HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-61-96 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# (-'�, , �_ Date: July 2, 1996 Res. # d —+IQ 9 Report#: TR-61_9A6 _ File#: By-Law# Subject: PART-TIME TAX POSITION - 1996 BUDGET REQUEST Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-61-94 be received; 2. THAT Council approve the request to extend the hours of the part-time position in the Tax Division of the Finance Department to a full-time position. Bachaonnd and Comment: 1.0 During the 1996 Budget deliberations, the Finance Department put forth a request to extend the hours of the part-time cashier in the Tax Division to a full-time position (see Attachment "A" from TR-28-96). This request was tabled per Resolution #GPA-172-96 to allow for a separate report on this issue. 1.1 The part-time position was added to the Tax Division of the Finance Department in 1990. Originally the duties for this position for the most part were filing, typing, mail and providing assistance to the full-time tax staff. This has steadily changed to the point that the part-time position is relied on to perform all aspects of the Revenue Clerk I position. The part-time staff currently works four (4) days or 24 hours per week. During busy instalment periods this position often works full-time hours. 1.2 Over the past few years, the population, as well as the assessment base has grown steadily (see Executive Summary portion of 1996 Current Budget). Also during the same time period, the recession has created more work due to higher outstanding accounts receivable balances. The volume of work has increased dramatically in the following areas: • number of bailiff warrants, tax sale proceedings, warning letters, etc. • number of general inquiries, over the telephone and at the counter. ® number of returned cheques (non sufficient funds) O number of bankruptcies Increasing the part-time hours to full-time will allow for more time to be devoted to the outstanding taxes receivable which gS Aq y,,3J, 1996 w 9 3 3 736. PAPS P AP I iHi51S P{iiMED CN RECYCLED ED PAPEq TR-61-96 Page_- 2 - 1.3 As a result of a review by the Municipality's auditors in 1995, audit recommendations have created new procedures and policies in the following areas: a) All cash accepted from other departments is required to be verified by tax staff and witnessed by a member of the originating department. Previously, deposits from other departments were received in a sealed bag and verified at a time convenient to work volumes of the Tax Division. This changes requires dedicating a Revenue Clerk to this task who receives cash throughout the day from other departments. Scheduling the departments can be difficult when the part-time person is not present, as well as when other staff are off due to sickness or vacation. i Often deposits are sealed in the vault until they can be verified, which is contrary to the auditors recommendations. Also, in light of budgetary constraints, deposits should be processed as quickly as possible to maximize interest revenue. b) All cheques received by mail were previously totalled on a adding machine tape by a staff member outside the Tax Division (by audit requirements), and subsequently forwarded to the Tax Division for recording and deposit. For internal control reasons, the above mentioned staff member must list all cheques received by roll number, name, date and amount of cheque. This list must be j checked in detail by a member of the Tax Division prior to recording and deposit in the Tax System. C) For audit internal control reasons, the Tax Collector is no longer authorized to take tax payments. In the past, the Tax Collector assisted at the counter during peak periods and times of staff shortages. 1.4 In order to improve customer service, as well as increase interest revenue to the Municipality, via prompt collection and deposit of receivables, a number of new tax payment methods have been introduced. a) Visa, Mastercard and debit card payments are now accepted. Payment authorization taken over the telephone for the credit card payments are now available to taxpayers. This is a very time consuming process. b) Effective December 1, 1996 a monthly Pre-Authorized Payment Plan (PAP) will i be available to taxpayers. This system will effectively spread the workload for those taxpayer accounts who enroll from the current four instalments to a monthly instalment basis. This plan will require continual maintenance and updating for banking and other information changes, new enrollments and non sufficient fund payments. This plan has been requested by taxpayers and will improve customer service and satisfaction. 1.5 The additional staff hours provided by this requested change will also result in more timely billing of supplementary taxes and notifications for grants-in-lieu. This in turn will increase the investment income earned by the Municipality. 799013 TR-61-96 Page - 3 - Conclusions: 2.0 There are many benefits to making the part-time position full-time. It would greatly improve our cash flow and increase investment interest revenue. It will also assist in adhering to the auditors' recommended cash controls. Customer service will also be enhanced due to improving timeliness and quality of service. 2.1 Increasing this position from a 24 to 35 hour work week will reduce the amount of time- in-lieu worked by other staff. Also, by delegating more of the clerical or payment processing tasks, senior staff will be available to concentrate more fully on account receivable collections. This is important to the long term financial stability of the Municipality. Recommendations: 3.0 Should Council approve the change in the part-time position in the Tax Division of the Finance Department to a full-time position, the funds to cover this change could be accommodated through the prior year surplus by allowing the normal budget account to accommodate the approximate $10,000 annual difference. In 1996 the partial year actual cost will be closer to $5,000. (:;ne�&.e ly submitted, Reviewed by, Marano, H.BSc., A.M.C.T., W.H. Stockwell, Treasurer. Chief Administrative Officer. MM/RS/hjl I i 799014 Attachment "All DW8.drep96 1996 BUDGET CONSIDERATIONS Attachment#A2 ta"i..d AW.91% Report TR-28-96 A 1996 BUpG)✓T D'JUS::MENTS UNCONTROLLABLE PACTS ON 1996 BUDGET il nt UDGET ADJUSTMENTS O ACCOMMODA E 0% =Amount (Romates MAJOR:EXP..ENDITURE REDUCTIONS::. "'' (Rounded) t. Provincial Grant Reduction (37%REDUCED) 000 Roads Capital-Reduced Allocation (38/°matching want reduction 355,000 2. Fire Primary Response/grid movement of fire fighters ,000 Works Operations reduced(MadVac/Tree Planting etc) 65,000 3. Negotiated Contracts/health benefits/Pay Equity ,000 Vehicle Rate Cha rged reduced 125,000 4. Insurance Premiums(15%increase) 25,000 Position Vacancies:removed budget values 180,000 5. Other Inflation Costs(phone/heat,office supplies) 40,000 Consulting&Legal All Departments 95,000 G. Reduction in Surplus Application 190,000 Dufferin Aggregate Gravel value/rural gravel reduction 165,000 7. Reduced Reserve Fund support to operations(net) 135,000 General reductions all departments/contingency 80,000 s Courtice Complex-Core Operations 35,000 Reduction to Community Grant Allocation 15,000 9. Transfer to Equipment Reserve(Parks)/Computer appl. 50,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURE REDUCTION 1;08.0;..0.00 Amount Needed to Maintain 0%Budget 1 695 000 MAJOR:REVENUE;INCREA$ES: :: User Fees 165,000 Permits&Licences 120,000 Other Revenue(Rents/Canteen Revenue etc) 140,000 TOTAL REVENUE INCREASE 42501.0. OTHER: Assessment Growth Contribution(1.8%) 190,000 TOTAL OTHER 19000Q TOTAL:B.UD.GET AD 1t1.STMENTS'FOR;O.% i?695 00.0 u get a errs Items: or 199 ::.• ot►sl;,sfato[t. De artment/Details. p >. 1996:Budget:. Household;: ImP:act. laX.1 Each$25,000 adds$1,to Tax Bill Adrninisttaeon I. Economic Development Officer-vacancy(Budget value in 1996 budget) (40,000) 0 2. Capital projects not included in draft-funding from Res.Fund a)M.A.C.-paint cupola/flashings ($3,100.from Admin.Res.Fund/Civic Lot Levy) 0 b Newcastle Fire Stn.-reinforce resurface roof L$20,000 Fire Lot Le 0 0 Finance t. Tax:Part-time cashier to full-time re:direct payment plan/more visa activity etc 10,00011 0 1Fire 1. Jr.Firefighting Program-Students 1 6.00011 1rublic works I. King St.WD-47-95:KIng St.Pedestrian walkway/Park benches[Report Attached 23,000 1 2. Senior Snow Clearing-Fall 1996 for 1997 season (1/2.2 f season 15,000 1 1community Services [Reports Attac e 1. CS-30-95 Canada Remembers Program/50 Years of Peace Cemmorations[Flo 21,500 12. CS-02-96 Fitness Centre Squash Facilities-renovations-windows at viewing 16 000 1 manning I. OMB legal cost-will be brought in separate report if required 0 0 .I Gcncral 11. Visual Arts Centre -art rentals discontinued in Administrative Centre 2,0 Grant Requests 1995 Buc jet a) Visual Arts (see Budget) 1996Reque 44,131 41,131 3,000 Attachnten[# �:A-1 C.O.M.RA.(increase grant&ImplemenFees) 2,500 5,000 A=2 OVERT Rescue(delegation to Council M 0 3,500 A-3 Kindney Foundation(received Mar.28) Twinn 100 100 ��A-4 Memorial Hospital Foundation:re`Bodie in Motion" 0 RRC booking fee A-5 Salmon Derby:Roger Pardy Memorial Scholarship Trust Fund not specified A-6 Durham Regional Police:250 Clarington Safety Patroller fanny packs not specified I:A-7 Bowmanville Sr.Public Gr.7&8 Wellness Initiative Fundraising-back field not specified A-8 City of Brampton - Korea Veterans Wall of Remembrance 400 A-9 the RYTE Approach-Rose of Durham Young Parents Support Services not specified A-1 o Old Tyme Fiddle&Dance Club-Redce monthly rental fee for RRC RRC fee$15o/mon A-11 Northumberland Business Self-Help Office:Andree Cooper 800 A-12Irene England-Senior Citizens bus fund(94 Contingency grant$556) not specified A-13Durham Region Farm Safety Association-Ruth Powell 75 A-14Bowmanville Senior Public-Putnam Fitness Trail not specified A-15Ontario Street Public School-playground-Ulrike&Karl Fliesser on grant list #96- Total Grants/External Requests 12,875 1 Total Im ct Exclusive of 9PPpositionj 106 375 L $ 5 Mill Rate-Household mpact. °1?>0. ;ax::..i.;:?:`::;': ouse..9. :>.sus:.:! Municipal 0%V, 9!t0: Regioc�al 19%Q 41.$: Education r:61:.°::::::::::::::.::::::::::.:::::.::.:......::::::::::::::::.: .:::: :::::::.::::::. 1342 mm n Avers aHouseholcl:8ill> ::2200 799.01. 5