HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-28-94 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# Date: MONDAY, MAY 16, 1994 Res. By-Law# Report#: TR-28-94 File #: Subject: TENDER CL94-6, SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PARKING METERS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report TR-28-94 be received; 2 . THAT J.J. MacKay Canada Limited, London, Ontario, with a total bid amount for Part "111 of $16,560 .00 (including taxes) for the supply and delivery of 100 meter housings, and $5,497 . 00 (including taxes) for Part "21' for the supply and delivery of 20 fully electronic parking meters, be awarded the contract for Part '1111 and Part 11211 , as required by the Department of Public Works; and 3 . THAT the total required funds in the amount of $22,057 . 00, be drawn from the approved 1994 Public Works Capital Budget Account #7225-00000-0520 . BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Tenders were publicly advertised and issued for the supply and delivery of 100 meter housings (Part "111 ) and 20 fully electronic parking meters (Part "2 " ) . As per the tender specifications, the Municipality may award Part 11111 and Part "2 " together or separately, whichever is in their best interest. 4-11 REPORT NO. : TR-28-94 PAGE 2 TENDER CL-94-6 Subsequently, bids were received and tabulated as follows: Bidder Total Bid Amount Part 1 Part 2 JJ MacKay Canada Ltd. $17,710. 00 $5,497 .00 London, Ontario Electromega Ltd. $23,294.40 $4,830. 00 Stoney Creek, Ontario Traf-Park Inc . $27,672 .45 $6,787 . 76 Mississauga, Ontario With respect to the bid submitted from J.J. MacKay Canada Limited, they have offered a trade in of $10 . 00 each for the old housings . This would reduce their total bid amount for Part "1" to $16,560 .00 (including taxes) . Although the total bid price submitted by Electromega Ltd. is the low bid for Part 11211 , they do not meet all of the tender specifications as outlined in the attached memo marked schedule "A" from Mr. D. Patterson, Manager of Operations, Public Works Department. The required funds will be drawn from the approved 1994 Public Works Capital Budget Account #7225-00000-0520 and are within the i $23,000. 00 allocated as reflected on page 40 of the draft capital budget. The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc, should be referred to the Director of Public Works . I After further review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing and the Public Works Department, it was mutually agreed that J.J. MacKay i � U4 REPORT NO. : TR-28-94 PAGE 3 TENDER CL-94-6 Canada Ltd. , London, Ontario, be recommended for the tender award to supply and deliver 100 meter housings (Part "1" ) and 20 fully electronic parking meters (Part "2" ) . The subject firm have previously performed satisfactorily for the Municipality of Clarington. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, e arano, H.BSc . ,AMCT. , W.H. Stockwell, reasurer Chief Administrative Officer W.A. Evans, P.Eng. Direction of Public Works MM*LB*ld I 1P �1 � i Schedule "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTL Memorandum a Cri CL.,r4i1.G, ,P I 'i it Z!j t'�•i r 1'1'_1(1 To: Lou Ann Birkett, Purchasing and Supply Agent From: Don Patterson, Manager of Operations, Public Works Date: April 25, 1994 Subject: TENDER CL94-16, SUPPLY OF PARKING METER HOUSINGS AND MECHANISMS The three bids for the above noted tender have been reviewed with the following recommendations: Part 1, PURCHASE OF 100 VANDAL RESISTANT HOUSINGS: .This should be awarded to the lowest bidder being J.J. MacKay. The submitted cost of $17,710.00 will be reduced by the -trade in value of $1,000 . 00 being $10.00 for each of the old style housings plus taxes as per item 3 . 1. Part 2, PURCHASE OF 20 FULLY ELECTRONIC MECHANISMS: This section should be awarded to J.J. MacKay which is the lowest bidder meeting all the specifications . 1) The bid from Electromega does not meet specification 2 .2 . The display of the 15 minute grace period as "-0 : 10, -0 : 11" and so on was tested with the meters purchased during 1992 . The By- law Department has had many complaints from confused and angered residents for the following reasons . A person seeing a time indicated at "-0: 15 " believes there is 15 minutes left on the meter and does not put any money in. When he returns he finds he has been ticketed. A person putting a nickel into the meter would show change the display from "-0: 15" to "00:06" causing the person to believe he has been cheated or,that the unit 1s broken. Another problem is people stopping at a meter with "-0:02" showing and not putting any coins in to use the remaining grace period as free parking. 2) The bid from Electromega does not meet specification 2 . 1 . The acceptance of only 7 coins could limit the future versatility of the units while the model from J.J. MacKay accepts up to 16 different coins . i i U6 2 - 3) The bid from J.J. MacKay under item 3 .3 includes the supply of 3 additional mechanism at no cost. This is a value of $717 . 00 (239 . 00 x 3) and reduces the average cost of the units to $207 . 83 (4, 780 .00 / 23) which is less than the Electromega unit price of $210. 00 4) The bid from J.J. Mackay also includes: -An extended warranty for units purchased during 1992 at no cost. -Recalibration of these units plus those ordered in 1992 at no charge if the Municipality has a rate change within 18 months from the date of purchase. 5) Schedule A item 10 stated timing was of the essence and early delivery time would be given consideration. The J.J. MacKay delivery date is 21 days while the Electromega delivery date is 5 weeks . The total cost of the purchase from J.J. MacKay should be 154 . 00 - 10 . 00 trade = 144 . 00 x 100 = 14,400 .00 + 2, 160 taxes total part 1 16,560 . 00 (revised as per above calculation) total part 2 5,497 . 00 grand total 22 , 057 . 00 (includes taxes) If additional in ation is required please advise. Don Patterson Manager of Operations, Public Works DP*rb cc : Walter Evans , Director of Public Works Ron Baker, Traffic Co-ordinator, Public Works Len Creamer, Senior By-law Enforcement Officer i f U7