HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-100-94 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PORT Meeting: ENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE g� File# L� j Date: December 12, 1994 Res. # By-Law# Report#:__�R_�0 g4. File#: Subject: THE EMPLOYMENT EQUITY PROCESS - BILL 79 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-100-94 be received; 2. THAT the process outlined in Report TR-100-94 to comply with the Employment Equity legislation, Bill 79, be endorsed; 3. THAT a copy of this report be provided to the Executive Director of the Clarington Library, Ms. B. Baker, with an invitation to participate in the Municipality's Employment Equity Process; 4. THAT the President of C.U.P.E. Local #74, Mr. Steve Harding and the President of the Fire Fighters' Association Local #3139, Mr. Ron Klosinski, be provided a copy of this report and requested to provide the Chief Administrative Officer with the names of the representatives who will form part of the co-ordinating committee; 5. THAT the Bowmanville and Clarke Museum employees be provided a copy of Report TR-100-94 and that their staff be included in the Municipal Employment Equity Plan; I 6. THAT the co-ordinating committee(s) required to implement Employment Equity be established as soon as possible; 7. THAT each Department Head be authorized to post a copy of Report TR-100-94 in locations to make the information in Report TR-100-94 available or accessible to all employees; 8. THAT information sessions to inform all employees about Employment Equity be set up by the co-ordinating committee(s) and conducted as soon as possible in 1995; I 701 RPAPF�R� RECYCLE TH6 G PLLWG a1 RECYCLED PAPER TR-100-94 Page 2 9. THAT consultants for Employment Equity be utilized on an "as required" basis to assist staff in establishing the Employment Equity process and developing the Employment Equity Plan; 10. THAT all new employees be provided a copy of the Employment Equity survey and informed of the principles of Employment Equity and the purpose of the survey; and 11. THAT staff report back to Council with the proposed Employment Equity Plan, the Certificate, and the Report for endorsement prior to the posting of the Plan. BACKGROUND: 1.0 The Legislation: 1.1 The Ontario Employment Equity Act came into effect on September 1, 1994. The Act sets timetables for implementation related to the size of the organization. The Municipality of Clarington falls into the category of "Broader Public Sector' with more than ten (10) employees and as such, Employment Equity Plans must be filed by March 1, 1996. 1.2 The purpose of this legislation is to set Employment Equity principles, which aim to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all people. Approximately three-quarters of Ontario's workforce is covered by the Employment Equity Act and there is an obligation for employers to make reasonable progress in achieving the principles set out by the Act. 2.0 The Designated Groups: 2.1 The legislation sets out four (4) designated groups for which the principles of Employment Equity apply: • Women • Aboriginal peoples • Racial minorities • Handicapped peoples 3.0 The Principles of Employment Equity: 3.1 The five (5) principles of Employment Equity as stated in the Act, are as follows: • Entitlement: That members of designated groups have the right to be considered for jobs, hired, retained, treated and promoted at work without having to face discriminatory barriers; 702 I TR-100-94 Page 3 • Representation: That over time, every employer's workforce, at each level and in each job category, should reflect the representation of designated groups in the community; • Fair practices: That every employer must make sure that it's employment policies and practices are free of systemic and deliberate barriers (example: ensuring that job requirements are not set higher than the minimum required to perform the job and ensuring that hiring practices, such as testing is not in excess of that required for the job); • Positive measures: That every employer must put in place positive measures to help recruit, employ, retain, promote and treat fairly members of the designated groups (example: focused outreach recruitment, internal training to promote opportunities for promotions, transfers and advancement, career counselling and mentoring or bridging programs); and i • Supportive measures: That every employer must put in place supportive measures to help recruit, employ, retain, promote and treat fairly members of the designated groups and that will benefit the workforce as a whole (example: flexible work hours to allow balance of work and family, daycare facilities, etc.). i 4.0 Representation: i 4.1 Bargaining agents, under the Act, represent their respective members only, and where there is more than one bargaining agent, a co-ordinating committee must be established. It is recommended that the Municipality of Clarington meet with the respective representatives of the C.U.P.E. Local #74 (inside and outside) and the Clarington Fire Fighters' Association, Local #3139 and the non-affiliated staff to form one co-ordinating committee. There is a requirement that there be equal representation on both sides, ie. management or non-affiliated and bargaining units. 4.2 It is also recommended that the Clarington Library staff be invited to participate in the process. This will provide consistency in the application of the Employment Equity legislation. 4.3 The staff of the Bowmanville and Clarke Museums will be included in the workforce survey and informed of the process, but it is not considered necessary to include representatives on the committee due to the potential for the size of the committee to become excessive. 4.4 There is some question as to the extent of an employer's obligation to include outside contractors who derive most of their revenue or business from the Municipality in the Municipal Plan. Staff will be seeking clarification on this issue with the municipal labour j relations counsel. 705 i TR-100-94 Page 4 5.0 Basic Four (4) Steps: 5.1 Employers and bargaining agents jointly have an obligation under the legislation to follow four (4) basic steps: i) Inform employees about the Employment Equity principles and process and consult with employees and designated groups. ii) Survey the workforce to determine the representation of members of the designated groups within the organization. iii) Review workplace policies and practices to eliminate barriers which inhibit employment opportunities for the designated groups in the workforce. This exercise is referred to as an Employment Systems Review (E.S.R.). iv) Plans are developed to remove any identified barriers and make reasonable progress towards achieving Employment Equity, review and revise plans as necessary. The employer is solely responsible for the implementation of the plan. 6.0 Informing and Consulting: 6.1 Prior to the workforce survey, employers must set up a process to consult with employees, including designated group members, who are not represented by a bargaining agent. Employees must be consulted about the workforce survey, the review of employment policies and practices and the Employment Equity Plan which applies to them. 6.2 If there are no members of a particular designated group represented in the organization, the employer must request information from the Employment Equity Commission on how to address the concerns of this group. 6.3 Bargaining agents must consult with their members who are designated group members. If a bargaining agent has no members from a particular designated group or if members of that designated group do not participate in the consultation, it must also request information from the Employment Equity Commission on how to address concerns of that group. I 6.4 Staff propose to set up through the co-ordinating committee, information sessions in January/February 1995 to consult with and inform all employees about Employment Equity. i 7 04 TR-100-94 Page 5 7.0 Workforce Survey: 7.1 Employers and bargaining agents jointly must conduct a workforce survey which will establish a profile of the organization indicating the extent to which designated group members are present in the workplace. The survey helps identify areas where designated groups are under-represented. 7.2 The information complied from the survey is compared to the representation of the designated groups in the community profile. For purposes of the community profile comparison, the Municipality of Clarington has been included in the Oshawa Census Metropolitan Area (CMA). This area includes Whitby, Oshawa and Clarington. Statistics Canada has divided the Province into large urban area groupings together with adjacent urban and rural areas. The statistics to be used in this analysis will not be available from the Province until early 1995. 7.3 The workforce survey must be distributed to each employee of the municipality (permanent, part-time, seasonal and students who work regular hours) and there must be 100% return of the survey in order to comply with the legislation and to complete the organization profile. The seasonal employee results however, are not used in the establishment of the numerical goals. 7.4 There are four (4) obligatory questions to be included on the survey: • For the purposes of employment equity, women are a designated group. Are you ? Male r] Female • For the purposes of employment equity, a person is an Aboriginal person if he or she is a member of the Indian, Inuit or Metis peoples of Canada. Based on this description, do you consider yourself to be an Aboriginal person? Yes 0 Nor) • For the purposes of employment equity, a person is a person with a disability if the person has a persistent physical, mental, psychiatric, sensory or learning impairment and, i) the person considers himself or herself to be disadvantaged in employment by reason of that impairment, or ii) the person believes that an employer or potential employer is likely to consider the person to be disadvantaged in employment by reason of that impairment. Based on this description, do you consider yourself to be a person with a disability? Yes C3 No 705 I I TR-100-94 Page 6 • For the purposes of employment equity, a person is a member of a racial minority if the person is, because of his or her race or colour, in a visible minority in Ontario. The fact that a person is an Aboriginal person does not make him or her a member of racial minority. Based on this description do you consider yourself to be a member of a racial minority? Yes 0 No 7.5 Although each person in the organization must complete a questionnaire, the onus is on the individual to volunteer the information, ie. an individual who is physically handicapped but does not feel that the particular handicap reduces the opportunity of employment, may choose to answer that they are not handicapped on the questionnaire. The employer has no right to correct the information presented since the process is aimed at self identification. For this reason, the employee information sharing and consultation process is critical to the overall success of the survey results. 8.0 Review of Policies and Practices (or Employment Systems Review): 8.1 The co-ordinating committee must review all.policies and practices which are currently used to recruit, hire, promote, transfer and treat employees to identify any which might adversely affect any employment opportunities for designated groups. 8.2 Once identified, the methods of eliminating the barriers must be built into the Employment Equity Plan(s). 9.0 Plan(s): 9.1 The co-ordinating committee will develop a plan or plans, which will set out the results of i the survey and the employment systems review and defines measures and actions proposed to accomplish Employment Equity by removing barriers and setting numerical goals. 9.2 The Plan should specifically set out: i 1. Barrier elimination measures. 2. Positive measures. 3. Supportive measures. 4. Accommodative measures. 5. Numerical goals. 6. Specific timelines. i 7. Monitoring system for the plan's implementation. 8. Description of consultation systems, with employees regarding all aspects of Employment Equity. 7 0b I I TR-100-94 Page 7 10.0 Numerical Goals: 10.1 In order to make the workplace representative of the community, numerical goals are to be established. The goals are determined jointly by the employer and the bargaining agents. They are defined as the proportion of job openings in an occupational group that an employer targets for members of the designated groups. The openings and targeting is applicable to new hirings and promotions or transfers within the organization. 10.2 The Employment Equity plan will set a numerical goal for each designated group in each of the fourteen (14) national occupational groups identified by the province. Numerical goals are not set for seasonal employees. The list of the National Occupational Groups is identified on Schedule "B" attached. i 10.3 The employers are responsible for setting the numerical goals and the timeliness for achieving them, however, in an effort to make reasonable progress in achieving them, there is an onus on the employer to train members of designated groups for job openings likely to occur over the three (3) year life of the plan. i 11.0 Certificates and Reports: 11.1 Once the Employment Equity Plan has been completed, the Municipality has six (6) months in which to file with the Commission, a certificate signed by the Mayor as the Chief Executive Officer, which certifies the following: 1. Employees were informed and consulted as required by the Act and Regulations; 2. That the workforce survey was conducted; 3. That an employment systems review of policies and practices was completed; 4. That the employment equity plan was prepared; 5. The number of employees in each of the fourteen (14) national occupational j groups and the number of designated group members in each occupational group; 6. The measures identified to be implemented through the plan; and 7. That reports required by the Regulations were prepared. i i The certificate must be posted in the workplace. 11.2 The Report must be prepared within six (6) months of the start of the plan. The Report sets out the following: I a) The number of employees in each occupational group and the number of designated group members in each occupational group, broken down between males and females (any numbers of less than five (5) must not identify the actual number but must be recorded as "less than five"). i i TR-100-94 Page 8 b) The number of employees who returned the workforce survey/questionnaire and the number of surveys that were completed. C) The specific positive, supportive and accommodative measures that are to be completed during the term of the plan. 11.3 The Report must be posted in the workplace. 11.4 The Municipality's Report must be filed with the Employment Equity Commission. 11.5 In order to assess the success of the exercise, an additional report must be prepared within six (6) months after the end of the Plan which identifies: a) the numerical goals set out in the plan; b) for each occupational group: the total number of employees and number of designated group members at the beginning and end of the plan; C) for permanent full-time employees, permanent part-time employees, term employees and seasonal employees: total number of each and, for each of these groups, number of designated group members (with breakdown between male and female in each) at beginning and end of the plan; d) number of workforce survey questionnaires returned prior to start of plan and number of those completed; e) for each occupational group: number of job openings (ie. hires, promotions, transfers) during plan and number of those filled by designated group members (with breakdown between male and female for each group); f) for each occupational group: number of persons who ceased to be employed within group and number of designated group members among them (with breakdown j between male and female for each group); and g) measures implemented during term of plan. i 11.6 This Report must also be posted in the workplace. 11.7 This post-plan Report also must be filed with Employment Equity Commission. i TR-100-94 Page 9 12.0 Implementation Summary: 1. Establishment of a co-ordinating committee. 2. Committee establishes time frame and process to be followed. 3. Inform employees on purpose of Act and the implementation process. 4. Conduct workforce survey. 5 Classify all employees into national occupational codes. 6. Review employment policies and practices. 7 Recommend/develop: positive/supportive/accommodative measures. 8. Develop an employment equity plan and certificate, for presentation to Council. 9. Post plan, and certificate in all areas of the workplace. 10. Submit certificates to Employment Equity Commission. 11. Report compiled (within six (6) months of the Plan). 12. Submit copy of Report to Commission. 13. Post copy of Report. 14. Implement plan. 15. Monitor plan annually/review every three (3) years and complete Reports. 12.1 The major requirements of the Employment Equity Plan and associated process are identified in a table format on Schedule "A" attached. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, � fffddd r e A. Marano, H.BSc., A.M.C.T., W.H. Stockwell, Treasurer. Chief Administrative Officer. MM/hjl Attachments: 1. Schedule "A": Table: Requirements of the Employment Equity Plan/Process 2. Schedule "B": List of Occupational Codes 3. Schedule "C": Copy of Bill 79 Legislation 4. Schedule "D": Copy of Regulations to Bill 79 I I i I i Schedule "A" Requirements of the Employment Equity Plan/Process n`.:,>,. Ries o s�bIt> > >>' >?'?! '> F."., ::..: ::<:::»: ......Muriici a > > .; U`' : >><.::;.;::.>:.;:.::.;:.;:.: .;:;.;:.;;:.:::.::::::::::.:::::::::::.::.::::::::::::.:::: .:::::::: :.::.: vn . ::::::::nploye�ea ;:: :...:.:. ... ...:....X.- xx Inform all employees about: • the principles of employment equity before 1/ NI taking any other steps; • the purpose of the workforce survey, the V, review of employment policies and practices, and the employment equity plan before each of these is started. Post or make available related information Not applicable Provide all information to the bargaining Not applicable agents that is necessary for them to effectively carry out their joint responsibilities. Cirrieult t Consulting with non-affiliated employees Not applicable about the survey and the plan. Provide an effective means for non-affiliated Not applicable employees to identify barriers and comment on the employer's proposals for the plan(s). Consult with employees of each designated 1/ 1/ group. Request information from the Commission if there are no employees being consulted from a particular designated group. Make related information accessible to Not applicable employees. ftox; u ;.. ....... 3 ..:::::::::::::.::::.:..........................................:.::.:::::.:::::::::::::.::::.:.::.::::::.:::::::.:.;::.;:.:.::::::::::::::::::::.: Survey: • distribute a survey questionnaire to every employee; • make reasonable efforts to help employees understand or complete the questionnaire; • ensure every employee returns the •f questionnaire. I ............ 0 P... From the survey determine the representation U. of designated group members: • within the workforce; 1/ Not applicable • within the occupational groups. V, Keep the survey up to date. evi ew.of.Em «? Xo :ui+e nt..PrLc�es:. n Practices:::>:::;:::>:::;<.,..;.::.;>::::>;::::>::::>::::;>:::>::;<::>::>:::;;>:.;::>::>::::>::::>:::::::::::<::::::::>?:.::;::::;::;:<:::'::: »' Examine to determine barriers in: • Employment policies and practices for V, 1/ recruiting, hiring, retaining, treating and promoting employees; • How employees are trained and developed, 1/ V/ and how salaries and benefits are determined. ent'E: t`.;:.Pl ... ............. .: Indicate: • barriers that will be removed during the plan; • barriers that will be removed during subsequent plans; • positive and supportive measures that will be implemented; • timetables for implementing the measures; 1/ V, • how implementing the measures will be monitored; • the numerical goals for the designated groups in each be occupational group, that will be achieved during the plan period, and a description of how they were set; • timetables for achieving numerical goals; • how implementing the numerical goals will 1/ 1, be monitored. TJCata o ectivn::and.::Mawt ........... ............. Establish and maintain records on: • designated group membership, if any; 1/ Not applicable • employment history of all employees; Not applicable • occupational group classification of all Not applicable employees. 2 i I «<;: '::.................e i::`::!.:..i':i:.....i" i:::r:::::ii:::_:i'i'?%i:::2'''+:J:ai:i: _ ::',::>::: .Res .nstbt zt ........ FO p ........._.._ .:;;.:;;;:>;;;; : UntQZts :<:;.>::::>::>:::< ep: records up to date, confidential and used Not applicable only for employment equity purposes; • employment equity plan and background 1/ Not applicable information for three years after plan expires; • survey questionnaire and related Not applicable information until the next survey is completed. 0btainii external employment equity data. Not applicable File a certificate(s) with the Commission no later than six months after the plan(s) comes into force. State that the employer has: • provided information and carried out consultations required under the Act; • conducted a workforce survey, reviewed V/ policies and practices and prepared an employment equity plan(s); • indicate the numbers of employees and V, numbers of designated group members in the national occupational groups; • reports required by Regulations were prepared; • describe the measures to be implemented 1/ }/ during the term of the plan. Post the certificate in the workplace. 1( Not applicable < e< ; !><; Prepare a report(s) on the plan(s) within six Not applicable (6) months after the plan(s) comes into force. The Report indicates the number of: • employees in each occupational group; 1/ Not applicable • employees who returned a questionnaire; Not applicable • questionnaires that were completed; Not applicable • designated group members in each 1/ Not applicable occupational group; *identifies measures to be implemented 1/ Not applicable during the term of the plan. Report must be posted in the workplace Not applicable Report is filed with the Commission 1/ Not applicable 3 i j _... _:: . s ._nit t t :::::.....;:.:.........._>: >: ;:;:.l �n� . y P Keep: j • records up to.date, confidential and used Not applicable only for employment equity purposes; • employment equity plan and background 1! Not applicable information for three years after plan expires; • survey questionnaire and related 1/ Not applicable information until the next survey is completed. Obtain external employment equity data. Not applicable `er.: atsa....:: .:.:;:.:;;:.;:;:: :.;. ... ............:........ File a certificate(s) with the Commission no V/ later than six months after the plan(s) comes into force. State that the employer has: • provided information and carried out consultations required under the Act; • conducted a workforce survey, reviewed policies and practices and prepared an employment equity plan(s); • indicate the numbers of employees and numbers of designated group members in the national occupational groups; • reports required by Regulations were V/ prepared; • describe the measures to be implemented 1/ V, during the term of the plan. Post the certificate in the workplace. 1/ Not applicable e' Prepare a report(s) on the plan(s) within six Not applicable (6) months after the plan(s) comes into force. The Report indicates the number of: • employees in each occupational group; Not applicable • employees who returned a questionnaire; 1/ Not applicable • questionnaires that were completed; 1/ Not applicable • designated group members in each 1/ Not applicable occupational group; *identifies measures to be implemented Not applicable during the term of the plan. Report must be posted in the workplace 1/ Not applicable Report is filed with the Commission 1/ Not applicable (. 3 . 5 .. Mu p is A post-plan Report must be prepared within 1/ Not applicable six (6) months after the end of the initial plan. Note: Information extrapolated from a Provincial Government Publication on Employment Equity. i i I 7 15 4 SCHEDULE "B" EMPLOYMENT EQUITY OCCUPATIONAL GROUPS 1. Senior Managers 2. Middle and Other Managers 3. Professionals (Skill Level A) 4. Semi-Professionals & Technicians (Skill Level B) 5. Supervisors - Clerical, Sales & Service (Skill Level B) 6. Supervisors - Manufacturing, Processing, Trades and Primary Industry (Skill Level B) 7. Administrative & Senior Clerical (Skill Level B) 8. Sales and Service (Skill Level B) 9. Skilled Crafts and Trades (Skill Level B) 10. Clerical Workers (Skill Level C) 11. Sales and Service (Skill Level C) 12. Semi-Skilled Manual Workers (Skill Level C) 13. Sales and Service (Skill Level D) 14. Other Manual Workers (Skill Level D) 114 SCHEDULE "C" *-V 3RD SESSION, 35tH LEGISLATURE, ONTARIO Y SESSION,35`LEGISLATURE,ONTARIO 42 ELIZABETH II, 1993 42 ELIZABETH 11, 1993 Bill 79 Projet de loi 79 (Chapter 35 (Chapitre 35 Statutes of Ontario, 1993) Lois de I'Ontario de 1993) An Act to provide for Employment Loi prevoyant 1'equite en matiere Equity for Aboriginal People, People d'emploi pour les autochtones, les j with Disabilities,Members of Racial personnes handicapees, les membres Minorities and Women des minorites raciales et les femmes i l The Hon. E. Ziemba L'honorable E. Ziemba Minister of Citizenship Ministee des Affaires civiques 1st Reading June 25, 1992 12 lecture 25 juin 1992 2nd Reading July 19, 1993 2`lecture 19 juillet 1993 3rd Reading December 9, 1993 3`lecture 9 decembre 1993 j Royal Assent December 14, 1993 Sanction royale 14 decembre 1993 Printed by the Legislative Assembly Imprime par 1'Assemblee legislative of Ontario de 1'Ontario Bill 79 1993 Projet de loi 79 1993 An Act to provide for Employment Loi prevoyant 1'equite en matiere Equity for Aboriginal People, People d'emploi pour les autochtones, les with Disabilities, Members of Racial personnes handicapees, les membres Minorities and Women des minorites raciales et les femmes CONTENTS SOMINWRE PART I PARTIE I EMPLOYMENT EQUITY $QUITE EN MATIERE D'EMPLOI 1. Entitlement 1. Droit 2. Employment equity principles 2. Principes d'dquitd en matiere d'emploi PART II PARTTE II GENERAL DISPOSITIONS GtN# ALES INTERPRETATION INTERPRETATION 3. Definitions 3. Definition 4. Designated groups 4. Groupes ddsignds 5. Legitimate requirements, handicaps, special S. Exigences ligitimes, handicaps, emplois employment particuliers 6. Plan to prevail 6. Incompatibilitd APPLICATION APPuCATTON 7. Application of Parts III, IV and VI 7. Application des parties III, IV et VI 8. Crown bound 8. La Couronne est fide PART III PARTTE III OBLIGATIONS OBLIGATIONS OBLIGATIONS OBLIGATIONS 9. Implementation and maintenance of 9. Mise en oeuvre et maintien de 1'dquitd en employment equity matiere d'emploi 10. Collection of workforce information 10. Collecte de renseignements sur les effectifs 11. Review of employment policies 11. Examen des politiques en matiere d'emploi 12. Employment equity plan 12. Programmes d'equitd en matiere d'emploi 13. Standard re contents of plan 13. Norme relative au contenu du programme 14. Implementation of plan 14. Mise en oeuvre du programme 15. Review and revision of plan 15. Examen et revision du programme { 16. Joint responsibilities, employer and 16. Responsabilitds conjointes de 1'employeur et t.. bargaining agent deI'agent ndgociateur 17. Consultation with unrepresented employees 17. Consultation des employis non reprdsentis 18. Duty to post information 18. Obligation d'afficher des renseignements j 19. Employment equity records 19. Dossiers d'6quit6 en matiere d'emploi (� 20. Reports to the Commission 20. Rapports i la Commission APPLICATION TO TFIE COMMISSION DEMANDE PRESENTI=E A LA COMMISSION 21. Access to Information 21. Axes aux renseignements .. ExEMPTIONS ExEMPrtoNs 22. Regulations re Aboriginal workplaces 22. Reglements relatifs aux lieux de travail autochtones IMPLEMENTATICN MISE EN 0EUvRE 23. Time to comply, existing employers 23. Dalai pour se conformer. employeurs 24. If exemption ceases to apply, broader public existants sector 24. L'exemption cesse de s'appliquer, secteur parapublic 2 Bill 79 EMPLOYMENT EQUITY 1993 PART TV PARTIE IV ENFORCEMENT APPLICATION AUDIT AND ENFORCEMENT VERIFICATION ET APPLICATION BY THE COMMISSION PAR LA COMMISSION 25. Commission audit 25. Verification par la Commission 26. Settlement with Commission 26. Reglement 27. Commission order to comply 27. Ordonnance de se conformer de la Commission APPLICATIONS To THE TRIBUNAL REOUtrES AU TRIBUNAL 28. Application by Commission 28. Requete presentee par la Commission 29. Application for failure to implement plan or 29. Requete en cas d'omission settlement 30. Requetes, responsabilitds conjointes 30. Applications re joint responsibilities 31. Requete presentee par 1'employd, . 31. Application by employee re joint responsabilites conjointes responsibilities ' 32. Requete, employeurs 32. Application re employers 33. Requete,manoeuvre d'intimidation 33. Application re intimidation, etc. 34. Avis i la Commission 34. Notice to Commission 35. Mediation 35. Mediation 36. Parties 36. Parties 37. Pouvoir de rendre des ordonnances 37. Power to make orders 38. Competence exclusive 38. Exclusive jurisdiction OFFENCES INFRACTIONS 39. Confidentiality of information 39. Renseignements confidentiels 40. Obstruction 40. Interdiction d'entraver 41. Providing false information 41. Faux renseignements 42. Intimidation 42. Manoeuvres d'intimidation interdites 43. Offences and penalty 43. Infractions et peine 44. Consent to prosecution 44. Consentement PART V PARTIE V ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION EMPLOYMENT EQUrrY COMMISSION COMMISSION DE LIO M9 EN MATIERE D'EMPLAI 45. Commission established 45. Cr6ation de la Commission 46. Functions of the Commission 46. Fonctions de la Commission 47. Policy directives 47. Directives en matibre de pofitiques 48. Commission rules 48. Regles de la Commission 49. Annual report 49. Rapport annuel 50. Advisory councils 50. Conseils consultatifs EMPLQYMENT EQUrrY TRIBUNAL TRIBUNAL DE Ltourr£ EN.MAT13tRE D EMPL.OI 51. Tribunal established 51. Crdation du Tribunal 52. Panels of the Tribunal 52. Comites du Tribunal 53. Tribunal rules 53. R6gles du Tribunal PART VI PARTTE VI MISCELLANEOUS AND REGULATIONS DISPOSITIONS DIVERSES ET R$GL.EMENTS 54. Employment equity: government contracts 54. $quite en mati6re d'emploi : contrats du 55. Regulations gouvemement 55. Reglements PART VII PARTIE VII CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENTS,REVIEW, MODIFICATIONS CORRELATIVES, EXAMEN, COMMENCEMENT AND SHORT TITLE ENTREE EN VIGUEUR ET TITRE ABREGE 56. Amendments to Human Rights Code 56. Modification du Code des droits de la 57. Review of the Act Personnel 58. Commencement 57. Examen de la presente loi 59. Short title 58. Entree en vigueur 59. Titre abrdge P. ble The people of Ontario recognize that Les Ontariens reconnaissent que le taux de Priambute Aboriginal people, people with disabilities. chomage est plus elevd chez les autochtones, members of racial minorities and women les personnes handicapees, les membres des dw 1993 $ouIrlr EN MAn$RE.D'EMPLOI Pr. de loi 79 3 experience higher rates of unemployment minoritis raciales et les femmes que chez les than other people in Ontario. The people of autres Ontariens. Its reconnaissent en outre1 Ontario also recognize that people in these que les membres de ces groupes sont plus groups experience more discrimination than souvent victimes de discrimination que le other people in finding employment, in reste de la population pour ce qui est de retaining employment and in being pro- trouver un emploi, de le conserver et d'obte- moted. As a result, they are underrepre- nir de Pavancement. En consequence, ils sented in most areas of employment, espe- sont sous-representes dans la plupart des sec- , cially in senior and management positions, teurs d'emploi, en particulier dans les postes and they are overrepresented in those areas de niveau superieur et de direction, et sur- of employment that provide low pay and lit- representes dans les secteurs d'emploi a fai- tle chance for advancement. The burden ble remuneration et pour lesquels it existe imposed on the people in these groups and peu de possibilites d'avancement. Le fardeau on the communities in which they live is impose aux membres de ces grouper et aux unacceptable. cohectivites daps lesquelles ils vivetit est inac- ceptable. The people of Ontario recognize that this Les Ontariens reconnaissent que le manque lack of employment equity exists in both the d'equite en matiere d'emploi existe i la fois public and private sectors of Ontario. It is dans le secteur public et dans le secteur prive caused in part by systemic and intentional de I'Ontario. Ce manque resulte en partie de } discrimination in employment. People of la discrimination systemique et intentionnelle merit are too often overlooked or denied en matiere d'emploi. Trop souvent, it West f„ opportunities because of this discrimination. pas tenu compte de gens de valeur ou ceux-ci The people of Ontario recognize that when se voient refuser des possibilites en raison de objective standards govern employment cette discrimination. Les Ontariens recon- opportunities, Ontario will have a workforce naisserit que lorsque des normes objectives that is truly representative of its society. regiront les possibilites d'emploi, !'Ontario sera dotee d'une main-d'oeuvre veritable- merit representative de sa society. The people of Ontario have recognized in Les Ontariens ont reconnu, dans le Code des the Human Rights Code the inherent dignity droits de la personne, la dignite inherente a s. and equal and inalienable rights of all mem- tous les membres de la famille humaine et bers of the human family and have recog- leurs droits egaux et inaliynables. Its ont nized those rights in respect of employment reconnu ces droits a 1'egard de l'emploi dans in such statutes as the Employment Standards des lois comme la Loi sur les normes Act and the Pay Equity Act. This Act d'emploi et la Loi sur Piquire salariale- La extends the principles of those Acts and has prysente loi etend les ptncppes enonces dans as its object the amelioration of conditions in ces Lois et elle a pour objet I'amelioration des employment for Aboriginal people, people conditions en matiere d'emploi pour les with disabilities, members of racial minorities autochtones, les personnel handicapees, les and women in all workplaces in Ontario and membres des minorites raeiales et les femmes li the provision of the opportunity for people in dans tous les lieux de travail in Ontario, aux- these groups to fulfil their potential in quels elle vise i donner la possibilite de reali- employment. ser leur potentiel d'emploi. The people of Ontario recognize that elimi- Les Ontariens reconnaissent que 1'e1imination nating discrimination in employment and de la discrimination en matiere d'emploi et le increasing the opportunity of individuals to fait de donner i chacun davantage de possi- contribute in the workplace will benefit all bilites d'apporter sa part dans le milieu de people in Ontario. travail leur profiteront i tous. Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the Pour ces motifs, Sa Majesty, sur'1'avis et advice and consent of the Legislative Assem- avec le consentement de I'Assemblee legisla- bly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as fol- tive de la province de I'Ontario, edicte lows: l PART I PARTIE I EMPLOYMENT EQUITY EQUTTE EN MATIERE D'EMPLOI Entitlement 1--(1) All people are entitled to equal 1 (1) Chacun a droit i un traitement egal Droit L treatment in employment in accordance with en matiere d'emploi conformement au Code the Human Rights Code. des droits de la personne. Aboriginal (2) Aboriginal people are entitled to be (2) Les autoChtones ont le droit de voir Autocntones people considered for employment, hired, retained, leur candidature etudiee en vue d'un emploi, d''itre embauches, d'etre gardes, d'etre trai- CJ i 4 Bill 79. EMPLOYMENT Eo vrrm 1993 treated and promoted in accord,,nce with t6s et d'etre promus confotm6ment aux prin- employment equity principles. cipes d'6quite on matiere d'emploi. People with (3) People with disabilities, members of (3) Les personnes handicap6es, les mem- Personnes disabilities, handicapees. racial minor- racial minorities and women are entitled to bres des minorit6s raciales et les femmes ont minon(es ities and be considered for employment, hired, le droit de voir leur candidature 6tudiee en raciales et women retained, treated and promoted in accor- vue d'un emploi, d'etre embauch6s, d'etre femmes dance with employment equity principles. gard6s, d'etre traites et d'etre promus confor- m6ment aux principes d'6quit6 on matiere d'emploi. Employment 2. The following principles of employ- 2 Ls principes d'6quit6 en matiere d'em- Principe' epr "' equity to pies ment a PP 1 throughout Ontario: P loi 6nonces ci-dessous s'a PP It uent P artout mati6 re d 'e m- en Ontario : ploi 1. Every Aboriginal person, every person 1. Tout autochtone, toute personne han- with a disability, every member of a dicap6e, tout membre dune minorit6 racial minority and every woman is raciale et toute femme a le droit de entitled to be considered for employ- voir sa candidature 6tudi6e en vue meat, hired, retained, treated and pro- d'un emploi, d'etre embauche, d'etre moted free of barriers, including sys- garde, d'etre trait6 et d'etre promu temic and deliberate practices and sans avoir a faire face i des obstacles, f policies, that discriminate against them notamment des pratiques et politiques as an Aboriginal person, as a person syst6miques et intentionnelles, qui with a disability, as a member of a sont discriminatoires a son endroit en racial minority or as a woman. tant qu'autochtone, personae handica- pee, membre d'une minorit6 raciale ou femme. ( 2. Every employer's workforce, in all 2. Les effectifs de tout employeur, dans occupational categories and at all lev- toutes les categories professionnelles els of employment, shall reflect the et i tous les echelons, refletent la representation of Aboriginal people, representation des autochtones, des people with disabilities, members- of personnes handicap6es, des membres racial minorities and women in the des minorit6s raciales et des femmes community. dans la collectiviti. 3. Every employer shall ensure that its 3. Tout employeur veille i ce que ses employment policies and practices, pratiques et politiques on matiere including its policies and practices with d'emploi, y compris ses pratiques et respect to recruitment, hiring, reten- politiques on matiere de recrutement, tion, treatment and promotion, are d'embauchage, de maintien, de traite- free of barriers, both systemic and meat et d'avancement, soient exemp- deliberate, that discriminate against tes d'obstacles, tant systemiques qu'in- Aboriginal people, people with disabil- tentionnels, qui sont discriminatoires i ities, members of racial minorities and 1'endroit des autochtones, des person- women. nes handicap6es, des membres des minoritds raciales et des femmes. 4. Every employer shall implement posi- 4. Tout employeur met en oeuvre des tive measures with respect to the mesures correctives i 1'egard du recru- recruitment, hiring, retention, treat- tement, de 1'embauchage, du main- ment and promotion of Aboriginal tien, du traitement et de 1'avancement people, people with disabilities, mem- des autochtones, des personnel handi- bers of racial minorities and women. cap6es, des membres des minorit6s raciales et des femmes. 5. Every employer shall implement sup- 5. Tout employeur met en oeuvre des portive measures with respect to the mesures de soutien i 1'6gard du recru- recruitment, hiring, retention, treat- tement, de 1'embauchage, du main- ment and promotion of Aboriginal tien, du<traitement et de 1'avancement people, people with disabilities, mem- des autochtones, des personnes handi- bers of racial minorities and women cap6es, des membres des minorit6s ' which also benefit the employer's raciales et des femmes, qui profitent workforce as a whole. aussi aux effectifs de 1'employeur dans leur ensemble. 7 I / 1 l�. 1993 8QUIT1=EN MA ntRE D'EMPLO] Pr. de loi 79 5 PART II PARTIE II GENERAL DISPOSMONS GENERALES ' INTERPRETATION INTERPRETATION Definitions 3.—(1) In this Act 3 (1) Les definitions qui suivent s'appli- Dffinicions quent i la presente loi. r "bargaining agent" means a trade union or «agent ndgociateur» Syndicat ou autre orga- other organization that, under any Act, nisation qui, en vertu d'une loi, est titu- has bargaining rights in respect of any unit laire de droits de negociation a 1 egard of employees; ("agent ndgociateur") d'une unite a laquelle appartiennent des "broader public sector" means the employers employes. («bargaining agent») r named in the Schedule to the Pay Equity «convention collective» Convention ecrite . Act and such other employers as may be conclue entre un employeur et un agent named or described in the regulations but negociateur et qui traite des conditions does not include the Ontario Public Ser- d'emploi. (*collective agreement») vice or such employers as may be named or described in the regulations; ("secteur «date .d'entree en vigueur», Date a laquelle parapublic") Particle 12 (programme d'equitd en mature d'emploi) entre en vigueur. "collective agreement" means an agreement, («effective date*) in writing between an employer and a bar- «em to e» S'entend d'un em toe erma- gaining agent covering terms and condi- P Y P Y P tions of employment; ("convention collec- tive") pdriode determine. Au sein de ces catdgo- ' Ties, s'entend en outre d'un particulier qui S "effective date" means the date on which travaille principalement a commission pour section 12 (employment equity plan) comes un employeur, d'un entrepreneur depen- into force; ("date d'entree en vigueur") dant ou d'autres qui sont designs dans les f; "employee" means a permanent employee, a reglements. («employee») seasonal employee and a term employee, «employeur» S'entend notamment de toute and within those categories, includes an entite, constituee en personne morale ou individual who is primarily working for an non, qui emploie un ou plusieurs employer on a commission basis, a depen- employes, d'un fiduciaire, d'un sequestre dent contractor and such others as are des- et d'une personne qui retient reguliere- ignated in the regulations; ("employe") ment les services d'autres sur toute autre "employer" includes any entity, whether or base que les reglements peuvent prescrire. not incorporated, that employs one or («employer») more employees, a trustee, a receiver and «employe saisonniev»Employe qui occupe un a person who regularly engages the ser- poste,lequel est occupe regulierement cha- vices of others on such other basis as may que annde pendant une pdriode precise. be prescribed by the regulations; ("em- («seasonal employee*) fl? ployeur") «em toY e embauche po ur une periode deter- "person" includes any entity, whether or not minde* Employd, autre qu'un employe incorporated; ("personne") permanent ou saisonnier, que ]'employeur "private sector employer" means an a employe ou, selon toutes attentes, va f employer other than the Crown in right of employer pendant trois mois consdcutifs ou Ontario or an employer in the broader plus. ('term employee*) public sector; ("employeur du secteur «employeur du secteur prive* Employeur qui pave") West ni la Couronne du chef de ]'Ontario L_ "regulations" means the regulations made ni un employeur du secteur parapublic. under this Act; ("rcglements") («private sector employer*) "seasonal employee" means an employee «personae» S'entend en outre de toute f who is employed in a position that is filled entite, constituee en personne morale ou for a.specific period of time on a regular non. (Verson*) basis each year, ("employe saisonnier") «reglemenw) Les reglements pris en applica- "term employee" means an employee, other tion de la presente loi. («regulations») than a permanent emoloyee or a seasonal «secteur parapublic» S'entend des employee, who has been or is expected to employeurs nommes dans ]'annexe de la be employed by the employer for three Loi sur I'equite salariale et des autres consecutive months or more. ("employe employeur qui peuvent titre nommes ou embauche pour une pdriode determine") d6crits dans les reglements. Sont exclus la 6 Bill 79 EVPLOYMENf EQUITY 1993 Fonction. publique de I'Ontario et les employeurs qui peuvent titre nommes ou decrits dans les rcglements. («broader public sector») Ontario (2) For the purposes of this Act, the (2) Pour !'application de la presente loi, la Fonction que de Public Crown in right of Ontario is considered to be Couronne du chef de I'Ontario est consideree rontario service the employer of the Ontario Public Service comme 1'employeur de la Fonction publique which, for the purposes of this Act, consists de I'Ontario qui, pour I'application de la of the people employed in the ministries of presente loi, se compose des individus the Crown and in those agencies, boards and employes dans les ministces de la Couronne commissions of the Crown which employ et dans les organismes, les conseils, les regies public servants appointed under the Public et les commissions de la Couronne qui Service Act. emploient des fonctionnaires nommes en vertu de la Loi sur la fonction publique. 3 Tous les autres organismes, conseils, Exception, Exception, (3) All other agencies, boards and com- ( ) other crown missions of the Crown are deemed to be sep- regies et commissions de la Couronne sont nismes de la agencies Couronne arate employers and the people working for reputes des employeurs distincts et les indivi- them are deemed to be their employees for dus qui travaillent pour eux sons reputes the purposes of this Act. leurs employes pour I'application de la pre- sente loi. (4) Subject to subsection (3), two or more (4) Sous reserve du paragraphe (3), deux E"'imiksun Deemed assuntles a un employers employers are deemed to constitute a single employeurs ou plus sont reputes constituer s<ul employer for the purposes of this Act if, un seul employeur pour 1'application de la employeur presente loi si,selon le cas : i (a) the employers are declared by the a) le Tribunal de 1'equite en maticre Employment Equity Tribunal under d'emploi declare, en vertu de Particle section 32 to constitute a single 32, que les employeurs constituent un employer; or seul employeur; (b) the employers are declared by the b) la Commission des relations de travail Ontario Labour Relations Board de l'Ontario declare, en vertu du para- under subsection 1 (4) of the Labour graphe 1 (4) de la Loi sur les relations Relations Act to constitute a single de travail, que les employeurs consti- employer for the purposes of that Act, tuent un seul employeur pour l'appli- regardless of whether the Board's dec- cation de cette loi, que la Commission laration was made in respect of all or ait rendu ou non son jugement decla- part of the employers'workforces. ratoire a 1'egard de la totalite ou d'une pantie des effectifs des employeurs- Existing (5) For the purposes of Parts III and IV, (5) Pour I'application des parties III et IV, ��oyeun employers j the number of employees that an employer le nombre d'em to es u'un employeur a a nombre Wcm- P Y q . employees has on the effectiv date is deemed to be the son service a la date d'entree en vtgueus est pl�G greater of, repute le plus grand des nombres suivants (a) the actual number of employees that a) le nombre reel d'employes que 1'em- the employer has on that date; and ployeur a a son service a cette date; (b) the greatest number of employees that b) le plus grand nombre d'employes que the employer had at any time during Yemployeur avait a son service a n'im- the twelve-month period ending on porte quel moment pendant la periode that date. de douze mois se terminant a cette date. Designated o le with disa- 4 Les autochtones, les personnes handica- o pup`s desi- 4. Aboriginal people, pe p groups bilities, members of racial minorities and pees, les membees des minorites ratxales et g" women constitute the designated groups for les femmes constituent les groupes designes the purposes of this Act. pour I'application de la presente loi. Exigences Legitimate 5. It is not a breach of this Act to give a 5 Ne constitue pas une violation de la IEgitimes. require- ments. hand- preference in hiring or to deny employment presente loi le fait d'actorder la preference a handicaps. :caps. special to someone if the preference or denial is one quelqu'un en maticre d'embai la pr ou de "l errs parti- emplovment that is permitted under the Human Rights refuser d'employer quelqu'un si la preference Code by section 11 (constructive discrimina- accordee ou le refus est permis aux termes de tion), section 17 (handicap) or clause Particle 11 (discrimination indirecte), de 1'ar- 24 (1) (a) or (b) (special employment). ticle 17 (handicap) ou de Palinea 24 (1) a) ou i 1993 Wurrt EN MATI$RE n'EMPLOI Pr. de loi 79 7 b) (emploi particulier) du Code des droits de la personne. Plan to 6. An employment equity plan'that is pre- 6 Un programme d'equite en matiere Incompatibi- pfeVati pared, established or amended under this d'emploi qui est 61abore, dtabii ou modific lite > Act prevails over all relevant collective aux termes de la presente loi 1'emporte sur agreements in the event of any inconsistency toute convention collective pertinente en cas and to the extent of that inconsistency. d'incompatibilit6 et dans la mesure de I'in- compatibilitd. APPLICATION APPLICATION Application 7.—(1) Except as provided in this section, 7 (1) Sauf disposition contraire du pre- Application of Parts Ill. ies des part ry and vi Parts III, IV and VI apply with respect to sent article, les parties III, IV et VI s,appli- Iu, nr et VI every employer in Ontario, including the quent a tout employeur en Ontario, y com- Crown in right of Ontario. pris la Couronne du chef de 1'Ontario. Exception. (2) Parts III, IV and VI do not apply with (2) Les parties III, IV et VI ne s'appli- Exception,petits employers respect to an employer in the broader public quent pas k un employeur du secteur parapu- employeurs ` (broader sector that has fewer than ten employees blic qui a moins de dix employes i son ser- (sec:ettr para- � or) unless, at any time after the effective date, vice, a moins que, i n'importe quel moment public) the employer has ten employees or more. apres la date d'entr6e en vigueur, it Wait dix employes ou plus i son service. Exception. (3) Parts III, IV and VI do not apply with (3) Les parties III, IV et VI ne s'appli- Exception, Viers respect to a private sector employer that has quent pas i un employeur du secteur prive empiou ye„rs (private fewer than fifty employees unless, at any qui a moins de cinquante employes i son ser- (btu time after the effective date, the employer vice, i moins que, i n'importe quel moment pti'4,) has fifty employees or more. apres la date d'entr6e en vigueur, it Wait cin- quante employes ou plus i son service. police tf� (4) Parts III, IV and VI do not apply with (4) Les parties III, IV et VI nee s'appli- respect to the Ontario Provincial Police or quent pas i la Police provinciale de 1 Ontario polio any other police force to which section 48 of ni i un autre corps de police auquel s'appli- the Police Services Act applies. que I'article 48 de la Loi sur les services _ policiers. QoWM S. Parts III, IV and VI bind the Crown. 8 Les parties III, IV et VI lient la Cou- an t Me- PART tonne. III PARTIE III OBLIGATIONS OBLIGATIONS f OBLIGATIONS OBLIGATIONS Implements- Mise en oeu- tion and 9.—(1) Every employer shall implement 9 (1) Chaque employeur met en oeuvre vre et main- i?? maintenance and maintain employment equity by recruit- et maintient 1'6quit6 en matiere d'emploi par uen de of employ- ing, hiring, retaining, treating and promoting le recrutement, 1'embauchage, le maintien, le PEquitt en ment equity employees according to employment equity traitement et I'avancement des employes con- '� d'em- principles and in accordance with the form6ment aux principes d'6quit6 en matiere employment equity plan that applies in d'emploi et au programme d'6quit6 en C respect of those employees. matiere d'emploi qui s'applique i ces employ6s- Me of (2) Every employer shall ensure that the (2) Chaque employeur veille i cc que cha. R61e des tV1SOLS employer's staff who have responsibility for que membre de son personnel qui est charge ` ` _- recruiting, hiring, supervising, evaluating or du recrutement, de 1'embauchage, de la promoting employees are aware of, and supervision, do 1'6valuation ou de l'avance- f observe, the requirements of this Act, the meat des employes connaisse et respecte les Il regulations and the employment equity plan exigences de la presente loi, des reglements that applies in respect of those employees. et du programme d'6quitd on matiere d'em- ploi qui s'applique i ces employes. same (3) Every member of staff who has (3) Chaque membee du personnel qui est tdeto responsibility for recruiting, hiring, supervi- charge du recrutement, de 1'embauchage, de j sing, evaluating or promoting employees la supervision, ds I'bvahtation ou de I'avance- shall work in accordance with this Act, the ment des employes exerce ses fonctions con- regulations and the employment equity plan form6ment i la presente loi, aux reglemenu that applies in respect of those employees. et au programme d'6quit6 en matiere d'em- loi qui s'applique i ces employes. 8 Bill 79 EMPLOYMENT EQUITY 1993 Collection of 10.—(1) Every employer shall, in actor- 10 (1) Chaque employeur effectue con- Coll��de woridoree re nts information dance with the regulations, conduct employ- formement aux reglements des analyses des menu stir les ment equity workforce surveys and collect effectifs relatives 1 1'equit6 en matiere d'em- effectifs other information to determine the extent to ploi et recueille d'autres renseignements afin which members of the designated groups are d'etablir daps quelle mesure les membres des employed in the employer's workforce. groupes ddsignes sont employes au sein des effectifs de 1'employeur. voluntary (2) An employee has the right to decide (2) L'employe a le droit de decider s'il Renseigne- giving of menu donnes information whether to answer questions asked by an doit ou non repondre aux questions posses volontaire. employer under subsection (1). par 1'employeur aux termes du paragraphe went (1). Review of 11.—(1) Every employer shall review the 11 (1) Chaque employeur examine ses Examen des politiques en employ employer's employment policies and practices politiques et ses pratiques en matiere.d em- mature d'em- in accordance with the regulations. ploy conformement aux reglements. ploi Purpose of (2) The purpose of the review is to iden- (2) L'examen a pour objet d'identifier les Objet de review tify and enable the employer to temove bar- obstacles au recrutement, 11'embauchage, au riers to the recruitment, hiring, retention, maintien, au traitement et a I'avancement treatment and promotion of members of the des membres des groupes ddsignes, notam- designated groups, including terms and con- ment les conditions d'emploi qui nuisent i ditions of employment that adversely affect ces membres, et de permettre a l'employeur members of the designated groups. d'eliminer ces obstacles. Seniority (3) For the purpose of this Act, employee (3) Pour 1'application de la prtsente loi, Dro etc'an- rtghts seniority rights with respect to a layoff or les droits d'anciennetd d'un employe a recall to employment after a layoff that are 1'egard d'une raise a pied ou d'un rappel i acquired through a collective agreement or 1'emploi a la suite d'une wise a pied qui soot an established practice of an employer are acquis aux termer d'une convention collective deemed not to be barriers to the recruitment, ou selon une pratique etablie d'un employeur hiring, retention, treatment or promotion of sont reputes ne pas titre des obstacles au members of the designated groups. recrutement, a 1'embauchage, au maintien, au traitement ou a 1'avancement des mern- bres des groupes ddsignes. Same (4) For the purpose of this Act, employee (4) Pour 1'application de la presente loi, tdem seniority rights, other than those referred to les droits d'anciennete d'un employd, autres in subsection (3), that are acquired through a que ceux vises au paragraphe (3), qui sont collective agreement or an established prat- acquis aux termes d'une convention collective tice of an employer are deemed not to be ou selon une pratique etablie d'un employeur barriers to the recruitment, hiring, retention, sont reputes ne pas titre des obstacles au treatment or promotion of members of the recrutement, i Fembauchage, au maintien, designated groups unless a board of inquiry au traitement ou 1 1'avancement des mem- under the Human Rights Code finds that the byes des grouper ddsignds, sauf si une com- seniority rights discriminate against members mission d'enquete constituee en vertu du of a designated group in a manner that is Code des droits de la personne conclut qu'ils contrary to the Human Rights Code. sont discrirninatoires a 1'endroit des membres d'un groupe ddsigne d'une fagon qui est con- traire au Code des droits de la personne. Employment 12.—(1) Every employer shall prepare an 12 (1) Chaque employeur elabore un ms s equity plan d'6quu6 en employment equity plan in accordance with programme quen p matiire Wem. l the regulations. It must provide for, conformement aux reglements. Le pro- ploi gramme doit prevoir ce qui suit : ( (a) the elimination of barriers identified a) F61imination des obstacles identifies It under section 11; aux termes de I'article 11; (b) the implementation of positive mea- b) la mrse en oeuvre de mesures correcti- sures with respect to the recruitment, ves i 1'egard du recrutement, de. 1'em- hiring, retention, treatment and pro- motion of members of the designated et de I'avancement des membres des groups; groupes ddsignes; (c) the implementation of supportive mea- c) la wise en oeuvre de mesures de sou- 1 sures with respect to the recruitment, tien i 1'egard du recrutement, de 1'em- hiring, retention, treatment and pro- bauchage, du maintien, du traitement motion of members of the designated et de 1'avancement des membres des [ X23 1993 tQUrr]✓EN MATItRE D'EMPLOI Pr. de loi 79 9 groups which also benefit the employ- groupes ddsignis, qui profitent aussi er's workforce as a whole; aux effectifs de 1'employeur dans leur ensemble; (d) the implementation of measures to d) la wise en oeuvre de mesures visant a : accommodate members of the desig- faciliter l'integration des membres des ' nated groups in the employer's work- groupes d6signcs dans les effectifs de force; 1'employeur; (e) specific goals and timetables for the e) des objectify et des dchianciers precis matters referred to in clauses (a) to en cc qui a trait aux questions visdes (d); aux alindas a) i d); (f) specific goals and timetables with f) des objectify et des 6chdanciers prdcis respect to the composition of the i 1'dgard de la composition des effec- employer's workforce; and tifs de 1'employeur; (g) such other matters as may be pre- g) les autres questions qui peuvent titre scribed by the regulations. prescrites par les reglements. More than (2) An employer may prepare more than (2) L'em 1 oY eur Pe ut 61aborer plus dun Programmes one plan one plan, in accordance with the regulations, programme, conformdment aux reglements, multiples for the purpose of meeting the employer's pour remplir ses obligations aux termes du obligations under subsection (1), so long as paragraphe (1), pourvu que chaque pro- each plan meets the requirements set out in gramme rdponde aux exigences dnoncdes au subsection (1), and so long as, together, the paragraphe (1) et que, dans leur ensemble, plans cover all of the employer's employees les programmes portent sur tour les employds and all of the employer's workplaces. et lieux de travail de 1'employeur. Plan certifi- (3) After preparing a plan, the employer (3) Apres avoir 61abor6 un programme, Cenificat C31G shall prepare a certificate respecting the plan 1'employeur prdpare un certificat concernant Commant le programme in accordance with the regulations. le programme conformement aux reglements. Additional (4) The certificate of every employer other (4) Le certificat de chaque employeur, ii suppkm requirements than than an employer in the broader public sec- 1 exclusion des employeurs du secteur para- res for that has fewer than fifty employees and a public qui ont moins de cinquante employes private sector employer that has fewer than a leur service et des employeurs du secteur 100 employees shall, in accordance with the privd qui ont moins de 100 employds a leur regulations, include information with respect service, comprend, conformdment aux regle- to the provisions of the plan for the elimina- ments, des renseignements au sujet des dis- tion of barriers and for the implementation positions du programme destinies a dliminer of positive measures, supportive measures les obstacles et a mettre en oeuvre des mesu- and measures to accommodate members of res correctives, des mesures de soutien et des the designated groups. mesures visant a faciliter l'intdgration des membres des groupes ddsignes. ;? aR;s��e (5). The employer shall file the certificate (S) L'employeur ddpose, conformiment D0 au «r• with the Employment Equity Commission in aux reglements, le certificat aupres de la a form approved by the Commission and in Commission de 1'dquiti en matiere d'emploi, accordance with the regulations. lequel est rddigd selon la formule approuvde par la Commission. �. Copy of plan (6) The Commission may require the (6) La Commission peut e3dger que 1'em- Copk du pro- employer to file a copy of the plan. ployeur ddpose une copie du programme. gramme, Filing or 7 Despite subsection 6 , after preparing 7 Mal a le paragraphe 6 , a res avoir DEpdt une copy of plan O P O P P g O gr P gmP O P copie du pro- a plan, the Crown in right of Ontario shall dlabori un programme, la Couronne du chef »e Me a copy of the plan with the Commission. de 1'Ontario ddpose une copie du programme aupres de la Commission. f Standard re 13. Every employer shall ensure that the 13 Chaque employeur veille i cc que la me au eon• plan matters referred to in subsection 12 (1) that mice en oeuvre eventuelle des questions tenu du are contained in an employment equity plan visdes au paragraphe 12 (1) et que prdvoit le programme would, if implemented, constitute reasonable programme d'iquitd en matiere d'emploi progress toward achieving compliance with constitue un progres raisonnable en vue. War- the principles of employment equity that are teindre la Lonformiti aux principes de set out in section 2. 1'6quite en matiere d'emploi qui sont dnoncds a Particle 2. Implementa- 14. Every employer shall make all reason- 14 Chaque employeur ddploie tous les Mi au ocu lion of plan pro- able efforts to implement each of the p0 cr-ammc p 7�€fq�s raisonnables pour mettre en oeuvre �/ �. I 10 Bi71 79 rNPLOY rErrr EQUr rY 1993 employer's employment equity plans' and to chacun de ses programmes d'equite on achieve the goals set out in each plan in matiere d'emploi et atteindre les objectify accordance with the timetables set out in the enonces dans chaque-programme confor- plan. moment aux echeanciers qui y sont enonces. Review and 15.—(1) Every employer shall review and 15 (1) Chaque employeur examine cha- revision du plan r ion of revise each of the employer's employment can de ses programmes d'equite en matiere programme equity plans in accordance with the regula- d'emploi et le revise conformcment aux tions. reglements. Plan certifi- (2) After revising a plan, the employer (2) Apres avoir revise un programme, certificat case coneernant le shall prepare a certificate respecting the 1'employeur prepare un certificat concernant programme revised plan in accordance with the regula- le programme revise, conformcment aux tions. reglements. Additional (3) The certificate of every employer other (3) Le certificat de chaque employeur, a S �mentai- requirements than an employer in the broader public.sec- 1'exclusion des employeurs du sectour para- res tor.that has fewer than fifty employees and a public qui ont moins de cinquante employes private sector employer that has fewer than i lour service et des employeurs du secteur 100 employees shall, in accordance with the prive qui ont moins de 100 employes a lour regulations, include, service, comprend, conformcment aux regle- ments, ce qui suit : ` (a) information with respect to the efforts a) des rensdignements au sujet des efforts made to implement the previous plan deployes pour mettre on oeuvre le and the results achieved; and programme precedent, et les resultats obtenus; (b) information with respect to the provi- b) des renseignements au sujet des dispo- sions of the revised plan for the elimi- sitions du programme revise destines nation of barriers and for the imple- a eliminer les obstacles et i mettre en mentation of positive measures, oeuvre des mesures correctives, des supportive measures and measures to mesures de soutien et des mesures accommodate members of the desig- visant i faciliter!'integration des mem- nated groups. bres des groupes designs. filing of (4) The employer shall file the certificate (4) L'employeur depose, conformcment etifatt au cer- certif1cate with the Employment Equity Commission in aux reglements, le cert�cat aupres de la a form approved by the Commission and in Commission de 1'equite en matiere d'emploi, accordance with the regulations. lequel est redig6 selon la formule approuvee par la Commission. ( Copy of plan (5) The Commission may require the (5) La Commission pout exiger quo 1'em- ��du Pro- employer I to file a copy of the revised plan. ployeur depose une copie du programme revise. FiRrig 6 Despite subsection (5), after revising a 6 Mal le he 5 a re's avoir riper dune ooffplan { ) P ( ) g { ) gn PgP ( )� P oople au pro- plan, the Crown in right of Ontario shall file revise un programme, la Couronne du chef sm. a copy of the revised plan with the Com- de!'Ontario depose une eopie du programme mission. revise aupr6s de la Commission. I Joint respon- 16.—(1) This section applies if any of an 16 (1) Le present article s'applique si des employ r employer's employees are represented by a employes de 1'employeur sont representes de 1,em. and bargaining agent. par un agent negociateur. pour etd ( g ciateur I gent Same (2) The employer and the bargaining (2) L'employeur et !'agent negociateur rdem agent shall jointly carry out the responsibili- exercent conjointement les responsabilites ties described in sections 10, 11, 12, 13 and enoncees aux articles 10, 11, 12, 13 et 15 i 15 in respect of the part of the employer's 1'egard de la partie des effectifs de 1'em- workforce in which employees are repre- ployeur dont les employes sont representes sented by the bargaining agent. par!'agent negociateur. More than (3) If the employees.of the employer are (3) Si les employes de 1'employeur sont Plus d'tm one agent nEgo- bargaining represented by more than one bargaining representes par plus d'un agent negociateur, dateur agent agent, the employer and the bargaining !'employeur et les agents negociateurs consti- agents shall establish a committee to co- tuent un comite pour coordonner 1'exercice ordinate the carrying out of their joint do leurs responsabit6s conjointes. responsibilities. /25 25 f � 1993 tourrt EN MAT7$RE D'EMPLOI Pr. de loi 79 11 Composition (4) The committee shall be composed of (4) Le comitd se compose de reprdsentants Composition t? of committee representatives of the bargaining agents and des agents ndgociateurs et de representants du eomite up to an equal number of representatives of de 1'employeur, ces,derniers ne devant pas the employer, in accordance with the regula- titre supdrieurs en nombre aux premiers, con- tions. formdment aux reglements. Good faith. (5) The joint responsibilities shall be car- (5) Les responsabilites conjointes sont Bonne foi etc. ried out in good faith, separately from the exercdes de bonne foi, inddpendamment du normal collective bargaining process and in processus normal de ndgociation collective, the manner prescribed by the regulations. et de la maniere prescrite par les reglements. Right to (6) The employer shall provide the bar- (6) L'employeur fit a I'agent ndgocia- Droit aux information gaining agent with all information in the teur tour les renseignements qu'il a en sa .mennteu'gne- employer's possession or control in respect of possession ou sous son contr6le a I'dgard de the part of the employer's workforce in la partie de ses effecti£s dont les employds which employees are represented by the bar- sont repr6sent6s par Pagent negociateur et gaining agent that is necessary for the bar- dont ce dernier a besoin pour participer effi- gaining agent to participate effectively in car- cacement a 1'exercice de leurs responsabilites rying out their joint responsibilities, including conjointes, notamment les renseignements the information prescribed by the regula- prescrits par les reglements. tions. Exception (7) Subsection (6) does not require the (7) Le paragraphe (6) n'a pas pour effet Exception employer to provide the bargaining agent d'exiger de Yemployeur qu'il fournisse a with information of a scientific, technical, 1'agent negociateur des renseignements d'or- commercial, financial, personal or other dre scientifique, technique, commercial, nature if, financier, personnel ou d'autre nature si " Tune ou 1'autre des conditions suivantes est remplie : (a) the disclosure of the information could a) la divulgation des renseignements L reasonably be expected to prejudice pourrait, selon touter attentes raison- the employer's competitive position; nables, nuire a la position concurren- or tielle de 1'employeur; (b) the disclosure of the information meets b) la divulgation des renseignements the criteria prescribed by the regula- r6pond aux criteres prescrits par les tions. reglements. Consultation 17. Eve employer shall, in accordance 17 Cha ue em to eur consulte, confr- Consultation with unre- des employEs presented with the regulations, consult with the moment aux reglements, ses employds qui ne non represen• employees employer's employees who are not repre- sont pas representds par un agent ndgocia- tis sented by a bargaining agent concerning the teur au sujet du d6roulement de son analyse conduct of the employer's employment des effectifs relative a 1'dquit6 en matiere equity workforce survey, the review of the d'emploi, de 1'examen de ses politiques et fz employer's employment policies and prat- pratiques en matiere d'emploi, ainsi que de tices, and the development, implementation; 1'dlaboration, de la mice en oeuvre, de 1'exa- review and revision of the employment men et de la revision du programme d'6quite equity plan that applies in respect of those en matiere d'emploi qui s'applique a ces employees. employds. f Duty co post 18.—(1) Every employer-shall P ost in 18 (1) Cha ue em to eur afiche dans obligation information d'afficher des each of the employer's workplaces, chacun de ses lieux de travail ce qui suit : rerueigne- (a) a copy of each certificate that the a) une copie de chaque certificat qu'il a menu employer has filed with the Employ- d6pos6 aupres de la Commission de ment Equity Commission in respect of 1'6quitd en matiere d'emploi au sujet each employment equity plan that de chaque programme d'dquitd en applies in respect of the employees in matiere d'emploi qui s'applique aux f the workplace; and employds qui se trouvent daps le lieu de,travail; (b) such other information in respect of b) tous autres renseignements relatifs a la this Act and employment equity as pr6sente loi et a 1'6quit6 en matiere may be prescribed by the regulations. d'emploi que peuvent prescrirc les reglements. Same (2) The information described in clauses (2) Les renseignements ddcrits aux alindas ►dem (1) (a) and (b) shall be posted in prominent (1) a) et b) sont affichds dans des endroits places in the workplace that are accessible to bien en vue du lieu de travail et accessibles a 726 j i 12 Bill 79' FMPLAYMENT EQUITY 1993 all employees to whom the information tous les employes a qui les renseignements applies. s'appliquent. Duty to (3) Every employer shall provide or make (3) Chaque employeur foumit a ses Obligation de make avail- available to the employer's em to employees infor- em to es ou met i leur disposition des ren- ,tiles acces- mation avail• P Y P Y� Po � Bibles Its ren- able mation in respect of this Act and employ- seignements sur la presente loi et 1'squit6 en seignements ment equity, in accordance with the regula- matiere d'emploi, conformsment aux rtgle- tions- ments. Duty to (4) Every employer shall make available (4) Chaque employeur veilie i ce que soit Obligation de make copy , rcndre acces- of plan in each of the employers workplaces a copy accessible dans chacun de ses lieux de travail sable une available of each plan that applies in respect of the une copie de chaque programme qui s'appli- -pie du pro- employees in the workplace. que aux employes qui se trouvent dans le lieu gnat"' de travail. Same (5) A plan shall be made available in the (5) Tout programme doit titre rendu accts- Wem workplace in such a manner that it is accessi- sible dans le lieu de travail de fagon que sous ble to all employees to whom it applies. les employes i qui il s'applique puissent y avoir accts. Employment 19.—(1) Every employer shall establish 19 (1) Chaque employeur stablit et tient D,°u10n �rrds and maintain employment equity records in des dossiers d'equite en matiere d'emploi i mat re aem- respect of the employer's workforce. I'dgard de ses effectifs. ploi self-identifi- (2) The employer shall keep in the (2) L'em to our ne tient dans ses dossiers Identification `a"°" employer's records concerning employees' sur I'appartenance des employes i des grou- membership in designated groups only the pes design`s que les renseignements, sT en information, if any, that is provided by each est, que chaque employs fournit i son propre employee about himself or herself. sujet. Reports to 20. Every employer shall submit reports 20 Chaque employeur presente i la Com- Rapport''la the Commis sion and other information to the Employment mission de 1'6quite on matiere d'emploi des Co°' SOA Equity Commission in accordance with the rapports et d'autres renseignements, confor- regulations concerning the composition of the moment aux rtglements, sur la composition employer's workforce and the development, de ses effectifs et sur I'slaboration, la mice en implementation, review and revision of the oeuvre, 1'examen et la revision de ses pro- employer's employment equity plans. grammes d'equits en matiere d'emploi. APPLdcATION TO THE COMMISSION DEMANDE PRSENT$E A LA COMMISSION Access to 21. Any person may apply to the Employ- 21 Toute personae peut demander 1 la Accis 11°t information ment Equity Commission for access to a co Commission de I' utte on matiere d'emploi "n,'wipC- � ty PY sq � � P cacao of any information provided to the Commis- i avoir accts i'une copie de toes renseigne- sion under this Act and in the possession of menu fournis i la Commission aux termes de the Commission. la presente loi et qui sont on sa possession. ExEmpmom EXEMt 1rONS Reguladoas 22.=(1) The Lieutenant Governor in 22 (1) Le lieutenant-gouverneur en con- ROlemeats re Aborig- inal work- Council may, by regulation, vary the applica- sell pout, par rtglement, modifier Papplica- m lieux��_ plate lion of any of the provisions of this Part and tion de toute disposition de la prssente partie vail automto- the regulations as they apply to Aboriginal et des rtglements qui s'applique aux lieux de DG5 workplaces. The regulation may define what travail autochtones. Le rtglement pout dsfi- constitutes an Aboriginal workplace. nir ce qui constitue un lieu de travail autoch- tone. Broader (2) The Lieutenant Governor in Council (2) Le lieutenant-gouvemeur en conseil E�loyeurs public sector du seeteur l employers may, by regulation, pout, par rtgement � panpublic (a) exempt employers in the broader pub- a) exempter les employeurs du secteur lic sector that have fewer than fifty parapublic qui ont moins de cinquante employees from any provision of this employes i leur service de I'applica- Part and the regulations; tion d'e toute disposition de la presente partie et des rtglements; (b) vary the application of any provision b) modifier Papplication de toute disposi- of this Part and the regulations to lion de la presente pantie et des rtgle- impose less stringent requirements on ments afin d'imposer des exigences those employers. moins rigoureuses it ces employeurs. 721 � 1993 $ourrt EN MAntRE D'EMPLOI Pr. de loi 79 13 Regulation (3) A regulation made under subsection .(3) Le reglement pris en application du �deme t apply to 2 ceases to apply to an employer who ara ra he 2 cesse de s a li uer a 1 em- li uer apply ( ) PP Y P $ P ( ) PP q p'q employs fifty or more employees at any time ployeur qui emploie cinquante employes ou after the effective date. plus a n'importe quel moment apres la date d'entree en vigueur. Private (4) The Lieutenant Governor in Council (4) Le lieutenant-gouverneur en conseil �ta°I 0n sector du secteur employers may, by regulation, peut, par reglement : privf (a) exempt private sector employers that a) exempter les employeurs du secteur rill, have fewer than 100 employees from prive qui ont moins de 100 employes a any provision of this Part and the reg- leur service de !'application de toute ulations; disposition de la prdsente partie et des r6glements; (b) vary the application of any provision b) modifier !'application de toute disposi- of this Part and the regulations to tion de la prdsente pantie et des regle- impose less stringent requirements on ments afin d'imposer des exigences those employers. moins rigoureuses a ces employeurs. Regulation (5) A regulation made under subsection (5) Le reglement pris en application du Lc reglement ceases to txsse de s'ap- apply (4) ceases to apply to an employer who paragraphe (4) cesse de s'appliquer a em- pliquer employs 100 or more employees at any time ployeur qui emploie 100 employes ou plus a after the effective date. n'importe quel moment apres la date d'en- trde en vigueur. IMPLEMENTATION MISS EN OEUVRE - Time to 23.—(1) An employer that has employees 23 (1) L'employeur qui a des employds a jai men,se amply, confatmez, existing on the effective date shall comply with sec- son service a la date d'entrde en vigueur se emprayeurs employers tions 10 (collection of workforce informa- conforme aux articles 10 (collecte de rensei- eau tion), 11 (review of employment policies) gnements sur les effectifs), 11 (examen des and 12 (employment equity plan) within the politiques -en matiere d'emploi) et 12 period that ends on the following day: (programme d'equitd en matiere d'emploi) r dans le delai qui se termine : L 1. For the Crown in right of Ontario, on 1. Le jour qui arrive douze mois apres la the day that is twelve months after the date d'entree en vigueur, dans le cas effective date. de la Couronne du chef de !'Ontario. „ 2. For an employer in the broader public 2. Le jour qui arrive dix-huit mois apres sector with ten or more employees on la date d'entree en vigueur,dans le cas the effective date, on the day that is d'un employeur du secteur parapublic eighteen months after the effective qui a dix employds ou plus a son ser- date. vice a la date d'entree en vigueur. 3. For a private sector employer with 500 3. Le jour qui arrive dix-huit mois apres 11 or more employees on the effective la date d'entree en vigueur, dans le cas l date, on the day that is eighteen d'un employeur du secteur prive qui a months after the effective date. 500 employes ou plus a son service a la date d'entrde en vigueur. 4. For a private sector employer with 100 4. Le jour qui arrive vingt-quatre mois or more but fewer than 500 employees _ apres la date d'entree en vigueur, dans on the effective date, on the day that le cas d'un employeur.du secteur privd is twenty-four months after the effec- qui a 100 employds ou plus mais moins tive date. de 500 employds a son service a la date d'entrde en vigueur. 5. For a private sector employer with 5. Le jour qui arrive trente-six mois fifty or more but fewer than 100 apres la date d'entrde en vigueur, dans employees on the effective date, on 1g cas d'un employeur du secteur privd the day that is thirty-six months after qui a cinquante employes ou plus mais the effective date. moins de 100 employes a son service a la date d'entrde en vigueur. New (2) If an employer in the broader public (2) Si un employeur du ser teur parapublic NO"'eaux employers, emploveurs broader sector does not exist or employs fewer than n'existe pas ou emploie moins de dix du secteur ; public sector ten employees on the effective date but I employes a la date d'entrde en vigueur mail panpublic employs ten or more employees at.any time qu'il emploie dix employds ou plus a n'im- 128 I i 14 Bill 79 FMPLOYMENT EQUITY 1993 after that, the employer shall comply with pone quel moment par la suite, 1'employeur sections 10, 11 and 12 within the period that se conforine aux articles 10, 11 et 12 dans le ends on the later of the following days: delai qui se termine celui des jours suivants qui est posterieur a I'autre : 1. The day that is twelve months after 1. Le jour qui arrive douze mois apres the employer first employs ten que 1'employeur emploie dix employes employees. pour la premiere foil. 2. The day that is eighteen months after 2. Le jour qui arrive dix-huit mois apres the effective date. la date d'entree en vigueur. p ig,ate (3) If a private sector employer does not (3) Si un employeur du secteur prive Nou ea exist•or employs fewer than fifty employees n'existe pas ou emploie moins de cinquante du secteur on the effective date but employs fifty or employes a la date d'entree en vigueur mais prive more employees at any time after that, the qu'il emploie cinquante employes ou plus a employer shall comply with sections 10, 11 n'importe quel moment par la suite, 1'em- and 12 within the period that ends on the ployeur se conforme aux articles 10, 11 et 12 later of the following days: dans le delai qui se termine celui des jours suivants qui est posterieur a I'autre : 1. The day that is twelve months after 1. Le jour qui arrive douze mois apres the employer first employs fifty que 1'employeur emploie cinquante employees. employes pour la premiere fois. 2. The day that is thirty-six months after 2. Le jour qui arrive trente-six mois the effective date. apres la date d'entree en vigueur. If exemption L'exemption 24.—(1) If an exemption under subsec- 24 (1) Si une exemption visee au para- ap to tion 22 (2) ceases to apply to an employer in graphe 22 (2) Besse de s'appliquer a un pii�quer,secP broader the broader public sector, the employer shall employeur du secteur parapublic, 1'em- teur tl public sector comply with sections 10, 11 and 12 within the ployeur se conforme aux articles 10, 11 et 12 Para" period that ends on the later of the following dans le delai qui se termine celui des jours days: suivants qui est posterieur a I'autre : 1. The day that is twelve months after 1. Le jour qui arrive douze mois apres the exemption ceases to apply to the que !'exemption cesse de s'appliquer a employer. 1'employeur. 2. The day that is eighteen months after 2. Le jour qui arrive dix-huit mois apres the effective date. la date d'entree en vigueur. pSa r'm e, (2) If an exemption under subsection (2) Si une exemption visee au paragraphe emeployeur du sector 22 (4) ceases to apply to a private sector 22 (4) cesse de s'appliquer i un employeur secteur prrve employer employer, the employer shall comply with du secteur prive, 1'employeur se conforme sections 10, 11 and 12 within the period that aux articles 10, 11 et 12 dans le delai qui se ends on the later of the following days: termine celui des jours suivants qui est pos- terieur a I'autre 1. The day that is twelve months after 1. Le jour qui arrive douze' mois apres the exemption ceases to apply to the que 1'exemption cesse de s'appliquer a employer. 1'employeur. 2. The day that is twenty-four months 2. Le jour qui arrive vingt-quatre mois after the effective date. apres la date d'entree en vigueur. PART IV PARTIE IV ENFORCEMENT APPLICATION AUDIT AND ENFORCEMENT VERIFICATION ET APPLICATION BY THE COMMISSION PAR LA COMMISSION Commission 25.—(1) The Employment Equity Corn- 25 (1) La Commission de 1'equite en Wrification audit mission may conduct an audit of an employer matiere d'emploi peut effectuer une verifica- par ;o�Q1 to determine whether the employer is com- tion aupres d'un employeur afin d'etablir si plying with Pan III. celui-ci se conforrne a la partie III. Audit (2) In the course of an audit, an employee (2) Au cours d'une verification, un Pouvoi s de powers of the Commission, employe de la Commission peut : verification (a) may enter any place at any reasonable a) a une heure raisonnable, pen6trer dans time; un endroit quelconque; i 1993 !:Quad:Ex MA'n$RE D'EMPL01 PI. de loi 79 15 (b) may request the production for inspec- b) exiger la production, i des fins d'ins- tion of documents or things that may pection, de documents ou d'objets qui be relevant to the audit; peuvent se rapporter i la verification; (c) upon giving a receipt therefor, may c) apres avoir donne un r6cdpissd i cet remove from a place documents or effet, enlever de quelque endroit oil ils things produced under clause (b) for se trouvent les documents ou les the purpose of making copies or objets produits aux termes de 1'aline'a extracts and shall promptly return b), afin d'en tirer des copies ou des them to the person who produced extraits, apres quoi ii les retourne them; and promptement a la personne qui les a produits; (d) may question a person on matters that d) interroger une personne sur des ques- . are or may be relevant to the audit tions qui se rapportent ou peuvent se subject to the person's right to have rapporter a la vdrification, sous counsel or some other representative reserve du droit de cette personne i la present during the examination. presence d'un avocat ou d'un autre representant tors de l'interrogatoire. Identification (3) When exercising a power of entry, the (3) Lorsqu'il exerce un pouvoir de pone- Identification }? employee shall produce identification and trer, 1'employe produit, i la demande du evidence of his or her employment with the propri6taire ou de Poccupant, une piece Commission if requested to do so by the d'identit6 et la preuve qu'il est employe par , owner or occupier. la Commission. Restriction (4) The employee shall not enter a place (4) L'employe ne doit pas penetrer daps Restriction d on dwell- that is being used as a dwelling without the un endroit qui sect de logement sans la per- pe ur�d= ings consent of the occupier except under the mission de 1'occupant, sauf en vertu d'un un logetnent authority of a warrant issued under subsec- mandat decerne aux termes du paragraphe tion (6). (6). Warrant for (5) If a justice of the peace is satisfied on (5) Le juge de paix qui est convaincu, sur Mandat de search evidence upon oath that there are in a place la foi de temoignages recueillis sous serment, perquisiton documents or things that there is reasonable qu'il se trouve daps un endroit quelconque ground to believe will afford evidence rele- des documents ou des objets qu'on peut rai- vant to the carrying out of an audit, the jus- sonnablement croire susceptibles de fournir tice of the peace may issue a warrant autho- des preuves se rapportent i une verification rizing an employee of the Commission peut d6cerner un mandat autorisant 1'em- named in the warrant to search the place for ploy6 de la Commission qui y est nomme a any such documents or things and to remove perquisitionner i cet endroit en vue d'en them for the purposes of making copies or enlever les pieces pricitees pour en tirer des extracts and they shall be returned promptly copies ou des extraits, apres quoi elles sont to the place from which they were removed. promptement retoumees i cet endroit. Warrant for (6) If a justice of the peace is satisfied on (6) Le juge de paix qui est convaincu, sur Man dat pour entry evidence upon oath that there is reasonable la foi de t6moignages recueillis sous serment, u"&�tdan ground to believe it is necessary that a place qu'il existe des motifs raisonnables de croire being used as a dwelling or to which entry qu'il est necessaire qu'un employ6 de la has been denied be entered so that an Commission, dans 1'exercice de ses fonctions employee of the Commission may carry out en vertu de la pr6sente loi, penetre daps un his or her dudes under this Act, the justice endroit qui sert de logement ou dont faeces of the peace may issue a warrant authorizing a ete refuse peut d6cerner un mandat autori- such entry by the employee named in the sant 1'employ6 qui y est nomme i pdnctrer warrant. dans cet endroit. Execution (7) A warrant issued under this section, (7) Le mandat d6cerne en vertu du pre- Exdcution et and expiry sent article : mandat d°� (a) shall specify the hours and days during a)-precise les jours et les heures pendant which it may be executed; and lesquels il peut titre execute; (b) shall name a date on which it expires, b) porte une date d'expiration qui ne which date shall not be later than fif- peut titre posterieure i quinze jours teen days after its issue. apres la date i laquelle it est d6cerne. AdmissibUi y (8) Copies of, or extracts from, documents 8 Les copies ou extraits u'une personne Admissibilite of copies and things removed from premises in the a ir6s des documents et des objets qui ont des copes course of an audit and certified as being true ete enleves d'un endroit au tours d'une veri- copies of, or extracts from, the originals by fication et que cette personne certifie confor- 16 Bill 79. EMPLOYMENT EQUITY 1993 the person who made them are admissible in mes aux originaux sont admissibles en preuve evidence to the same extent as, and have the dans la meme mesure et ont la meme valeur same evidentiary value as, the documents or probante que les documents ou les objets things of which they are copies or extracts. dont ils soot tires. Settlement 26.-(1) If the Commission is of the opin- 26 (1) Si elle est d'avis qu'il est possible Riegiement coion that an employer ma not be complying u'un em to eur ne se conforme as .i la Commission Y q P Y P with Part III, the Commission may endeav- partie III, la Commission peut tenter de par- our to effect a settlement with the employer venir a un r6glement avec 1'employeur de that will ensure compliance. fagon i assurer la conformite. Written (2) The Commission and the employer (2) La Commission et 1'employeur consi- Accord Exit agreement shall embody the terms of any settlement in a gnent les clauses du rtglement dans un written agreement. accord ecrit. Commission 27.-(1) The Commission may, without a 27 (1) La Commission peut, sans tenir ordonnance order to hearing, order an employer to take the s eci- d'audience, ordonner i un em to eur de de se de g P P Y tner de Ia fied steps to achieve.compliance with Part III prendre des mesures precises pour se confor- Cogan if it considers that any of the following cir- mer i la partie III si elle estime qu'une des cumstances exist: circonstances suivantes existe 1. The employer has not conducted a 1. L'employeur n'a pas effectue d'analyse workforce survey or. collected other des effectifs ni recucWi d'autres rensei- information in accordance with section gnements conformement i Iarticle 10. 10. i 2. The employer has not completed a 2. L'employeur n'a pas examine ses poli- review of the employer's employment tiques et ses pratques en mati6re policies and practices in accordance d'emploi conformement i Iarticle 11. with section 11. 3. An employment equity plan does not 3. Un programme d'equM en matiere comply with section 12 or 13. d'emploi nest pas conforme i Iarticle 12 ou 13. 4. The employer has not filed a certifi- 4. L'employeur n'a pas depose un certifi- cate or a copy of an employment cat ou une copie d'un programme equity plan with the Commission in d'equite en mati6re d'emploi aupr6s de accordance with section 12 or 15, as la Commission conformement i 1'arti- the case may be. cle 12 ou 15,selon le cas. 5. The employer has not consulted, in 5. L'employeur n'a pas consulte confor- accordance with section 17, with the moment i Particle 17 ses employes qui employer's employees who are not ne sont pas representes par un agent represented by a bargaining agent. negociateur. 6. The employer has not posted informa- 6. L'employeur Wit pas affiche de rensei- tion in a workplace or made informa- gnements dans un lieu de travail ou tion or a copy of an employment rendu accessibles dans un lieu de tra- equity plan available in a workplace in vail des renseignements ou la copie accordance with section 18. d'un programme d'equite en mati6re d'emploi conformement i Iarticle 18. 7. The employer has not established or 7. L'employeur n'a pas etabli ni tenu de maintained employment equity records dossiers d'equM en mati6re d'emploi in accordance with section 19. conformement i Particle 19. 8. The employer has not submitted a 8. L'employeur n'a pas presente de rap- report or other information to the port ou d'autres renseignements i la Commission in accordance with sec- Commission conformement i Iarticle tion 20. 20. Cop'of (2) The Commission shall mail a copy. of (2) La Commission envoie une copie de Copie de l'or- o`der the order to the employer. The order is Pordonnance par la poste i Temployeur. doanance .: deemed to have been received on the fifth L'ordonnance est reputee avoir ete reque le day after the date of mailing. cinqui6me jour qui suit la date de la wise a la poste. Appeal to (3) The employer may appeal the order to (3) L'employeur peut interjeter appel de Appel au Tri- Tribunal the Employment Equity Tribunal within 1 ordonnance devant le Tribunal de 1 equite b en mati6re d'emploi dans les trente-cinq 1993 $QUITE EN MATIERE D'EMPLOI Pr. de loi 79 1 thirty-five days after the Commission mails jours qui suivent la mise a la poste de l'or- it. donnance par la Commission. Powers of (4) The Tribunal may, by order, rescind, (4) Le Tribunal peut, par ordonnance, Pouvoits du Tribunal vary or confirm the order of the Commis- annuler, modifier ou confirmer Yordonnance Tribunal Sion. de la Commission. Effect of no 5 If the employer does not appeal an 5 Si 1 em to eur n ante ette as a el s. ( ) PP ( ) P Y '� rl P PP �enCe appeal order in accordance with subsection (3), the de l'ordonnance conformement au paragra- d•appel order is deemed to be an order of the Tribu- . phe (3), l'ordonnance est rcputee une ordon- nal. nance du Tribunal. APPLICATIONS TO THE TRIBUNAL REQutrES AU TRIBUNAL Application 28,_(1) The Employment Equity Com- 28 (1) La Commission de 1'e'quite en Requite pre si cotttm,s• mission may apply to the Employment mati6re d'emploi peut, par voie de requite com par 1 .sent sron Y PP Y ' Commission Equity Tribunal for a determination of demander au Tribunal de 1'equite en mati6re whether an employer has complied with Part d'emploi de decider si un employeur s'est uI conforme i la pantie III. Deemed (2) In an application by the Commission, (2) Dans une requite presentee par.la Non�onfor- ance mplt the employer is deemed not to have com- Commission, 1'employeur est repute ne pas mtti rcputee �« plied with Part III if the employer has failed s'etre conforme a la partie III s'il n'a pas pris to-take steps require re uired by an employment les mesures qu'il devait prendre selon un equity plan or failed to achieve the goals set programme d'equite en mati6re d'emploi ou out in a plan in accordance with the time- qu'il n'a pas atteint les objectify enonces dans tables set out in the plan unless the employer un programme conformement aux echean- proves that, ciers qui y soot enonces, sauf si 1'employeur prouve cc qui suit : (a) the employer's employment equity a) son programme d'cquite en mati6re plan complies with Part III; and d'emploi est conforme a la pantie III; (b) the employer made all reasonable b) 1'employeur a deploye tous les efforts efforts to implement the plan and to raisonnables pour mettre en oeuvre le ( achieve the goals set out in the plan in programme et atteindre les objectify accordance with the timetables set out enonces dans le programme confor- in the plan. moment aux 6cheanciers qui y sont enonces. Application 29.—(1) An person other than the Com- 29 1 Toute ersonne autre ue la Requite en for failure to ( ) Y ( ) P q cas d omis- implement mission may apply to the Tribunal on any of Commission peut presenter une requite au lion plan or the following grounds: Tribunal pour 1'un quelconque des motifs settlement suivants ; 1. An employer has failed to take steps 1. Un employeur n'a pas pris les mesures required by an employment equity qu'il devait prendre selon un pro- plan. gramme d'6quite en mati6re d'emploi. 2. An employer has failed to achieve the 2. Un employeur n'a pas atteint les goals set out in an employment equity objectifs enonces dans un programme plan in accordance with the timetables d'equite en mati6re d'emploi confor- set out in the plan. moment aux echeanciers qui y sont enonces. 3. An employer has failed to implement 3. Un employeur n'a pas mis en oeuvre a settlement referred to in subsection le r6glement vise au paragraphe 26 (2) _ 26 (2)or 35 (2). ou 35 (2). Defence (2) If the application alleges a failure to (2) Si, d'apr6s la requite, les objectify Difertse achieve the goals set out in an employment enonces dans un programme d'equite en equity plan in accordance with the timetables mati6re d'emploi n'auraient pas etc atteints in the plan, the Tribunal shall not make an conformement awe echeanciers enonces dans order if the employer proves that, le programme, le Tribunal ne doit pas rendre d'ordonnance si 1'employeur prouve ce qui suit : (a) the employer's employment equity a) son programme d'equite en mati6re f plan complies with Part III; and d'emploi est conforme a la partie III; I` X3' 2 � . 18 Bill 79 EMPLOYMENT EQUITY 1993 (b) the employer made all reasonable b) 1'employeur a d6ploy6 tous les efforts efforts to implement the plan and to raisonnables pour mettre en oeuvre le achieve the goals set out in the plan in programme et atteindre les objectify accordance with the timetables set out enonc6s dans le programme confor- in the plan. moment aux 6ch6anciers qui y sont 6nonc6s. Appl!caf1ons 30.—(1) If the employer and the bargain- 30 (1) Si I'employcur et !'agent negoCia- esQponsahili- re joint in agent have not resolved any matter that teur ne parviennent pas a resoudre une ques- tes conjointes responsibili- g g ties is their joint responsibility, either of them tion relevant de leur responsabilite conjotnte, ly to the Tribunal at any time to may app l'un ou 1'autre peut, par voie de requete, determine the matter. demander a n'importe quel moment au Tri- bunal de trancher la question. Mandatory (2) The employer shall promptly apply to (2) Si !'employeur et !'agent negociateur g etooire obli- application the Tribunal if the employer and the bargain- n'exercent pas leurs responsabilites conjoin- ing agent have not carried out their joint tes dans le delai pr6vu a la pantie III, 1'cm- responsibilities within the time required au Tribunal.pal sente promptement une requete under Part III. Entitlement 3 L'omission de la part de !'employeur dro lien d° � (3) Failure of the employer to comply with ( ) continues subsection (2) does not prevent the bargain- de se conformer au paragraphe (2) n'emp6- ing agent from making an application under the pas ('agent ndgociateur'de presenter une subsection (1). requete en vertu du paragraphe(1). Order (4) The Tribunal may make any order it (4) Le Tribunal peut rendre toute ordon- Ordonnance I considers just in respect of the part of the nance qu'il estime juste a 1'6gard de la partie employer's workforce in which employees are des effectifs de 1'employeur dont les represented by the bargaining agent. employes sont representes par I'agent n6go- ciateur. App 31.—(1) An employee of an employer 31 (1) L'employ6 d'un employeur peut Requite liption by employee may apply to the Tribunal on either of the presenter une requete au Tribunal pour 1 un l,otnploye: I re joint Y PP Y ou 1'autre des motifs suivants : responsabili- responsibili- following grounds: tis conjointes ties 1. The employer and a bargaining agent 1. L'employeur et un agent onsabateur are not carrying out their joint respon- n'exercent pas leurs respnsabilit6s sibilities in good faith. conjointes de bonne foi. 2. The employer has not applied to the 2. L'employeur n'a pas presente de Tribunal when required to do so under requete au Tribunal lorsqu'il etait tenu subsection 30 (2). de le faire aux termes du paragraphe 30 (2). Tribunal peut rendre toute ordon- Ordonnance Order (2) The Tribunal may make any order it (2) Le P considers just, including an order removing nance qu'il estime juste, notamment une or modifying a term in an employment equity ordonnance eelevant ou modi5ant une condi- plan that, in the opinion of the Tribunal, was tion d'un programme d'6quit6 en matiere not included in good faith. d'emploi qui, a son avis, n'a pas 6t6 incluse de bonne foi. uete, I Application 32,—(1) An employer, an employee of 32 (1) Un employeur, tin employe de � urs re employers the employer or a bargaining agent that rep- celui-ci ou ('agent negociateur qui represente ( resents any of the employer's employees may des employ6s de 1'employeur peut pr6senter apply to the Tribunal for a declaration that une requete au Tribunal pour que celui-ci the employer and one or more other employ- declare que 1'employeur et tin ou p}usieurs ers constitute a single employer for the pur- autres emploveurs constituent un seul poses of this Act. employeur pour !'application de la presente loi. Evidence (2) The employers that are parties to the (2) Les employeurs qui soot parties a la P7Ot ves application shall adduce all facts within their requete produisent tous les faits dons ils ont knowledge that are material to the applica- connaissance et qui sont essentiels a la I lion. requete. l.. Ordonnance Order (3) The Tribunal may make an order that (3) Le Tribunal peut rendre une ordon- the employers constitute a single employer nance portant que les employeurs constituent for the purposes of this Act if the Tribunal un seul emploveur pour !'application de la finds that, presente loi s'il parvtent aux conclusions suivantes 3 3 E 1993 irQv rTt EN MATELRE D'EMPLOI Pr. de loi 79 if (a) the employers carry on associated or a) les employeurs gcrent des entreprises related activities or businesses under ou exercent des activit6s connexes, ` common control or direction; sous un controle ou une direction con- joints; (b) the employers carry out employment b) les employeurs mettent en oeuvre des policies and practices under common politiques et des pratiques en matiere control or direction; and d'emploi, sous un controle ou une direction conjoints; (c) the order is necessary to give full c) i'ordonnance est necessaire pour don- effect to the requirements of this Act ner plein effet aux exigences de la and the regulations. presente loi et des reglements. Application 33.—(1) A person may apply to the Tri- 33 (1) Une personne peut presenter une Requite, re intimida- manoeuvre tan. etc. bunal on the grounds that another person has requite au Tribunal pour le motif qu'une d'intimidation intimidated, coerced, penalized or discrimi- autre personne 1'a intimidee, contrainte ou nated against the applicant contrary to sec- penalisee ou qu'elle a exera une discrimina- tion 42 (intimidation). tion i son endroit en contravention i larticle 42(manoeuvre d'intimidation). Burden of (2) If an application is made under subset- (2) Si une requite est presentee en vertu Fardeau de p`O0f tion (1), a person who is alleged to have inti- du paragraphe (1), it iacombe a la personae pfe midated, coerced, penalized or discriminated qui aurait intimid6, contraint ou penalise une against another person contrary to section 42 autre personae ou qui aurait exercd une dis- has the burden of proving that the person did crimination a son endroit en contravention a not contravene the section. Particle 42, de prouver qu'elle n'a pas contre- venu i cet article. Orders (3) The Tribunal may make any order it (3) Le Tribunal peut rendre toute ordon- considers just, including any of the following nance qu'il estime juste, notamment les orders: ordonnances suivantes : 1. An order requiring the person who 1. Une ordonnance exigeant que la per- contravened section 42 to pay an sonne qui a contrevenu i Iarticle 42 amount specified in the order to the paie au requerant le montant que -- applicant as compensation. precise l'ordonnance a titre de d6dom- magement. 2. An order requiring the person who 2. Une ordonnance exigeant que la per- contravened that section to take steps sonne qui a contrevenu it cet article specified in the order to remedy the prenne les mesures que precise 1'or- effects of the contravention, including, donnance pour remedier aux effets de la contravention, notamment, selon le cas . i. rehiring the applicant, if he or i. qu'elle rdembauche le requerant, s she was dismissed from employ- s'il a etc congedk, ment, or ii. rescinding any penalty imposed ii. qu'elle annule toute sanction on the applicant. imposee au requerant. L 3. An order requiring the person who 3. Une ordonnance exigeant que la per- contravened that section to take steps sonne qui a contrevenu i cet article specified in the order to prevent fur- prenne les mesures que precise l'or- l ther contraventions. donnance pour empecher d'autres con- I traventions. Notice to 34.—(1) The Tribunal shall notify the 34 (1) Le Tribunal avise la Commission Ac i,i 11 c°tttmtsswn Employment Equity Commission of any de 1'equite en matiere d'emploi de toute application under this Part, other than an requite presentee en vertu de la presente application under section 28 (application by parties autre qu'une requite vis6e a Particle Commission), 32 (application re employers) 28 (requite presentee par la Commission),32 or 33 (application re intimidation, etc.). (requite, employeurs) ou 33 (requite, manoeuvre d'intimidation). Commission (2) The Commission shall advise the Tri- (2) La Commission avise le Tribunal si `if"a"Oil' audit par.!a Conn bunal if it is conducting an audit of an elle effectue une verification aupres d'un msssion employer that is a parry to the application. employeur qui est pantie a la requite. i / 34 z f 1993 20 Bill 79 EMPLOYMENT EQUITY 3 Si la Commission I'avtse qu'elle effec- i";'aa�«d�` Effect on (3) If the Commission advises the Tribunal ( ) Tribunal that it is auditing an employer, the Tribunal tue une verification aupres d'un employeur, Tribunal proceeding shall not take any further step in the applica- dansrt le cadre de ladrequte, autre qu'une tion, other than a step authorized by the reg- u'a ulations, until at least thirty days after it noti- mesure autonsee par les rcgle a s,aus vise la fled the Commission of the application. au moins trente jour apres q Commission de la requete. P Rapport Sur 4 La Commission pent presenter un rap- is verirtcation Report on (4) The Commission may submit a report ( ) audit to the Tribunal on the audit and, if it does, port au Tribunal sur la verification et, si elle rs the report shall be filed in evidence at applica- des fait,audiences rapp enuest par es en pr ludansole hearing held by the Tribunal to the cadre de la requete. tion. ,. Mediation Mediation 35 (1) Le Tribunal de 1 equite en matiere 35.—(1) The Employment Equity Tribu- nal shall refer every application under this d'emploi renvoie chaque requete presentee Part to one of its employees who may en vertu de la presente parue a un de ses endeavour to effect a settlement between the e u loamenerges pareu t a aloyer e a forts parties to the application. nir a un rbglement. 2 Si les parties conviennent d'un regle- Reglement Settlement (2) If the parties agree on a settlement, it _ ( ) P 7 shall be embodied in a written agreement or, went, celui-ci fait 1'objet d'un accord ecrit with their consent, may be embodied in an ou, avec leur cone uieemst t, d'une sans onl order of the Tribunal made without a hear- nt tenu d'audie al,q ing. Audience ` Hearing (3) If the employee considers that media- (3) Si 1'employe estime que la mediation tion or further efforts at mediation are not a ou d'autres efforts en ce sens ne sont pas un practical means of resolving the application, moyen pratique de regler la requete, le Tri- the Tribunal shall hold a hearing and deter- bunal tient une audience et statue sur la mine the application unless the regulations requete, sauf disposition eontraire des regle- provide otherwise. mens. Decision de 1... Decision to (4) Despite subsection (3), the Tribunal (4) Malgre le paragraphe (3), le Tribunal D ne pas trailer not deal may, without a hearing, decide not to deal peut, sans tenir d'audience, decider a ne la requete With applica- as trailer la requete s'i1 est d'avis que, selon Lion with an application if it appears to the Tribu- pas . nal that, (a) the subject-matter of an application is a) la requete est futile, frivole, vexatoire trivial, frivolous, vexatious or made in ou faite de mauvaise foi; ! bad faith; or t (b) the application is not within the juris- b) la requete nest pas de son resort. diction of the Tribunal. parties Parties 36.—(1) The parties to an application 36 (1) Les parties i une requete presen- under this Part are the applicant, the respon- tee en vertu de la presente pantie sont le dent, the interested employer, the interested requerant, l'intime, 1'employeur concerne, bargaining agent, if any, and such other per- let ges tan6gociateur c n erred, l Tribunal ant, sons as the Tribunal may specify. preciser. peut commission 2 La Commission a le droit, a sa Commission (2) The Commission is entitled, at its dde d'eue pantie a une requete. request, to be a parry etnan ,to any application. pouvoir de Power to 37.—(1) In any application under this 37 (1) Dans les requetes presentees en rendre des make orders part, the Tribunal may make such orders as vertu de la presente partte, le Tribunal peut ordo,nanc, it considers just, including any of the follow- rendre les ordonnances quT estime justes, ling: notamment celles qui suivent: 1. An order establishing an employment 1. UUne or d ennanceen matiere t un pro equity plan. 2. Une ordonnance modifiant un pro- 2. An order amending an employment gramme d'equite en matiere d'emploi. equity plan. 3. An order requiring an employer nd to 3 ployeurd�reenurn fonds d'equitee n create an employment equity matiere d'em loi ui soil utilise aux t be used for the purposes and in the p q manner specified in the order. ( 735 l 1993 Ot1ITPE EN MATI$RE D'EMPLOI Pr. de loi 79 21 fins et de la manicre que precise ]'or- donnance. 4. An order appointing an administrator 4. Une ordonnance nommant un admi- who, at the expense of the employer, nistrateur qui, aux frais de 1'em- is responsible for developing, imple- ployeur, est responsible de 1'dlabora- menting, reviewing and revising an tion, de la wise en oeuvre, de employment equity plan. 1'examen et de la rdvision d'un pro- gramme d'equite en matiere d'emploi de 1'employeur. Conditions (2) An order may be made subject to such (2) Les ordonnances peuvent titre assorties Conditions conditions as the Tribunal considers just. des conditions que le Tribunal estime justes. Reconsidera• (3) The Tribunal may, if it considers it (3) Le Tribunal peut, s'il 1'estime a pro- Nouvel exa- `ron advisable to do so, reconsider an decision y or pos, examiner de nouveau une ddcision ou men order and vary or revoke it. une ordonnance et la modifier ou 1'annuler. Orders re (4) Despite any provision of this Act, the (4) Malgrd la prdsente loi, le Tribunal ne ordonnances collective relatives aux agreements Tribunal may make an order amending a col- peut rendre une ordonnance modifiant une conventions lective agreement only if the*Tribunal consid- convention collective que s'il estime que les collectives ers that other orders are not sufficient, in the autres ordonnances ne suffient pas, dans les circumstances, to ensure compliance with this circonstances, i assurer la conformitd a la j Act. presente loi. Exclusive 38.—(1) The Tribunal has exclusive juris- 38 (1) Le Tribunal a coin etence exclu- Compdtence jurisdiction p diction to hear and determine any proceeding sive pour entendre 1'instance dont il est saisi extrusive before it and to determine all questions of et statuer sur celle-ci, et pour trancher les law or fact that arise in a proceeding. questions de fait ou de droit soulevees dans une instance. Decision, (2) A decision or an order of the Tribunal 2 Les ddcisions et les ordonnances du Dicision difi. etc., final is final and conclusive for all purposes. Tribunal sont ddfinitives et ont a toutes fins nrtive force de chose jugde. OFFENCES INFRACTIONS l..v Confiden- 39. A person in possession of information 39 La personne qui possede des rensei- Renmigne- tiality of �� ments confi- infotmation collected from employees under Part III shall gnements recueillis aupr8s des employes aux dentiels keep the information confidential and shall termes de la partie III traite ces renseigne- not disclose or use it except for the purpose ments de fagon confidentielle et ne doit les of complying with Part III or IV. divulguer ou les utiliser que dans le but de se conformer a la partie III ou IV. Obstruction 40.—(1) No person shall hinder, obstruct 40 (1) Aucune personae ne doit entraver Interdiction �. or interfere with an employee of the Employ- ni gener un employe de la Commission de d entraver ment Equity Commission in the execution of 1'equite en matiere d'emploi dans 1'execution r ; a warrant or otherwise impede an employee d'un mandat ni dune autre fagon 1'empecher in the course of an audit. d'exercer ses fonctions au tours d'une verifi- cation. Exception (2) Subsection (1) is not contravened if a (2) La personne qui refuse de produire Exception person refuses to produce documents or des documents ou des objets ne contrevient things unless a warrant has been issued under pas au paragraphe (1), sauf si un mandat a subsection 25 (5). ete ddcernd en vertu du paragraphe 25 (5). tPalse di nsogr 41. No person shall knowingly provide 41 Aucune personne ne doit fournir Faux rensei- oration false information on a certificate that is filed sciernment de faux renseignements sur un gnements with the Employment Equity Commission certificat depose aupres de la Commission de under subsection 12(5) or 15 (5). 1'equite en matiere d'emploi aux termes du paragraphe 12 (5) ou 15 (5). Intimidation 42. No person shall intimidate, coerce, 42 Aucune personne ne doit intimider, Mataenvres penalize or discriminate against another per- contraindre ou pdnaliser une autre personne in erdrta tion son because that person, ou exercer une discrimination a son endroit ; pour l'un quelconque des motifs suivants (a) is exercising or may exercise a right a) elle exerce ou pourrait exercer un under this Act; droit en vertu de la prdsente loi; 1 36 • F 22 Bill 79 EMPLOYMENT EQUITY 1993 (b) is participz:ing or may participate in a b) elle participe ou pourrait participer a proceeding under this Act; une instance introduite en vertu de la prdsente loi; (c) has made or may make a disclosure c) elle a fait ou pourrait faire une divul- required in a proceeding under this gation exigee lots d'une instance intro- Act; duite en vertu de la prdsente loi; (d) has acted or may act in compliance d) elle a ddja agi ou pourrait agir confor- with this Act or an order made under mdment a la prdsente loi ou a une it or has sought or may seek the ordonnance rendue en vertu de cel- enforcement of this Act or an order. le-ci, ou a demandd ou pourrait demander que la prdsente loi soit appliqude ou qu'une ordonnance soit exdcutde. Offences and 43. Every person who contravenes or fails 43 La personne qui contrevient it Particle Inf cctions et penalty to comply with section 39, 40, 41 or 42 or an 39, 40,41 ou 42 ou a une ordonnance du Tri- order of the Employment Equity Tribunal is bunal de 1'6quit6 en matiere d'emploi, ou ne guilty of an offence and on conviction is lia- s'y conforme pas, est coupable d'une infrac- ble to a fine of not more than $50,000. tion et passible, sur ddclaration de culpabi- litd, d'une amende d'au plus 50 000 $. Consent to 44. No prosecution for an offence under 44 Est irrecevable une poursuite intentde Consentement prosecution section 43 shall be instituted except with the pour une infraction visde a Particle 43 sans le consent in writing of the Tribunal. consentement dcrit du Tribunal. 1 PART V PARTIE V ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION Ult EMPLOYMENT EQUITY COMMISSION COMMISSION DE L'IrQL EN MAT'I$RE D'EMPLOI Commission 45.—(1) A commission is established to 45 (1) Est crUe une commission nom- Crdation de r established la Commit- f be known in English as the Employment mde Commission de 1'dquite en matiere ion Equity Commission and in French as Com- d'emploi en frangais et Employment Equity mission de 1'dquit6 en matiere d'emploi. Commission en anglais. ` composition (2) The Commission is composed of one (2) La Commission se compose d'un ou de Composition !I or more members- to be appointed by the plusieurs membees que nomme le lieutenant- Lieutenant Governor in Council. gouverneur en Conseil. Employment (3) One member shall be designated by (3) Le lieutenant-gouverneur en Conseil aCOmmitssEaiern Equity Comm the Lieutenant Governor in Council as the ddsigne un membre comme commissaire a matiere d•em- � Commis- Employment Equity Commissioner. 1'dquit6 en matiere d'emploi. *i Employees (4) Such employees as are necessary for (4) Les employes ndcessaires a la conduite Emplo* the proper conduct of the Commission's efficace des acttvitds de la Commission peu- work may.be appointed under the Public Ser- vent ctre nommds aux termes de la Loi sur la vice Act. fonenon publique. 1 Delegation (5) The Commission may delegate any (5) La Commission peut d6l6guer ses pou- Delegation powers or duties to its employees. voirs ou obligations a ses employds. Functions of 46.—(1) The Employment Equity Com- 46 (1) La Commission de 1'6quit6 en Fonctiow de the Commis- sion mission has the following functions: matiere d'emploi exerce les fonctions 1iaoCommts ( suivantes : l 1. To further the principles of employ- 1. Favoriser I'appiication des principes ment equity. d'dquitd en matiere d'emploi. 2. To monitor the implementation of 2. Surveiller la raise en oeuvre de 1'6quitd employment equity and the effective- en matiere d'emploi et 1'efficacite de la ness of this Act. prdsente loi. 3. To conduct research and develop pol- 3. Effectuer des recherches et dlaborer icy in relation to employment equity. des politiques en ce qui concerne. 1'6quitd en matiere d'emploi. 4. To assist emplovees, employees and 4. Aider les emp,oyeurs, les employds et bargaining agents in complying with les agents ndgociateurs a se conformer Part III. a la partie III. 1993 EQUITI= EN MATIERE D'EMPLOI Pr. de loi 79 23 5. To educate the public about employ- 5. Renseigner le public sur I'dquitd en ' ment equity. I matiere d'emploi. ri 6. To carry out any function assigned to 6. Exercer les fonctions qui lui sont assi- the Commission under this or any. gndes aux termes de la prdsente loi ou other Act. d'une autre loi. ' Public (2) The Commission may engage in public (2) La Commission peut faire des consul- consu'amions consolations consultations which may include public hear- tations publiques qui peuvent inclure des publiques ings. audiences publiques. Policy direc- 47.—(1) The Commission may issue pol- 47 (1) La Commission peut donner des Directives en `""s i directives on matters related to employ- directives en matiere de olio politiques sur des mauerc de icy P q politiques ment equity. questions relatives a 1'6quit6 en matiere d'emploi. when effec- (2) A policy directive takes effect on the (2) Une directive en matiere de politiques Prise d'effet 1Ve day it is published in The Ontario Gazette. prend effet le jour oil elle est publide dans la Gazette de t'Ontario. Effect of (3) The Employment Equity Tribunal shall (3) Le Tribunal de I'dquit6 en matiere Effet de la directive consider the Commission's policy directives d'emploi tient compte des directives en directive in making decisions. matiere de politiques de la Commission lors- }; qu'il rend ses decisions. Commission 48. The Commission may make rules for 48 La Commission peut dtablir des r6gles Ragles de la rules the conduct and management of its affairs. concernant la conduite et la gestion de ses Commission and for the practice and procedure to be affaires, ainsi que des regles de pratique et observed in relation to matters it deals with. de procedure a suivre relativement aux ques- tions dont elle traite. report 49.—(1) Each year the Employment 49 (1) Chaque annde, le commissaire a Rapport Equity Commissioner shall make an annual 1 equit6 en matiere d'emploi prdsente au annuel report to the Minister of Citizenship on the ministre des Affaires civiques un rapport activities and affairs of the Commission. annuel sur les activitds et affaires de la Com- mission. Same (2) The report shall include data and (2) Le rapport contient des donndes et Idea' information in respect of the progress made renseignements sur les progr6s accomplis en toward achieving employment equity in vue d'atteindre 1'6quit6 en matiere d'emploi Ontario. en Ontario. Tabling of (3) The Minister shall table the report (3) Le ministre d6pose le rapport devant Dip6t d° repo`` before the Assembly if it is in session or, if l'Assembl6e. Si Celle-ci ne siege pas, it le rapport not, at the next session. d6pose a la session suivante. When due (4) Each annual report is due on or before (4) Chaque rapport annuel est pr6sentd au Date the 31st day of March. plus tard le 31 mars. a'Ecbeanee Rrit annual (5) The first annual report is not due until (5) Le premier rapport annuel n'a pas a Premier rap- 1 feport the second anniversary of the 31st day of hue pr6sent6 avant le deuzieme anniversaire port annuel March following the coming into force of this du 31 mars qui suit 1'entrde en vigueur du section. pr6sent article. , Advisor" 50.—(1) The Minister of Citizenship may 50 (1) Le ministre des Affaires civiques Conseils con- Counc'Is appoint one or more advisory councils to peut constituer un ou plusieurs conseils con- sultaufs advise the Commission. sultatifs pour qu'ils conseillent la Commis- sion. Provincial or (2) An advisory council may be appointed (2) Un Conseil consultatif peut titre Conti- Conse;l pro- r`gfO°al for the province as a whole or for a region of tud pour ('ensemble de la province ou pr 6g;nal ou the province. une region de la province. Minimum (3) An advisory council must include a (3) UPI Conseil consultatif doit se composer Represeata- anresenta representative of employers, a representative notamment d'un reprdsentant des 1O° ra�axmale of labour and a representative of the desig- employeurs, dun reprdsentant de la main- nated groups. d'oeuvre et d'un reprdsentant des groupes d6sign6s. . 738 i 24 Bill 79 EMPLOYMENT EQUITY 1993 EMPLOYMENT EQUITY TRIBUNAL TRIBUNAL DE L'$QUIT$ EN MATIERE D'EMPLOI Tribunal 51.—(1) A tribunal is established to be 51 (1) Est crde un tribunal nommd Tri- Criation du established Tribunal known in English as the Employment Equity bunal de 1'6quitd en matiere d'emploi en Tribunal and in French as Tribunal de frangais et Employment Equity Tribunal en 1'dquit6 en matiere d'emploi. anglais. Composition (2) The Tribunal is composed of such (2) Le Tribunal se compose des membres Composition members as are appointed by the Lieutenant que nomme le lieutenant-gouverneur en con- Governor in Council. seil. Chair (3) One member shall be designated by (3) Le lieutenant-gouverneur en conseil Presidence the Lieutenant Governor in Council as the ddsigne un membre i la prdsidence. chair. via.-chairs (4)' The Lieutenant Governor in Council (4) Le lieutenant-gouverneur en conseil Vice-prisi- may designate one or more members as vice- peut designer un ou plusieurs membres a la dence chair. vice-prdsidence. Employ— (5) Such employees as are necessary for (5) Les employds ndcessaires a la conduite Employes the proper conduct of the Tribunal's work efficace des activitds du Tribunal peuvent may be appointed under the Public Service etre nommds aux termes de la Loi sur la Act. fonction publique. Panels of the 52.—(1) The chair may appoint panels 52 (1) Le prdsident peut constituer des rbu a du Tribunal composed of one or more members of the comitds composds d'un ou de plusieurs mem- Tribunal to conduct hearings. byes du Tribunal pour qu'ils conduisent des audiences. Presiding 2 The chair shall designate one member (2) Le prdsident ddsigne un membre de President de officer ( ) g 1 audience of each panel to preside over hearings of the chaque comitd pour prdsider les audiences du panel. comitd. Decision (3) A decision of a panel is a decision of (3) La ddcision d'un comitd est la decision Dicision the Tribunal. du Tribunal. Same: (4) If a panel has more than one member, (4) Si un comitd se compose de plus d'un Idem the panel's decision is the decision of the membre, la decision du comitd est la decision majority of the members or, if there is no de la majority des membres. En cas de par- majority decision, the decision of the person tage, la personne ddsignde pour presider a designated to preside. voix prdponddrante. Tribunal 53. The Tribunal may make rules for the 53 Le Tribunal peut dtablir des regles Tribunalu rules conduct and management of its affairs and concernant la conduite et la gestion de ses for the practice and procedure to be affaires, ainsi que des regles de pratique et observed in proceedings before it. de procedure i suivre dans les instances t introduites devant lui. I - PART VI PARTLB VI MISCELLANEOUS AND REGULATIONS DISPOSITIONS DIVERSES ET REGLEMENTS Employment uiti en 54.—(1) It is a condition of every contract 54 (1) Est une condition de chaque con- mMiciere equity government entered into by or on behalf of the Crown or trat conclu par la Couronne ou en son nom d'emploi cont: an agency of the Crown that every other ou par un de ses organismes ou au nom de contrats du party to the contract shall comply with Part celui-ci la stipulation selon laquelle routes les gouvCmCment III to the extent that the party has obliga- autres parties au contrat se conforment a la tions under that Part. partie III dans la mesure oil elles ont des obligations aux termer de cette partie. Subcontracts (2) Subsection (1) also applies with respect (2) Le paragraphe (1) s'applique `gale- Contrats de to subcontracts entered into in the perfor- went aux coptrats de sous-traitance conclus SOt1Y173.1mCe manse of a contract described in subsection dans le cadre de 1'exdcution d'un contrat visa (1), au paragraphe(1). Employment (3) It is a condition of every grant, contri- (3) Est une condition dune subvention, tquiti en matiere government bution, loan or guarantee made by or on d'une aide financiere, d'une garantie ou d'un d'emploi gnats, etc. behalf of the Crown or an agency of the pret accordd par la Cuuronne ou en son nom subventiors Crown that the person to whom the grant, ou par un de ses organismes ou au nom de du gouverne- contribution, loan or guarantee is made com- celui-ci la stipulation selon laquelle la per- 1993 80=8 EN MAnP-RE D'EMPLOI Pr_ de loi 79 25 ply with Part III to the extent that the parry sonne a qui la subvention, I'aide financiere, has obligations under that Part. la garantie ou le prat est accorde se conforme A la partie III daps la mesure oil elle a des obligations aux termes de cette pantie. Proof of (4) A finding by the Employment Equity (4) La conclusion du Tribunal de 1'6quit6 Preuve de i breach Tribunal that Part III has been breached is en matiere d'emploi selon laquelle it y a eu violation conclusive proof of a breach of the condition. violation de la partie III constitue une preuve concluante de la violation de la condition. Effect of (5) The breach is sufficient' grounds for (5) La violation constitue un motif sufff- Effet de la breach of the cancellation of the contract, subcontract, sant pour risilier le contrat ou le contrat de dune co condition PD d',tne condi- grant, contribution, loan or guarantee and sous-traitance, pour annuler la subvention, Lion for the refusal to enter into any further cen- I'aide financi6re, la garantie ou le pr8t et tract with or to make any further grant, con- pour refuser de conclure un autre contrat tribution, loan or guarantee to the same per- avec la meme personne ou de lui accorder de son. nouveau une subvention, une aide financiere, une garantie ou un prat. Regulations 55.—(1) The Lieutenant Governor in 55 (1) Le lieutenant-gouverneur en con- Raglements Council may make regulations, seil pout, par reglement 1. defining any word or expression used 1. d6finir tout terme utilis6 mais nonFl in this Act that is not already defined d6fini daps la prisente loi; in this Act; 2. governing what constitutes member- 2. r6gir cc qui constitue I'appartenance a ship in a designated group; un groupe disign6; 3. designating subgroups within a desig- 3. designer des sous-groupes dans un nated group; groupe d6sign6; 4. naming or describing employers in 4. nommer ou dicrire des employeurs en addition to those named in the Sched- plus de ceux qui sont nomm6s dans ule to the Pay Equity Act as employers 1'annexe de la Loi sur 1'equne sakriale in the broader public sector; comme employeurs du secteur parapu- blic; 5. excluding employers by name or S. exclure du secteur parapublic des description from the broader public employeurs en les nommant ou en les sector; d6crivant; 6. prescribing additional bases upon 6. prescrire les bases additionnelles sun which a person may regularly engage lesquelles une personae peut, en qua- the services of others as an er em to lit6 d'em 1 oY eur, retenir r6gulierement `" employer P for the purpose of this Act; les services d'autrui pour Papplication de la prisente loi; 7. designating persons as employees. for 7. designer des personnel comme the purpose of this Act; employ6s pour 1'application de la pre- sente loi; 8. setting out and governing circum- 8. 6noncer et r6gir les circonstances dans 1, stances in which any of an employer's lesquelles toute obligation de 1'em- obligations under Part III change or ployeur pr6vue a la partie III change cease to apply due to a change in the ou cease de s'appliquer en raison d'un number of employees in the employ- changement du nombre d'employ6s er's workforce; dans les effectifs de 1'employeur; 9. governing the application of this Act 9. r6gir 1'application de la prisente loi et and adapting the requirements of this en adapter les exigences a un Act to an employer and a bargaining employeur et i un agent n6gociateur, agent, if any, in the case of the pur- s'il y en a un, dans le cas de 1'achat, chase, sale, merger or other change in 8e la vente, de la fusion de I'entreprise the circumstances of an employer's de 1'employeur ou d'un autre change- business; went concernant la situation de son entreprise; 10. governing the application of this Act 10. r6gir 1'application de la pr6sente loi et and adapting the requirements of this en adapter les exigences Act, 740 26 Bill 79 EMPLOYMENT EQUITY 1993 i. as it applies to the construction i. en ce qui concerne 1'industrie de industry, la construction, ii. as it applies in situations where ii. en ce qui concerne les situations people are hired through union ou les individus sont embauchds hiring halls, par l'intermddiaire de bureaux d'embauchage syndicaux, iii. as it applies to employers that iii. en ce qui concerne les em- employ seasonal or term employ- ployeurs qui emploient des em- ees, ploybs saisonniers ou embauch6s pour une pdriode d6terminee, iv. as it applies to particular indus- iv. en ce qui concerne les industries tries or sectors of the economy particulieres ou les secteurs parti- which in the opinion of the Lieu- culiers de 1'6eonomie qui, de tenant Governor in Council can- 1'avis du lieutenant-gouverneur not be properly accommodated en conseil, ne peuvent pas faire through the provisions of this Act ]'objet de ]'application de la pr6- because of unique,situations in sente loi en raison de situations the industry or sector; •uniques qui existent dans l'indus- trie ou le secteur; 11. governing employment equity work- 11. r6gir les analyses des effectifs relatives force surveys and the collection of a 1'bquitd en matiere d'emploi et la other information to determine the collecte d'autres renseignements afin extent to which members of the desig- d'6tablir dans quelle mesure les mein- nated groups are employed in an bres des groupes d6signds sont employer's workforce; employes au sein des effectifs d'un employeur; 12. requiring employers that have 500 or 12. exiger des employeurs ayant au moins more employees to collect additional 500 employds 1 leur service qu'ils information to determine the extent to recueillent des renseignements sup- which members of subgroups within a pi6mentaires afin d'dtablir dans quelle designated group are employed in the mesure les membres des sous-groupes employer's workforce; d'un groupe d6signd sont employds au sein de leurs effectifs; 13. designating classes of employers in the 13. ddsigner des cat6gories d'employeurs broader public sector and requiring the au sein du secteur parapublic et exiger Crown in right of Ontario and every de la Couronne du chef de I'Ontario et employer in the broader public sector de chacun des employeurs du secteur or in a class of employers in the parapublic ou d'une cat6gorie de ceux- broader public sector to collect addi- ci qu'ils recueillent des renseignements tional information to determine the supplbmentaires afin .d'6tablir dans extent to which members of sub- quelle mesure les membres des sous- groups within a designated group are groupes d'un groupe d6sign6 sont employed in the Crown's workforce or employ6s au sein des effectifs de la the employer's workforce, as the case Couronne ou des effectifs de 1'em- may be; ployeur, selon le cas; 14. governing reviews of an employer's 14. r6gir ]'examen des politiques et prati- employment policies and practices; ques des employeurs en matiere d'err- ploi; 15. governing the content of employment 15. r6gir le contenu des programmes equity plans in situations where an d'dquitd en matiere d'emploi dans les employer prepares only one plan and cas ou 1'employeur n'61abore qu'un in situations where an employer pre- seul programme et dans les cas ou it pares more than one plan; en 61ab6re plus d'un; i . 16_ governing the development, imple- 16. r6gir 1'61aboration, la raise en oeuvre, mentation, review and revision of 1'examen et la revision des program- employment equity plans; mes d'bquit6 en matiere d'emploi; 17. governing certificates to be prepared 17. r6gir les ccrtifican devant titre prdpa- and filed with the Employment Equity rds et d6posbs aupres de la Commis- Commission on the development, sion de 1'6quit6 en matiere d'emploi en implementation, review or revision of ce qui concerne 1'61aboration, la mise 1993 8QUIT1=EN MAT18RE D'EMPLOI Pr. de loi 79 27 the employer's employment equity en oeuvre, 1'examen ou la revision des plans; programmes d'6quitd en matiere d'em- ploi de 1'employeur; 18. designating classes of employers in the 18. designer des catdgories d'employeurs } broader public sector and requiring du secteur parapublic et exiger des employers or classes of employers in employeurs ou des catdgories d'em- the broader public sector to file copies ployeurs du secteur parapublic qu'ils of employment equity plans with the diposent des copies des programmes Commission; d equity en matiere d'emploi aupres de la Commission; 19. governing the manner in which an 19. r6gir la maniere dont un employeur et employer and a bargaining agent shall un agent n6gociateur exercent conjoin- jointly carry out responsibilities under tement les responsabilit6s prdvues i la Part III and governing payment to partie III et r6gir la rdmundration des employees who are selected by a bar- employ6s choisis par un agent ndgocia- gaining agent to carry out joint teur pour exercer des• responsabilitds responsibilities; conjointes; 20. governing the composition of the co- 20. r6gir la composition du comitd de ordinating committee and respecting coordination et traiter des pouvoirs de the powers of the committee in carry- ce comitd dans 1'exercice des responsa- ing out joint responsibilities; bilit6s conjointes; 21. prescribing information that an 21. prescrire les renseignements qu'un employer must provide to a bargaining employeur doit fournir a un agent agent and prescribing criteria for the n6gociateur et prescrire des criteres purpose of subsection 16(7); pour 1'application du paragraphe 16 (7); 22. governing consultation by employers 22. r6gir is consultation des employds par with employees in accordance with les employeurs conform6ment i 1'arti- section 17 and governing payment to cle 17 et la r6mundration des employ6s employees for time spent for the pur- pour le temps pass6 aux fins de la con- pose of consultation; sultation; 23. governing certificates and other infor- 23. r6gir les certificats et autres renseigne- mation in respect of this Act and ments i 1'6gard de la prisente loi et de employment equity that must be 1'6quit6 en matiere d'emploi qui doi- posted in the workplace; vent etre affichds dans les lieux de tra- vail; 24. governing information in respect of 24. r6gir les renseignements i 1'6gard de la this Act and employment equity that prdsente loi et de 1'dquit6 en matiere an employer must provide or make d'emploi qu'un employeur doit fournir available to the employer's employees; a ses employds ou mettre i leur dispo- sition; 25. governing the establishment and main- 25. r6gir 1'6tablissement et la.tenue de tenance of employment equity records dossiers d'bquM en matiere d'emploi a in respect of an employer's employees; 1'6gard des employds d'un employeur, 26. governing reports and other informa- 26. r6gir les rapports et autres renseigne- lion to be submitted to the Commis- menu i pr6senter i la Commission en sion on the composition of an employ- ce qui concerne la composition des er's workforce or the development, effecti£s d'un employeur ou 1'61abora- implementation, review or revision of lion, la mise en oeuvre,l'examen ou la the employer's employment equity revision des programmes d'6quit6 en plans; matiere d'emploi de 1'employeur; 27. requiring employers that have 500 or 27. exiger des employeurs ayant au moins more employees to prepare reports 500 employ6s 1 leur service qu'ilsw containing information on the extent priparent des rapports donnant des to which members of subgroups within renseignements sur la mesure dans a designated group are employed in laquelle les membees des sous-groupes i the employer's workforce; d'un groupe d6sign6 sont employ6s au sein de leurs effectifs; 4 28 Bill 79 EMPLOYMENT EQUITY 1993 28. designating classes of employers in the 28. designer des categories d'employeurs broader public sector and requiring the au sein du secteur parapublic et exiger Crown in right of Ontario and every de la Couronne du chef de I'Ontario et employer in the broader public sector de chacun des employeurs du secteur or in a class of employers in the parapublic ou d'une catdgorie de ceux- broader public sector to prepare ci quTs preparent des rapports don- reports containing information on the nant des renseignements sur la mesure extent to which members of sub- dans laquelle les membres des sous- groups within a designated group are groupes d'un groupe ddsigne sont employed in the Crown's workforce or employes au sein des effectifs de la the employer's workforce, as the case Couronne ou des effectifs de 1'em- may be; ployeur, selon le cas; 29. requiring employers that have 500 or 29. exiger des employeurs ayant au moins more employees to prepare reports 500 employes a leur service qu'ils containing information on the extent preparent des rapports donnant des to which members of the designated renseignements sur la mesure dans groups are employed in each salary laquelle les membres des groupes ddsi- group in the employer's workforce; gnds sont employes daps chaque cate- gorie salariale de leurs effectifs; 30. designating classes of employers in the 30. designer des categories d'employeurs broader public sector and imposing du secteur parapublic et imposer a la more stringent.requirements on the Couronne du chef de 1'Ontario et aux Crown in right of Ontario and employ- employeurs ou catdgories d'em- ers or classes of employers in the ployeurs du secteur parapublic des exi- broader public sector with respect to genes plus rigoureuses en ce qui con- reports or other information to be sub- cerne la presentation de rapports ou mitted to the Commission; d'autres renseignements a la Commis- sion; 31. prescribing steps that may be taken by 31. prescrire les mesures que le Tribunal the Employment Equity Tribunal de 1'equite en matiere d'emploi peut under subsection 34(3); prendre en vertu du paragraphe 34(3); 32. prescribing, for the purpose of subsec- 32. prescrire, pour I'application du para- tion 35 (3), circumstances in which the graphe 35 (3), les circuntances dans Tribunal is not required to hold a lesquelles le Tribunal nest pas oblige i hearing and determine an application, de tenir une audience et de statuer sur and governing the procedure for deter- une requete, et regir la procedure a mining whether the circumstances suivre pour determiner si ces circons- exist. tances existent. Numerical (2) A regulation 'governing the content of (2) Un reglement rdgissant le contenu des objectifs goals in employment equity plans may require plans programmes d'equite en matiere d'emploi �program- to contain numerical goals determined in a peut exiger que ceux-ci contiennent des mes manner prescribed by the regulation. It may objectifs quantitatifs qui sont determines de provide that the goals shall be determined la maniere prescrite par le reglement. I1 peut with reference to percentages approved by prdvoir que les objectifs sont determines the Commission that, in the opinion of the selon des pourcentages approuvds par la Commission, fairly reflect the representation Commission et qui, de l'avis de la Commis- ' of the designated groups in the population of sion, refletent fidelement la representation a geographical area or in any other group of des groupes designes dans la population people. d'une Zone geographique ou dans tout autre groupe.. fial or (3) Regulations may be general or specific (3) Les reglements peuvent titre d'ordre �'Y general in nature. general ou specifique. ou specifique Conditions (4) A regulation may be made subject to (4) Un reglement peut titre assorti des Conditions such conditions as are set out in the regula- conditions qui sont enoncdes dans le regle tion. ment. / 43 1993 tQUITt EN MAntRE D'EMPL01 Pr. de loi 79 29 1 PART VII PARTIE VII CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENTS, MODIFICATIONS CORRELATIVES, REVIEW,COMMENCEMENT AND EXAMEN,ENTREE EN VIGUEUR ET SHORT TITLE TITRE ABREGE 1? 56. The Hunan Rights Code is amended 56 Le Code des droits de la personne est by adding the following sections: modifre par adjonction des articles suivants : Components 14.1—(1) A right under Part I is not 14.1 (1) Ne constitue pas une atteinte a Composantes of employ- infringed because positive measures or un droit reconnu dans la partie I le fait que des program- ment equity g P P q mes d'equite plans numerical goals that are contained in an des mesures correctives ou des objectify en matiert employment equity plan under the quantitatifs contenus dans un programme d'emploi Employment Equity Act, 1993 are restricted d'6quitd en matiere d'emploi prdvu par la to members of the designated groups identi- Loi de 1993 sur l'equite en matiere d'emploi fied under section 4 of that Act. ne s'appliquent qu'aux membees des groupes designds qui sont nommes a Particle 4 de cette loi. Definitions (2) In this section, (2) Les definitions qui suivent s'appliquent Dirmitions au present article. "numerical goal" means a goal with respect «mesure corrective» Mesure corrective ins- 3, to the composition of an employer's work- taurde en vertu de la Loi de 1993 sur force that is determined in accordance with 1'equite en matiere d'emplo'i. («positive the Employment Equity Act, 1993; ("ob- measure)*) jectif quantitatif") "positive measure" means a positive measure Kobjectif quantitatifo Objectif a 1'egard de la established under the Employment Equity composition des effectifs d'un employeur Act, 1993. ("mesure corrective") qui est determine conformement a la Loi de 1993 sur 1'equiti en matiere d'emploi. («numerical goal») Undue hard- 24.1—(1) If a complaint is made against 24.1 (1) Si une plainte est portee contre Prijudice ship where ,, injttsufii lors- employment an employer that has an employment equity un employeur qui a un programme d equite' qu'un pro equity plan plan under the Employment Equity Act, en matiere d'emploi aux termer de la Loi de gramme G7°`ts 1993, the Commission, a board of inquiry or 1993 sur 1'equite en matiere d'emploi, la Com- m,9tre d em- a court may consider the cost of implement- mission, une commission d'enquete ou un tri- ploi existe ing the employment equity plan in any bunal peut tenir compte du colt de raise en assessment of undue hardship that it makes oeuvre de ce programme dans toute evalua- L under subsection 11 (2), 17 (2) or 24 (2)with tion du prejudice injustifie qu'il fait aux ter- respect to the complaint. mes du paragraphe 11 (2), 17 (2) ou 24 (2) relativement a la plainte. r Same (2) Despite subsection (1), the Commis- (2) Malgrd le paragraphe (1), la Commis- Idem ` sion, a board of inquiry, or a court shall con- lion, une commission d'enquete ou un tribu- sider the cost of implementing an employ- nal tient compte du coot de mise en oeuvre ment equity plan in any assessment of undue d'un programme d'equitd en matiere d'em- hardship that it makes under subsection ploi dans toute evaluation du prejudice injus- 11 (2), 17 (2) or 24 (2) with respect to the tifie qu'il fait aux termes du paragraphe complaint if, on or before the day that the 11 (2), 17 (2) ou 24.(2) relativement a la complaint is filed with the Commission, plainte si, au jour ou la plainte est d6posee aupres de la Commission. Tune des condi- tions suivantes est remplie : (a) the Employment Equity Tribunal has a) le Tribunal de 1'dquit6 en matiere determined that the plan complies with d'emploi a decide que le programme Part III of the Employment Equity est conforme a la partie III de la Loi Act, 1993; or de, 1993 sur 1'equite en matiere d'emploi; (b) the Employment Equity Commission b) la Commission de 1'6quitd en matiere has determined that the plan complies d'emploi a decide que le programme with Part III of that Act. est conforme a la partie III de cette loi. 30 Bill 79 EMPLOYMENT EQUITY 1993 Orders re 41.1—(1) Despite any provision of this 41.1 (1) Malgrd toute disposition de la reia Ives aux employment pct, the Commission or a board of inquiry prdsente loi, la Commission ou une commis- programmes ens equity plans p par ordon- matiere do shall not, by order, amend an employment Sion d'enquete ne doivent as, p equity plan under the Employment Equity nance, modifier un programme d'dquitd en plo; Act, 1993. matiere d'emploi prdvu par la Loi de 1993 Sur Piquite en matiere d'emploi. Orders (2) If a board of inquiry finds that a right (2) Si une commission d'enquete concli ddan,1, as where plan of a complainant under Part I has been qu'un employeur qui a un programme ou un pro- exists infringed by an employer that has an employ- d'dquitd en matfere d'emploi aux termes de gramme ment equity plan under the Employment la Loi de 1993 sur 1'equite en matiere e"'`te Equity Act, 1993, the board may make an d'emploi a pond atteinte a un droit d'un plai- order that has the effect of imposing require- gnant reconnu a la partie I, la commission ments on the employer that are in addition to peut rendre une ordonnance ayant pour effet those contained in the employment equity d'imposer i 1'emploveur d'autres exigences en plus de celles que privoit le programme plan. d'dquite en matiere d'emploi. L'ordonnana Order not Une ordonnance rendue en vertu du L' fait pas part of plan (3) An order under subsection (2) shall (3) not be interpreted as forming part of the paragraphe (2) ne doit pas s'interpriter partie du pro. employment equity plan. comme faisant pantie du programme d'dquitd gramme en matiere d'emploi. 57. A standing or select committee of they 57 un comite permanent on un comite prim t de t, Review of preaente loi the Ad Legislative Assembly shall, on or before the special de I'Assemblee legislative entreprend, day that is five years after the day this section an plus tard le jour qui suit le cin euRmde comes into force, undertake a comprehensive anniversaire du jour de 1 entrie en vigu review of this Act and the regulations and present article, un examen global de la pre- 'I shall, within one year after beginning that sente loi et des riglements. Ce comite, dans ! recommendations to the Legis- 1'annee qui suit le debut de cet examen, fait review, make l ses recommendations i I'Assemblee legislative ative Assembly regarding amendments to this Act and the regulations. sur les modifications a apporter a la presente loi et aux reglements. �. Commerce- 58. This Act comes into force oo a day to 58 La presente loi entre en vigueur le jour £O�rCn awmt be named by proclamation of the Lieutenant que le lieutenant •gouverneur 6xe par Governor. proclamation. sho tide 59. The short title of this Act is the 59 U titre abrege de la presente loi est ntre'b e rt Employment Equity Act, 1993. Loi de 1993 sur l'equW en mature d'emploi. I I i 1. 1.. I i i X45 Law- Schedule "D" ONTARIO REGULATION 386/94 made under the EMPLOYMENT EQUITY ACT,1993 Made:June 23,1994 Filed:June 23, 1994 ABORIGINAL WORKPLACES 1. (1) For employers operating an Aboriginal workplace,sections 23 and 24 of the Act are varied as provided in this�Reguiation. (2) The variation applies only with respect to employees at the f' Aboriginal workplace. O.Reg.386/94,s. 1. 2. (1) Subsection 23(1)of the Act is varied as follows: 1. The day referred to in paragraph 1 is 24 months after the effective date. 2. The day referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 is 30 months after the effective date. 3. The day referred to in paragraph 4 is 36 months after the effective date. ;1 4. The day referred to in paragraph S is 48 months after the effective date. (2) The day referred to in paragraph 2 of subsection 23(2)of the Act is 30 months after the effective date. (3) The day referred to in paragraph 2 of subsection 23(3)of the Act is 48 months after the effective date. O.Reg.386/94.s.2. 3. (1) The day referred to in paragraph 2 of subsection 24(1)of the Act is 30 months after the effective date. (2) The day referred to in paragraph 2 of subsection 24(2)of the Act is 36 months after the effective date. O.Reg.386/94,s.3. 4. This Regulation comes Into force on the day on which subsection 22(1)of the Act comes into force. 28!94 i.`1 ` ONTARIO REGULATION 397/94 made under the EMPLOYMENT EQUITY ACT,1993 Made:June 23.1994 Filed:June 23.1994 CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY t 1. (1) For employers with employees in the construction industry, sections 23 and 24 of the Attars adapted as provided in this Regulation. (2) The adaptation applies only with respect to employees in the construction industry. O.Reg.387/94.s. 1. 2. (1) Subsection 23(1)of the Act is adapted as follows: 1. The day referred to in paragraph 1 is 24 months after the effective date. 1 The day referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 is 30 months after the effective date. 3. The day referred to in paragraph 4 is 36 months after the effective date. f� 4. The day referred to in paragraph 5 is 48 months after the : effective date. (2) The day referred to in paragraph 2 of subsection 23(2)of the Act is 30 months after the effective date. (3) The day referred to in paragraph 2 of subsection 23(3)of the Act is 48 months after the effective date. O.Reg.387/94.s.2. 1 (1) The day referred to in paragraph 2 of subsection 24(1)of the Act is 30 months after the effective date. (2) The day referred to in paragraph 2 of subsection 24(2)of the Act is 36 months after the effective date. O.Reg.387/94.s.3. 4. This Regulation comes Into fora as the day oo which sulimcdon 55(1)of the Act coma into fora. 28/94 1 t . .�Y All, ONTARIO REGULATION 388/94 made under the EMPLOYMENT EQUITY ACT,1993 Made:June 23.1994 Filed:June 23,1994 AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY i1. (1) Seasonal employees in the agricultural industry shall be ,1 deemed not to be employees for the purposes of subsections 3(5),7(2) and 7(3)of the Act. (2) Seasonal employees in the agricultural industry include employees employed under the Commonwealth Caribbean Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program or the Mexican Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program administered by Human Resources Development Canada. qT O.Reg.388194,s.1. 2. Parts III.IV.V and VI of the Act do not apply with respect to seasonal employees in the agricultural industry. O.Reg.388/94,s.2. 3. This Regulation coma into [once on the day on which subsection 55(1)of the Act coma into form y 28194 �l 7 ONTARIO REGULATION 389/94 made under the EMPLOYMENT EQUITY ACT,1993 Made:June 23.1994 Filed:June 23. 1994 ABORIGINAL WORKPLACE DEFINITIONS 6. For the purposes of subsection 22(1)of the Act,an Abori-`% DESIGNATED GROUPS workplace is a workplace operated by, I I. For the purposes of the Act.an Aboriginal person is a person who (a) a band as defined in the Indian Act(Canada). is a member of the Indian.Inuit or MEtis peoples of Canada. O.Reg. 389/94,s. 1. (b) an authority,board.commission or corporation without! capital.2. For the purposes of the Act,a person with a disability is a person who has a persistent physical,mental,psychiatric,sensory or learning (i) the majority of whose members are Aboriginal per.-l�s, impairment and who, and (a) considers themself"to be disadvantaged in employment by (it) that pmvides services principally to Aboriginal Perm- mason of that impairment:or or, (b) believes that an employer or potential employer is likely to (c) a ctxporation with share capital or an organization of pens ; consider the person to be disadvantaged in employment by reason of that impairment. O.Reg.389/94.s.2.. (i) the majority of the directors of which or the majorit �t members of the governing body of which are Aborig 1 3. (1) For the purposes of the Act.a member of a racial minority is ins.and a person who.because of the person's race or colour, is in a visible 0 1) that provides services principally to Aboriginal pens" . minority in Ontario. O.Reg.389/94,s.6. I( (2) An Aboriginal person is not a member of a racial minority solely CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY because he or she is an Aboriginal person. O.Reg.389/94,s.3. than one designated group. 4. A person may be a member of more 7. For the purposes of the Act, "construction" includes erect, alteration. repair, dismantling, demolition. structural maintenar- O.Reg.389/94,s.4. painting.land clearing,earth moving,grading.excavating.trenchinl. digging.boring,drilling,blasting,or concreting.the installation of a' BARRIER machinery or plant,and any work or undertaking in connection wii construction project but does not include any work or undertaking; j S. (1) For the purposes of the Act.an employment policy or practice mine. O.Reg.389/94,s.7. is a barrier if it directly or indirectly adversely affects persons who are members of a designated group more than it affects others. & II&Regulation comes into force on the day on which subsec--f (2) A policy or practice is not a barrier if the policy or practice is tkm SS(1)of the Act comes into force. permitted under section S of the Act O.Reg.389/94,s.5. 28/94 J "initial plan" means, in relation to all or pact of an employer's emplpyees,the fusi employment equity plan prepared under the Act that applies to the employees;("programme initial") "small employer"means. t ' (a) an employer in the broader public sector that has fewer than 50 employem excluding seasonal employees.or (b) a private sector employer that has fewer than 100 employees. excluding seasonal employees;("petit employeur") "workforce survey questionnaire"means a workforce survey question- } naire described in section 7.("questionnaire d'analyse des effectifs") (2) For the purposes of this Regulation,the following are the desig- nated employers in the broader public sector. 1. Every city,town,township,village,improvement district and regional municipality, The Municipality of Metropolitan {# Toronto,The District Municipality of Muskoka and the County if of Oxford. 2. Every board as defined in-the Education Act and every college and university in Ontario the majority of the capital or annual operating funds of which are received from the Crown. 3. Every hospital listed in the Schedule to the Classification of Hospitals Regulation made under the Public Hospitals Act. ' ONTARIO REGULATION 390/94 made under the 4. -Every private hospital operated under the authority f a licence EMPLOYMENT EQUITY ACT,1993 issued under the P'vane Hospitals Act. ty 5. Every hospital approved as a community psychiatric hospital Made:June 23. 1994 under the Community Psychiatric Hospitals Act. O.Reg. Filed:June 23. 1994 390/94,s.2. 3. (1) For the of this Regulation,the GENERAL which all or part ofpanneemployer's wo ldoree is located geographic in CONTENTS (a) the census metropolitan area for Ontario defined in Reference Maps.Census Metropolitan Areas and CensusAgglomemdons. Sections dated September 1992,published by Statistics Canada in which all or part of the workforce is located;or f f� Non-application 1 Interpretation 2-5 Workforce Survey 6-13 Review of Policies and Practices 14.15 (b) if it is not located within a census metropolitan area,the Canada . Employment Equity Plan 16-21 Employment Centre Management Area as set out in CEC Review and Revision of a Plan 22,23 Management Area Maps Ontario Region.dated August 31, Certificates 24 1993,published by Employment and Immigration Canada in Joint Responsibilities of Employers and which all or part of the workforce is located. Bargaining Agents 25-30 Consultation with Unrepresented Employees 31-33 Information for Employees 34-36 Employment Equity Records 37.38 (2) An employer may combine two or more geographic areas if the Employment Equity Reports 39-41 employerhas fewer than 50employeesin each.The combined geograph- i Commencement 42 is areas shall be deemed to be one geographic area for the purposes of this Regulation. O.Reg.390/94,s.3. NON-APPLICATION 1. This Regulation does not apply with respect to those employees 4. The occupational group for a job is determined as follows: who are employed at an Aboriginal workplace or in the construction industry. O.Reg.390194,s. 1. i. Determine the unit group of the job in accordance with Nation- al Occupational Classification-Occupational Descriptions and INTERPRETATION with National Occupational Classification -Index of Titles, both dated 1993,published by Employment and Immigration 2 (1) In this Regulation. Canada/Canada Communication Group. 2. Determine the occupational group o f the unit group in actor- 4. The information collected will not be used or disclosed except dance with Structure of the Employment Equity Occupational shed by che �993�1Y with Part Ill or IV of the Employment Equity Act. Groups under NOC,dated ONovember 1993..s.4u ' government of Canada• g• (3) The questionnaire must state that a person may be a member of morn than one designated group. S. (1) A salary group in an employer's workforce is established as (4) The employer shall ensure that the employer is able from the follows: questionnaire to identify by name or otherwise the employee who returns 1. identify the full-time annualized base pay for the highest-paid it. O.Reg.390/94.s.7. and the lowest-paid employee in each occupational group. & (1) The workforce survey questionnaire may include additional questions relating to employment equity. 2. Divide the difference between the highest and the lowest salary (2) The additional questions must be set out separately from those into four groups of equal dollar amounts. listed in Schedule 1. 3. •Each of the four groups is a salary group' (3) Only questions asking for further information about membership t oup for an employee is determined using the in a designated group or asking about the accommodation of persons (2) The salary gr pay. O.Reg.390194.S.5. with disabilities may be interspersed with questions listed in Schedule 1. employee's full-time annualized base WORKFORCE SURVEY (4) The questionnaire must indicate that the additional questions are must be given the workforce survey uestion- not required under the Act and that each employee has the right to decide 6. (1) Each employee 8 Y whether to answer the additional questions. O.Reg.390194,s.8. nairc. (2) Before preparing an initial plan, it is not necessary to give the 9. (1) The employer shall make reasonable efforts to assist each employee who needs help to understand or complete the woricforce questionnaire to employees that the employer has already surveyed to determine whether they identify themselves as belonging to any of the survey questionnaire. designated groups.so long as. (2) The bargaining agent shall also make reasonable efforts to assist each employee represented by the bargaining agent. O.Reg.390/94. (a) the results of the previous survey are up to date: S.9. and was carried out in a 10. Each employee shall return the workforce survey questionnaire (b) the previous survey used questions what would achieved results that using the workforce survey to his or her employer. O.Reg.390/94,s. l0. 11. (1) A small employer shall determine the following: questionnaire:and y avetheem to eesthechoiceofindicating 1. The number of persons in the employer's workforce who are (�) the previous survey g P Y Aboriginal persons,and the number among them who are men whether they arc members of the designated groups. and who are women. 2. The number of persons in the employer's workforce who arc-J (3) Despite clause(2)(c).the previous survey need not have obtained with disabilities,and the number among them who are information as to an employee's gender if the employee has otherwise persons then and who are women. provided the information to the employer. 't ainin agent shall jointly perform the 3. The number of persons in the employer's workfotze who are •{ (4) The employer and the barg g 8e members of racial minorities,and the number among them who duties described in this section and in subsection 10(1)of the Act with ate men and who are women. respect to the employees represented by the bargaining agent. d the bargaining agent do not agree upon 4. The number of women in the employer's workforce. (S) If the'employer and with respectto employees represented by whethoxsubsection(2)app uest the opinion of the (2) An employer other than a small employer shall determine the the bargaining agent, either of them may rW following for each occupational group in the employer's workforce it Employment Equity Commission about the matter. each geographical area in which the employer's workforce is located: f ((i) Subsection (5) does not prevent either party from making an i, The number of persons who are Aboriginal persons. and the application to the Tribunal under subsection 30(1)of the Act. O.Reg. number among them who are men and who are women. 390/94.s.6. questionnaire 2. The number of persons who are persons with disabilities,ant l 7. (1) The workforce survey q the number among them who are men and who are women. fisted in Schedule 1. 3. The number of persons who are members of racial minorities , (2) The questionnaire must state the following: and the number among them who are men and who are women y 1. Each employee has the right to decide whether to answer 4. The number of women. questions in the questionnaire. t*. ee mast return the questionnaire to the employs (3) These determinations are to be based upon,the inforrnatio: , 2. Each employ gathered under section 6. whether or not the questions are answered will be kept (4) The employer and the bargaining agent shall jointly perform th•.-t 3. The informarion collected in the questionnaire duties described in this section with respect to the employees represente confidential. by the bargaining agent. III For the purpose of performing its duties under this section,the bargaining agent shall have access to information compiled by the (a) the results of the previous review art up to date•and employer from the workforce survey questionnaires but not to the 4 completed questionnaires. (b) the results of the previous review are.likely to be the same as what would have been achieved had the employer done the (6) The employer shall notify the Employment Equity Commission review described in subsection(1)or(2),as the case may be. if the employer is using information from a previous survey referred to in subsection 6(2)to make determinations concerning employees who are not represented by a bargaining agent. O.Reg.390/94.s. 11. (4) The employer and the bargaining agent shall jointly perform the duties described in this section with respect to the employees represented by the bargaining agent. 12. (1) The employer shall ensure that the determinations made under section I I are kept up to date. (5) If the employer and the bargaining agent do not agree upon (2) The employer shall whether subsection(3)applies with respect to employees represented by give an employee a workforce survey the bargaining agent, either of them may request the opinion of the questionnaire to complete, Employment Equity Commission about the matter. (a) when he or she becomes an employee:or (6) Subsection (5) does not prevent either party from making an (b) when the employee indicates that he or she would like to application to the Tribunal under subsection 30(1)of the Act. change any information previously submitted on a question- naire. (7) The employer shall notify the Employment Equity Commission if the employer is relying on the exception described in subsection(3) (3) The employer and the bargaining agent shall jointly perform the with respect to employees who are not represented by bargaining described in this section with respect to the em employees rep resented a gent. O.Re g, 390/94 s.14. by the bargaining agent. O.Reg.390/94,s. 12. 15. (1) Based on the review of policies and practices,the employer r 13. (1) The employer shall conduct a new workforce survey nine shall determine whether any of the employer's policies or practices is a years after the date of the employer's most recent workforce survey. barrier to the recruitment,hiring.retention.treatment or promotion of members of a designated group. (2) If a previous survey referred to in subsection 6(2)is used when making the determinations required by section 11.the new workforce (2) The employer and the bargaining agent shall jointly perform the survey must be conducted nine years after the date of the previous duties described in this section with respect to the employees represented survey instead of the date required by subsection(t). by the bargaining agent. O.Reg.390/94,s. 15. (3) The employer and the bargaining agent shall jointly perform the EmmoymENT EQurnf PLAN f duties described in this section with respect to the employees represented by the bargaining agent. O.Reg.390/94,s. 13. lei. The employer and the bargaining agent shall jointly prepare an employment equity plan or plans under subsection l2(1)of the Act with REVIEW OF POLICIES AND PRACTICES respect to the employees represented by the bargaining agent. O.Reg. . 390/94,s. 16. 14. (1) An employer shall review the employer's policies and practices with respect to the recruitment,hiring,mention.treatment and 17. (1) An employment equity plan must contain the following promotion of employees: information: (2) An employer other than a small employer shall ensure that the 1. A list of the policies and practices identified as barriers that will review includes the following matters: be eliminated daring the term of the plan. 1. Recruiting.selecting and hiring employees. 2. A list of the policies and practices identified as barriers that wilt � F be eliminated during the term of subsequent plans. 2. Promoting employees and moving them between occupational groups in the employer's entire workforce. 3. A description of the measures that will be implemented during the term of the plan. 3. Training and developing employees. 4. A list of the numerical goals described in section 18 that will be 4. Evaluating employees'performance. achieved during the term of the plan and a description of how the goals were set. 5. Terminating the employment of employees, including their dismissal.resignation or retirement. S. A description of the timetable for implementing the measures and achieving the numerical goals. 6. Determining salaries and benefits. 6. A description of how the implementation of the measures and 7. Accommodating special needs of members of the designated the achievement of the numerical goals will be monitored 9, groups. ! ?_ 7. A description of the measures that have already been imple- 8. Any treatment of employees or conditions of employment that mend• are not otherwise addressed 8. A description of the procedure that a person may use to request (3) Before preparing an initial plan,it is not necessary to review the accommodation in his or her employment or prospective r� employer's policies and practices with respect to part or all of the employment and the procedure to be used by the employer in employer's workforce if the employer has already conducted a review responding to a request and, T 9. Adescription of the consultations with employees undersection 3. Persons in the geographical area who have the necessary skills l7 of the Act concerning the review of employment policies for employment within the occupational group. 1t and practices and concerning the preparation of the plan, a ! summary of the employees'comments during the consultations f and a description of how the employer has addressed concerns 4. Persons graduating in Ontario from educational and training that were raised• programs that give them the necessary skills for employment within the occupational group. s{ , (2) The measures must include measures to eliminate barriers. 5. Any other group for which the Employment Equity Commis- measures referred to in clauses 12(1)M.(c)and(d)of the Act and provides data to the employer. Commis- measures to eliminate discrimination and harassment. sion (3) Information about the population groups described in subsection (3) The measures to accommodate members of the designated groups (2)must be statistically valid and statistically reliable. who request accommodation in their employment or prospective employment must be developed and implemented in anxordancewith the (4) If persons are usually recruited into the occupational group from Human Rights Code. a larger geographic area than the specified geographic area, the (4) A small employer's plan is not required to include numerical population group for the larger geographic area may be used for the goals. O.Reg.390/94,s. 17. purposes of paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection(2). 18. (1) For each designated group,the employment equity plan must (5) In this section,"working age population"has the same meaning state a numerical goal for each occupational group in the workforce as in the Statistics Canada publication"The 1991 Census Dictionary-. covered by the plan. dated January 1992. O.Reg.390(94,s. 19. (2) Separate numerical goals must be stated for each geographical area covered by the plan. 20. _ (1) The term of an employment equity plan is three years. (3) A numerical goal is the proportion of job openings in the occupa- tional group that will be filled by members of the designated group. (2) An initial plan comes into force not later than the date specified.; larder section 23 of the Act.' O.Reg.390/94,s.20. (4) Seasonal employees and seasonal job openings are not to be 21. When more than one employment equity plan is prepared,tht considered when setting numerical goals. plans individually and together must not defeat the principles of tht•.. (5) In this section,"job opening"means. Act. O.Reg.390/94.s.21. (a) an opportunity for a person to be hired as an employee of the REvtEV AND REVtS[ON OF A PUN employer into the job: (b) an opportunity for an employee of the employer to be promoted 22. (1) A revised employment equity plan must be pmpared before within the occupational group: the preceding plan expires. v promoted or transferred (2) The revised plan mast describe the steps taken to review the (c) an opportunity for an employee to be p into another occupational group. O.Reg.390/94.s. 18. previous plan and revise it and it mast be prepared using information that is up to date. 19. (1) The following factors must be taken into account when (3) It must meet the requirements for an employment equity p1w setting a numerical goal for a designated group in an occupational group under the Act. and geographical area: 1. Any underrepresentation(in the employer's workforce covered (4) It comes into forte when the preceding plan expires. by the plan)of the designated group in the occupational group in the geographical area in comparison with the representation (5) The employer and the bargaining agent shall jointly perform the of the designated group in the working age population in the duties described in this section and in subsection 15(1)of the Act-with geographical area. respect to the employees teptesertted by the bargaining agent. O.Ref 390/94,s.22. 2. The number of designated group members in the employer's �. (1) Each employment it plan afar the initial plan entire workforce who have the necessary skills for entry into emP own equity p lmp p positions•in the occupational group or who the employer could must indicate which numerical goals,if any.in the pmceding plan wer 1 reasonably be expected to train to have those skills. not achieved (2) If a numerical goal was not achieved,the subsequent plan must 3. The level of representation of the designated group in the describe the measures to be developed and implemented to address th- ; population groups described in subsection(2).to the extent that matter. O.Reg.390/94,s.23. each population group has the skills for job openings in the CERT47CATES occupational group. (2) The following are the population groups that must be considered 24. (1) The certificate required by subsection 12(3)of the Act ft under paragraph 3 of subsection M:): an initial plan mast state that. 1. The working age population in the geographical area (a) the employer has provided the information and carried out the consultations required under the Act:and 2. Persons in the geographical area who are in the occupational group. (b) the employer has conducted the workforce survey,complete-) the review of the employer's employment policies and practices and prepared an employment equity plan. •1 a 111 (2) The certificate required by subsection 15(2)of the Act for a plan prepared after the initial plan must state that the employer and, if 27. The co-ordinating committee may determine the following ° applicable,the bargaining agent have reviewed the preceding plan and matters with respect to those employees who are represented by a 1 revised it. bargaining agent (3) Each certificate by a small employer must state the number of 1. Whetherto prepare more than one employment equity plan and employees in the employer's workforce and the number of members of how many to prepare. each designated group at the beginning of the term of the plan and at the beginning of the term of the preceding plan,if any. 2. Whether to subdivide the workforce within each plan and how to do so. (4) Each certificate by an employer other than a small employer must do the following: 3. What steps will be taken with respect to each portion of the workforce. 1. State the number of employees in each occupational group in the employer's workforce and the number of members of each 4. Who will take each of those steps: the employer and the designated group among them at the beginning of the term of individual bargaining agents.the co-ordinating committee or the preceding plan,if any. another entity. O.Reg.390194,s.27. 2. State the number of job openings in each occupational group 2& (1) For the purpose of carrying out itsjoint responsibilities under that were filled during the term of the preceding plan,if any. the Act,the bargaining agent shall consult with employees it represents who are members of the designated groups. 3. State the number of job openings in each occupational group (2) If hone of the employees it represents are members of a particular t that were filled by members of each designated group during designated group,the bargaining agent shall request information from 1 the term of the preceding plan,if any. the Employment Equity Commission on how to address the concerns of that designated group. 4. State the number of employees in each occupational group in (3) If no employees who are members of a particular designated the employer's workforce and the number of members of each group participate in the consultation,the bargaining agent stall request designated group among them at the beginning of the term of information from the Employment Equity Commission on how to the current plan. address the concerns of that group. O.Reg.390/94.s.28. s . 5. Describe the measures that were implemented during the term J of the preceding plan, if any, and those to be implemented 29. (1) Theemployershali provide the following information under during the term of the current plan. subsection 16(6)of the Act to the bargaining agent: (5) Each certificate must state that the employer has prepared the 1. Any reports prepared under section 39 or 40 relating to the 7 report required under section 39 or 40.as the case may be.respecting the employment equity plan that applies in respect of employees plan and must indicate where the Employment Equity Commission can represented by the bargaining agent. obtain a copy of the report. 2. Any order of the Employment Equity Tribunal or the Employ- (6) The certifrcate must be signed by the chief executive offrcerorthe ment Equity Commission that applies with respect to those equivalent of the employer. employees. (7) The certificate must be filed not later than six months after the (2) In information to be provided to the bargaining agent.a reference plan comes into force. O.Reg.390/94,s.24, to"one"."two "three"or"four"members of a designated group must be amended to read"less than five"members before the informa- JoINT REsPoNstatL m of lion is provided. O.Reg.390/94,s.29. EMPLOYERS AND BARGAINING AGENTS (� 30. (1) An employee who is representing a bargaining agent is (` 25. (1) If an employer's employees are represented by only one entitled to spend whatever time during the regular work day away from bargaining agent,the employer and the bargaining agent shall begin to his or ha regular work that the employer and the bargaining not agree establish a process for carrying out their joint responsibilities under the is necessary, Act at least twelve months before the date by which they are required to have completed the employment equity plan. (a) to attend meetings between the employer and the bargaining agent concerning their joint responsibilities: (2) If the employer's employees are represented by more than one t ` bargaining agent,the committee to co-ordinate the carrying out of their (b) to prepare for any of those meetings;and joint responsibilities under the Act shall begin to establish a process for carrying out those responsibilities at least twelve months before the date (c) to carry out duties arising from any of those meetings. by which they are required to have completed the employment equity plan. O.Reg.390/94,s.25. (2) Time that an employee of the employs spends on these sctivities is deemed to be work time for which the employee shall be paid at the 1` 26. (1) On the co-ordinating committee,each bargaining agent is regular or premium rate,as is appropriate. O.Reg.390/94,s.30. entitled to have one representative for each bargaining unit that is .:1. represented by the agent CONSULTATION wrrH EMPYEES (2)'A bargaining agent may choose to have one representative for two UNREPRESENTED LO or more bargaining units,and two or more bargaining agents may choose to be jointly represented. 31. (1) For the purposes of section 17 of the Act.the employer shall establish a process for consulting with employees concerning the (3) The employer and each bargaining agent shall select their workforce survey.the review of employment policies and practices and respective representatives on the co-ordinating committee. O.Reg. the employment equity plan that applies to them. 390/94,s.26. (2) The consultation process must include consulting with employees (5) The employees must be told how each stage in the process of who are members of the designated s,if any. Preparing and inrPleraeoting an employment equity plan is to be groups. Y accomplished. (3) If none of the employees being consulted are members of a (6) The employer and the bargaining agent shall jointly perform the particular designated group,the employer shall request information from dutiesdescribed in thissmiOn with respect to the employees represented the Employment Equity Commission on how to address the concerns of by the bargaining agent O.Reg.390V94.s.34. ; C group. ) 35. The following information must be posted under clause 18(1) (4) The consultation process must provide an effective means for (b)of the Act: employees to identify any barriers in the employer's employment ( 1. policies and practices and to comment on the employer's proposals for 1. The summary the plan. O.Reg.390/94,s.31. of the Act and regulations made under it given to the employer by the Employment Equity Commission. 32. (1) For the purpose of those consultations,the employer shall 2. A summary of the consultation process for each em make the following information readily accessible to employees at their Proc employ workplace: equity plan that applies in respect of the employees in the workplace. 1. A description of the consultation process. 3. A description of how the implementation of the measures. 1 2. The results of the workforce survey. timetables and numerical goals set out in each plan that applies in respect of those employees will be monitored. O.Reg. 3. A summary of the results of the review of employment policies 390/94•s.35. and practices. 36. (1) The following information must be posted under clause 18(1)(b)of the Act or provided or made available under subsection 4. A description of the measures proposed to eliminate barriers. 18(3)of the Act to an employee: (2) An employer is not required to make information accessible to an 1. The employmem amity Pun that applies to the employee. employee if the information does not apply to his or her workplace or if it does not concern the employment equity plan applicable in respect of 2. Any reports the employee. employment equity plan ha applies to the employee g to the (3) The employer may make the information readily accessible by posting it in the workplace or by posting a notice telling employees 3. Any order of the Em to ymera Equity Tribunal or the Employ- where in the workplace they may see it. P s� ment Equity Commission that applies with respect to that plan. (4) in information to be made accessible to employees,a reference to (2) In information to be provided to an em to "one","two"."three"or"four"membersof a designated group must ••one••,"two"... P Ya• a reference to ' be amended to read"less than five"members before the information is �„or afoure members ofadesignated group must be amended to read"less than Eve"Members before the information is 1 made accessible. O.Reg.390/94,s.32. provided. O.Reg.39Q+94,s.36. 33. (1) An employee who is consulted under section 17 of the Act EMPLOYMENT EQUrrY RECORDS is entitled to spend whatever time that the employer considers is .37. (1) An employer shall establish and maintain nxordsconcemin g necessary, the designated group membership,if All employees, anY,and the employment history of (a) to attend meetings with the employer or participate in the consultations;and (2) An employer that is not a small employer shall also establish and (b) to carry out duties arising from any of those meetings or maintain r=otds on the occupauorral >� classification of all consultations. I (2) Time that the employee spends on these activities is deemed to be (3) The employer shall keep these reaords up to date• work time for which the employee shall be paid at the regular or premium rate,as is appropriate. O.Reg.390/94,s.33. (4) The employer shall ensure that only those persons who are responsible for carrying out the employer's obligations under the Act t INFORMA77ON FOR Etrtptorms have access to the records described in this section. O.Reg.390194, t s.37. 34. (1) The employees of an employer must be informed about the (1) An employer shall k each employment Principles of employment equity before any steps are taken under the the information use to aP plo equity plan and Act prepare it for three years after the plan expires. (2) The employees must be told the purpose of the workforce survey (2) An em to before the survey is begun P yershall keep workplace survey questionnaires and any other information used to prepare a workplace survey until the subse- (3) The employees must be told the purpose of the review of employ- qnt workplace survey is completed. O.Reg.39094,s.38. ment policies and practices before the review is begun. (4) The employees must be informed about the development and EMPLOYMENT EQUITY REPORTS implementation of the employment equity plan that applies to them before the plan is prepared. 39, (1) An employer shall prepare an initial report about each initial Plan within six months after the plan comes into force. j -; (2) The following employers shall submit the initial report: 2 The number of employees who returned a workforce storey } questionnaire to the employer before the plan came into force l 1. The Crown in right of Ontario. and the number of those questionnaires in which the questions set out in Schedule 1 were completed. 2. The designated employers in the broader public sector with 50 or more employees. I A description of the measures implemented before the plan ' expired. (3) The initial report of a small employer must set out the following information: (4) The report of an employer that is not a small employer must set out the following information for each geographical area in which the I. The number of employees to whom the plan applies and the plan applies: number of members of each designated group when the plan came into force. 1. The goals set out in the plan concerning the composition of the '} employer's workforce. 1 2. The number of employees who returned a workforce survey questionnaire to the employer before the plan came into force 2. The number of employees in each occupational group and the and the number of those questionnaires in which the questions number of members of each designated group among them at set out in Schedule l were completed. the beginning and at the end of the term of the plan. 3. A description of the measures to be implemented during the 3. Thenumberofpermanentfull-time employees.permanent part=-- term of the plan. time employees,term employees and seasonal employees and the number of members of each designated group among them (4) The initial report of an employer that is not a small employer must at the beginning and at the end of the term of the plan. set out the following information foreach geographical amain which the plan applies: 4. The number of employees who returned a workforce survey 't 1. The number of employees in each occupational group and the questionnaire to the employer before the plan came into force number of members of each designated group among them and the number of those questionnaires,in which the questions when the plan came into force. set out in Schedule 1 were completed. x., 2. The numberofpermanent full-time employees,permanent part- S. The number of job openings during the term of the plan within time employees.term employees and seasonal employees and each occupational group and the numberof those openings that the number of members of each designated group among them were filled by members of each designated group. when the plan came into force. 6. The numberof persons who ceased to be employed within each 3. The number of employees who returned a workforce survey occupational t � number of members of each questionnaire to the employer before the plan came into force designated 1�P g Pao and the number of those questionnaires in which the questions 7. A description of the measures implemented before the plan + set out in Schedule t were completed. expired. 4. A description of the measures to be implemented during the (5) The report of an employer that has 500 or more employees must term of the plan. also set out the member of employees in each salary group for each occupational group and the number of members of each designated (5) The initial report of an employer that has 500 or more employees group among them at the beginning and at the end of the term of the hE must also set out the numberof employees in each salary group foreach plan- occupational group and the number of members of each designated group among them when the plan came into force. (6) In reporting the number of employees in each salary group,an employer is not required to indicate the actual salaries in the salary range 6 In reporting the number of employees in each salary group,the of each salary group. ( ) Po g employer is not required to indicate the actual salaries in the salary range (7) An employer may include-in the report other information that the of each salary group. employer considers relevant O.Reg.390/94,s.40. I� (7) An employer may include in the report other information that the employer considers relevant. O.Reg.390/94,s.39. 41. (1) Inforrnationabout Aboriginal people.peopkwithdisabilities and members of racial minorities in a report.other than information 40. 1 An employer shall a report about each employment concerning numerical goals, must indicate the number of men and ( ) PRP women that are members of each of those designated groups. equity plan within six months after the plan expires. (2) The following employers shall submit the report: (2) The determination of which employees ate permanent full-time j, employees and which are permanent part-titre employees is to be made 1. The Crown in right of Ontario. in accordance with the employer's ordinary business practice. O.Reg 390194,s.41. 2. The designated employers in the broader public sector with 50 COMMErrcBxt' or more employees. (3) The report of a small employer must set out the following 42- Ws)of Regulation es into force.eonthedayoowhlchsnbsec- information: dam 55(1)of the Act comes Into forte. �.: 1. The num"r of employees to whom the plan applies and the number of members of each designated group at the beginning and at the end of the term of the plan. �yR 1 - i S-cedule 1 WORKFORCE SURVEY QUES'I7ONNAIRE I. For the purposes of employment equity,women are a designated group- Am you Male❑ Female❑ 2. For the purposes of employment equity,a person is an Aboriginal person if he or she is a member of the Indian.Inuit or M6tis peoples of Canada. Based on this description, do you consider yourself to be an Aboriginal person? Yes❑ No❑ 3. For the purposes of employment equity,a person is a person with ` a disability if the person has a persistent physical,mental,psychiat- ric,sensory or learning impairment and. • I L.--the person considers himself or herself to be disadvantaged in employment by reason of that impairment,or ii. the person believes that an employer or potential employer is likely to consider the person to be disadvantaged in employ- y ment by reason of that impairment. If, Based on this description,do you consider yourself to be a person with a disability? Yes❑ No❑ 4. For the purposes of employment equity,a person is a member of a 1 racial minority if the person is.because of his or her race or colour. yI in a visible minority in Ontario. The fact that a person is an Aboriginal person does not make him or her a member of a racial minority. 1 Based on this description.do you consider yourself to be a member j of a racial minority? 1 Yes❑ No❑ 1 O.Reg.390/94,Sched.1. 28/94 1