HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-19-96 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLA.RINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# �LL Date: April 1, 1996 Res. #L,J3 LISA 1 By-Law# Report#:_____Tp,1T96 File#: Subject: MAYOR & COUNCILLOR'S REMUNERATION & EXPENSES FOR 1995 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-19-96 be received for information. BACKGROUND & COMMENTS: Appended hereto,please find a schedule detailing the compensation paid to each Member of Council during 1995 as required by the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, M.45, Section 243. As per Resolution#GPA-455-95,passed by Council on July 17, 1995,attached is the Regional Municipality of Durham Report #96-F-9 detailing the renumeration and expenses of the Members of Council and Regional Council appointees to local boards. Respect Ubmitted, Reviewed by, i arie A. Marano, H.BSc., A.M.C.T., W.H. Stockwell, Treasurer. Chief Administrative Officer. MAM/RB/hjl Attachment I i 1-1.° RECYCLL rns�nnirrrE RECYC DPnrEP 'r MAYOR & COUNCILLOR'S REMUNERATION & EXPENSES 1995 ' . � .q. Canfexetzces .m : : ... . ><>> > > > >< < > > >>e s >< > r>> > < > <>»> : > < << : Mayor D. Hamre 23,162.77 11,581.39 34,744.16 3,256.31 574.75 58.39 38,633.61 Councillor A. Dreslinski 10,487.62 5,243.81 15,731.43 1,121.52 1,315.03 20.00 18,187.98 Councillor C. Elliott 5,042.00 2,521.00 7,563.00 502.50 640.42 129.56 8,835.48 Councillor L. Hannah 10,487.62 5,243.81 15,731.43 841.14 .00 .00 16,572.57 Councillor M. Novak 10,487.62 5,243.81 15,731.43 1,163.86 766.59 59.39 17,721.27 Councillor J. O'Toole 4,840.32 2,420.16 7,260.48 .00 .00 .00 7,260.48 Councillor P. Pingle 10,487.62 59243.81 15,731.43 1,121.52 640.42 74.21 1 17,567.58 Councillor D. Scott 10,487.62 5,243.81 15,731.43 .00 .00 .00 15,731.43 Total 85,483.19 42,741.60 1 128,224.79 8,006.85 3,937.21 1341.55 1 140,510.40 Notes: G1) Conferences • include payment made by the Municipality for registration fee and/or accommodation, as well as direct reimbursement of expenses 2) Other • includes parking, meals, miscellaneous charges 3) Expenses • exclude G.S.T. 4) Councillor J. O'Toole resigned his Regional position upon his election to the Provincial Legislature. C. Elliott was appointed as the replacement for J. O'Toole on July 10, 1995. 905-571-7460 DURHAII FIhIAHGE U4j PU2 f`iF-HR 0" ' Jb i, : _ February 21, 1996 TO: The Finance and Administration Committee FROMs J.L. Gartley, Commissioner of Finance RE: REPORT 96—F-9 THE REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES IN -1995 OF MEMBERS OF REGIONAL COUNCIL AND REGIONAL COUNCIL APPOINTEES TO LOCAL BOARDS, AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 247( 1) OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT, R.S.O . (1990) RECOMMENDATION: That the Finance and Administration Committee recommend that this report be submitted to Regional Council for information. REPORT: As required by Section 247(l.) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. ( 1990) , I have prepared a statement of the remuneration and expenses which were paid in 1995 to Regional Councillors and Regional Appointees . (See attached Schedules 1 and 2 respectively) . The information concerning Regional Council appointees was obtained directly from the Local Boards, with the exception of the Durham Region Police Services Board, 9-1-1 Management Board and the Land Division Committee, whose accounting records are maintained by the Regional Finance Department. .1 �. r ey, CMA :dlk Commis oner of Finance Attach. G.Repnrte\Ramun.9S .. I 17 110 905-571-7460 DURHH111 F 1 NHI'k..F - REGIONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS 1986 S-MUNERATION AND EXPENSES MEETING REGIONAL COUNCIL $EMERANCE EXPENSES CONFERENCES/ MEMBERS REMUNCRPM9N PAYMENT [MILEAGE.ETCJ CONVENTIONS TOTAL a s a s AKER,J.(1) 24,960.00 - - 906.29 25,666.29 ANDERSON,R, 21,840.00 - 1,859.65 23,699.68 ARTHURS,W.(1) 24,960.00 - - 24,960.00 DEAL,P, 21,840.00 - - 865.70 22,705.70 BOYCHYN,R, 21,840.00 - 21'840'00 BRENNER,M, 21,640.00 - 631.34 - 22,471,34 BRUNELLE,M. 21,840,00 - 142.38 2,567'.03 24,549.41 3,348.40 - 3,348,40 CLARKE.C. 21,840.00 - - 21,840,00 CLAYTON,T. 21,840.00 - - 21,840.00 CONWAY,D. - 10,920.00 - - 10,920.00 DIAMOND,N, 21,840.00 - - 703,b0 22,543,60 DRESLINSKI,A. 21,840.00 - 1,190.31 1,401,99 24,432.30 DRUMM,J. 21,840.00 - - 1,218,56 23,058.56 24,980.00 24,960.00 - EDWARD$,T.(1) - ELLIOTT,C.(5) 9,041.76 1,092,00 - - 10,133.76 EMM,G. 21,840.00 - - 1.543,28 23,483.28 FARR,0. (3) 21,000.00 - - 21,000.00 21,840.00 21,840.00 - - GRAY,J. ' HALL,H. 21,640.00 - 869.79 • 22,709.79 HAMRE,D. 21,840.00 - 1,504.14 1,032,96 24,377.10 HANNAH,L. 21,840.00 • 163.04 2,239.19 24,242.29 HARRELL,I. 21,840.00 - 848.73 22,688.73 JOHNSON,R, 21,840.00 - 1,265.85 3,072.98 25,178.83 LUTCZYK,R, 21,840.00 - - 21,840.00 McMASTER,J. (4) 756.00 - 756.00 NICHOLSON,6, 21,840.00 21,840.00 acaNNOR,G.(1) 24,960.00 - 1,098,24 425.86 26,485,10 O'TOOLt;,J. (5) 10,080.00 - - 10,080.00 PARA,S. 21,840.00 892,38 - 22,732,39 21,&10,00 - - 21,840,00 PARISH,S. ' PEARCE,M. (2) 18,556,64 - 726,47 17,283.01 18 '905-571-7460 bUkHHN 1- 1 NHt•klm U43 HU4 1,4HR 07 ',36 SCHEDULE 1 REGIONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS (cont'd) 9!196 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES MEETING REGIONAL COUNCIL SEVERANCE EXPENSES CONFERENCES/ MEMBERS REMUNERATION PAYMENT MILEAGE,ETC,j CON b NTIONS TO $ TAL PIDWERBECKI,N.(6) 20,724.34 - - - 20,724,34 POTTICARY,J. 21,840.00 - 61.19 - 21,891.19 SHAW,M. - 10,920.00 - 10,920.00 SHIER,K. 21,840.00 - - 21,840.00 VAN KEMPEN,K. _ 364.77 _ 364,77 WITTY, J. 4,328.00 _ 20,328, 8.590.90 18.785 72 754.603.E N4'tES: (1) Dend"Committee Chairperson. (2) Councillor Y, Christie deceased February 18,1995. M. Pearce was appointed as replacement on March 29,19%. (3) Councillor D. Farr deceased December 17,1995. D,Dickerson wss appointed as replacement In 1996. (4) Councillor J. McMaster was appointed on December 19,1995 to fill the vacancy for the Town of Ajax. (6) Councillor J, O'Toole resigned his Regional position upon his election to the Provincial Legislature,C. Elliott was appointed as the replacement for J.O'Toole on August 2,1MS. (6) Councillor N,Pidwerbecid assumed office January 20,1 M. }REGIONAL CHAIR MEETINGS AUTOMOBILE CONFERENCES/ EXPENSES CONVENTIONS $ $ $ I 9L, HERREMA,0, 69,300,00 3,899,44 23,495.24 96,494.68 WITTY,J. 5,400.40 -- — 5,400,00 74100.00 3.6.44 .101 AR 4.68 Chalr G, Herrema deceased November 20,1995. Councillor J. witty was appointed Chair on December 6,1695. NOTES TO SCHEDULE OF REMUNE AfZ TION IQ REGIONAL COuNciL mrwi s Am)7Hr=REQj Qniei j jM: 1. Remuneration to the Regional Chair and Councillors is authorized by by-law 079,94 and by-law#6045(Severance Payment). t Z The Regional Chair is provided with an automobile and is reimbursed for actual expenses incurred. 3. Regional Councillors are reimbursed as follows:Mileage,based on a rate per Idtometre, ConferanceWConventions-a rate of $50 1day for meals,etc.without receipts;however,if the daily rate Is irmuftlolem,actual expenses with receipts are reimbursed. A000mmodatlon,reglstratlon etc,are reimbursed based on actual receipts. 4. Expenses relating to Regional Council Study Sessions are not included in this statement, 19 112 905-571-7460 DURHAM F I HHHCE U-i-� I-'U�' CIHk U( �b i REGIONAL COUNCIL.APPOINTEES TO LOCAL BOARDS 1996 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES MEETING REGIONAL COUNCIL EXPENSES CONFERENCE& AFPOINTECA- REMUNKH&= IM GE,ETCH CONVENTION 3 10TAL s $ $ s Metropolitan Toronto and ervation Authori O'CONNOR,4, 686.00 407.00 987,00 PISTRITTO,E. 845.00 423.00 1,268.00 WITTY,J, 1,365.00 ,QQ 1.998.00 Lake Simcoe Region Co�ation Authority BEACH,B, 61.70 13.20 74.$0 GRANT,J. 1,480.80 885.130 2,366.40 MARQUIS,D. 1,295.70 1,053.00 2,348.70 PARA,S. IIMA90 514.20 2,180.10 PEARCE,M. 3,455,20 4.$41.!34 _. 8.397A� Ganaraaka Region Conceryatlon Authority DRESLINSKI,A. $00.00 480.00 1,280.00 SCOTT,D. 440.00 __ 440.OU 12� 480,Q4 0. 1.720.00 Central Lake Ontario Con¢2tyation Authoriht AKER,J. 50,00 50.00 ANDERSON,R. 500100 141,40 - 641.40 BATTEN,R. 150.00 38,00 - 186.00 BOYCHYN,R. 400.00 - 400.00 BRUNELLE,M. 550.00 79.20 629.20 DRUMM,J. 500.00 60100 560.00 ELLIOTT,C. 250.00 30,00 280.00 EMM,G. 350.00 84.00 434.00 GRAY,J. 500,00 - SOQ00 HALL,H. 460.00 167.40 - 617.40 HANNAH,L. 950.00 85.50 1,035.50 HARRELL,I. 4,050.00 291.03 - 4,341.03 JOHNSON,R, 900.00 324.00 1,224.00 LUTCZYK,R. 350.00 - - 350.00 NICHOLSON,B. 850.00 • 850.00 PIDWERBECKI,N. 100.00 - 1100.00 O'TOOLE,J. 200.OS? 30.00 _. 230.00 1.328.53 20 713 505-571-7460 UURHHI1 h i IAHI a-L (eulu U) REGIONAL COUNCIL APPOINTEES TO LOCAL BOARDS 18 @u"�• NERATtON AND EXPFNSQS MEETING EXPENSES CONFERENCES/ REGIONAL COUNCIL IREN ��FRATION iMILEAGE,ETC,1 s^ UM�5 TOTAL$ APPOIN7915:6 $ KaWartha Region Conservation AMULO& 787.52 377.52 GADSOEN,K. W.00 35.04 508.56 GRAY,H. 27000 238-56 MOFFATT,D, —= An NOVAK,M. slo.ao Z� _ Durham Region Non.Pfofit lion AKER,J. - - ARTHURS,W. CLAYTON,T. - 3,380.00 EDWARDS,T. - 3,380.00 HAMRE,D. - HERRLMA.G. UCONNOR,G. - 3 Ling Division Cquiaim 1,914.12 1,200.00 714.12 ' 1,737.86 COLLINS,J, 1,100.00 837.86 1,545.04 DORRELL,S. 1,000.00 1,687.94 EVANS,1-. 1,300-00 387.94 _ 100.00 HEDGE,M. 100.00 - _ 182.96 JOHNSON.G. 100100 M96 2.975,82 JOSE,F. 2,135,00 690.82 150.00 194.80 KUDLA,W. 100.00 94.60 1,391.13 MARTIN,G. 1,000.00 391.13 1,502.77 MARTIN,R. 1,100.00 402.77 - 1,684+ MoCULLY.1, 1 AQM 194. = BULLIVAN,D- 491 Z020-0- Durham Region Police Seryir..a Roard _ 216.00 216.00 367.00 3,139.00 HALL.,H. 2,772.00 - 7,344.78 8'784,23 HERREMA.G. 7,000.00 344.78 MCARTHUR,S- - 1.764.23 7,000.00 350.00 6,476.00 MCDONALD,S. 6,126.00 4729. MCPHAIL.A. X00 WITTY,J. 4.,435.46 3d Counolller H.Hall Was appointed to the Police Swyiw Board on December 6,1993 d8 a replacement for Chair G.Herrems. No remuneration Regional expenses were paid to egional Caunctl appointees to the Children's Aid Soolety,9-1-1 Management Board, Durham Region District Health Council or the hospital boards, 21 714