HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-46-96 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# �� Date: MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1996 Res. Report#: TR-46-96 File #: By-Law# Subject: TENDER CL96-10, SUPPLY AND HAUL GRANULAR "A" GRAVEL Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report TR-46-96 be received; 2 . THAT Robert E. Young Construction, Ennismore, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $97, 290 . 00 for the Supply Only of Granular "A" Gravel (Part "A" ) , and $57, 726 . 50 for the Hauling of Granular "A" Gravel (Part "B") , being the lowest overall responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL96-10, be awarded the contract for the Supply and Haul (Part "A" & "B") of Granular "A" Gravel, as required by the Municipality of Clarington; and 3 . THAT the funds expended be provided from the approved 1996 Public Works Road Maintenance and Construction budget FORTHWITH. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Tenders were publicly advertised and called for the Supply and Haul of Granular "A" Gravel, as required by the Department of Public Works . I Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as follows : R PAPER RECYCLE 717 -B PRIMED ON RECYCLED PAPER REPORT NO. : TR-46-96 PAGE 2 TENDER CL96-10 BIDDER TOTAL BID TOTAL BID TOTAL PART AMOUNT AMOUNT "A" PART "A" PART "B" TRT Sand & Gravel $ 94, 875 . 00 * $75, 435 . 00 $170, 310 . 00 Orono, Ontario Robert E. Young $ 97, 290 . 00 $57, 726 . 50 $155, 016 . 50 Ennismore, Ontario Harnden & King $136, 402 . 77 * $87, 205 . 00 $223 , 607 . 77 Brooklin, Ontario * Error in Calculation of G.S .T. The total funds required for Tender CL96-10, Supply and Haul of Granular "A" Gravel are included in the Department of Public Works Gravel Patching and Resurfacing account, as well as various other construction accounts, from which there are adequate funds available. For the information of Council, the low bid for Part "A" for the Supply Only of Granular "A" in the amount of $94, 875 . 00 is TRT Sand & Gravel, Bowmanville . The low bid for Part "B" for Haulage and Stockpiling in the amount of $57, 726 . 50 is Robert E. Young Construction, Ennismore . Should Part "A" and "B" be awarded separately, the total amount of the contract would be $152, 601 . 50 . However, should both Part "A" and Part "B" be awarded together to Robert E. Young Construction, the lowest overall bidder for Part "A" and "B" as suggested by the Manager of Operations, Public Works Department, in the memo attached marked Schedule "A" , the total amount of the contract would be $155, 016 . 50 . The difference being an increase of $2, 412 . 00 in the total contract . This increase would be offset by the convenience and reliability of one contractor handling both the supply and the hauling and stockpiling for the Municipality, thereby reducing the cost of scheduling. 718 REPORT NO. : TR-46-96 PAGE TENDER CL96-10 The Tender makes provision for awarding Part "A" and Part "B" together or separately, whichever is in the best interest of the Municipality. The price per tonne for the Supply of Granular "A" from Robert E. Young Construction represents an approximate 5o decrease over the 1995 contract awarded to Robert E. Young Construction. i After review and analysis of the tenders by Public Works and Purchasing staff, it was agreed that Robert E. Young Construction Ltd. , be awarded the contract to Supply and Haul (Part "Al' and 11311 ) Granular "A" Gravel as required by the Municipality of Clarington Public Works Department . Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, rie Marano, H.BSc . ,AMCT. , W.H. Stockwell, Treasurer Chief Administrative Officer Stephen A. Vokes, P.Eng. Director of Public Works MM*LB*ld i 719 SCHEDULE "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Memorandum To: Shirley E. Stewart, Buyer I From: Don Patterson, Manager of Operations Date: May 31, 1996 Subject: TENDER CL96-10; SUPPLY AND HAUL GRANULAR MATERIAL I am in receipt of your memo of May 23 , 1996 . I believe that the contract should be awarded to the overall low bidder, Robert Young Construction in the amount of $155, 016 . 50 . Although, the tender states that either part may be awarded separately, I believe that to be very impractical . In effect we would be asking one contractor to haul from his competitors pit . This would undoubtedly cause unnecessary delays and disruption to the service . We would prefer to be dealing with one contractor whom would be held responsible, rather than one contractor blaming the other for lack of service . Reliable, uninterrupted flow of product is important to us, as our crews and equipment must be co-ordinated with the contractor, since Public Works personnel are receiving and placing product on the road, which is then co-ordinated with the pulverizing and high float contractors . I believe the savings in the scheduling will out weigh the price advantage gained by splitting the contract . I further recommend that in subsequent years that the tender be changed to read supply and haul, without the provision for splitting the contract . Please request forthwith approval at the next General Purpose and Administration meeting, to allow high float contract to begin as scheduled. I inc rely, Don Patterson Manager of Operations DP:kr pc : Steve Vokes, Director of Public Works i 720 i