HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-8-97 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Meeting: File# _ L-�C; Date: February 17, 1997 Res. # r: F rl By-Law# Report#: _B-�Q�_ File #: Subject: LIST OF APPLICATIONS FOR CANCELLATION, REDUCTION OR REFUND OF TAXES Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following FORTHWITH: 1. THAT Report TR-8-97 be received; 2. THAT the attached list of applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes be approved. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Pursuant to Sections 441, 442 and 443, Chapter M.45 of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990, a list of applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes is presented to Committee for its review and approval. Effective January 1st, 1973, the Council rather than the Assessment Review Court shall hear and dispose of every application not later than the 30th day of April in the year following the year in respect of which the application is made (Pursuant to Subsection 7 of Section 496 of the Municipal Act as enacted by Bill 206, 1971). Last day for making application for the previous year's tax reduction is the 28th day of February in the following year. More specifically, under Section 441 the Treasurer shall recommend to Council that outstanding I taxes be stricken from the roll. To strike taxes from the roll it must be by reason of a decision under Section 442 or 443, or of a decision of a judge of any court, that the taxes are uncolleetible. I An application for a cancellation, reduction or refund may be made for one of the following reasons: i a) commercial to residential tax differential I b) real property becomes exempt AE A C"R PAP EA 80 l EC E THOS IS PR­­RECYCLED PAPER TR-8-97 page 2 c) fire, demolition or otherwise d) removal of a mobile unit e) inability to pay taxes because of sickness or extreme poverty f) gross or manifest clerical error g) business ceases to exist The 442 and the 443 process begins when an application is prepared by either the Regional Assessment Office or the Tax Department. The neighbourhood assessor will perform an on-site inspection of the property. The assessor will verify the reason for the application, the period of time for which the tax relief is claimed, and the amount and type of assessment that is affected. The application is then sent back to the Tax Department where the actual tax adjustment is calculated and the taxpayer's account adjusted. The tax adjustments as seen in this report may appear high, but are appropriate. When the Assessment Roll is printed in late November for taxation in the following year, changes to the property after this date will not be reflected in the roll. For example: Any business which closes or relocates from early November to December 31 of the previous year will appear on the current Assessment Roll. Taxes are calculated based on the current Assessment Roll for the entire year. Therefore, a tax adjustment when calculated cancels the taxes for the months for which the taxes were levied, but the business premises not occupied. When a new business moves in much of the taxes which are adjusted are eventually recovered with an additional supplementary tax billing. In many instances there is a lapse in time before another business opens at that location. Therefore, new businesses in 1996 may not be assessed until the 1996 assessment roll is returned for 1997 taxation or until the 1997 supplementary billings. The total dollar value of the supplementary tax bills issued, at December 31, 1996 was $573,726.45. This is up from 1995 when supplementaries totalled $538,452.00 for the entire year. The total amount of taxes to be written off, at December 31, 1996, as shown in this report totals $280,253.95. Of this total, the Municipality's share represents approximately $56,050.79. For comparison the values of taxes written off under Section 442 and 443 at December 31, 1995 was $256,045.33 and $51,209.07 respectively. 802 TR-8-97 Page 3 Also reflected in the Municipality's write off account, but not included in this report are reductions due to Assessment Review Board, Ontario Municipal Board and Court Decisions. These write offs, because they are by court decision, are irreversible and final, and are therefore written off directly to the account and are not required to form part of this report. At December 31, 1996 this account (7007-X-252) had a balance of $82,352.04, which is greater than the 1996 budget amount of $70,000.00. The comparative account values at December 31, 1995 for this account were a final balance of $65,554.56 and a budget value of $70,000.00. In 1996, there was an unforeseen 443 application for Consumers Gas, as a gross and manifest error had been made in the calculation of the assessment. This application resulted in a write off totalling $113,746.16, of which $22,749.23 represents the Municipality's portion. This application alone caused the municipality's write offs to exceed the budgeted amount. Respectfully,submitted, Reviewed by, o,. �g y Maane A Marano, H.BSc., A.M.C.T., W.H. Stockwell, Treasurer. Chief Administrative Officer. MAM/RS/hjl Attachments 80 3 DN:RSCANCEL.TAX February 5, 1997 Claim Roll �fumber Persons Taxes, ;. (}....: Ioczixau Desera €ion,. ount o : :a . ..3,xAssessment Scitobl No Reasezt Claim'by Applicant ? 'APPhcant Type o�$usinCss Su ort ,:: pp '�'reasury:Report&: .....Reegnu�endations ::...:.. . . .. :::..: llecgminended?: �om� ;Res Years:: P 'S Bizs'u3ess Really Realtp 1. 010-050-03900-0000 Pearce Ross Concession 1 Part Lot 26 157.74 1996 pool removed 2. 010-050-05929-0000 Halcorp Holdings Limited 1732 Baseline Road W 1020.55 1996 reduced area of business 3. 010-050-05929-0001 Brandom Kitchen Limited 1732 Baseline Road W 17287.33 1995- reduced area of business (Haleorp Bldg. Ltd.) 1996 Supplementary issued for 54256.02 4. 010-050-05944-0000 Halco Building Components 1748 Baseline Road W 2187.90 1996 � commercial to residential tax rate 5. 010-050-05944-0002 Halc.7 Holdings Limited 1748 Baseline Road W 7291.98 1996 reduced area of business (Hahninen Homes) 6. 010-050-06150-0002 Dan Lambert 1672 Baseline Road W 3317.29 1994- V out of business t/a Pure Custom Auto 1995- supplementary issued for 52221.15 1996 7. 010-050-20172-0000 290572 Ontario Limited Plan 40M 1779 Blk 44 283.94 1996 V assessment office clerical error c%Jeffery Homes 8. 010-050-20196-0000 290572 Ontario Limited Plan 40M 1779 Blk 43 157.74 1996 assessment office clerical error c%Jeffery Homes 9. 010-050-20392-0000 290572 Ontario Limited Plan 40M 1779 Blk 40 283.94 1996 assessment office clerical error c/o Jeffery Homes 10. 010-050-20393-0000 290572 Ontario Limited Plan 40M 1779 Blk 41 567.88 1996 assessment office clerical error c%Jeffery Homes O CC) GIatm Iio�I Number Persott s Taxes a�c.Assessnacttt l�0 School ;;:. Appltcant : .; Type of$ustiiess �by APplican Reas Cl t. Support Treasury Report&'Recommendations Reeoinmendeii Comm Res Years: p S .. Buszness Realty Rea1t� 11. 010-060-04800-0000 Fridel Limited 2732-2758 Trulls Road 508.75 1996 buildings demolished 12. 010-070-03728-0070 1 supplementary issued for 5408.49 008870 Ontario Inc. 1500 King Street East 578.48 1996 out of business Unit 201 13. 010-070-03728-0075 1008870 Ontario Inc. 1500 King Street East :::44.47 1996 N( out of business Unit 201 (parking portion) 14. 010-070-03728-0080 1008870 Ontario Inc. 1500 Hwy. #2 806.52 1996 Nf out of business Unit 202 supplementary issued for$564.99 15. 010-070-03728-0085 1008870 Ontario Inc. 1500 Hwy. #2 118.25 1996 N( out of business Unit 202 supplementary issued for 582.48 16. 010-070-06100-0002 Reginald Wiltshire 1455 King Street East 2126.44 t/a Wiltshire&Sons Auto 1995 out of business Sales 1996 17. 010-110-19100-0002 Merle Timbers Concession 8 Part Lot 2 2128.19 1995- 1� out of business 1996 18. 010-130-29100-0000 David George Spicer Concession 6 Part Lot 28 157.74 1996 V severe adjacent nuisance 19. 010-160-23000-0000 Stefan Uriadka 9693 Enfield Road 204.06 1996 V house destroyed by fire Anna Uriadka 20. 020-010-07800-0008 821042 Ontario Ltd. 116 King Street West 373.28 t/a Ye Olde Health Shoppe 1996 � out of business supplementary issued for$302.12 Lf'i O 00 Claim RoII Ntzmb�r PeXSOn s �' , > () :axes, Locattori Desarz'ttQn Support Treasury Report&!Reeominend�ttons.. Recommended Comm Res Years P $ $gsnress Realty Realty 21. 020-010-07800-0010 821042 Ontario Ltd. 116 King Street West 112.87 t/a Ye Olde Health Shoppe 2nd floor 1996 out of business 22. 020-010-08500-0001 Harrison Fuels supplementary issued for$166.79 12 Sturrock Drive 317.85 1996 out of business 23. 020-010-15700-0000 Consumers Gas Co. Ltd. transmission line 13746.16 1994- V assessment office clerical error 1995- 1996 24. 020-040-02000-0001 Penny Schofield 29 Scugog Street 631.97 t/a The Cutting Post First Floor 1995- reduced area of business 1996 25. 020-040-03186-0006 Scott Kimmerer 98 Waverley Road 255.79 1996 V out of business t/a Sounds Superior supplementary issued for$219.84 26. 020-040-03186-0007 Scott Kimmerer 98 Waverly Road 45.26 1996 Stephen Kimmerer (parking portion) out of business t/a Sounds Superior supplementary issued for$38.90 27. 020-040-03186-0017 2 for 1 Subs Ltd. 110 Waverly Road 169.10 1996 V out of business 28- 020-040-03186-0018 2 for 1 Subs Lid. 110 Waverly Road 29.51 1996 V out of business (parking portion) 29. 020-040-03186-0027 Linville Wright t/a Dollar Saver Discount 122 Waverly Road 813.85 1995- V out of business Store 1996 supplementary issued for$157.77 30. 020-040-03186-0028 Linville Wright� 122 Waverly Road 86.40 1996 V out of business t/a Dollar Saver Discount (parking portion) Store supplementary issued for$27.92 CIaim < Rod Numbex - Peirso n S �.,oeat1621 DeSCtx.tlOn, ()'faxes, p ;;. A:i�ount of:Talc Assessment School. No ,:; ,; ;.: Reason Clauu by A `hcant ;.:<AppIicant ;: ': '�'ype o£$usiness PP i 7 Support Treasury:Report&Recorimnendations Recommended Comm Res fears . P S ::; $usiness Realty .:Realty..;: 31. 020-040-03186-0053 William Haire 104 Waverly Road 203.55 1996 V out.of business Units 206,208 supplementary issued for S127.05 32. 020-040-03186-0054 William Haire 104 Waverly Road 44.73 1996 Nf out of business Units 206,208 supplementary issued for$27.92 (parking portion) 33. 020-040-05976-0002 Donna Stagno 21 Rosalynne Avenue 45.26 1996 d out of business t/a Donna's Hair Works 34. 020-040-07550-0001 Charles John Hynes 2404 Hwy. #57 812.59 1996 Nf out of business t/a Charley's Sunoco supplementary issued for$804.66 35. 020-040-08400-0001 Family Realty 2000 Ltd. 1 King Street West 742.83 1995- reduced area of business 1st Floor 1996 36. 020-040-09600-0001 The Building Place 47 King Street West 64.28 1995 Nf out of business supplementary issued for 5404.08 37. 020-040-11331-0002 Janie Fledderus 113 Rhonda Blvd. 86.99 1996 d out of business 38. 020-040-12000-0001 Durham Environmental 34A King Street West 428.84 1996 N( out of business Systems supplementary issued for 5291.43 t/a The Comfort Shoppe 39. 020-040-12200-0001 Todd Tremblay 3 Silver Street 190.18 1995- out of business Kim Tremblay 1996 supplementary issued for$129.02 t/a Snacker's Eatery and Takeout Q GIaxm Roll Number 'erson(s}Taxes, ......... Descza'rion.. P An toxu xt o Tax Assessment. e Su ot[.. Tr Re orE&Recommendations. Recommended �onm Res. '.: Years P : S. Business Realty Realty. ..........:.....:......:. 40. 020-040-13900-0001 Stephen Parent 185 Church Street 230.57 1996 out of business t/a Print-Zipples 1st Floor 41. 020-060-03400-0000 Bell Canada 117 Liberty Street North 79.42 1996 f V commercial to residential tax rate C/o Property Tax Manager 42. 020-060-03400-0001 Bell Canada 117 Liberty Street North 12.40 1996 f V reduced area of business c% Property Tax Manager h45-* [020-070-00200-0001 0-060-11900-0001 Slaght& Cook Service 218 King Street East 2174.79 1996 N/ out of business Stations Ltd. -060-12100-0001 Alan B. Sylvester 222 King Street East 590.02 1996 ✓ out of business Room 208 supplementary issued for$655.49 Ted Efstathiou 35 1/2 Temperance 3072.25 1994- V out of business t/a Ted's Dry Cleaning 1995- supplementary issued for$263.66 1996 46. 020-070-07400-0000 Myatt Stephens 73 Centre Street 319.17 1996 V assessment office clerical error Annette Stephens 47. 020-070-09600-0001 Regal Capital Planners Ltd. 22 King Street East 287.68 1996 out of business 2nd Floor 48. 020-070-09900-0000 Dionysios Bastas 36A King Street East 170.85 1996 N commercial to residential Kostantinos Bastas 2nd Floor, Front tax rate 49. 020-070-09900-0002 Peter Heslin 36 King Street East 1282.03 1995- out of business Stephen Cooper 2nd Floor 1996 supplementary issued for$639.08 t/a Law Office PE Heslin Q 00 CIatm Roll Number; Pexson s faxes �) ... I,oca...... esczx taan: Amb t o No A i�.-;;: :_• <._ ,., , : <. <.: ,.:....<:..,: ,> Reason GJatmi;by Ap licant lxool �. ... Support '1'reas ire ort&Recommendations.; Recommended Coirim Res Years: P .!S $usmess Realty ::;Realty 50. 020-070-10100-0008 Angela Devonish 22 Division Street 320.55 1996 out of business t/a IAando Fashions supplementary issued for$236.49 51. 020-080-05200-0002 Co-Operators General 102 King Street East 2465.71 1996 out of business Insurance Company supplementary issued for$978.49 52. 020-080-05400-0003 821076 Ont. Ltd. 108 King Street East 190.66 1996 Nf out of business t/a Kings Court Catering 53. 020-080-08000-0000 V.E. Roth Construction 200 King Street East 37.76 1996 N/ out of business Limited Suite 201 (parking portion) 54. 020-080-08000-0000 V.E. Roth Construction 200 King Street East 213.58 1996 out of business Limited Suite 201 55. 020-080-08000-0020 Betts Trading Inc. 200 King Street East 621.79 1996 out of business t/a Pet Valu supplementary issued for$634.76 56. 020-080-08000-0025 Betts Trading Inc. 200 King Street East 91.71 1996 out of business t/a Pet Valu (parking portion) supplementary issued for$91.97 57. 020-090-00900-0000 Cornelius VanHout 7 Division Street 200.74 1996 commercial to residential tax rate 58. 020-090-00900-0002 Cornelius VanHout Donald VanHout 7 Division Street 291.87 1995- reduced area of business t/a Neil's Variety 1996 t/a VanHouts Cyclex Sports 0- O C)O Claim` r 1'erson(sj Taxes# J.,ocatiori Desch'tiati> Anctouni of,' Tax Assessxu�anr : S .::: .: ... ..:.:.: <: A hcant T .............. ;: xtiz by'Ap�ltcan '<;>.. .,.. Rsaso Gl t Su art :'Trees Re rt&RecominendaYious Reeommendeil Coinm Res Years P S ....Business Realty :Realty ' ' 59. 020-090-08200-0004 Eric Burns 11 King Street East 758.05 1996 ✓ out of business Janis Magee t/a Not Just Stereos supplementary issued for$314.71 60. 020-090-08200-0005 Richard Merkley 15 King Street East 521.98 1995 ✓ out of business t/a Old Scugog Country Treasures H62 020-090-08800-0001 David Kiff 37 King Street East 2071.28 1996 ✓ out of business t/a Shooters&Shots supplementary issued for 5883.18 020-090-08900-0001 Hee Cho 43 King Street East 680.09 Yongt Cho 1996 ✓ out of business t/a Frank's Variety supplementary issued for$494.09 63. 020-090-09000-0002 Hee Cho 47 King Street East 736.38 1996 ✓ out of business Yongt Cho t/a Frank's Variety supplementary issued for$535.00 64. 020-090-09000-0002 Thomas Chang 47 King Street East 538.35 1996 ✓ out of business t/a Bowmanville Mini Mart 1st Floor 65. 020-090-09200-0000 Thomas Gus Annis 53 King Street East 4462.42 1996 ✓ became exempt 66. 020-090-09200-0009 Thomas Arms 53 King Street East 122.26 1996 ✓ out of business t/a Annis Jewellers&Gifts Ltd. 67. 020-090-09200-0010 Thomas Annis 14 Division Street 4526 1996 ✓ out of business t/a Funland Video Q CCO Glatrn ''; Roll Number Persons}Tapes, I.ocattaxi i3escxx tt�u, Amo 5iipport Treasury ReporE&Reeomme dations:' Recommendeel Gainnt Res Years P . $. Btismess Realty Really 68. 020-090-09400-0002 Jianlma Yu 59 King Street East 1760.27 t/a Sunrise Restaurant 1996 out of business 69. 020-090-09500-0001 Susan Funston 67 King Street East 1862.65 supplementary issued for$973.23 t/a Newcastle Paralegal 1995- out of business Services 1996 supplementary issued for$513.77 70. 020-090-09900-0012 Donna Churchill 85 King Street East 1023.18 t/a Puffins Variety Unit 6 1996 out of business supplementary issued for$564.43 71. 020-090-09900-0013 Donna Churchill 85 King Street East 439.80 t/a Puffins Variety Unit 6 1996 ✓ out of business (parking portion) supplementary issued for$222.85 72. 020-090-10100-0003 Paul A.Smith 103 King Street East 308.75 t/a Instant Replay Sports 1996 out of business 73. 020-090-10700-0001 Maurice B.Simpson 121 King Street East 235.40 supplementary issued for$214.00 t/a Simpson Memorials 1996 out of business 74. 020-090-17000-0002 Wendy Anne Peyton 88 Queen Street 89.74 t/a Front Porch Crafts Basement Office 1996 out of business 75. 020-100-04900-0002 Ernie Young Service Centres 114 Liberty Street South 321.50 Ltd. 1996 out of business 76. 020-100-07600-0000 Norman H. Henning Estate 52 Duke Street supplementary issued for$300.74 � 77. 020-110-04000-0001 597692 Ont.Ltd. 215 King Street East 1141.14 311.74 1996 building burnt t/a Dari Dream 1996 V' out of business supplemenLary issued for$1144.63 Glatm Ro111�Iuxubex Persons Faxes, No f) . Locatiort ?esenptton, Amount o£. 'ax A ssessment c o Applicant hype of$ustness phcat S h of Reason Clan» by Ap Support Treasury Ke rt&Recommend a ations,. Recoinmended Comm Res 'Years. P. S 13ustness Realty "Realty..;; 78. 020-110-11900-0001 Carolyn Bunclark 219 King Street East 1072.37 t/a Liotta's Fruit& 1996 reduced area of business Vegetable Depot 79. 020-110-11900-0002 Carolyn Bunclark 219 King Street East 224.75 t/a Liotta's Fruit& (parking portion) 1996 reduced area of business Vegetable Depot 80. 020-110-12300-0001 S T M K Investments 229 King Street East 910.08 Limited 1996 out of business 81. 020-110-12300-0018 S T M K Investments 229 King Street East 137.81 Limited 1996 V, out of business (parking portion) 82. 020-110-12300-0029 Hronn Haraldsson 241 King Street East 320.94 t/a Mary Brown Fried 1996 out of business Chicken supplementary issued for 531127 83. 020-110-12300-0030 Hronn Haraldsson 241 King Street East 49.42 t/a Mary Bro-wn Fried (parking 1996 out of business Chicken g supplementary issued for 546.69 84. 020-110-20300-0000 Hilda Simnick Estate 3 Nelson Street c/o Sam Cureatz 253.27 1995 1� building demolished Barrister&Solicitor 85. 020-120-00101-0125 Trevor Weir 243 King Street East 1092.72 t/a Boffins Eatery 1994- V out of business 1995- supplementary issued for 5129.85 1996 N C)O Claim Roal l�furaber Pexson(s)Faxes, ; ;.l:,ae t o ';' ;:... >.;: ;>:Applicant Type;of Business Reason Claaxn by Applteanir went Sclxool Support Treasury.Report&Recommendations Recommended Comm Res Years P S_' :Business, Realty ° '.Realty 86. 020-120-00101-0130 Trevor Weir 243 King Street East 234.98 t/a Ruffms Eatery (parking portion) 1996 out of business supplementary issued for$27.92 87. 020-120-00101-0285 Ken Gasby 243 King Street East 94.94 Marilyn Gasby (kiosk) 1996 out of business t/a Gold Reflections 88. 020-120-00101-0290 Ken Gasby 243 King Street East 44.15 Marilyn Gasby 1996 out of business 3'n Y {parking portion) t/a Gold Reflections 89. 020-120-01100-0001 Kevin Albin 146 Liberty Street South 1109.77 t/a Pioneer Gas Bar 1996 V out of business 90. 020-120-05510-0020 Raymond Zahid supplementary issued for$394.09 yn' 170 Liberty Street South 3035.44 1995- out of business t/a Coffee Time Unit 2 1996 91. 020-120-05510-0025 Raymond Zahid supplementary issued for$1652.77 � 170 Liberty Street South 315.07 l� t/a Coffee Time Unit 2 (parking portion) 1995- out of business 1996 92. 020-120-19800-0005 Property Valuators/ 164 Baseline Rd. E supplementary issued for$100.08 1504.73 1995 out of business Consulting Inc. Unit D 93. 020-120-19800-0015 Mary Wannamaker 164 Baseline Rd. E 627.61 1996 out of business t/a Lewma Ceramics Unit B (manufacturing portion) 94. 020-120-19800-0016 Mary Wannamaker 164 Baseline Rd. E t/a Lewma Ceramics Unit B `148.76 1996 out of business (retail portion) 00 CIaun Roll`.JVumber Person(s)'Tapes, 'N° :: Locattori Descrtpitnxx; Amount of APPltcant Typeof Bnisnriess .. �'ax Assessment : R Sebiool eason Clauri b A l t Y PP icon Support Treasury Report&RecominendaYions.> Recommended Comm ;Res Years: P ;':.S .. Business Realty Realty ;; 95. 020-120-19835-0001 Grayler Steel Inc. 222 Baseline Road East 10114.51 1995- out of business 96. 020-120-19872-0003 Greif Containers Inc. 1996 supplementary issued for 68433.58 11 Caristrap Street 841.46 � 97. 020-120-19888-0025 John Reid 71 Meanns Court 159.24 1996 out of business t/a The Uniform Place Unit 2 1996 out of business 98. 020-120-19888-0030 John Reid 71 Meares Court supplementary issued for 6313.27 Va The Uniform Place Unit 2 (parking portion) 84'58 1996 out of business 99. 020-120-19888-0085 Sylvia Donovan 71 Meares Court supplementary issued for 683.54 739.51 Rodger Hennessey Unit 11 1995- out of business Marilyn Hennessey 1996 t/a Hendon Kitchens 100. 020-120-19888-0090 Sylvia Donovan 71 Meares Court 126.36 Rodger Hennessey Unit 11 1995- d out of business Marilyn Hennessey (parking portion) 1996 t/a Hendon Kitchens 101. 020-120-19888-0095 Dave Panto 71 Mearns Court 1268.70 t/a Pantara Truck Unit 12 1994- ✓ out of business 1995- 102. 020-120-19888-0100 Dave Panto 1996 71 Meares Court 228.41 t/a Pantara Truck Unit 12 (parking portion) 1994- out of business 1995- 1996 CO CIarm Roll!Number: Person s '!'axes �) Lacatton;Descraptrnn> ? .; Amou ;> PAhcant T e;;of Business ' rtt of �acbool . Reason Ala -- Support Treas Re rt&'.Reeominendatioirs Recorrimendcd Comm "Rcs years` P S :; $uszness Realty Realty 103. 020-120-19888-0145 Guiseppe Garisto 71 Meares Court t/a Caarington Auto Collision Unit 17 1185.76 1994- out of business 1995- supplementary issued for$463.64 104. 020-120-19888-0150 Guiseppe Garisto 71 Meares Court 1996 t/a Caarington Auto Collision Unit 17 (parking portion) 213.68 1994- ✓ out of business 1995- supplementary issued for$83.54 105. 020-120-19890-0005 William Morrison 1996 79 Meares Court 2601.60 t/a Venture Boats Unit 3 1996 V out of business 106. 020-120-19920-0001 Darlington Auto Centre 251 Simpson Avenue 166.21 1995 d out of business 107. 020-130-00400-0001 Costal Custom Fabrication& 40 Port Darlington Road 1317.33 supplementary issued for$360.06 Eng. 1996 V out of business 108. 020-130-00504-0001 D ex En supplementary issued for$1320.18 yn Engineering Inc. 51 Port Darlington Road 800.34 1995- V reduced area used for business 109. 020-130-14100-0000 Olive Lunne 1996 . Y 47 West Beach 942.40 1996 110. 020-130-15800-0000 Bonita Decse became exempt Y 68 West Beach 223.77 1996 111. 030-010-12100-0000 HWJ Industries Inc. became exempt 4463 Hwy.2 410.53 1996 112. 030-010-12100-0002 HWJ Industries Inc. commercial to residential tax rate 4463 Hwy.2 244.84 1996 � 113. 030-030-21100-0000 862732 Ontario Ltd. 3367 H out of business Hwy. 115/35 272.24 1996 � c/o Doug Humphrey commercial to residential tax rate t/a Coffee Time Donuts supplementary issued for$136.22 CXD LC7 GI atm RoII Number: Person�s,�Tapes, J!.00attoxi Deseri:tton > -$ppiieant T �a Aruount of�'ax Assessment School .;; Yp f Busness Reason Clat mt by AppItcant Support Treas ge ort ury p 8t Reeoniinoil dat. ns.: Recommended Gomm Res. Years; P ' S _.; 114. 030-030-21100-0001 Doug Busuxess Beaty Realty g 3367 Hwy. 115/35 182.04 t/a Cango Gas Bar 1996 out of business supplementary issued for$680.47 115. 030-030-21100-0001 John IA Brakos 3367 Hwy. 115/35 1998.33 1995- out of business 116. 030-030-40840-0000 Ridge Pine Park Inc. 1996 supplementary issued for 5680.47 1 Wheelhouse Drive 16.28 1996 d 117. 030-030-40840-0006 National Trust 1 Wheelhouse Drive 77.88 commercial to residential tax rate 1995- out of business 118. 030-050-03600-0000 Donald Frew 1996 22 Winter Road 1996 � Mary Frew 79.12 swimming pool removed 119. 030-050-06300-0000 Charles Albert Reid 3305 Cone. Road 5 357.30 1996 commerical to residential tax rate 120. 030-050-06300-0001 Charles Albert Reid 3305 Conc. Road 5 876.36 Bud Elliott 1996 N( out of business 121. 030-070-06500-0003 Mike Colbert 8207 Hwy. 115/35 869.27 t/a Mikey C's Place 1996 N( out of business 122. 030-070-07610-0001 William Couch 8848 Hwy. 115/35 267.52 supplementary issued for 5550.87 t/a Couch's Cartage& 1996 out of business Towing supplementary issued for 5523.76 123. 030-080-01000-0000 David Boyd 3310 Gilmore Road Leslie Boyd 3738.92 1994- assessment office clerical error 1995- 1996 CO Claim Roll Numbex " Persq�s Taxes l ocatton:l)escxa B,n No nt. .:. 5choo ;:::. Applicant; ;'Type.of$usiness uu b} Applican I 'Reason;Cla t Support �'reasury Report&Recovnmendahoris Recommended. ; Comm Res Years P 5..:' Basness Realty Realty 124. 030-090-06600-0001 Richard Rolfe Wakefield 35 Centre Street 91.82 1995- V' out of business 1996 125. 030-090-16601-0005 Claudette Thom 5351 Main Street 115.25 1996 out of business t/a Gabrielle Antiques& Collectibles 126. 030-110-03000-0000 1111617 Ontario Ltd. 789 King Street 2569.91 1995- excessive damage due to no e%James Trimble 1996 maintenance assessment office clerical error supplementary issued for$1352.95 127. 030-110-10420-0000 Niklaus Beat 55 Metcalf Street 40.50 1996 N( barns destroyed 128. 030-120-08700-0001 Jennifer Nekkers 73 King Street West 118.20 1996 if out of business t/a By Design Hair Centre supplementary issued for$102.87 129. 030-120-08700-0006 Sylvia Carriere 71 King Street West 193.90 1996 out of business t/a Country Expressions 130. 030-120-08700-0013 NRS Edvan Realty Ltd. 85 King Street West 887.30 1995- 1� out of business 1996 131. 030-120-12250-0001 Port of Newcastle Marina 377 Baldwin Street 6840.17 1995- out of business t/a Port of Newcastle Marina 1996 supplementary issued for$3504.48 132. 030-130-13800-0004 Nelson Lang 10 King Street East 1156.34 1996 out of business t/a A La Pizza supplementary issued for$240.52 f\ Co Claim Roll Nwnber i Pexson s.Tapes, ; on Desczx hon, i Amount o£Talc Assessment Sektool Suppgrt �reasury.Report&;Recommendations Recommended: Comm .:lies. Years 1' $.. Busuiess Realty fealty 133. 030-130-14900-0001 Reliacare Inc. 330 King Street West 36792.26 1996 ✓ out of business t/a Newcastle Healtb Care Centre supplementary issued for$36448.24 134. 030-120-11420-0002 489445 Ontario Inc. 400 Toronto Street 1052.73 1996 ✓ out of business c% Information Management 148,016.771 4,006.50 8,230.68 CC) CCD