HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-146-03 .. ~ #/ .. .)/ Clarjnot'W Leadingt~UI.i REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Monday, December 8,2003 "'05 ees.i\OGPlf-4-50-D ~ Report #: PSD-146-03 File #: PLN 23.6.1 By-law #: Subject: DURHAM TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-146-03 be received; 2. THAT Clarington Council endorse PSD-146-03 as Clarington's comments on the Durham Transportation Master Plan, Recommended Plan, October 2003; 3. THAT the Region of Durham Works and Planning be sent a copy of this report and advised of Council's decision; and 4. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: D vid;J. Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services (-\ , {,02. ' t? IT R. db V; .'"'" -- -CA_-, .-\. eVlewe y: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Anthony Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services FL *DJC*sh November 24, 2003 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 679 " / , , . i -.:0 ,f,. / . /' REPORT NO.: PSD-146-03 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Clarington has been involved in the review and consultation process for the Durham Transportation Master Plan (DTMP) since its inception in September 1999. Council endorsed the staff comments contained in Report #PSD-035-01 which are itemized in attachment 2 and have been adequately responded to by the Region in the final draft. The Executive Summary (attachment 1) provides an overview of the DTMP, including the current and anticipated future conditions and specific recommendations, 64 in total, to ensure the targets of the DTMP are attained. The Region is requesting comments on the DTMP by December 10, 2003. The purpose of this report is to highlight the DTMP proposals and review the issues and recommendations of particular interest to Clarington. 2.0 KEY ELEMENTS OF THE DURHAM TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN (DTMP) 2.1 The Region believes the DTMP defines the policies, programs and infrastructure improvements required to manage anticipated transportation demands to the year 2021; however, they intend to revisit the DTMP on a five year basis at which time the specific capital works anticipated for the next 5 years would be setout and reviewed. The DTMP builds on the framework provided by Growing Together - Durham's Community Strategic Plan (CSP), which identifies strengthening and integrating the transportation system as an objective. The DTMP has a particular emphasis on actions related to the Regional Road network, as it is the only element of the transportation system vested with the Region. The DTMP: . Identifies the new and improved facilities and services needed to serve planned growth; . Defines strategies and programs to encourage the use of travel modes other than the single occupant automobile; . Outlines approaches to improve the movement of goods; and . Recommends ways to preserve and better use existing transportation resources. The document consists of four sections: . Introduction and Purpose section describes the DTMP scope and context and outlines the EA process followed in completing the study; . The Foundation Elements section presents the long-term transportation vision for Durham Region and examines the challenges of achieving this vision in light of current and future trends; . The Plan Elements section presents the three (3) strategies proposed to meet future transportation challenges in a manner consistent with the transportation vision. The strategies are: 680 ~ , ... ,. / ,,:: REPORT NO.: PSD-146-03 PAGE 3 . Providing More Travel Choices . Improving the Road Network . Mitigating Environmental and Community Effects . The Implementation Elements section describes the process for implementing the strategies and monitoring performance, and assesses the expected effects of the DTMP. 3.0 COMMENTS 3.1 Following its release in September 2001, the draft TMP was widely circulated and posted on the Region's internet site. Clarington responded to the draft DTMP, with Report PSD-035-01 the Region has indicated how they have addressed the specific issues identified by Clarington (attachment 2). Since then the Region has clarified and refined the DTMP and released the final document in October of 2003. Clarington Staff recently met with the regional staff to further clarify issues and reinforce Clarington's interest in alleviating traffic congestion and moving towards alternate modes of transportation. The Region in their review identified nine (9) common concerns from all the stakeholders involved in the review process. The following summarizes these nine concerns and how they were addressed and staff comments from Clarington perspective. i) 15% Auto Reduction TarQet The target of 15% reduction in peak period auto usage by 2021, when compared to forecasts based on current trends will be a major accomplishment for the Region. There is concern from some stakeholders about the adequacy of the recommended actions in the DTMP to achieve the 15% target. Regional Response: The DTMP aims to achieve the highest diversion of single occupant automobile travel to other modes that is reasonably practical, given current travel habits and the present transportation system focus of serving the automobile. A 15% target is consistent with the conclusions of other long-range transportation planning exercises for similar communities. Achieving this target will be challenging in light of current trends and forecast conditions, but is considered to be attainable and a reasonable target for transportation planning purposes. The recommended actions in the DTMP provide a sound foundation for achieving this target. Staff Comments: While we agree that the DTMP provides a solid policy foundation for the reduction of auto use, staff are looking to the Durham Region Official Plan review to carry this policy direction through to other elements of land use planning. In addition, part of the implementation strategy for the DTMP should be a regionally led and 6BI , ~ REPORT NO.: PSD-146-03 PAGE 4 funded education and communication strategy to ensure the 15 % target is attained. ii) Transportation Demand Management Program The DTMP focuses on roads and to a lesser degree on other modes of transportation. There could be a greater emphasis on walking, cycling and ridesharing, and provision of the related infrastructure. Adequate funds have not been identified for walking, cycling and ridesharing projects. The proposed land use planning policies and mechanisms for encouraging transit use, walking and cycling are intended to carry through to the Official Plan. Regional Response: The DTMP provides a framework for future Regional involvement in walking, cycling and ridesharing initiatives; areas that have not traditionally been the Region's responsibility. The DTMP recommends that the types of initiatives, level of participation and required investments be examined co-operatively with the area municipalities and other stakeholders. It also recommends continued and, in some cases, enhanced efforts towards implementation of existing land use and transportation policies in the Region Official Plan and other Regional documents. Staff Comments: It is acknowledged that the Region is moving into transportation modes that they traditionally have not been involved in. As such, the Region could lead lobbying efforts, at the federal and provincial levels, for upgrading and expansion of other modes of transport to assist local area municipalities. To date the policy direction provided in the Official Plan Discussion Papers does not reinforce the transportation demand management program and 15% reduction target as well as they could be. Clarington will be looking for the carry forward from this document to the Official Plan review of these initiatives. Iii) Transit Improvements The proposed transit improvements will accommodate future demand and encourage transit use. Clarification of the regional role in Transit has been provided in the Regional Transit Improvement Plan. The DTMP reflects the changes in Provincial directions regarding the operation and funding of public transportation, including the government's repatriation of GO Transit. Regional Response: The Regional Transit Improvement Plan, adopted by Regional Council on October 2, 2003, helps to define the Region's role and involvement in transit. Specific initiatives have been defined through that process. Development of the Arterial Road Corridor Design Guidelines will also provide an opportunity to examine the role of and establish design parameters for Regional Roads identified as transit corridors in the Transit Priority Network. 682 I .,; ., T . , REPORT NO.: PSD-146-03 PAGE 5 Staff Comments: Clarington staff have worked with the Region in the development of the Regional Transit Improvement Plan and agree with the recommendations found in the RTIP. iv) Arterial Road Desianations Concerns were raised about the designations for specific arterial roads. Reoional Response: The DTMP addresses the comments raised about the designations of specific arterial roads. Type C arterial roads serve an important role in the arterial road hierarchy. Providing more frequent arterial road connections helps to distribute traffic across more roads and avoids concentrating turning movements at major intersections. For this reason, the continued designation of Type C arterial roads in the Regional Official Plan is recommended until the Arterial Road Corridor Design Guidelines are completed and design expectations are better defined. These guidelines will assist in addressing the implementation concerns expressed by area municipal staff in follow-up meetings on the topic. Staff Comments: Generally we concur with the Arterial Road Designations. The Region has issued a proposal call for the development of design standards and guidelines for Arterial Road Corridors, staff look forward to being involved in the municipal working group to assist in the formulation of these guidelines. v) Reaional Road Improvement Proiects The DTMP has been formulated using the recently updated Regional Official Plan population and employment forecasts for capital forecasting. Some municipalities have expressed concem that the costs of the Regional Road improvement programs understate the magnitude of the financial implications. Reoional Response: The list of recommended Regional Road rehabilitation, intersection and expansion projects and their costs have been updated to reflect the latest information and forecasts available. Staff Comments: Staff have reviewed the listing and asked that specific consideration be given to the widening of Liberty Street from Baseline Road to King St. (Page 87) and that the Region work with the municipality on the improvements to the interchange at Liberty and 401. Given the current 407 EA process the recommendation for Taunton Road widening is acceptable for the 5 year time frame of the DTMP. However, should the 407 implementation be delayed the timing of the widening of Taunton Road will have to be revisited. The remainder of the listing is in keeping with Clarington's Official Plan and population targets. 6-83 > ~ REPORT NO.: PSD-146-03 PAGE 6 vi) Goods Movement Some stakeholders asked for emphasis on the importance of efficient goods movement and the addition of further measures to improve the efficiency of goods movement ReQional Response: Additional wording and emphasis has been provided. Clarinaton Comments: The further clarification provided by the Region has satisfied the concerns from Clarington staff. We are in agreement with designation of the arterial roads and freeway system shown in Figure 13, which will become part of the Regional Official Plan. vii) Rail, Air and Marine Modes Policies to protect railway infrastructure and promote the use of rail for passenger and goods movement, the direction on airports or harbours remained consistent with what is already set out in the Region's Official Plan. Reoional Response: Although these modes are important elements of the overall transportation system, the DTMP focuses on actions more closely tied to the mandate of the Region of Durham. The DTMP discusses actions needed to improve access to the ports and terminals associated with these modes to enhance integration and co-ordination of transportation system elements. Staff Comments: The DTMP focus is on actions more closely tied to the mandate of the Region; however, as the Phase 1 and 2 document for future EA's, alternative modes must be seriously addressed by the Region during the remaining phases of EA work for all undertakings. viii) Environmental Impacts of Proiects The impacts of road widening on the natural environment, increased noise, collisions and traffic prompted suggestions from some stakeholders to include more policies and actions to minimize the impacts of transportation on the natural, social and cultural environments. ReQional Response: Additional commentary and recommended actions were incorporated to reflect recent environmental initiatives, such as the Oak Ridges Moraine legislation, and to better define the course of action in the DTMP. The road projects identified are needed to serve anticipated demands and meet transportation system performance objectives (i.e. volume to capacity thresholds). Any required mitigation of impacts will be addressed through the EA process and other detailed planning studies. 684 , ,.' , REPORT NO.: PSD-146-03 PAGE 7 Staff Comments: The directions outlined for environmental impacts address natural environment issues; however, during subsequent stages of the EA processes for undertakings equal emphasis should be given to prime agricultural land to better balance land use issues and avoid placing transportation facilities in areas of peak food production. ix) Implementation Plans Some stakeholders asked for more detailed implementation strategies, defining timelines, financial implications and responsibilities to allow a better assessment of DTMP implications, they identified concems about the sufficiency of funding to implement the DTMP. The need for dedicated and sustainable financing sources were expressed by area municipalities, highlighting the need for further consultation and on-going performance monitoring. Reqional Response: Additional commentary and recommended actions were incorporated to provide more definitive courses of action. Implementation priorities, timeframes and cost estimates were updated. A table summarizing the recommended actions and their implementation mechanisms was added. Staff Comments: The implementation plan provides a sound basis for local municipalities to plan complimentary improvements to the local road system. Additional factors could be added to the "Potential Monitoring Program Indicators" (Table 7, Page 64-66) to expand and include alternative modes and better track initiatives recommended in this document. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS The DTMP provides a solid policy foundation for the continued development of the regional road system in relation to the projected growth patterns and population. The Region has begun to move into the provision of facilities and policy support for alternative modes of transportation (other than the road network) where their role to date has been less defined. This diversification of the regional role is welcome; however it will have to be implemented in partnership with the local municipalities and other levels of government to be truly effective. The initiatives outlined in the DTMP for alternative modes, travel demand management and reduction of auto use have many land use implications that should be carried forward into the review of the Region's Official Plan. Clarington's staff will be looking for these policy initiatives in their review of the Official Plan Discussion Papers. 685 , . ' r REPORT NO.: PSD-146-03 PAGE 8 Attachments: Attachment 1 - Executive Summary and Recommendations from DTMP Attachment 2 - Region's Response to Clarington Comments 686 DURHAM TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDED PLAN FOR REGIONAL COUNCIL ApPROVAL Planning and Works Departments with the assistance of TSH Associates OCTOBER 2003 .. I, C-;I \-.) ./ DURHAM TRANSPORTAnON MASTER PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction The Regional Municipality of Durham is one of Canada's fastest growing communities. With the Region poised for continued growth, the safe, efficient and reliable movement of people and goods will become increasingly more important and challenging. The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is a strategic planning document designed to identify the policies, programs and infrastructure improvements required to address Durham's transportation needs for the next 20 years and beyond. Developed through the Durham Mobility Study, the TMP reflects the growth and development policies outlined in the Regional Official Plan and will be an important foundation document for the review of the Official Plan now underway. The TMP has regard for the directions of the Region's Community Strategic Plan. The recommended infrastructure plans are consistent with and support the long- range capital plans contained in the 2003 Development Charge Background Study. Preparation of the TMP followed the master planning process defined in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA). The work completed in preparing the TMP satisfies the first two phases of the Class EA planning and design process for Durham's anticipated transportation projects, Project specific investigations are required to satisfy the final phases of the EA process. A framework approach for completing these phases is provided as part of the TMP. In keeping with the principles of environmental assessment, the Durham Mobility Study featured a high degree of public involvement. Public open houses, an opinion survey, website, newsletters and a Community Advisory Committee were all utilized to obtain citizen and business input on transportation priorities and tradeoffs, Current and Future Conditions The Region's existing transportation system consists of an integrated network of roads, railways, public transit routes, airports, marine facilities, and trails which collectively facilitate the movement of people and goods. Several levels of government, as well as private companies, are responsible for the development, operation, and maintenance of the system. Future demand on the transportation system is expected to increase as the Region grows. Recent forecasts indicate that the Region's population and employment are expected to increase by 55% (from about 550,000 to 850,000 persons) and 83% (from 170,000 to 311,000 jobs) respectively, by 2021, The impact of these increases was assessed using a computer-based model that predicted how future travel demand could change as a result of this anticipated growth. The results of this analysis indicate that the Region will face several challenges in achieving an efficient, safe and reliable transportation system without changes in travel behaviour and new services and facilities. t:b. Transportation Master Plan .:;:; Regional Municipality of Durham Executive Summary - Page 5-1 Recommended Plan - October 2003 {_ ,1,< >~, ;.) .~' \.c, During the afternoon peak period in 2001, about 87% of Durham residents travelled by automobile (either as a driver or passenger), compared to 6% by transit and 7% by other modes. If this trend continues, the number of person trips made by residents travelling in automobiles will increase by 230,000 trips during the peak period of an average day in 2021. This forecasted amount of growth in automobile travel is almost double 2001 volumes - a trend that is clearly unsustainable, Vision, Goals and Principles In consultation with the public, it was determined that a continuation of the current trend of an auto- dominated transportation system was not desirable, Citizens felt that the Region should concentrate on a balanced transportation strategy that focussed on investing in both road infrastructure and measures aimed at reducing single occupant vehicle travel (i.e. transit and transportation demand management), A committed effort to reduce automobile use will be required to achieve this goal. With this in mind, a Transportation Vision or "desired end state" for Durham Region is proposed for the year 2021, as follows: The transportation system for the Region of Durham is integrated and balanced, using a range of transportation strategies to address the mobility and goods movement requirements of the entire community, to sustain investment in industry, agriculture and tourism, to maintain community "wellness ", and to integrate with the environment. The auto continues to be the dominant mode of transportation; however, the community has realized a shift towards greater use of transit, pedestrian and cyclingfacilities, The changes in modal usage have been accomplished by increased urban densities. mixed use development, policies that encourage reduced auto use, higher order transit facilities linking centres within Durham and other urbanized areas in the GT A and improved integration of the various modes of transportation. The necessary funding available from all levels of government has been put in place and all possible opportunities for private sector funding to achieve the improvements necessary to ensure a liveable community have been investigated. The Transportation Vision is supported by goals and principles, which promote: facilitating sustainable economic growth; effective use of the system; safe, reliable and efficient movement of people and goods; choices in services; and responsible development and environmental integrity, The Plan To achieve the desired transportation vision for the Region, the TMP details three co-ordinated and comprehensive strategies: . Providing More Travel Choices . Improving the Road System . Mitigating Environmental and Community Effects t::lD. Transportation Master Plan ;tJ Regional Munidpality of Durham Executive Summary - Page 5.2 Recommended Plan - October 2003 0, W, v J These strategies provide a framework for establishing a more sustainable transportation system in keeping with the directions of the Community Strategic Plan and Regional Official Plan. Each strategy is supplemented by a series of recommended actions intended to define specific implementation activities towards implementing the strategy, A summary of the recommendations is attached. Providing More Travel Choices Offering a greater variety of choices is a fundamental goal of the TMP, Actions to increase travel choices focus on: Transportation Demand Manaqement (TOM) Transportation Demand Management (TOM) is a co-ordinated series of actions aimed at maximizing the people moving capability of the transportation system. Intended to reduce single-occupant auto use, potential TOM measures include: TOM supportive land use, bicycle and pedestrian programs and facilities, public transit improvements, preferential treatments for buses and high occupancy vehicles, ridesharing and employee incentives. The TMP recommends that the Region take an active role in implementing a TOM program to reduce forecast 2021 peak period automobile driver trips to 15% below projections based on current mode choice trends, This will be achieved by engaging a TOM Co-ordinator to develop and deliver the program. Education and marketing will be key components. Land Use Manaqement The form development takes and its location directly affect the amount of travel, the length of trips, and the choice of travel mode. The TMP recommends implementing land use plans and encouraging development forms that help make alternatives to the automobile, especially transit, more attractive and viable. In addition, the TMP recommends: supportive land use designations; and the preparation of complimentary implementation guidelines and checklists. These actions will help to detail and promote conformity with the Regional Official Plan, which already establishes a sound framework for land use management. Walkinq and Cvclinq Walking and cycling alternatives should be promoted by supportive urban and road design, provision of appropriate facilities, such as dedicated paths and paved road shoulders, and through education about routes and the benefits of active living. The TMP recommends: the development of a Regional Bicycle Plan; and consideration of the needs of cyclists and pedestrians in the planning, design, construction, maintenance and operation of the Regional Road network, Transit and Other Public Transportation Services Public transportation (i.e. specialized and conventional transit services, paratransit, taxis, and intercity public transportation) is an integral and important element of the Region's transportation system, The recently approved Regional Transit Improvement Plan (TIP) outlines short and long-term actions to integrate and improve inter-municipal transit service within Durham. ~ Transportation Master Plan Regional Municipality of Durham Executive Summary - Page 5-3 Recommended Plan - October 2003 h U I \...1.. \...- In support of the TIP, the TMP identifies a Transit Priority Network that will provide the foundation, ultimately for a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system, BRT service is anticipated to evolve in the corridors that comprise the network, from buses in mixed traffic to vehicles operating in dedicated lanes. The TMP also recommends actions to support the Transit Priority Network, including: identifying right-of-way requirements; developing a phased service strategy for BRT; considering transit priority measures; working with GO Transit to expand commuter rail and bus services; and conducting feasibility studies to identify future routes. Other public transportation recommendations include: considering a Community Transportation Program; and investigating demand responsive services, Improving the Road System The TMP places a strong emphasis on actions aimed at protecting, improving and making the best use of the Region's investment in the road system, However, the TMP recognizes that selective road expansion is needed to support growth, Actions to improve the road system focus on: Road Svstem Hierarchv and Desiqn The major road system designated in the Regional Official Plan is composed of a functional hierarchy of arterial roads and freeways. The TMP recommends that this hierarchical approach be maintained, and design characteristics be detailed through the development of Arterial Road Corridor Design Guidelines, The TMP also recommends an updated Freeway and Arterial Road network for the Regional Official Plan that refiects changes to designations identified through the development of the TMP. Provincial Hiqhwavs and Other Road Connections The Provincial Highway network forms the backbone of the transportation system in Durham, The TMP recommends that the Region petition the Provincial Government to: continue to improve the freeway system in Durham; and invest in trade corridors connecting the Region to markets in other parts of Canada and the United States. Reqional Roads The Region is responsible for an extensive network of arterial roads and structures (bridges and culverts). The TMP recommends a series of actions aimed at ensuring timely maintenance, safe and efficient operation, and selective expansion of the Regional Road network. Road Safety Motor vehicle collisions represent a significant safety concern. They result in economic loss, personal pain and suffering, and occasionally the loss of life. To lessen the severity or eliminate certain crashes altogether, the TMP recommends addressing road safety in a proactive manner through the development and implementation of a Safety Management Strategy. The TMP also recommends: working with the Durham Regional Police and others to encourage more responsible driving habits; allowing electronic enforcement ~ Transportation Master Plan Regional Municipality of Durham , 0 01 Executive Summary - Page 5-4 Recommended Plan - October 2003 methods, where suitable; establishing appropriate policies and warrants for various traffic control measures; and using road safety audits in planning and designing future roads. Transportation Svstem Manaoement Transportation System Management (TSM) solutions can offer substantial, low-cost gains in operational efficiency. The Region will continue to apply a variety of TSM measures, including traffic control devices, computerized traffic signal co-ordination and localized roadway modifications. A wide range of emerging technologies, referred to as Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), will also be considered. These solutions can make the transportation system safer and more efficient, reliable and environmentally friendly, without the need for costly and intrusive road improvements, Examples of ITS measures include traffic surveillance and emergency vehicle signal pre-emption. The TMP recommends the development of an ITS Strategy, Incident Management Plans, and the continued upgrade and modernization of the Region's traffic control systems to maximize safe and efficient operation for a variety of modes. Goods Movement and Access to Ports and Harbours The TMP proposes a Strategic Goods Movement Network to ensure reliable and efficient goods movement within Durham Region and to the entire Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Implementation of this network will focus on actions to ensure routes are continuous, capable of accommodating heavy vehicles and connected to key destinations and intermodal facilities. Opportunities to use other modes, such as rail, will also be promoted. To gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by industry, a Goods Movement Roundtable will be established to provide an ongoing forum for industry and other stakeholders. Mitigating Environmental and Community Effects Expansion and increased use of the transportation system can contribute to unintended environmental consequences, These effects need to be considered and mitigated in the development and operation of transportation facilities. Actions to mitigate environmental and community effects focus on: Air Qualitv and Emissions Transportation is one of the largest sources of air pollution in Canada. By managing congestion and offering a choice of travel options, the adverse effects of transportation on air quality will be lessened, Technological advances to reduce energy consumption, improve engine and vehicle performance, and enhance fuels will also help. The TMP recommends that the Region: continue to participate in initiatives such as the Smog Summit and GTA Clean Air Council; and develop an education and marketing program to inform people of the impact of transportation related air pollution and travel choice decisions, Road Drainaoe There is growing concern over environmental issues related to stormwater drainage and its effects on receiving bodies of water and affected vegetation, soils and wildlife, The TMP recommends the implementation of a Road Drainage Policy to address this concern. ~ Transportation Master Plan Regional Municipality of Durham Executive Summary - Page S~5 Recommended Plan - October 2003 ,. . h '-// \". , ...." Traffic in Residential Areas Speed and volume of traffic travelling through neighbourhoods is a growing concern for many residents, In addition, the public is becoming increasingly concerned about traffic noise, particularly from major streets. To address these concerns, the TMP recommends the development of a Regional Road Traffic Management Policy, Hamlet By-pass Policy and Regional Road Noise Abatement Policy. Implementation The process for implementing the TMP and its recommended actions is cyclical and involves considerable public consultation. The process begins with the development of the TMP and the estabiishment of a policy direction, Through various annual programming exercises (e,g. Servicing and Financing Studies, the annual current and capital budgets and longer term financial forecasts), investment priorities and timings are established. The pianning and design phase for future infrastructure begins once priorities are set, and follows the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process. Physical implementation occurs with construction, and continues into the operation and maintenance of the facilities, Monitoring is undertaken to gauge the effectiveness of the policies in achieving the TMP goals and objectives, Shifts in underlying assumptions or achievement of objectives signal the need for a review of the basic policy direction, and the process starts again, A regular review of the TMP is proposed every five years, ideally at the same time the Region carries out the statutory assessment of the need for an update to its Official Plan. In the intervening period, the Region does not intend to update the TMP. For this reason, individuals must consider this plan in conjunction with the record of subsequent Regional Council decisions to obtain a complete understanding of current policy and plans, ~ Transportation Master Plan Regional Municipality of Durham Executive Summary - Page 5.6 Recommended Plan - October 2003 h '; !, SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED ACTIONS FOR THE TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN 1. Develop a Transportation Demand Management (TOM) Program to reduce projected year 2021 peak period automobile driver trips by 15% below forecasts based on current trends, focussing first on actions to promote: . Transit, pedestrian and cycling-oriented development through land use management; . Walking, cycling and ridesharing; and . Use of transit and other public transportation services. 2. Subject to budget approval, engage the services of a TOM Co-ordinator to: . Plan and design a TOM Program; . Develop and conduct marketing and education initiatives related to TOM; . Approach potential businesses to participate in the TOM Program; . Assess the potential market for ridesharing and, if promising introduce a ridematching service with the assistance of other groups and agencies; and . Monitor and report on the effectiveness of the TOM Program, 3, Pursue funding opportunities with the Provincial and Federal Governments and the private sector for the TOM Program, 4, Conduct a Commuter Parking Lot Feasibility Study to determine: . The potential location and demand for commuter parking lots; · How to integrate the lots into the overall TOM program and to co-ordinate with other Regional and GTA initiatives; and . Partnership opportunities. 5. Petition the Federal Government to amend taxation laws to enable employers to provide income tax- exempt transit passes to employees, 6, Investigate opportunities and, where feasible and subject to budget approval, lead initiatives to encourage intensification and more mixed-use development, and to create incentives for redevelopment and infilling adjacent to transit priority facilities, especially in the Highway 2 corridor. 7. Prepare TOM-Supportive Land use Guidelines in consultation with the Local Municipalities that: . Define the concept and elements of TOM-supportive land use patterns; . Plan for transit services and TOM-supportive facilities in the formative stage of plan development; · Determine applicable locations for TOM-supportive development, which will typically be adjacent to Transit Corridors and Transportation Centres; . Identify complementary policies and initiatives; and . Define implementation and performance measures. ~ Transportation Master Plan Regional Munidpality of Durham Executive Summary - Page 5-7 Recommended Plan - October 2003 L (, 0;, -t 8, Develop a Development Application Checklist in consultation with the Local Municipalities that requires: . Consistency with the approved TDM-Supportive Land Use Guidelines; . Encouragement and support lor the safe and convenient use of transportation modes other than the automobile; . The early input of transit agencies in the review of development applications; . The presence of a grid system of arterial, and collector roads where necessary; and . A plan for implementing transit service and TDM-supportive facilities early in developing areas, 9. Examine the concept of Activity Centres and Transit Corridor Districts through the Regional Official Plan review as an approach to promoting transit-supportive development in desired locations, 10. Develop a Regional Bicycle Plan in consultation with the Local Municipalities, the Ministry of Transportation and other stakeholders, which: . Focuses activity on the Local Municipal road and path systems; . Connects the Local Municipal bicycle systems together; . Integrates with other modes of transportation; . Considers the need for bicycle facilities within Regional Road corridors; . Identifies facilities that may be required on the Provincial Highway network to achieve network continuity, which may be subject to municipal funding; and . Defines an implementation strategy, identifying public education and marketing initiatives, costs, financing sources, and responsibilities. 11. Develop guidelines lor ensuring the needs of pedestrians and cyclists are considered in the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance 0.1 the Regional Road network, 12. Designate the Transit Priority Network depicted in Figure 11 as part of the Regional Official Plan and, subject to budget approval, implement this network by: . Identifying right-ol-way requirements within each transit corridor to permit service evolution, including needs for stations, and incorporating such provisions into the Regional Official Plan; . Developing a phased service strategy for evolving towards a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system; . Considering transit priority measures, such as reserved lanes, queue jump lanes and transit-activated signals, where feasible and warranted; . Incorporating policies and designations into the Regional and Local Official Plans to promote transit-supportive land uses abutting corridors and other supporlive measures; and . Incorporating transit corridor design parameters into the Arterial Road Corridor Design Guidelines and TDM-Supportive Land Use Guidelines. ~ Transportation Master Plan Regional Municipality of Durham Executive Summary - Page 5-8 Recommended Plan - October 2003 o 13. Recognize Highway 2 as Durham's most significant transit corridor, and, subject to budget approval, develop the corridor to its fullest potential by: . Continuing to prepare corridor studies to outline the actions necessary to transform the existing road into a "mainstreet"; . Requiring transit-supportive land uses as development and redevelopment occurs; . Enhancing streetscape and urban design; . Balancing the need to preserve mobility with the desire to create a more pedestrian- oriented environment in the review of operating conditions and development applications; and . Incorporating appropriate supporting policies and designations into the Regional and Local Official Plans. 14, Request GO Transit to: . Expand commuter rail service through the City of Oshawa, to the proposed station in the vicinity of Harmony Road and Bloor Street, along the CPR Belleville subdivision; and . Expand bus services along Highways 401 and 407, and to northern urban areas in Durham Region, and begin by providing more service on existing routes. 15, Subject to budget approval (if necessary), support the protection of corridors for future: . Transit service to the future Seaton community in the City of Pickering, in the vicinity of Brock Road and Taunton Road, along the CPR Belleville subdivision; . Transit service to the Municipality of Clarington along the CPR Belleville subdivision, with stations in Courtice at Courtice Road and in Bowmanville at Green Road; and . Transportation opportunities in the CPR Havelock and former CNR Uxbridge corridors. 16. Explore the interest in establishing a Community Transportation Program with potential stakeholders. 17. Co-operate in the promotion of a GTA-wide inter-regional transit plan, after considering the financial and service implications for Durham. 18. Request GO Transit, the Toronto Transit Commission and York Region Transit to introduce measures that make public transportation more attractive to longer-distance commuters. 19. Encourage potential public and private sector service providers to participate more in the delivery of public transportation services in the Region, with a focus on: . Working with taxis and other commercial carriers to provide off-peak, low volume and non- traditional services, and to improve their connectivity with other public transportation services; and . Providing better service to the rural area and passengers with special needs. 20. Conduct feasibility studies to examine the use of following corridors for passenger transportation uses: . The CPR Belleville subdivision between the City of Toronto and the Municipality of Clarington (Bowmanville); . Regional Highway 47 between Township of Uxbridge and York Region; and . Hydro corridors within Durham Region, 21. Designate the hierarchical road system comprising Type A, Band C arterial roads and the freeway system shown in Figure 13 as part of the Regional Official Plan, 22. Prepare Arterial Road Corridor Design Guidelines in consultation with the Local Municipalities and other stakeholders that: ~ Transportation Master Plan Regional Municipality of Durham Executive Summary - Page 5-9 Recommended Plan - October 2003 ,:;: " , . '. . Define the role of the arterial road system and public space principles; . Determine an appropriate approach for balancing mobility objectives for vehicular movement and property access with liveability objectives for community design, landscape character, and non-auto modes; . Define roadway access management criteria; . Provide design criteria for the roadway, boulevard and adjacent lands, such as road allowance widths, cross-section, location of utilities and connections, in advance of development, where possible; . Consider the most appropriate placement for pedestrian, cycling and transit facilities within the road allowance, subject to financial considerations; . Define implementation measures. 23. Advise the Local Municipalities of the actions in Attachment 1 to the Transportation Master Plan regarding the designation and jurisdiction of specific arterial roads, 24. Petition the Provincial Government to improve the Provincial Highway network in Durham Region through: . The extension of Highway 407 to Highway 35/115, including two high-speed freeway connections to Highway 401; . The expansion of Highway 401, including the construction of new or improved interchanges; . The extension of Highway 404 and the related widening of Highways 48 and 12/48; and . The improvement of Highways 7, 7A and 7/12. 25. Request the Ministry of Transportation to review the location and configuration of future Highway 401 interchanges and grade separations in Durham Region, especially near Liverpool Road (City of Pickering), in the vicinity of Harmony Road (City of Oshawa) and east of Courtice Road (Municipality of Clarington). 26. Petition the Provincial and Federal Governments to invest in the expansion and on-going improvement of Canada/U.S. trade corridors, especially as it relates to the freeway system, 27. Request the Ministry of Transportation to investigate strategies, such as dedicated facilities, to improve the flow of truck traffic and the movement of goods, 28, Request the City of Toronto and/or York Region to proceed with: . The continued widening of Steeles Avenue; . The improvement of 14th Avenue; and . The implementation of the Markham-Scarborough link, ~ Transportation Master Plan Regional Municipality of Durham Executive Summary - Page 5-10 Recommended Plan - October 2003 /-.. r . u! i " ; . . 29, Subject to review and approval through the Roads Servicing and Financing Study and appropriate budgets, develop and maintain the Regional Road network in a manner that promotes: . Safe and efficient operation for all road users; . Sufficient capacity to accommodate travel demands; . Cost-effective service delivery; . Asset management strategies for timely preventative maintenance and rehabilitation; · Investment decisions based on life-cycle cost consideration; and . The application of appropriate technologies. 30. Require that utility cuts and other actions that detrimentally impact the life of a pavement or structure be minimized and restored to a reasonable state, 31. Benchmark and monitor the effectiveness of infrastructure management programs. 32. Engage the railway companies proactively to gain their support, including financial, for grade separating railway crossings of Regional Roads where conflict warrants have been established, beginning with: . Brock Road at the CPR Believille (City of Pickering); . Bloor Street at the CPR Belleville (City of Oshawa); and . Hopkins Street at the CPR Belleville (Town of Whitby). 33. Determine if there are locations on the Regional Road network where at-grade intersections should be grade-separated to alleviate traffic safety or operational concerns. 34. Develop a Safety Management Strategy and establish targets to measure its success, which may include: . Striving for fewer fatalities and personal injury collisions; . Promoting safer walking and bicycling; and . Reducing the number of intersection-related collisions. 35, Work with the Durham Regional Police Service and other stakeholders to reinforce the benefits of safe driving and to encourage more responsible driver behaviour through actions such as: · Conducting regular educational and promotional programs; . Promoting and initiating new programs like Road Watch, Save A Life and RIDE; and . Carrying out targeted enforcement initiatives. 36. Establish and observe appropriate policies and warrants for the implementation of traffic control measures, including traffic signais, speed zones, and turn restrictions, 37. Petition the Provincial Government to allow electronic enforcement methods, such as photo radar, where their introduction is feasible, cost-effective and likely to effect the desired change in driver behaviour. 38, Examine safety explicitly in the planning and design process for future road projects through initiatives such as Road Safety Audits. 39. Develop an Intelligent Transportation Systems Strategy to enhance the efficiency and reliability of the regional transportation system, 40, Develop Incident Management Plans to outline traffic diversion strategies for unforeseen events. 41. Designate a Strategic Goods Movement Network as part of the Regional Official Plan after consulting with the Local Municipalities and key stakeholders on the plan shown in Figure 17. ~ Transportation Master Plan Regional Municipality of Durham Executive Summary - Page 5-11 Recommended Plan - October 2003 t -j () -, ; . . . 42, Confirm the Strategic Goods Movement Network by: . Signing preferred truck routes; . Identifying and promoting potential locations for intermodal transfer facilities to enable more use of rail and other modes; · Disseminating information on the network wideiy; · Considering roadway geometric standards that better accommodate trucks in design; and · Eliminating by-law restrictions to truck movement, where possible. 43. Establish a Chairman's Roundtable on Goods Movement to provide a forum for on-going dialogue between industry, affected stakeholders, Local Municipalities, Senior Governments and the Region. 44. Conduct or participate in goods movement surveys and other data collection initiatives to improve understanding of the structure and nature of freight activity. 45. Continue to participate in programs and organizations, like the Smog Summit and the Greater Toronto Area Clean Air Council, aimed at reducing harmful emissions and improving air quality, and carry through with commitments, 46. Conduct education and marketing as part of the recommended TOM Program to inform citizens about the adverse impacts of transportation-related air pollution and on measures to reduce auto travel. 47. Train employees to be more environmentally responsibie when operating vehicles, 48. Develop a Regional Road Drainage Policy that balances environmental and development objectives and identify state of the art and best management practices for the mitigation of stormwater run-off from both public and private lands, 49. Develop a Regional Road Traffic Management Policy in consuitation with the Locai Municipalities, the Durham Regional Police Service, and appropriate stakeholders to address concerns with traffic on Regional Roads in residential areas. 50, Develop a Hamlet By-Pass Policy in consultation with the Locai Municipalities that identifies criteria (including financial) for establishing the need and justification of future arterial road realignments around communities, and review the proposed by-pass locations designated in the Regional Official Plan for conformance with the policy, 51. Consult with the aggregate industry and other stakeholders to establish preferred haul routes around sensitive residential areas using the Strategic Goods Movement Network as a basis, 52. Deveiop a Regional Road Noise Abatement Policy in consultation with the Local Municipalities and the development community to establish noise level thresholds and applicable mitigation measures. 53, Use the annual Servicing and Financing Studies and Operating and Capital Budget processes to update costs, refine priorities, and present a comprehensive program and financial perspective. 54. Petition the Provincial and Federal Governments to provide municipalities with the tools to obtain sustainable, dedicated funding sources for financing transportation infrastructure and services, 55. Subject to review and approval through the Roads Servicing and Financing Study and Roads Capital Budget, proceed with Municipal Class Environmental Assessment studies for the projects identified in Figure 16 in a timely manner, 56. Preserve and if necessary mitigate environmentally sensitive and significant natural areas through planning, design, landscaping measures and best management practices when upgrading or expanding transportation facilities. ~ Transportation Master Plan Regional Municipality of Durham Executive Summary Page 5-12 Recommended Plan - October 2003 b '; '/ " . . < 57. Inform and involve the public in the planning, design and construction of Regional Road improvements to the greatest extent possible, in keeping with statutory obligations and project constraints. 58, Plan infrastructure, including modifications, in a manner that recognizes implications for service level standards, operating and maintenance practices and costs for service delivery, 59, Plan infrastructure to provide adequate snow storage space and adequate green space, 60, Introduce right-of-way enhancements, such as street furniture and planters, in a manner that maintain safe traffic operations and preserves a clear, unencumbered right-of-way for maintenance services, wherever possible, 61. Develop, and subject to budget approval, conduct a region-wide Transportation Monitoring Program, and report progress to Regional Council on a regular basis. 62. Subject to budget approval, support new and on-going data collection initiatives critical to monitoring transportation conditions and predicting future needs, including the: . Census of Canada; . Transportation Tomorrow Survey; . Corridor Count Program; and . Regional Geographical Information System. 63, Review the Transportation Master Plan every five years, ideally in conjunction with a review of the Regional Official Plan, 64, Consider the policies and recommendations of the Transportation Master Plan in future reviews of the Regional and Local Official Plans. ~ Transportation Master Plan Regional Municipality of Durham Executive Summary - Page 5-13 Recommended Plan - October 2003 6Q"-' 1 'J' , , . i I /--' . ^ _ 1, 0"'-. '-0 Comment DTMP CLARINGTON COMMENT REGION'S RESPONSE OR ACTION CLARINGTON COMMEN .~ , Source SECTION SEPTEMBER 2001 DECEMBER 2003 PSD-035-01 General . Clarify obligations of area . Add wording in report body and . Obligations have been substantially municipalities for non-specific Recommended Actions to better clarified by additional wording in the recommendations. describe intent, and where area Introduction and Implementation sections. municipalities would be required to comply with the TMP. PSD-035-01 2.2.3 . Expand explanation on the . Expand and clarify wording in body . Intent has been broadened to deal more proposed approach for road text to better describe intent. with storm drainage than specific road drainage. design criteria. PSD.035~01 2.3.2 . Defer proposed new . Update wording of Recommended . Activity Centres and Transit Corridor designations (Activity Centre Action and report body to indicate that Districts will be clarified in Region Official and Transit Corridor Districts) the policy direction, designation and Plan review (Clarington is looking for until the Regional Official Plan location of Activity Centres and Transit beller co-ordination of the terminology review examines commercial Corridor Districts will be explored and policy directions of the O.P DTMP, hierarchy and other related through the Regional Official Plan being requested in the O.P. review). land uses. review. PSD-035-01 2.3.2 . Clarify intent of the statement . Expand and clarify wording of . Response in DTMP is adequate; however, that 90% of residences, jobs Recommended Action 18 and supportive land use guidelines should and other activities should be establish parameters, if any, through carry through to the Official Plan to ensure located with 400 metres of a the Land Use or Arterial Road Design that TOM will perform as anticipated. transit stop. Guidelines. PSD-035-01 2.3.3 . Identify Bowmanville GO . Add location, . New Figure shows Bowmanville GO Station as part of the Transit Station Priority Network on Figure 5, PSD-035-01 2.3.4 . Clarify financial responsibility . Add wording in report body to more . The Region will issue a terms of reference and locations for bike clearly indicate the funding roles of the for a Regional Bike Plan early in 2004. laneslboulevard path Region and the area municipalities implementation. and the approach for developing the network. PSD-035-01 2.3.4 and . Clarify obligations of area . Expand and clarify wording in report . Recommendation #49 clarifies the intent 2.4.3 municipalities with respect to body to more clearly indicate the roles of the Region. traffic management and traffic and costs estimates for the Region . The Design Guidelines will further clarify calming measures, and the area municipalities. the intent. . Additional clarification and direction should be included in the Region Official Plan review. ~ * Z -4 N r'" ' , ^ It , . . . a-- '-0 Comment DTMP CLARINGTON COMMENT REGION'S RESPONSE OR ACTION CLARINGTON COMMENT So u rce SECTION SEPTEMBER 2001 DECEMBER 2003 PSD-035-01 2.4.2 . Identify future Townline Road . Advise that the future Townline Road . Figure updated bridge. bridge will be included in updated figure, PSD-035-01 2.4.2 . Provides a mechanism for the . Add wording in report body to reflect . Addressed by Recommendation #36 (page 8 of report) public to pursue unwarranted this intent. Expand and clarify or cost ineffective measures. wording of Recommended Action 44 to better addresses this concern. Clarington 2.5.2 . Investigate the expansion of . Advise that the Highway 407 East . Recommended initiatives are acceptable Council Request Taunton Road to four lanes Completion EA Terms of Reference at this time given the EA process from Townline Road to identifies that the area east of the underway for Hwy. 407. In the 5 year Highway 35/115, proposed Durham East link is part of review of the DTMP this issue will need to the Segment 3 StUdy Area, within be revisited. which a large portion of Taunton Road lies. The Taunton Road widening will be reviewed once the Highway 407 East Completion EA is finalized. PSD-035-01 2,5,2 . Advise that certain road . Advise that the figure will be updated . Clarification of the figure and wording are projects need to be included and clarified by: inkeeping with Clarington comments with the planning timeframe, - Showing that the proposed particularly: expansion of Regional Road 57 - Regional Road 57, is to 4, not 6, lanes, and between Highway 401 - Showing that the proposed and Highway 2; and connection will likely only be 2 - Regional Road 22 (Bloor lanes. Street), between Townline Road and Courtice Road, PSD-035-01 2,5.2 . Consider a Mitchell's Corners . Expand and clarify wording in report . Clarington will continue to be involved in by-pass within the 20-year body, indicating that the future Hamlet By-Pass Policy development period. disposition of this by-pass (and others) will be addressed through the subsequent Hamlet By-pass Policy Study. (,." , Comment DTMP CLARINGTON COMMENT REGION'S RESPONSE OR ACTION CLARINGTON COMMENT Source SECTION SEPTEMBER 2001 DECEMBER 2003 PSD-035-01 2,6,5 . Estimate municipality's share of the cost to implement the TMP, .. , " . ' . . Add wording in report body to clarify items that municipality would be responsible for financing. Attempt to quantify possible costs in Background Report. Advise that: - Absolute costs are difficult to estimate at this level; - The TMP only identifies Regional Road projects, with few, if any, area municipal obligations; and - Area municipal costs would apply for road projects (i.e., sidewalks, illumination, etc.), consistent with current practices. . Sidewalks and lighting will be responsibility of the Region for widenings where they already exist, otherwise they are a local responsibility ,~ --0 '--.'