83-94 PAGE 3 TENDER CL94-13, CHURCH STREET RECONSTRUCTION The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to the department needs, specifications, etc . , should be referred to the Director of Public Works . The low bidder has previously performed satisfactorily for the Municipality of Clarington. i Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, C ai6Marano, H.BSc . ,AMCT. , W.H. Stockwell, Treasurer Chief Administrative Officer i W.A. Evans, P.Eng. Director of Public Works MM*LB*ld i I i i SCHEDULE "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW # Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Hard-Co Construction Ltd., Whitby, Ontario for the Reconstruction of Church Street, Bowmanville. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington with the Corporation Seal, a contract between Hard-Co Construction Ltd. and said Corporation. By-law read a first and second time this day of September, 1994. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of September, 1994. Mayor Clerk i I i 712 SCHEDULE "B" BID SUMMARY CL94-13, CHURCH STREET RECONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR BID PRICE Hard-Co Construction Limited $1, 151,009 .59 Duntri Construction $1,296,346 . 73 Dagmar Construction $1,317,051.64 Empire Paving Ltd. $1,464,494 . 02 I 713 I SEP-13-194 TUE 16:28 TSN CODOURG FAX NO, 905 372 3621 P. 02/03 I SCHEDULE �,C�� i � t E V3 DIVISION STREET, P.O. BOX 910, COROURGI t ONTARIO, CewAOA K9A 4W4 toner sires hubicki assoclafieso FAX (905)372.3621 N rs. Lou A= Birket.t, Purchasing and Supply Agent Couporation of the Municipality of Clarington Municipal Administration Centre 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVIL LE, Ontario LIC 3A6 September 13, 1994 Dc,ar Mrs, Birkett: Rot Church Street. Reconstruction, Tempertuice Street to Liberty Street, Bowrrian011e Contract Nu. CL94-13 Tonders for the above project were Opened at the Municipal Offices on Friday, Septer.;.,ber 9, 1994. The bids received inclusive of GST Charges are Summarized as follows: CO�ttractor $id.;`1;'iCe ; Empire Paving Lid, $1,464,494.02 Dagtnar Construction 51,317,051.64 Duntri Construction $1,296,346.73 Pard-Co Construction Limited 51,151,(109.59 Engineer's Fetim.,AA $1,263,000.00 We have checked the low bidder's tender and wish to advise that all requirements havoy been satisfactorily laddressed, An Agreement to Build and a deposit cheque in the amount of $75,000,00 accompanied the bid, Hard-Co Construction Limited has undertaken work under the supervision of of r cotrpnny, the most recent projects being Brooklyn Road Improvements, $1,400,000.00 and Mary Street ]Load Improvements $2.50,000.00, both contracts in 1994. 'In 1993 the company also completed contracts i'or the Region of Durham, City of Oshawa and the Town of Ajax ;For a total value of approximately $2,000,000.00. 1:efercncc5 that we have checked Nvith the Region cif Durh.arll, City of Oshawa and Town of Ajax indicate I tl at bard-Co is a competent Contractor and that the duality of workmanship is satisfactory, We are also advised that the company is financially sound, We are also cautioned that this Contra.+rtor requires j supervision by experienced staff and that claims :For extra payment are routine. Can the basis of work completed and eommein n?ceived we rr conumnd acceptance'ot Me low Did of Eard-Co Construction Limited. GNaINEERS ARCHITFwTS AND PLANNERS 714 SEP-93-94 TUE 16:29 TSH OOBOURG FAX W. 905 372 3621 P- 03/03 1\1"nic-iNdity of Clarington CL94-13 t SC.?tCmber 13, 1994 The total value Of thew chargeable to th'e Municipality Of Clarington is estimated Es follows; 4 1. section I Roadworks $652,347.0 n] 2. Section 4 - General lterilS (prorated) I `i 3. Contingencies $26,000.00 4. Design and Tendering(Jan. 1, 1904 to Sept. 72,500.00 17, 199,1)- CST included Contract Administration I 0 0 0 72,000,00 6. Utility Relocation 70,000.OQ 7. Soils Report 4_0_00.0 Sub-Total $912,368,0o GST on 1. 2, 5, 6 and 7 TOTAL 76 CST rebate on the above figure Of$969,QQU•00 is $32,000.00 approximately. This gil,'es overall Vera. COS-t of$937,000.00 which is the figure COMParable to the Infrastructure approve fi_qur�.- of$800,G00,00. All deposit cheollf's � - (other than those of the low and second low bids) inay now be released. Yours truly, W;tefl sims hubick! associates R. A. Kempton, P,Eug, "..K/rd PC: Mr. W. A. Evans, P,Eng. Mr. D, Patterson, CET A., S. C.innella, CFT Ms. K. Rand Ms, Lori Gordon 715 totten aims hubirki associates SEP-14-94 WED 13:48 TSH GOBOURG FAX 1,10. 905 3-12 3621 P. 02102 513 DIVIMoN vrAE<_r, p,O, BOX 910, COBUVEG totter rims hubicki associdtes oNTApl h, CANi.DA K0q 4W4 (905)772.1121 FAX(905)372.365!1 i M:r. J.G, Maker Manager of Administrative Services Rl,'yional Municipality of Durham : ~ P,O, Box 623, 105 Consumers Drive - WHITBY, Ontario L1N 6A3 S(Vember 13, 1994 D.-ar Sir: R.,,: Church Street Reconstruction, Temper2mce Street to Liberty Street, RoEN'Vja"VMe, Municipality of Clarington, Contract No. CL94-13 Tenders for the above contract vkeTF'. opened at th(: Municipality of Clarington offices on Friday, Soptember 9, 1994. A sunrtnary of the bids received and a copy of the tender advenis; ment is attached. The summary of bids forms part of our report to 'the Municipality of Clarington, a cnf�;Y of which is at:ached for your information. The cost of the Region's works within the contract are summarized as follows,, By Contract: Section 2, Sanitary Sewers $177,633.90 Section 3, Wwermain 2CU,729.x, Section 4, Genera 1, lira-rated 9,479 00 Section 5, Contingency AllowancE: 20,000,00 Conmtruction Administration 40 000 00 Sub-Total $447,841,90 C.S.T. 31_ 3,_48 93 Total $479,190.83 The above estimate does not include engineering design costs previously invoiced. ,Y7ur approval of the award of the contract to Hard-Co Construction Ltd. is requested. Y:)urs very truly i tatten sims hubicki associates R.A. Kempton, P.Eng. Design Manager RAKIag at 1. P(;; Mr. W,A, Evans, P.Eng., Director of Public WUrks Mr, A.S. Cannella, CET, Manager of Engineering �vMr. D. Patterson, CET, Manager of Operations F_N�1NI,ERS"�C tSC►a1 CT5 Me rp I>urNERinng & Supply Agent 634?E3±30iiU3.6ic