HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-145-03 I~, -,. , Clw:-!lJgton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Monday, December 8,2003 "DI g Re.s....Gffi- 4-lf'l-03 Report #: PSD-145-03 File #: PLN 37.2 By-law #: ~oo3-'8(P Subject: BOWMANVILLE DOWNTOWN AND EAST BUSINESS DISTRICT COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-145-03 be received; 2, THAT the attached By-law be approved to initiate a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for the Bowmanville Downtown and East Business District, pursuant to Part IV of the Planning Act and Section 22 of the Clarington Official Plan; 3, THAT the unexpended 2003 capital budget for. the street light improvement - Bowmanville Downtown Core, account number 8390-03101-1401 be carried over to 2004; 4. THAT Totten Sims Hubicki portion of the study, estimated at $15,000.00 will be identified in the 2004 budget for Council approval at that time; and 5. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Reviewed by: , '} r---a.~C~ ecl.,,-- Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Anthony Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services FL'DJC'sh December 1, 2003 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 668 " ! REPORT NO.: PSD-145 -03 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The Bowmanville East Main Central Area is comprised of the Downtown (lands west of George Street) and the East Business District (lands east of George Street). The historic downtown has been recognized as a critical element to the character of the Municipality and has enjoyed support over the years to maintain the vibrancy and character of the area, recognizing that it is vulnerable to new forms of retailing. The East Business District has been an area in transition for many years with the Bowmanville Mall being a commercial anchor at the east end but also recognized as being vulnerable. It is a goal of the Bowmanville East Mall Central Area Secondary Plan to "retain and strengthen the role of the East Main Central Area as a focal point of economic, social and cultural activity, through the provision of vibrant shopping areas, housing, symbolic points of interest and key institutional and cultural facilities." The genesis of the recommendation to prepare a community improvement plan stems from several factors: . In March 2003, Council approved funding for lighting improvement along King Street. Totten Sims Hubicki (TSH) has prepared concept plans for the implementation of lighting improvements; however, in doing so they have alerted staff to the larger issue of the need for an overall master plan for streetscape improvements throughout the downtown. . There is a need for restoration work on the King Street bridge over the Bowmanville Creek. In conjunction with the redesign of the Roenik Drive intersection for signalization, these projects could provide a "gateway" feature for the entry into Downtown Bowmanville. . There has been some consideration that a grant and/or loan program could be useful in stimulating improvements to heritage buildings in the downtown. These could include structural repairs, fire safety or building code improvements, fac;:ade improvements. . The King Street East Corridor Study, adopted in October 2003, identified a number of initiatives to create a great streetscape and enhance the pedestrian environment. Once of the study's recommendations was for the development of a community improvement plan either for the East Business District or as part of larger project for the East Main Central Area. To ensure that future improvements and redevelopment of the Bowmanville Downtown and East Business District are in keeping with the various studies that have been undertaken to date, to identify further improvements and to detail a design framework for the entire area for future capital improvements, it would be prudent to prepare a community improvement plan (CIP). Such a Plan for the entire area would consolidate all applicable municipal policies for the improvement of this area into a single document, defining priorities and staging a specific initiatives to be pursued. 1.2 A Community Improvement Plan is defined under Part IV of the Planning Act; the preparation and passage of such a plan provides municipalities with the authorization to 669 ~ REPORT NO.: PSD-145-03 PAGE 3 enact certain programmes, capital works, land acquisitions and other alternative measures that are not applicable throughout the municipality but are designed to specifically address the issues facing a designated area. For example, under a CIP the Municipality may operate a grant or loan programme to pay for a whole or part of the cost of rehabilitating private properties and buildings. A CIP is a comprehensive community-based planning study with implementation steps and timeframes. Part IV of the Planning Act states that the Council of a municipality may, by By-law, define an area of the municipality as an area to be examined for community improvement. The Council may, after such examination is completed, embed the implementation into the Official Plan. Approval of a by-law to study an area does not stop any type of activity from being conducted if that activity complies with the current regulations in place. The purpose of the By-law is only to delineate the area to be studied. 2.0 BBC AND PUBLIC CONSULTATION 2.1 When preparing the street lighting plans, TSH consulted with the BBC. Some funding for these works are from the BIA levy. In responding to the proposals the BBC identified the need for additional physical streetscape improvements. In addition, the BBC advised that they would prefer early spring construction rather than in the months leading up to Christmas. As such the approved capital funding for 2003 will have to be carried over to the Spring of 2004. Community and public input is vital in the preparation of the CIP. To facilitate the preparation of the CIP it is advised that a Community Focus Group be appointed for staff to work with and that public information sessions be scheduled throughout the CIP process (see the attached work plan). To ensure that we have a cross-section of representation from the community, a list of stakeholders from which volunteers will be sought is listed in the proposed work program. 2.2 The best practices of other municipalities have indicated that the establishment of a Community Focus Group is instrumental to guide the Municipality through the preparation of the Community Improvement Plan. The Group is to be appointed by the Director of Planning Services. The Group is to be comprised of representatives of stakeholders in the Bowmanville core area, the Group will be assisted by staff from the Planning Services, Engineering Services, Finance and Clarington Board of Trade. Staff representatives would be Faye Langmaid, Manager of Special Projects, Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation and Design, Lori Gordon, Deputy Treasurer and Suzanne McCrimmon, Clarington Board of Trade. A number of business operators, BBC representatives, community residents, representatives of special interests will be selected after the community is canvassed for volunteers and notified of appointment by the Director of Planning Services. The first task of the Committee will be to review the work plan and work programme for the community improvement plan. 67U ~ , REPORT NO.: PSD-145-03 PAGE 4 3.0 CONCLUSION 3.1 The infusion of funding from various sources for infrastructure and streetscape improvements in the downtown should be carried out with an overall master plan in place. Also incentives and programmes, to entice businesses and clientele to frequent the central core should be developed to maintain its viability. 3.2 Due to the urgency of the street lighting project, the initial work necessary for the 2004 streetscape works will be designed and construction scheduled to meet the requirements of the BIA. The CIP process will be organized to run concurrently and will not impede the construction of those works 3.3 The 2004 Capital Budget for Planning Services will include a budget line for Community Improvement Plan to assist with the preparation of the Bowmanville CIP. Based on their familiarity of the downtown and their role as infrastructure engineering advisors. It is recommended that the firm of TSH be engaged to assist with the community improvement plan, specifically the streetscape Masterplan component. In addition, they will provide the mapping and graphics component by assisting with the development of streetscape cross-sections and visualization of the recommended policies and programmes. They have estimated their component of the study at approximately $15,000 which will be identified in the 2004 budget for Council approval at that time. The 2004 Capital budget for Engineering Services will include funding for the implementation of phase 1 of the Bowmanville Downtown Revitalization Project (streetscape works) for Council's consideration and approval. 3.4 It is recommended that the study area by-law be approved so that the Community Focus Group can be established and the formal process can begin. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Study Area By-law Attachment 2 - Proposed Community Improvement Plan Workprogramme (to be confirmed by the Community Focus Group) List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision Mr. Ron Hooper BBC Chair 8 Frederick Street Bowmanville, ON L lC 2B9 671 ATTACHMENT 1 ,.' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 2003- being a BYMlaw to initiate the study of the Bowmanville urban area as a Community Improvement Area WHEREAS the Planning Act, Part IV, Section 28, c.P.13, s.28 (2) provided in part the Council of a municipality may, by by-law, define in the Municipality one or more areas thereof as an area to be examined as community improvement areas; AND WHEREAS Section 22.3.2 and Schedule F of the Municipality of Clarlngton Official Plan proposes the Bowmanville urban area (B3) as a community improvement area; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. That the Bowmanville Urban Area as shown on Schedule 'A' , be examined as an area of community improvement. 2. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Part IV, Section 28, c.P.13, s.28 (2) of the Planning Act. BY,LAW read a first time this day of December 2003 BY -LAW read a second time this day of December 2003 BY-LAW read a third time and fina!ly passed this day of December 2003 John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk {) J , "" 'i H--1 I----J:::l. c ~1I1/7IIJillili~1 ~iTI"fn Illl 'IIIII~\' ["",1JIl!. ---rr[;~/-----<'ih t=::- "~hl ~ ~ ~~ .11111111111 TT'/1=~E:lTIT -~ti.- c--~ 0 "f::t;: H=~-=g I-i.' /:--- ,,/ ~ RII~ ~ ~~ +~==2 :::j IT\~~!A ~ '\l mk ,Ll 0 ~~ =t=F~I~~ )"" III~~ r~'!).,%'f!!!/.J.) n~ IIII I I I IT l! =t=:j .I; h~:r-J= i\-I=J~ IIIITl8f\JJ,li/ -c .~ 1= f:!:~ . 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'-">us ", '" ~\1l111 ~ NOJl),m'" .\ r .----Y/ ~ = \.\ ~ _____ #.. Till \\\W"'~ '" ~ ~ I ~ ~,--Y F"""":ro' i!!f!p.-4.Y ~'\l~'/ X<<. -z.:y, ~ /"'~ I l'r ~ ,~cllllllllllif-4:.if~~"Y'~ ~LI ~ 7/ /'....... -.::::'::1:::--.. l ~~\i~~~~ ""~i~Nff~~ ~''''':kiiJjV' ar == LJK' ~ I ~ ~,. '" i%"6.:d~ITIIIIIIIIIIIlI~ == o~v-..'~ ~ \ &\ ~'v. 2Urn~lmflIIITI]jIDt: w---'-'- ~ V I fi b {II ,,'d'1Uill1J!~~; II.E1 O'\)'Y ,I! ~ \l. c\\\\II.11 III 11111 UJJU II ;"i" IIliIiTlI:rlll:11I ! h, \ , ~ ~ ATTACHMENT 2 BOWMANVILLE HISTORIC DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN WORK PROGRAM WHYWILL THIS CIP STUDY BE UNDERTAKEN? The main purpose of this Community Improvement Plan [CIP] is to articulate a vision for the commercial core of Bowmanville, based on an assessment of past experience and future prospects, along with a realistic "road map" of how to get there. WHA T IS A CIP? A CIP is a comprehensive community-based planning stud proposed capital works, development incentives, and polici first step in the process will be to review and explore what t what outcomes may arise and change is desirable. Counci Bowmanville Business Improvement Association (Bowman B core area is vulnerable due to competition of national chains that are core. Maintaining the downtown as the commercial f Bowmanvill municipality is a goal of the Official Plan (10,1,1) ille Centre Study Area (17,3.1) and as a "first" priority for rov~m prominence and set out a plan for enhancem i0 t . As a FORT signate the rea" to be investigated during a CIP ore complex time consuming the research and analysis d an area generally bounded by Wellington, Scugog, .s ar~ is deemed appropriate as it maintains the mixed IUral) of the core. It will also provide an overall h as the Old Bowmanville Heritage Conservation nding capital works. WHO WILL The work progr WORK PROGRAM FOR THE CIP? lies to participate in distinct roles: Entity Clarington Council Role Render Final Decision on all matters pertaining to the CIP Expectation/Outputs Adoption of: . Work Program . Project Scope & Approach . Consultation Process . Draft CIP . Final CIP . Policy & Regulatory changes implementing CIP BOWMANVILLE HISTORIC DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN WORK PROGRAM . , 1 0/ -: DRAFT Entity Community Focus Group Clarington Staff Citizens of Clarington TSH Number/Composition Stakeholders each representing a unique interest or objective that Council believes ought to be uniformly articulated throughout the development oflhe CIP. Professionals from the Planning Services, Engineering Services, Economic Development Office (Board ofTrade), Finance and Communications & Tourism Any individual citizen of Clarington interested in participating in the vision for Bowmanville Centre and how it is set out for implementation in the CIP. Engineering and Landscape Architectur . STAKEHOLDE VIEWPOINT Bowmanville resident (from the core area) Role A representative community of residents and business operators to address questions to, and receive feed back from. The staff reporting to Council, responsible for producing the CIP and taking on tasks such as: . research and presentar of analyses . coordination and reco of meetings and pu consultation events . drafting of proposed p and by-law amendm & final report production Expectation/Outputs Four scheduled meetings: . 3 with Clarington Staff to co- lead and gather citizen input at scheduled public consultation opportunities . 1 with Clarington Staff near the end of the project to review draftCIP Synthesis and presentation of all information gathered during the CIP d mented in the CIP. sultation opportunities and rington Council meetings. Streetscape Masterplan, participation at public meetings above, is proposed as a means of capturing in a tives of local stakeholders who may be directly and ntre CIP sets out in its final form, It is important throughout the development of the CIP. In a sense ambassador" for his/her stakeholder viewpoint. STAKEHOLDER VIEWPOINT IMPLICATION # Greater Clarington Community Effect on the municipality from an "outside" the core viewpoint ap Effect on 2 Valleys 2000 business viability in local area Effect on 2 Board of Trade commercial core and development potential Historic integrity Accessibility Committee of the downtown Bowmanville business operator outside BBC Bowmanville Business Centre representative LACAC BOWMANVILLE HISTORIC DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN WORK PROGRAM b/J 2 1 Effect on the valley lands, resource for recreation and ecotourism Effect on business viability and employee retention 1 1 Advise on streetscape design/mobility issue DRAFT HOW WILL THE CIP WORK PROGRAM PROCEED? The CIP will take the existing Official Plan policies that call for the central area as a focal point of economic, social and cultural activity, In addition, recent works on the King Street East Corridor begin to articulate the streetscape and infrastructure improvements for that area. There are also funds for streetscape works in the downtown core. Sufficiency of parking and development of the civic square (at the MAC) should be considered as part of the overall CIP framework. A CIP allows the municipality to tap into senior government funding, if applicable and will layout a strategy/plan for the BBC and municipality to jointly pursue for a number of years. PROJECT PLANNING . Establish the desired approach to be used for the CI the CIP. . Develop a Draft Work Program that can accommod h . Confirm the boundaries of the territory to be investigated. . Designate the people to be Involved in the pro s. . Confirm the Work Program, including the time line, and budget (report to Council "Work Program At ed to complete the The work program groups tasks into four phases as summariz A-Glance". It is not the intention to identify here every admi ' work program, doing & responsibilities, . the planning study, to be used easuring "what Is" against "what is rty ownership, physical heritage, de ics (CIP area and beyond it), s, infrastructure ("hard" and "soft") etc. a community consensus on the area's strengths, ,his activity should validate and documented in the previous step. The forum t evening "workshop" open to all citizens and ff and Community Focus Group lead the discussion, It is vement proposals will to spark debate. ered, pression of the area's conditions and potential with Council. . . . DEVELOP RECO NS . Undertake a "Brainstroming or visioning" exercise to set goals and objectives for the area, based on the analysis documented from the previous proiect phase. The forum proposed for this activity is a weeknight evening "workshop" with Community Focus Group and Bowmanville Business Centre members. . Document a "list" of potential implementation measures, which are capable of addressing the weaknesses and threats identified from the previous project phase. These typically fall into the area of Policy Changes, Financial Tools, and Capital Projects, . Produce the draft version of the CIP, documenting specific recommended initiatives in various areas [e.g. policy, land use, property ownership, physical condition/character, infrastructure] together with time lines, resources, responsibilities, and future circumstances BOWMANVILLE HISTORIC DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN WORK PROGRAM 3 DRAFT Q/U under which changes to the adopted initiatives do or do not require a CIP amendment. [The Draft CIP would contain all documentation of the work undertaken in both this and the previous phase.] . Seek public input on the draft recommendations of the CIP. . Review with the Community Focus Group the draft CIP and public comments, requesting it to render a written opinion on it. . Forward the draft CIP with Staff report and Community Focus Group recommendations to Council. IMPLEMENTATION . Seek Council approval of capital budget to implement streetscape works). . Submit the Draft CIP to GP&A for deliberation and r . Adopt the CIP including any amendments resulting . Draft amendments to by~aws, policies, zoning, etc. with a view to being ready to adopt them with, or sho finalized CIP. take approximately 12 r e av ilable to participate in the ilar in scope to what has The CIP will draw upon the WHEN WILL THIS CIP BE COMPLETED? The appended "Work Program At-A-Glance" co months to complete. This time line was based project and the assumption that the territory traditionally been characterized as the tr 0 recently completed King Street East or S udy Implementation of process if the sc necessary capit apital works) may occur during the CIP antageous and Council approves the BOWMANVILLE HISTORIC DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN WORK PROGRAM 4 DRAFT r) ,/ , , , / CUVVIVIAI..... V ILL. I:. \"'E:I"4I 1 1"'(1:. \"UIVlIVI U I"'" I I T IIVIt"'I"'(UVI:.IVII:.N I WORK PROGRAM DRAFT Ct. .",- 1 PROJECT PLANNING 1 .1 Draft Work Proaram Staff Establish approach and rationale 1.2 for CIP Staff 1.3 Desianate CIP "Proiect Area" Cou ncil Establish Community Focus 1.4 Grouo (CFGl Staff 1.5 Confirm Work Program CFG 2 RESEARCH & ANALYSIS Research Contexlls) Staff 2.1 Community Analysis Workshop" Staff 2.2 (comments on proposals) TSH All DEVELOP 3 RECOMMENDATIONS Staff 3.1 Visionina WorkshoD CFG Research Potential Staff ~ 3.2 Imolementation Measures TSH Confirm Findings/Report to CFG Staff 3.3 and BBC StafflTS 3.4 Prepare Draft CIP H CFG 3.5 Public Review of CIP' Community 4 IMPLEMENTATION TSH TSH 4.1 Beain to imnlement Canital Works Council Council 4.2 Adont Final CIP Council 4.3 Obtain RenionaJ annroval of CIP Staff 4.4 Pursue ZoninQ Chanaes Staff Council . . o CFG = Community Focus Group "Community meetings (public review process) TSH=Totten Sims Hubicki