HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-11-96 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT: 3 REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL File# Lo Date: February 12, 1996 Res. # Report#:®TR. 96— File#: By-Law# Subject: LEASE OF ELECTRONIC PIN PAD EQUIPMENT Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-11-96 be received; 2. THAT the attached By-law(Schedule"B") authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Agreement be approved. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: The Municipality currently rents Interac terminals directly from the Toronto Dominion Bank for$40 per month per terminal. With the recent change in the Tax Department to a PC based cash register drawer system, the Toronto Dominion Bank informed the Municipality that there was a more cost effective alternative to this monthly rental for customers operating with a PC based cash register drawer system. The hand held "PIN Pad" portion of the equipment could be leased separately from AT&T for a cost of $16 per month. The PIN Pad would link directly with the Municipality's computer system and therefore the full Interac terminal would not be required. It is therefore recommended that this equipment be leased from AT&T. This will also alleviate some of the space problems at the Tax Counter. Respectfplly submitted, Reviewed by, ¢Y/ a ie A. Marano, H.BSc., A.M.C.T., W.H. Stockwell, — � Treasurer. Chief Administrative Officer. MM/NT/hjl Attachments I RECYC" Pa ER PAPER RECYCLE THIS B PRiRTEDIX RECYCLED PAPER AT&T RENTAL AGREEMENT capital Canada THIS AGREEMENT("Lease") between AT&T Capital Canada, Inc.,3650 Victoria Park Avenue,Willowdale, Ontario M2H 360149MLE "A" (G.S.T. Reg. No. 8102440450/Q.S.T. Reg. No. 1008225202TQ0001)and Customer: Customer No. CUSTOn�IER INFOR�'IATION Customer's Full Legal.Name(including French version,if any) Contact Name/Title THE :CORPORATION "OF `THE 'MUNICIPALITY OF` CLARINGTON NANCY TAYLOR DEPUTY TREA Customer's Address(Head Office)`" „ Telephone No. 40 TEMPERANCE STREET ( 905) 623-3379 CgOWMANV I LLE Provin - Po tat cCgde3A6 Fa§h) 623-4169 FSeNTARIO 1i3d" L'. GOVERNMENT No:of Years in Business I Nam T696*0 DOMINION BANK B k ddre Co a t a -�- % T %� "6SHAWA,ONTARIO L1H' 7L3/PHIS:,' HERDMAN(T§I�� e f�._544 A T� ?b04-0395'--074300 Trade References: Contact Name/Title Telephone No. 1. 2. ) 3. ( ) LEASE DETAILS Lease No. Vendor's Full Legal Name(if different from Lessor) Contact Name Vendor's Address Telephone No. Equipment Location Name and Address of Landlord if Equipment Location is rented Quantity Equipment Description(include model&serial nos.where available;attach&refer to Addendum if necessary) K21 Pin Pad (includes 3 year manufacturer's warranty) Perm Payments will be made:IN ADVANCE No.of Payments Net Rental Payment G.S.T. Provincial Sales Tax Total Rental Payment No.of Months 36 ki Monthly❑ Quarterly 0 Semi-Annually❑ Annually 36 $- 16.0 $ $ $ INVOICE OPION I INVOICE A. I select pre-authorized B. My Net Rental Payment OPTION Payments and decline exceeds$150 per payment (initial A or B) invoices (Initial) and I request invoices. (Initial) LESSOR CUS T ONIER This Lease shall not become binding upon Lessor Date of Lessor's Acceptance THE UNDERSIGNED ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ THE ENTIRE LEASE AND ACCEPTS THE TERMS AND until accepted as follows: CONDITIONS INCLUDING THOSE ON THE REVERSE HEREOF _ESSOR AT&T CAPITAL CANADA, INC. usomer' ItaYl ame Date MUNICIPAI'TTY OF CLARINGTON FEB12/96 I BY: Name/Title Each of the undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this Lease on behalf of the Customer. Autnorized Signature Shaded areas are to be completed before signing by Customer By: uthorized Signature Name I Tile MAYO R Any changes must be initialed only by Lease Signatories. By:Y Name/rule Authorized Signature CLERK TERMS & CONDITIONS .crsoerafion of the covenants herein contained,including those on the reverse harbor,and other good and valuable consideration 4.Acceptance:Upon delivery and acceptance cf the Equipment,Cuxame(shat rorthwrth execute and deliver to Lessor a Deliver rat pt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged),Lessor and Customer agree as fo'lows: and Acceptance Certificate in form prescribed by Lessor unless Lessor.in is sob discretion,waives such executors and delivery b Lease:Lessor hereby leases to Customer,and Customer hereby leases from Lessor,the equipment described in the Lease Details, executing this Lease prior to the receipt of such cand�cate and after the delivery W me Equipment. vnth any parts,accessories,replacements,additions and accessions,tangibte or intangible,now and hereafter relating thereto 5.Equipment Selection:CUSTOMER HAS PEFSONALLY SELECTED THE EQUIPMENT AND LESSOR HAS ACQUIRED THI a"xea thereon(collectively the"Equipment").THIS LEASE CANNOT BE CANCELLED OR TERMINATED BY CUSTOMER. EQUIPMENT AT CUSTOMER'S SPECIFIC REQUEST FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEASING IT HEREUNDER. CUSTOMO Purchase Documents:if Customer,has not issued a purchase order or entered into an agreement with Vendor to purchase the ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE SUITABILITY OF THE EQUIPMENT AND ITS INSTALLATION AND DELIVERY IS CUSTOMER': cr�ent(a"Purchase Document').Customer hereby agrees that Lessor may do so on Lessor's own behalf.If Customer has RESPONSIBILITY;THE FAILURE OF THE EQUIPMENT TO BE DELIVERED AND INSTALLED,TO OPERATE OR TO CONFORM Tr -sc.nto a Purchase Document,Customer represents and warrants that title to the Equipment has not passed to Customer and,at CUSTOMER'S REQUIREMENTS SHALL NOT LESSEN CUSTOMER'S OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER. .<_rs option,Customer shall assign to Lessor its rights under the Purchase Document to purchase the Equipment and to acquire 6.Rentals:Customer shall,without notice from cc�c+quest by Lessor,pay to lessor during the Term of this Lease the total number c reared license only f)this Le,information and documentation(a"License").Except for the obligation to pay Vendor for the rental payments set forth in the Lease Details.Scc,rental payments shall be payable in advance to Lessor at the address indicates _cr^ent A(and only if)this Lease commences and is accepted by Lessor,Customer shall perform,satisfy and discharge all of the above(or other address notified by Lessor to G�omer)as follows.first rental payment upon Customer's execution hereof anc obligations under any Purchase Document and License and any assignment by Customer to Lessor pursuant to this commencing after the calendar period covered by snh first rental payment,subsequent rental payments through oN the Term on:(P --r.cn shall not include such obligations.The provisions of any Purchase Document or License do not modify Customer's obligations in the case of monthly payments,the first day or the fAteenih day d each morrh,whichever day s Goser to the date the Leas, '_<or hereunder. commences,or(B)in the case of payments based on any other calendar penal,on the firs!day of each such calendar period.An Term:This Lease is for an original term(the"Term")commencing on the earlier of the Lease Commencement Date set out in the amount paid by Customer to Lessor prior to this LF se commencing which is in ezcess of such first rental payment shalt be credtlel •j and Acceptance Certificate or,if Lessor waives a Delivery and Acceptance Certificate pursuant to Section 4,the Date of the towards Customer's final rental payment(s)in reverse order of occurrerr_e,wNmr.interest.RENTAL PAYMENTS AND ANY OTHEF r_Acceptance set forth above and ending at the expiry of the number of complete calendar months indicated under the heading AMOUNTS DUE UNDER THIS LEASE ARE PAYASLE WITHOUT SET-OFF,COMPENSATION OR ABATEMENT AND IN NO EVEN- - "�n the Lease Details, SHALL THE FIRST RENTAL PAYMENT BE REFU'aDED TO CUSTOMER. Lease Document SCHEDULE"B" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 96- Being a By-Law to authorize the execution of a Lease Agreement with AT&T for Electronic PIN Pads for Interac/Credit Card acceptance capability, WHEREAS,in order to process the tax payments and other receipts of the Municipality, the leasing of PIN Pad Equipment which interfaces with a PC based cash register drawer system, represents a more cost effective alternative to a monthly rental of stand alone Interac equipment which is currently used by all Municipal Departments, The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporate Seal, a Lease Agreement between AT&T and said Corporation,which is attached hereto and marked Schedule"A", By-Law read a first and second time this 12th day of February 1996. By-Law read a third time and finally passed this 12th day of February 1996. Mayor Clerk I