HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-106-78 V c; CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 263-2231 - HAMPTON, ONTARIO, LOB UO TO: Chairman and Members of the REPORT NO. P-106-78 Planning and Development Committee DATE: December 6,1978. SUBJECT: Land Division Committee Application No. LD 401/78. Part of lot 12, concession 1, Clarke. Frank Ovens. BACKGROUND: The subject application proposes the severance of an 8.55 acre parcel from a 35.35 acre parcel fronting on the base line in Clarke. The applicant proposes to convey the "subject" lands to Ontario Hydro to form part of their Hydro Transmission Line. (See attached application) We note that Ontario Hydro has already expropriated an easement across the "subject" lands which would allow the construction of the Hydro Line across the site while retaining the total parcel under one ownership. The proposed severance would enable Ontario Hydro to satisfy the owner's request that the "subject" land be acquired outright. The application was approved by the Land Division Committee on November 13, 1978. COMMENTS: Under normal circumstances, we would have no objection to this type of severance. However, the proposed severance would create an 8.8 acre parcel without access to an open public highway. Such a landlocked parcel would not be considered a "lot" as defined in the Clarke Zoning By-law and would not, therefore, be eligible for a building permit. We feel that it would be unwise to allow the creation of a parcel which could not be used for residential purposes and which would be totally inaccessible for any purpose without the indulgence of abutting property owners. (The Land Division Committee approved the establishment of a 40' right-of-way across the "subject" land to provide access from the landlocked parcel (shown as part 1 on the attached sketch) to the land to the south (shown as part 3 on the attached sketch) -2- I �f We note that the Regional Planning Department is recommending to the Regional Planning and Development Committee that the decision of the Land Division Committee be appealed. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Staff be authorized to appeal the decision of the Land Division Committee on this application to the Ontario Municipal Board. Respe tful y submitte , Leslie L Kristof, M.C. I.P.