HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-134-03 o-.r" ,t" - I.,...... ~ . ~ a. II ~~ Meeting: Date: REPORT PLANNING SERVICES GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Td I GPP,-~3S-03 Monday, October 20, 2003 Report #: PSD-134-03 Subject: File #: PLN 12.6.3 By-law #: KING STREET EAST CORRIDOR STUDY: IMPLEMENTATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-134-03 be received; 2. THAT the implementation approach identified in Report PSD-134-03 be endorsed in principle; 3. THAT Recommendation 8 of the capital program be referred to the 2004 Budget process 4. THAT Recommendations 9 to 18 of the capital program be referred for consideration and inclusion in the next Development Charge update and future capital budgets; 5. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Submitted by: DJC*TC"sn October 9, 2003 -; inWu, Chief Administrative Officer A.S. Cannella, Director of Engineering Services CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 437 ._,.t" -t ,........... REPORT NO.: PSD-134-03 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Urban Strategies Inc. and Totten Sims Hubicki presented the findings of their work with respect to the King St. East Corridor Study to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on September 22nd, 2003. The King Street East Corridor Study: Final Report, submitted through report PSD-115-03, was received by Committee and Council and referred back to staff for further review of the recommendations and a report back to Council. 1.2 At that same meeting, staff was authorized to hold a Public Meeting on an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By-law Amendment to implement the recommendations of the report. These amendments will be considered at a public meeting today through Report PSD-133-03. 1.3 The purpose of this report is to review each of the recommendations by the consultant team and address the means by which each recommendation should be implemented or considered for implementation. There was some overlap in the recommendations, specifically in the capital priority initiatives and the transportation recommendations, so any duplication has been removed. The recommendations are numbered for ease of reference 2.0 PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation 1 Revisions to the Official Plan Recommendation 2 Revisions to the East Main Central Area Secondary Plan Revisions to the Zoning By-Law Recommendation 3 Recommendations 1 to 3 are addressed in Report PSD-133-03. Proposed Amendment No. 36 to the Clarington Official Plan includes revisions to the Official Plan and the East Main Central Area Secondary Plan which adopt most of the revisions proposed by the consultants. The report also recommends an amendment to the Zoning By-law 84-63 to implement most of the consultant's recommendations. If the recommendations in Report PSD-133-03 are adopted, the consultant recommendations 1 to 3 will be completed. Recommendation 4 Regulations of Drive-Throughs The consultants recommend that drive-through restaurants and other drive -through uses be regulated primarily through zoning powers. Specifically, they recommend that drive-through facilities be permitted in the King Street East Corridor Study Area subject to zoning criteria and other site plan guidelines. They also recommend that the Municipality retain and implement through zoning its current Official Plan policy prohibiting drive-through facilities in Downtown Bowmanville. They propose changes to the zoning and additional criteria for site plan review. 438 .' .")0' J_ ,. REPORT NO,: PSD-134-03 PAGE 3 It is proposed that drive-through facilities be addressed in several stages: 1 ) Drive-through facilities within the Study Area The zoning amendments proposed for the Study area include provisions for drive-through facilities that are applicable only for the Study Area. It is anticipated that they will be adopted at this meeting. 2) Site Plan Review Guidelines Using the recommendation from the consultants. staff will prepare Site Plan Review Guidelines for the evaluation of drive-through facilities across the Municipality. This document for site plan review evaluation should be available for the consideration of the new Council as soon as possible. 3) Drive-through Prohibition Areas The Official Plan prohibits drive-through businesses within the 'historic" downtown areas of Bowmanville and Newcastle. A separate zoning amendment will be prepared to implement the drive-through prohibition areas in accordance with the approved Official Plan in the first quarter of 2004. 4) Drive-through zoning regulations for the balance of the Municipality Zoning regulations similar to those adopted for the King Street Corridor will be considered for extending to the balance of the Municipality. It is anticipated that there may be some modification for different areas (urban or rural; industrial or commercial areas). These zoning regulations may be introduced through the zoning by-law review. Recommendation 5 Urban Design Plan and Guidelines Report PSD-133-Q3 provides recommendations for approval of the Urban Design Plan and Guidelines for the King Street East Corridor. If approved the Urban Design Plan and Guidelines would be displayed as an Appendix to the Bowmanville East Main Central Area Secondary Plan, Recommendation 6 Revisit the functional classification of Simpson Avenue in the next Official Plan Review The consultants suggest that Simpson Avenue should be considered for designation as a Type C arterial road through the next Official Plan Review. With the northerly extension of Simpson Avenue, an improved connection with Baseline Road to be built and the volume of traffic currently utilizing Simpson Avenue, its function role within the Bowmanville transportation network is evolving. Staff concur with this recommendation and will address this issue in the next Official Plan Review. 439 ,.}- t. ~.... . .c REPORT NO,: PSD-134-03 Recommendation 7 PAGE 4 Traffic impact studies should be required as new developments are proposed The consultants recommend that traffic impact studies should be required in the context of the new road and traffic control requirements identified in the Study and to confirm that the development proposal is consistent with the access management plan. Staff concur with this recommendation. A specific policy has been incorporated into the Bowmanville East Main Central Area Secondary Plan. Any future development application will be required to submit studies to identify how the proposal implements the Official Plan, how it will be consistent with the ultimate transportation and access management plan for this area and how it will impact the operation, safety and capacity of the road system. 3.0 PRIORITY CAPITAL INITIATIVES - SHORT TERM Recommendation 8 New traffic signal on King Street East at the Strathaven Life Care Centre/Bowmanville Mall. Traffic data collected and analyzed as part of the King Street East Corridor Study identified that traffic signals are justified at the intersection of King Street East with Galbraith Court and the entrance to the Bowmanville Mall. As it is not prudent to signalize the intersection because of the proximity of the existing traffic signals at King Street and Simpson Avenue, the Corridor Study recommends the construction of a new signalized intersection further to the east in front of the Strathaven Life Care Centre. The new intersection will provide controlled access to the King Street Corridor for patrons of the Bowmanville Mall while also providing for improved pedestrian movement between the mall and the Strathaven Life Care Centre. The existing mall access opposite Galbraith Court will be restricted to right in only. As signal justifications are currently met this project should be prioritised for inclusion in the 2004 Capital Budget. The recommended funding source for the work is the Development Charge account. Design of the improvements should commence immediately so that construction can occur in a timely fashion in 2004. Recommendation 9 Recommendation 10 Recommendation 11 Recommendation 12 New traffic signal on King Street at St. George Street. Developing a landscaped median on King Street generally between Simpson Avenue and Mearns Avenue. Restriping of traffic lanes on King Street between Liberty Street and Simpson Avenue Including design modification to improve the transition between the four lane and two lane basic road sections, Pedestrian and streetscaping improvements on King Street between Liberty Street and Mearns Avenue. 440 ~ .~-' REPORT NO,: PSD-134-03 Recommendation 13 PAGE 5 Extension of Simpson Avenue north of King Street to intersect with the proposed extension of Church Street Recommendations 9 to 13 are capital works generally required to establish controlled access to King Street East, by means of traffic signals where possible, and to improve the look and feel of the corridor for pedestrian and vehicular traffic. With the exception of the Simpson Avenue extension, they are typically improvements in the public realm that establish the Municipality's commitment to the transformation and improvement of King Street East. Funds should be budgeted in the 2004 Capital Budget for the preliminary design and technical development of these initiatives. They should also be considered for inclusion in the development charge by-law update which is scheduled for completion in 2005. Where possible they should be implemented in conjunction with development applications to ensure compatibility with both existing and future land use. Once cost estimates have been prepared based on preliminary design, and funding sources established through the development charge update, specific projects should be considered for inclusion in the 2005 Budget and Four Year Forecast. 4,0 PRIORITY CAPITAL INITIATIVES - LONG TERM Recommendation 14 Recommendation 15 Recommendation 16 Recommendation 17 Extension of Church Street east from St, George Street to connect with Galbraith Court, Restoration of the street edge and sidewalk on the west side of Frank Street south of King Street Extension of Queen Street east to intersect with Frank Street Planting of street trees along King Street East, and also along St, George Street between King and Queen Streets, Recommendations 14 to 17 are capital works intended to strengthen both vehicular and pedestrian transportation network supporting King Street East and to reinforce the streetscape improvements established as part of the short term capital initiative program. As with the short term initiatives these projects must be considered when reviewing development applications to ensure potential right-of-ways are protected and that proposed development applications are consistent with the long term vision of King Street East from a transportation and urban design perspective. Preliminary designs should be prepared over time as resources become available and the individual projects considered for inclusion in the 2005 development charge update. Recommendation 18 Development of a rear lane on the block southwest of King and Liberty Streets, Recommendation 18 is intended to deal with the parking and access problems for the older townhouses which face Liberty Street. The lack of parking for these units exacerbates the traffic problems in the area in light of increasing traffic volumes. The 441 '- ...; ''--''-' -. .< REPORT NO,: PSD-134-03 PAGE 6 consultants recommended the acquisition of lands behind the townhouses in order to provide a laneway access and thereby removing the current boulevard parking areas. This would allow for road improvements that would address capacity, safety and operational requirements on Liberty Street and improve the aesthetics of the area. There is opportunity to work on this initiative with the Region through the Community Improvement Project discussed under Recommendation 21. Recommendation 19 Creation of a paved recreation trail within the Soper Creek valley within the East Main Central Area. The consultants recommend the creation of a paved recreation trail for the portion of the Soper Creek tributary which forms the northeast boundary of the East Main Central Area, In addition to strengthening the pedestrian transportation network., the trail system would provide an amenity for the higher density housing identified in the residential precinct in the Study Area. This trail segment should be completed subsequent to the main trail system planned for the Soper Creek valley. Preliminary designs should be prepared over time as resources become available and this project should be considered for inclusion in the 2005 development charge update. 5.0 OTHER INITIATIVES Recommendation 20 Exercise the access management powers granted to the Municipality under the Municipal Act, 2001. Early in the term of the new Council, staff will report on the exercise of the Municipality's access management powers under the Municipal Act for King Street East. Recommendation 21 Consideration of financial incentives to encourage the redevelopment of private properties along King Street East. Financial incentives are increasingly recognized as being important tools to encourage the right type of development, particularly in brownfield and grayfield situations. The two incentives identified by the consultants will require more detailed evaluation. Planning and Engineering Services are currently working on terms of reference for a Community Improvement Project (CIP) for the Bowmanville Main Central Area. The Community Improvement Project Area includes both the Historic Downtown and the East Business District. The CIP Study will include a review of incentives such as grant and loan programs for fire and building code improvements, fac;ade improvements, etc. Some of these situations may be applicable in the East Business District. There are certain projects such as the laneway for Liberty Street townhouses (Recommendation 18) which may be identified for funding and implementation through the project plan. The report on a CIP for the Bowmanville Main Central Area will be presented at the December 8th General Purpose and Administration Committee. 442 ~ , . " REPORT NO.: PSD.134-03 PAGE 7 . ~ . . f" . .,.-.' ,.. .... : . ~', .. . ",'C' _c.... ,',-',_,_ : "_"'.'.,.:, : "," ":'. ',.-::":,,';, 'j " :' ,'" The second ;mechanismproPQs~was a waiver of development charges, The , '_ .: '-- , ' : :_ ,:-." , ~' i"',,'- f \" "',,',' :"','" _":": "_'" " , "', Clarington DevelOpment 9~argesBy-law will be reylew,edin 2004-2005. It is recommended that the terms of referenc:;e for the, D\:lyelppment c;harge update include an examinat!on of. exemptipnsQrp~er il'lCentil(es in'the/:lpplication of development charges that assist'to strengthell and enCOllJage certaill,tran~it-supportive forms of development and redevelopniiilnt ~ithin MainCenttal Areas. .' Recommendation 22 }".... ' . "c- -," , , ' , >.. ": ,:,.. ",," _,' ',~ 'Elttitnd thEt e)(istin9~owmanVille Business Improvement Area (BIA) or create a new one to cover the King Street East Corridor and facilitate investment. The recommendation to establish a BIA to help in the process of redevelopment and facilitate development in partnership with the Municipality has merit. It is likely that this can best occur as a S6parateBIA from the Down,town, since many, ofthe issues will be different. It is recommelldellthat this Jniti<itivebe explored as a lower priority initiative in IightofcompetingobjeclJves.' ,. '. .... '. . 6.0 CONCLUSION' ,....', ,,',:', ~ ..': '" ;-'j . .'.~" ,i.'" 'f , ~ -, ; , This report addresses thij'recommendations of the consultant team presented in the King Street East Corridor Study: Final Report and identifies a process for their implementation, To achieve the vision represented in Official Plan Amendment 36 for the King Street East Corridor, a broad range of public and private investments will be necessary. Individual development proposals and municipal capital investments will help to achieve the municipal planning and transportation objectives for this area. It is recommended that the proposed approach to each of the recommendations be approved in principle and that the capital projects be referred to future budget and development charge deliberations. List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: J. Murphy 16 Galbraith Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C4P7 Mr. & Mrs. C. M. Morgan 31 Parkway Crescent Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 1 B9 Caroline Charman Rick McKey 2 Albert Street Oshawa, Ontario L1C 1G7 Lorraine Pettit 2800 Courtice Road Twh. 73 Courtice, Ontario L 1 E 2M5 Evylin Stroud 89 Little Avenue Bowmanville, Ontario L 1C 1J9 Ron Hooper 34 King Street West Bowmanville, Ontario L 1C 1 M2 W.A. Roe 33 Hobbs Drive Bowmanville, Ontario Greg & Joan Adams 17 Frank Street Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 2J5 - 443 AI Arsenault 174 Simpson Avenue Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 2J1 "- , "- .. REPORT NO,: PSD-134-03 Tony Stone 132 Wellington Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 1N1 Linda Draper 23 Orchard Park Drive Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 4E3 Donna & Dan Hopkins 28 Hobbs Drive Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3X4 Susan Jones 219 King Street Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 4M9 Chris Kooy Bowmanville Lakeridge Health 47 Liberty Street South Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C Mr. George Tzalis 591617 Ontario Ltd. 13 Bruntsfiled Street Courtice, Ontario L1E1B4 Mr. Mark Bradley Tim Hortons TDL Group 874 Sinclair Road Oakville, Ontario L6K 2Y1 Stephen J. D'Agostino Suite 3100 390 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario Mr. Marvin Green LE Group 23 Lesmill Road, Suite 401 North York, Ontario M3B 3P6 Richard Kershaw 4 Liberty Street South Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 2N2 Janet Rice and John Rice 65 Concession Street West Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 1Y7 S. Pridie 19 Orchard Park Drive Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 4E3 C.Loenderman 15 Frank Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 2J5 Grant Keunkoo Lee 239 King Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 1 K6 R. James Suderman Priszm Brandz 101 Exchange Avenue Vaughan, Ontario L4K 5R6 Mr. John Sewchuk Royal LePage Frank Real Estate 39 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ONt Mr. Stanley Makuch Cassels Brock & Blackwell 2100 Scotia Plaza 40 King Street West Toronto, Ontario M5H Mr. Joe Gerrits Gerr Holdings Limited 3386 Solina Road North Courtice, Ontario L1 C 3K4 444 PAGE 8 Gail Wensink 205 Sprucewood Drive Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 2H3 M. Richards 252 King Street East #205 Bowmanville, Ontario L 1C 1R1 Dianne And Dawson Michaelis 31 Ashdale Crescent Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3M8 Bill & Marian Burgess 32 Prince Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 1G5 Elliott Tremeer 34 Cole Avenue Bowmanville, Ontario L 1C 1K6 Ms. Patricia Dean 45 Hobbs Drive Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3R9 Daniel Dumont Le Groupe,.Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc. 530, rue Beriault Longueil, PO J4G 1 S8 Mr. Douglas Bundy A&P Properties Limited PO Box 68, Station A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1A6 Violet Cook 294 King Street E Bowmanville, Ontario L 1C 1P9 "'. ~ .. ....... REPORT NO.: PSD-134-03 PAGE 9 Ray Shepherd 294 King Street E Courtice, Ontario L1C 1P9 Colin Chamberlain 11 Hobbs Drive Bowmnaville, Ontario L 1 C 3R8 Junia Hodge 10 Meams Ave Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K5 R. Wharmby 28 Deerpark Cres. Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3M3 Sheila Hall Clarington Board of Trade 181 Liberty St. S Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3Z2 J. Wilson 53 Brown Street Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 2R5 Harry & Marlene McCall 217 Conestoga Crt. Oshawa, Ontario L 1 G 1 B7 J. Rice 4 St. George Street Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 2K6 Bryce Jordan Semas & Associates 110 Scotia Crt., Unit 41 Whitby, ON L 1 N 8Y7 David Zhai 68 King Street E Apt. 303 Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3N2 Johanne Holmes 7 Lambert Street Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 2K9 George Moore 9 Church Street Bowmanville, Ontario L 1C 1SS2 Greg & Joan Adams 17 Frank Street Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3K5 D Hartford 19 Saunders Avenue Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 2A6 John Buddo 3694 Golf Course Road Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO A Rice 62 Prospect Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3H2 Charles Catlran 222 King Street East Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 1P6 Ron Petch 8 Queen Street Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 1 L8 445 Mel Green Lakeridge Health Oshawa Rudy Buczolits 7601 Keele Street Vaughan, Ontario George Tzalis 13 Bruntsfield St. Courtice, Ontario L1E 1B4 L.A. Parker 26 Ashdale Cres. Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3M9 J. Dale Sutton Group Trevor Small 246 King Street Bowmanville, Ontario L & W Grant 23 Simpson Avenue Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3M5 John Shewchuk Royal LePage Frank Real Estate 39 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L 1C Stephanie Bottero Weston Consultingh 201 Millway Avenue, Unit 19 Vaughan, ON L4K 5K8