HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-45-95 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# Date: MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1995 Fees. #S—)LO_1A_a-C—)4 Report#: TR-45-95 By-Law# File#: Subject: TENDER CL95-19, LAMBS ROAD BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report TR-45-95 be received; 2 . THAT Dagmar Construction Inc . , Markham, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $479, 000 . 29, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL95-19, be awarded the contract for the Reconstruction of Lambs Road Bridge, as required by the Department of Public Works; 3 . THAT funds in the amount of $500, 000 . 00 be drawn from the approved 1995 Public Works Capital budget, account #7204- 95001-0261; 4 . THAT the additional funds required in the amount of $71, 145 . 29 ($479, 000 . 29 Contract, plus design, contract administration and utilities less $500, 000 . 00 Budget allocation) be drawn from the Public Works Lot Levy Account #1110-00157-0000 ; 5 . THAT the attached By-law marked Schedule "A" , be forwarded to Council for approval ; and 6 . THAT the award be subject to the approval of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Tender specifications were provided by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates for the Reconstruction of Lambs Road Bridge, as required by the Department of Public Works . / 18 $�A P I E R PAPER P CYCIE 111S IS PE,RRE-4 RECYULD PAPER REPORT NO. : TR-45-95 PAGE 2 TENDER CL95-19 Tenders were advertised in the local papers, as well as the Daily Commercial News . Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as per Schedule "B" attached. The total project cost, which includes Utility Relocation, Property Acquisition and Project Administration, as detailed in the letter from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, marked Schedule "C" is estimated at $571, 145 . 29, which is over the budget allocation of $500, 000 . 00, as reflected in the 1995 Draft Capital Budget, Page 34 . I It is proposed that the funds in the amount of $500, 000 . 00 be drawn from the Public Works Capital Budget, account #7205-95001-0261 . The additional funds required in the amount of $71, 145 . 29 will be drawn from the Public Works Lot Levy account #1110-00157-0000, from which there are adequate funds available, and are eligible for subsidy in an approximate amount of $56, 916 . 23 . Therefore, the remaining funds actually required are expected to be in the amount of $14, 229 . 06 . i I The low bidder has previously performed satisfactorily for the Municipality of Clarington. The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, i specifications, etc . , should be referred to the Director of Public Works . r i f l I i REPORT NO. : TR-45-95 PAGE 3 TENDER CL95-19 After further review and analysis of the bids by Public Works, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Dagmar Construction Inc, Markham, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the Reconstruction of Lambs Road Bridge. I i Respec lly submitted, Reviewed by, ie Marano, H.BSc . ,AMCT. , W.H. Stockwell, Treasurer Chief Administrative Officer W.A. Evans, P.Eng. Director of Public Works MM*LB*ce i i i I I i I I i i 120 ti SCHEDULc- "B" BID SUMMARY CL95-19 LAMBS ROAD BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION BIDDER TOTAL BID AMOUNT Dagmar Construction Inc. $479,000.29 Markham, Ontario Varamae Construction $540,447.59 Thornhill, Ontario Louis W. Bray Construction Ltd. $611,614,14 St. Andrews West, Ontario Elirpa Construction & Materials $649,076.54 Pickering, Ontario Baltimore Development & Services $658,490.41 ** Cobourg, Ontario * Error in Calculation ** Error in Extension 2 saw Q, SCHEDULE "C" 4 51$ DIVISION STREET, P.O. BOX 910. cOBOt1R(-, ONTARIO, CI%NAOA K9A 4W4 totter Sims hubicki assoCiatel;. j ;9u5)3't2-21;:1 FAX f905)372•3d21 PMrs. Lou Ants $irkett, ANICT(A), Purchasin; & Supply Agent Corporation of the Municipality of Clariugtun Municipal Administration Centre, 40 Temperance Street J3OWMANVILLiv, Ontario L1C Q_A6 Fax No. 905••523-4169 June 8, 1995 17f!ar Mrs. Birke.tt: Rf': Mtmicipal Contract CI,95-I9, iiZunicipality of Clarington, Reconstruction of Lambs Br%dgge Including Abutting Road Approaches, Lot 6!7, Concession 3, Dariinraton Tenders fnr the above project were opened at the Municipal offices on Friday, June ?, 1.995. the bids received wore as follows: 41L�ER € t nclTj D-t-amar C:omtruction Inc_, Markham, Ontario $479,000 29 Nraramac Constructioa, Thornhill, Ontario $540,447,59-* Louis W. Dray Construction Ltd,, St. Andrews Nest, Ontario 1611.,614.14 E;lirpa Construction & Materials, Pickering, Ontariof 49,076.54 EIaitimore Developinent & Services, Cob=,"',, Ontnrio � S658,00.41-- * Error in.Calculation ** Error in Extension Engineer's Estimate. $481,190,00 Da--mar Cnnsiruction Tric., is Leased in Markham, Ontario and hss completed a number of structural Contracts for Ministry of Transportation Ontario, York Region and Durham Region. Construction and Co:ytract Administration by Dagmar on.these contracts have been completed to the sad5.5actiolo of the respective Municipalities and the Ministry. Da2mar Construction i:nc, have been in operation for mare then 30 years and have ach:,.ved a good reputation in the Industry. TSH have -,vorked with Da�-mar on mzuiy projects during our tenure of bus iness. Bw;ed on our research, tivc recommend that the Contract tar a«varded to Daamar Consrn=iext Inc., subject to tilt approval of the Ministry of Transportation Ontario. 122 , Xs. LOU Ann Birkett, A.MMA), Purchasing Tx Supply Agent June 8, 1995 2 Gusts associated With t thproject are ;summarized as follows: (:anfract `— S44? 663.82 Contingency _� 13,500.00* Design January - Junc 10/95 C.;02Ytraut Administration Services ` Utility Relocation - 47,000,00-- 3,QQO.00 Property Acquisition 2,500.00 T.egat Survey 1,500.C1Q Sub-Total ' $534,663.$2 36.481.47 TOTAL - �571,145.29` *GST Not Applicable E:.igible for Ministry of Tranmort2tiol7 Ontario Subsicy at the rate of (X 80 percent $456,000,0() Excl. (5.s*r E:igible at 1linist:y Of TfUlSpoftaticm Subsidy at the rate of 50 C,. pE,rcent N78,663.8'2 Excl. GS T All deposit cheques other than those of the low and second low hitjw m:j; nnu be. reiea�,:d. Your's truly, tot-ten sims hubicki associates D.R. Eourue ProjeCts Manager TO:F/DRB/ag 7564E/Y2:0436jC enc 1. pc.- A.S. Cannella, CET, Manager Of Engineering D, Patterson, CET, Manager of Oporntions Kaye land, Municipality of Clarington Gary Mason, TSH - Cobourg totters sims hubicki associates 723