HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-69-96 REPORT #2 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: OUNCIL '' 9� File#� � �, °G�-\A Date: MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1996 Res. # #Report##: TR-6 9-9 6 File#: By-Lawn Subject: TENDER CL9 6-11, RECONSTRUCTION OF HIGHWAY #2, GREEN ROAD, EXTENSION OF UPTOWN AVENUE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report TR-69-96 be received; 2 . THAT Mardave Construction Ltd. , Weston, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $1, 971, 041 .54, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL96-11, be awarded the contract for the Reconstruction of Highway #2, Green Road, and the Extension of Uptown Avenue, as required by the Department of Public Works; 3 . THAT the Municipality of Clarington portion for Highway #2 construction of $1, 127,460 . 00 be drawn from Public Works Capital Budget Account #7205-96005-0261; 4 . THAT the Municipality of Clarington portion for Green Road reconstruction of $612, 649 . 00 be drawn from Public Works Capital Budget Account #7205-96001-0261; 5 . THAT the Municipality of Clarington portion for Uptown Avenue Extension of $44, 350 . 00 be drawn from Public Works Capital Budget Account #7205-'01001-0261; 6 . THAT the funding for the extra works requested by the developer and the budgeted contributions from the developers for these projects be in place prior to the signing of the contract; 7 . THAT the Kaitlin Group be invoiced for an additional $17, 000 . 00 toward the installation of storm sewer laterals on Green Road; _ 8 . THAT the Regional portion of the work be billed accordingly; 9 . THAT the award be subj ect to the approval of the Regional Municipality of Durham and the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario; and 10 . THAT the attached By-Law marked Schedule "A" , be approved. PAPER RE'CIE THIS IS PRIMED O RECYCLED PAPER REPORT NO. : TR-69-96 PAGE 2 TENDER CL96-11 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Tender specifications were provided by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates for the Reconstruction of Highway #2, Green Road, and the Uptown Avenue Extension, as required by the Department of Public Works. Tenders were advertised in the local papers, as well as the Daily Commercial News . Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as per Schedule "B" attached. The cost summary and cost allocation for the total project cost, including Project Administration, is detailed by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates on Schedule "D" . Included in the total tendered price of $1, 971, 041. 54 is work to be performed on behalf of the Region, as identified in Schedule "D" for which they will be invoiced as appropriate. As approved under report Admin 14-95, and as identified in Schedule "E" Markborough Properties Inc. , and Willsonia Industries Limited are providing funding for part of the urbanization of Highway #2 and Green Road Reconstruction. In addition to the contributions detailed on Schedule "E" , it is anticipated that an additional $17, 000 . 00 will be recoverable by the Municipality from the Kaitlin Group for the installation of storm sewer laterals on Green Road (refer to letter from Totten Sims Hubicki - Schedule "C") . Although the low bidder has not previously performed for the Municipality of Clarington, they have provided satisfactory service to numerous Municipalities within the Regions of Halton, Peel, Waterloo, and York. REPORT NO. : TR-69-96 PAGE 3 TENDER CL96-11 The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendations. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc. , should be referred to the Director of Public Works . After further review and analysis of the bids by Public Works, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates and purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Mardave Construction, Weston, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the Reconstruction of Highway #2, Green Road, and the Extension of Uptown Avenue. Respectfully submitted, Reviewe Ma e arano, H.BSc. ,AMCT. , H. S c we Y, Treasurer e%hiel---Ad5 ' strative Officer Stephen A. Vokes, P.Eng. Director of Public Works MM*LB*ld SCHEDULE "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 96- Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Mardave Construction Ltd. , Weston, Ontario, for the Reconstruction of Highway #2, Green Road, Extension of Uptown Avenue. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington with the Corporation Seal, a contract between Mardave Construction Ltd. and said Corporation. By-law read a first and second time this day of August, 1996 . By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of August, 1996 . Mayor Clerk SCHEDULE 'B" BID SUMMARY CL96-11 PART A - HWY. 2, GREEN ROAD TO REG. RD. 57 PART B - GREEN RD. FROM HWY. 2 TO 520 METRES SOUTH OF HWY. 2 PART C - UPTOWN AVENUE BIDDER TOTAL BID AMOUNT Mardave Construction Ltd. $1,971,041.54 * Weston, Ontario Novacor Construction Ltd. $2,096,813.32 * Queensville, Ontario Ron Robinson Ltd. $2,138,762.27 Oshawa, Ontario Dagmar Construction Inc. $2,177,849.90 Markham, Ontario Hard-Co Construction Ltd. $2,240,707.87 Whitby, Ontario * Error in extension - SCHEDULE "C" t—(7 CJClh/1 513 DIVISION STREET, P.O. BOX 910, COBOURG ONTARIO,CANADA K9A 4W4 wa totten sims hubicki aSSO t (905)372-2121 FAX(905)372-3621 JUL 2 6 1 I :1� 1 J July 19, 1996 IV,UINI01 P-u ITY 0"-C.",".F,tlii, 0 Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, AMCT(A), Purchasing & Supply Agent Corporation of the Municipality of Claring-ron Municipal Administration Centre, 40 Temperance Street ��.VJJ BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Mrs. Birkett: Re: Contract No. CL96-11, Part `A' Highway No. 2 Reconstruction Part `B' Green Road Reconstruction, Part `C' Extension of Uptown Avenue Municipality of Clarington Tenders for the above project were opened at the Municipal offices on Thursday, July 11, 1996. The bids received (inclusive of GST) are summarized as follows: BIDDER TOTAL BID:AMOUNT Mardave Construction Ltd., Weston, Ontario $1,971,041.54* Novacor Construction Ltd., Queensville, Ontario $2,096,813.32* Ron Robinson Ltd., Oshawa, Ontario $2,138,762.27 Dagmar Construction Inc., Markham, Ontario $2,177,849.90 Hard-Co Construction Ltd., Whitby, Ontario $2,240,707.87 Engineer's Estimate $2,470,000.00 *Error in extension We have checked the low bidder's tender and wish to ad%-ise that all requirements have been satisfactorily addressed. An agreement to Bond and a deposit cheque in the amount of$100,000.00 accompanied the bid. Mardave Construction is based in Weston. Ontario. Thee have undertaken a number of million dollar (plus) Municipal contracts within the Regions of Halton, Peel, Waterloo and York. All references indicated that their workmanship was good and that they worked quickly. ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, AMCT(A), Purchasing & Supply Agent July 19, 1996 2 Mardave Construction is capable of fulfilling the obligations of the contract based on our research. We therefore, recommend the contract be awarded to the low bidder. A copy of the Cost Apportionment Summary Sheet based on the low bid is attached herewith detailing the estimated project cost and respective contributions required from other parties. In addition to the contributions detailed on the Summary Sheet, it is anticipated that an additional $17,000.00 will be recoverable by the Municipality from the Kaitlin Group for the installation of storm sewer laterals on Green Road. Similarly, the Region of Durham should be able to recover approximately $18,000.00 for sanitary sewer and watermain leads to the same development. The share described as Hwy. No. 2 Urbanization is to be cost shared based on the recommendations included in Report #ADM 14-15. Kindly advise the undersigned subsequent to approval of this tender award. Yours truly totten sims hubicki associates William McCrae, P.Eng. Design/Construction Engineer TOF/WMc/ag 15377/12/9/10520/C encl. PC: A.S. Cannella, CET, Manager of Engineering (+encl.) D.B. Patterson, CET, Manager of Operations (+encl.) Kaye Rand, Municipality of Clarington(+encl.) J.G. Baker, Region of Durham (+encl.) Mike Wilson, CET, Region of Durham (+encl.) Peter Nundy, P.Eng., Region of Durham (+encl.) Thor Eklund, P.Eng., Markborough Glen Willson, Willsonia Industries totten sims hubicki associates COST APPORTIONMENT BASED ON LOW BID FROM MARDAVE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE "D" CONTRACT CL96-11 ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL CLARINGTON DURHAM REGION HWY No.2 URBANIZATION MARKBOROUGH WILLSONIA COMMENTS PART'A'-HIGHWAY N0.2 URBANIZATION SECTION 1 $830,917.90 $42,771.00 $568,313.50 $219,833.40 SECTION 2 $21,305.00 $800.00 $20,505.00 SECTION 3 $188,163.00 $9,140.00 $111,280.50 $67,742.50 SECTION 6 $87,058.00 $64,134.00 $22,924.00 TOTAL CONTRACT CL96-11 $1,127,443.90 $106,905.00 $0.00 $601,177.50 $331,113.90 $88,247.50 TOP LIFT OF ASPHALT $75,000.00 $62,500.00 $12,500.00 REGIONAL WORKS $80,000.00 $80,000.00 100%HWY 2 (signals,line painting,soils) DETAILED DESIGN&TENDERING(ESTIMATED TO JULY 19,1996) $65,000.00 $65,000.00 100%HWY 2 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION $112,744.39 $10,690.50 $0.00 $60,117.75 $33,111.39 $8,824.75 PRORATED ON CONTRACT COSTS UTILITY RELOCATION $20,000.00 $20,000.00 100%HWY 2 SUBTOTAL $1,480,188.29 $117,595.50 $0.00 $888,795.25 $376,725.29 $97,072.25 GST(EXCLUDING CONTINGENCIES) $103,613.18 $8,231.69 $0.00 $62,215.67 $26,370.77 $6,795.06 CONTINGENCIES $34,198.53 $3,172.81 $17,989.09 $9,903.94 $3,132.70 PRORATED ON CONTRACT COSTS TOTAL PART A $1,618,000,00 $129,000.00 $0,00 $969,000.00 $413,000.00 $107,000.00 PART'B'-GREEN ROAD RECONSTRUCTION SECTION 1 $428,795.20 $428,795.20 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 $89,712.50 $79,795.00 $9,917.50 $82,846.30 $74,848.00 $7,998.30 SECTION 5 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 TOTAL CONTRACT CL96-11 $611,354.00 $428,795.20 $164,643.00 $17,915.80 DETAILED DESIGN&TENDERING(ESTIMATED TO JULY 19,1996) $55,800.00 $40,000.00 $15,800.00 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION $61,135.40 $42,879.52 $16,464.30 $1,791.58 PRORATED ON CONTRACT COSTS SOILS REPORT&WELL MONITORING $15,000.00 $10,838.41 $4,161.59 UTILITY RELOCATION $20,000.00 $20,000.00 100%CLARINGTON SUBTOTAL $763,289.40 $542,513.13 $201,068.89 $19,707.38 GST(EXCLUDING CONTINGENCIES) $53,430.26 $37,975.92 $14,074.82 $1,379.52 CONTINGENCIES(EXCLUDING DURHAM REGION) $14,424.05 $13,510.95 $913.10 TOTAL PART'B' $831,143.71 $594,000.00 $215,143.71 $0.00 $22,000.00 $0.00 PART'C'-UPTOWN AVENUE EXTENSION SECTION 1 CL96-11 $33,297.00 $33,297.00 100%CLARINGTON DETAILED DESIGN&TENDERING(ESTIMATED TO JULY 19,1996) $2,200.00 $2,200.00 100%CLARINGTON CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION $3,329.70 $3,329.70 SUBTOTAL $38,826.70 100°hCLARgSGTON $38,826.70 100%CLARINGTON GST(EXCLUDING CONTINGENCIES) $2,717.87 $2,717.87 100%CLARINGTON CONTINGENCIES $1,455.43 $1,455.43 100%CLARINGTON TOTAL PART'C' $43,000.00 $43,000.00 100%CLARINGTON I PART'D'- BONDING MOBILIZATION&DEMOBILIZATION $70,000.00 $22,476.11 $6,503.61 $23,747.28 $13,787.12 $3,485.89 PRORATED ON CONTRACT COSTS GST $4,900.00 $1,573.33 $455.25 $1,662.31 $965.10 $244.01 TOTAL PART'D' $74,900.00 $24,049.44 $6,958.86 $25,409.58 $14,752.21 $3,729.90 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $2 567 043.70 $790 049.43 $222 102.57 $994 409.59 $449 752.21 $110,729.90 LESS G.S.T.REBATE $1W231.36 $28.784.32 1 $8.282. $36,410.45' $28,715.39 $703907 57%TO MUNICIPALITIES 100%TO DEVELOPERS 1 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS AFTER G.S.T.REBATE $2,457,812.34 $761,265.12 $213,820,43 $957,999.14 $421,036.83 $103,690.83 PREMIUM FOR ALTERNATE SEWER ALIGNMENT $30,047.38 TO BE COMPLETED IN 1997 totter sims hubicki 10557LB.WK4 0722/96 HIGHWAY#2 URBANIZATION-Budget Analysis: Secedule E Report TR-69-96 COSTS TbNRtR #CL96 1: . F1NA.'NC1Nq Account# Projeot Budget Budget MurucipaI Devetr per Developers TOTAL Page. Amount t?ortion, ._.Portion TOTAL Ctann ton:.>::Account:Name/Res onsilil` Re ion: Marklorou h;>;W[Isonia>finan6in Final Allocation based on Original Cost Allocation:Note 1 72QS-96005 261 HighW 1. #2 Utbgnizatibn 149 1;190,tlOt) 400,000 Adminl4-95:Markborough----> 400,000 $[dewalks/Street Lights 290000 250,000 Adminl4-95:Wilsonia----> 250,000 1';480 000 240,000 Adminl4-95:Region----> 240,000 104,410 Adm14-95:Shortfall=Claringon-S150escalated 104,410 [No(elutludGsBottci)ng] 994,410 994,410 994,410 Urbanization Cost including traffic signals [Note:includesBonding] 133,050 133,050 109,098 St.Lights/Sidewalks-Development Charge R/F 17,300 -Roads Contribution Res.Fund 6_,653 -Tax Levy 133,050 Total St.Ligbts/Sidewalks Developers �Xtra Works 520,000 520,000 413,000 107,000 Total BUd�et/':Tender 1 48 OQO 1 127 460 520 000 1 647 460 1,647,460 7205 96001 ?61 G[eeRaid Fit construction 144 950 000 612,649 237,144 849,793 474,191 Development Charge R/F(.9%gowth/*86%) 215,144 22,000 849,793 138,459 Tax Levy(14%of growth+10%of total cost) 612,649 7203 1001 26P Uptown Avenue Extension 160 100,000 44,350 44,350 38,141 Development Charge Res.Fund(86%) [lrtcluds�oadtstg/N�ts G$1] 6,209 Tax Levy(14%) 44.350 44,350 Developers:Bonding/Mobilization 25,441 25,441 6,959 14,752 3,730 25,441 TOTAL PROJECT:BUDGET&COST Net GST 2 5a0 000 1:784'450. 782585 2 5fi7 044 462'1.03 954162 1::360 Z30 2 567>0:4? Financin Required from Developers Total Project Construction Costs 462,103 954,162 360,730 1,776,995 Additional Costs: 1.Sewer alignment 30,047 30,047 2.Escalated$150,000 Value(difference$210,725.31 less allocated above$104,410) 106,316 106,316 Cash/Letter Credit received 0 0 (250,000 (250,000 Balance Owing 462,103 1,09 525 110 730 1 663357 COSTS NET OF G.S.T. 1,784,459 782,585 2,567,044 Project Construction Cost 462,103 954,162 360,730 1,776,995 Developers:additional sewer alignment (65,195) (44,036) (109,231) 8,282 28,715 7,039 44,036 NETPROJECTSUDGET&COST 1,719,264 73& 2,457,813 46 1 954,162 360,730 1,77 995 Attribtuion of Bonding/GST on Clarington Bonding GST REBATE NoWA ORIGINAL:CO.ST ALLOCAT1.0Ni: Total: Cost %Total 24,049 (28,784) NET Markborough 400,000 0.34 HWy 2- Side 129,000 0.17 4,050 (4,847) (797 Wilsonia 250,000 0.21 Green Rd 594,000 0.78 18,649 (22,321) (3,672 Region 240,000 0.20 Uptown Ave 43,000 0_06 1,350 (1,61 266 Municipality 300,000 0.25 766.000 1.00 24.049 28 784) 4 735 Preliminary Budget Estimate:Admin 14-95 1,190,000 1.00 DN:H:HWY2B