HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-98-78 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN CAP NEWCASTLE E PLANNING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 26:32231 --- HAMPTON, ONTARIO, LOB)JO TO: Chairman and Members of the REPORT NO. P-98-78 Planning & Development Committee DATE: November 27, 1978 SUBJECT: Romney Mead Subdivision, Newcastle Village Ministry of Housing Number 18T19720 Draft approval of this one hundred lot subdivision in Newcastle Village will lapse on December 31 , 1978. This subdivision was originally approved by the Minister of Housing on August 8, 1972. One of the con- ditions of draft approval was: "that the water supply and sanitary sewers are to be installed to the satisfaction of the sanitary engineering branch of the Ministry of Environment prior to the signing of the final Plan and we are to be advised that the contract has been awarded for the construction of the sewage works and the additional well . " This additional well was completed early in 1974, but in December of 1974 Regional Council recommended that this subdivision be considered premature until a Lake Ontario oriented water supply is available to the Village of Newcastle. Because of this servicing problem, draft approval was extended several times. Finally, because of changing market conditions, the applicants requested approval of a revision to the Plan. When this revision was approved by the Minister of Housing on August 21 , 1978, new conditions of approval were imposed. Among these conditions , was the requirement that the land must be re-zoned to permit the proposed subdivision and that adequate sewer and water treatment facilities must be available to service the site before final approval would be given. i _ 2 _ Since the draft approval was scheduled to lapse before the proposed Lake oriented water treatment plant will be in operation and before the land could be re-zoned, we would recommend that the Minister of Housing be advised --that the Town of Newcastle supports the applicants ' request fora ix� month )extension of draft approval . tfu ll submitted, NJF:lb Leslie L. Kristof, M. /Devloprffnent Director of Planning YNt MILANI & MILANI HOLDINGS LIMITED LAND DFVIsl_.0P1v41`N'-1'• I W)USING AND INDUSTRIAL AVF.*ivtAII,]N(; A1)r)k1i9:7 P.O. ISO):790,111ORN111)1,(10KONTO)ON FARIO 1:3T•!A:i'7T.1.13A1-IONI?Rt�9=171;4-!i F C. D. MILANI •PRESIDENT I. A. MILANI •TREASURER November 24, 1978. Town of Newcastle Planning Department Municipal Building Hampton, Ontario ATTENTION: Mrs . Gray Dear Madam: RE: Ministry of Housing No. 18T19720 Village of Newcastle Further to my correspondence to the Planning Department dated November 3, 1978 (copy attached) and my subsequent conversations with Ms. Norma Forrest, please be advised that I would like to appear as a delegation before the Planning Committee at their meeting of November 27, 1978 to request extension of draft approval. Thank you for your assistance, I remain, Yours very truly, Milena Protich, Project Manager MP/cb Encl. C.C. Norma Forrest J i I 1 ,\JovemiDer 3, 19 78. Town of Newcastle, DE'PARTI'-,-IENT of Planning 4unicipal Building Hampton, Ontario A`2TEJ'-4TIOi4: Leslie Kristoff 1,I.C.I.P. Di rector Dear Sir: IZE; File 114o. 18T19720 Rortinev dead - Village of k4ewcaltle Further to our conversation some weeks ago, the draft approval for the above noted project is due to lapse December 31, 1978. As you are no doupt aware, several extensions have been processed to date on this Draft Approval since there was not a supply of "cater available to service the development. 'Alhile we are at present submitted our engineering drawings to both the -.own oM the Region and hope to be in a position to Register within a few i,,ionths, our Draft Conditions, from the Region of Durham preclude entering into a Regional Subdivison Agreement until six mont]-is from the expected date of completion of the water plant and mains which at present is expected to be finished in August of 1979 . Accordingly tinder the circumstances I would request that the Town consider recorrmiending to the Ministry of Housing that the Draft 4pproval on this project be extended. Durs very truly, I T LA14I & MILAIIII HOLD NGS LIMITED iI \a Protich ct i'lariager