HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-97-78 R PORAT ION OIL THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 263-2231 - HAMPTON, ONTARIO, LOB 1J0 TO: Chairman and Members of the REPORT: P-97-78 Planning & Development Committee DATE: November 24, 1978 SUBJECT: Modification 52 to the Durham Regional Official Plan Special Study Area 13, Deferred Area 2.3 File: 0-R-6 As you are aware, there has been considerable review and discussion leading up to the above noted modification to the Durham Region Official Plan. In this regard, we are in receipt of a letter from the Ministry of Housing requesting our comments on this modification, now before the Minister for approval . Inasmuch as we are satisfied with the nature and content of the modification, there is no reason to object to the further processing of this portion of the Regional Official Plan. Recommendation: Based on the above information, we recommend: 1 . That Council pass a resolution authorizing the Director of Planning to respond to correspondence from the Ministry of Housing indicating that Council approves of Modification 52 to ,the Durham Regional Official Plan dealing with Special Study Area No. 13 (Deferred Area No. 23) . Resp ctful y submitted, TTE:lb Leslie L. Kristof, M.C. I .P. Director of Planning & Devel ment [)0(8[|0 k�mi��rV P| mq /xhnim"�/A*o |>w/`.''o Y. //,:`' �.' » y*.`I of H0uSiDg IAN /w October 17 , 1978 Mr . J.M. Mo] Iroy Clerk Town oI Newcastle Nov � /978 40 Temperance St. DV*manville / OuLario I,lC 3&6 TOWN {); re\V-/ �T}� Subject: Modification 52 to the Durham Regional Official Pluo , Special Study Acoa l ] Dcferred Area 23 _ Dear Mz , McJlcoy ; We have recently zeceivod the attached modification to the Durham RnginuoI Official Plan . The modification is to Special Study i\cca ll in the Bowmanville portion of the Regional Official Plan . Regional Council is anziouo to have Lbo processing of this portion o[ their Official Plan [ioigbcd as soon as possible . Could you, therefore , send us your comments within three weeks of the date of this letter. Thank you [nr your c»n|/,Iatioo . Yours truly, R .C. Dolan Senior Planner _ ^ Central Care Group Official Plans Branch ' ` �~ Attach . ' `~ . . 62 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM PLANN IN Gh AND DEVE LOP MINT DEPARTMENT 'N M 1' 14 MC ADAM , (. I P ;Conlin •.ti„nrr Job CONSUMERS DmvEij)o. oox 623 wm nw,ON r41 10 L IN 6A.1 'EL f4161 668 ""ai COMMISSIONER' S REPORT NO. 78-232-•P TO: Chairman and Members , DATE' - September 12 , 1978 Planning and Development Committee SUBJECT: MODIFIC.A1.71ON 1Z-rQUFST NO. 52 TO THL DUTOTAM OFFTCI, L PL,VN - SPECINI, STUDY ARrA NO., L3 (DEFERIU17D AREA NO. 23) ; and CORRES PONCE'NCE ITEM 43 DATED J.;kNUr,RY 12 , 3.975 and CORRESPONDENCE 117EM U-33 DATED FEBRUPAU 17 , 1975 , FROM CONROY XWSON PI-iVNNIING Q'CNf3'ULTAN",'-1:') ON B1;',HA!'F OF MILANI & �iil.AN-r HOLDINGS L,1141'11,D RE O. P.A. 432 - BOWMANVILLE WEST COMMUNITY and O.P.A. '447 - BOWMANVILLE WEST 20 • 4UN'= RECCM.MENDATIONS : I THAT, Official Plan Amendment Application , Bo%qnanv' ille West- Ccrrziunitv (C.P .A. 32) , requesting the desiqTiaticn of .approximately 269 ha ( 664 acres) of land for Residential purposes as filed by Conroy Dowson Planning Consultants, Correscondence item 3 dated January 12 , 1975, on behalf of Milani and Milani THO Idings Limited, be not approved; 2 . THAT, Official Plan Amendment Application , Bowmanville ,lest Cormilinitv (C. P .A. 47) , requesting the designation of approxLnately 24 ha (CO acres) of land for industrial purposes , as filed by Conroy Dawson Planning Consultants, Correspondence -1.tem 41313 dated February 17, 1975 , on behalf of Milani anti Milani Holdings Limited, be not approved; 3. THAT, the Minister of Housing be requested to approve: - W the land use designation. '--ct that port J.on of mzip p'5 wit,"Un Deferral Ares-: No. 23 as i6ontified in t1lie Durham Regd.onal Official Plan, in accordance %,,i.th Sc liedule 'A' attached to Coumissioner ' s Report, Nc , 78-232-P; IE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND 0rVLL0P-,4FNT mnissioner's Report No. j8-232-1) cont'ci. 0 63 ,UCC11^2tE4N1)AT10NS - corn' d 3 . (ii) the deletion of the ref:�rences to Special Stady Area 13 in the text of the Regional Oflficial Plan; and (iii) the amending of the Population Map, as shown on Schedule ' D ' attached to Commissioner ' s 1tenort 78-232-P, Proposed ModificatJon No. 52 to th "' e Durham Reqicral Inc-cz-porating these changes i3 attached. 4. T11-AT, it is understood, that the proposals outjij;e a-C r�r, o, J d 3 above are made on the basis of acceptance of the Development Concept as contained in the report "New DarIJ.-naton Mulls" previously Submitted to the Region ancj the Tcwr I of Ne-,-/rastle, h:einq a submission prepared as an of ,Ietailed investigations and/or reports preparod by : Montague Found Associates Limited, Planning Consultants , - R_ichazd StZong, Steven Mc-,)orhead Li-Mited, Landscape�A'Z*Chitects and Resource Planners, - Gazt-ner Lee Associates Limited, Terrain AnalvSt-s , Undez-good McLelloarj and AssociatL!s , Consult.i.ng Engineers , ,Mu.rrav Rosen Associates , %rch-f—ects , and G. A. Hudgins Associate.-;, 5. THAT, it be recc'Mlended to the Town of that Lots 15 to J-8 in Concessions T and. 11 (the West Bow' man%tille Area) be included within the proposed District Plan for Bowmanville , and that the further detaillng of the broad 1,xi d use proposals of the Req.Zonal Official Plan as contained in Recommendatioll ,, above be included in the Bowma-riville Dis.—ict ? . 1an to ensure adherence by developers to the curs rehensive de-velopme-nt concept 2:eZe-red to j_n 4 above; i. T1J.AT, the Town of Newcastle coaunel1cp neqot4atJons with the developers i=ediatc-_,jv to arrive at a satis.,`_Ac, Aux y agreement regardIng the development: of industrial lane, the StaqJng of residential and industrial deVc-10pment, and thn attai-n- ' 4 rient of high perormance criteria as outlijjf-,] i,,j the Darq li-ngton Mills" report, and that no local pl,�?nn4nq cont-rols be amended witil such an agreement: j,5 fin,-jjiZE­- THAT, the Town Of Newcastle be to use its good offices to facilitate t-he early approval I of i-ndustrial plans , zhe allocaW� ,-_,.n of an, unused seraage treatment capacity for i-c-lustria! .)Ur-pcse�s and the buildij,,g of industrial buildings as prozosed by the developer ; THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 800 6-14 Commissioner's Report N,,._7,9-232-P RECOMMENDATIONS cont 'd - 3 8 . THAT, the Region, in co-operation with the Town of Newcastle , the Ministry of Energy and Ontario Hydro, ercoLLrage the developer to continne the study and possible application of hot water reject heat from Darlington Generating Station for complete or partial district heating La this area; 9 . THAT, as the proposal in Itera 3 above defines , for the first time, a hard limit to the westerly development of Bowmanville , and as the western part of Special Study Area 13 is proposed for Major Open Space , the study by regiona� staff of the potential of reject heat hot water for agricultural 'uses in the area west of the new urban limit of Bowmanville be endorsed. YTET-0 R I.. Special Study Area_ 413 - Now Def,--rral Area 23 In the Regional Official Plan presented to Council by the Planning and Development Committee in 1976 , the four tow-nship lots (15 to 18) immediately west of what is now the Bowmanville Major Urban Azea were designated for the following uses :- Residential - 120 acres (approx. ) Industrial - 550 acres (approx. ) F Permanent Agri-culture (d) - 390 acres , and General. Agriculture - 440 acres or - as shown on Map 1. F During its consideration of the Committee reQcmmended plan, the Council designated the 1500 acre area as Special Study Area 1") . (Map 2 is a print of Map A5 , Regional St-ru cture of the July, 1976 adopted plan) . In his approval of the Durham Recional Plan, the minister: on Ma-•ch 17, 1978 , deferred his decision with respect to Special Study Area 13. The area is now i0eiitified and labelled - Deferral Area 23, as shown on Map 3 . 2. Backaround: The referenced official plan amendment applications have been before the Region since January/Febrnar*'7, 1975. The Special Study Area #13 designation was determined in the June/July 1.976 public Council meetings during the adoption process of the Regional Official. Plan resulting from poiit.ical de�adlo(---!, on altei:nat-,*.,.T(-- proposals. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM DEPARTUENT c)F PL,>NNING AND 0EN-/FLCPMF-NT animissioner's Report No.— 78-232—P---- cS 0 0 6 4 2. Background contfd Axea 13 was the Only Special Study Area defi r. ned by Regional Council; all at-hers had been requested or 'agreed to by local councils during the plan preparation process. In the last four years , meetings have been held, many studies and reports have been prepared and submitted, and many deputatiorl.-, and pre-sentat.,ons have bf,-.,en made to the Committee. Minutes of the last pillic meeting held in Dowmanville on November 29 , 1977 are attached for information. 3. POwmanville Major Urban Yr ea The investigation Of allocat' " nq additional popu !atiL-lj growth within the 30 mlanville Major Urban Area and within the parameters of the Durham Regional Official Plan indicates that 1-rom' Regional stxuctuxe Point Of view such growt1j: - a) would provide a more balanced distribution of population within the Region particularly in vlew of the scale of population approved in the Durham Regional. Official. Plan for the western Portion of the Region including the 90, 000 Population allccatpd to North Pickering and as a result would SUPPOrt -the development of 0sjjq a-Wh focus;' and its urban areas as the central b) would create a higher profile for E'Gwmanville in the Town of Newcastle enhancing role as the main centre r)f' activity Withi.n. the Town of Newcastle and its abil 4 tV order community services and facilities. to attzact higher With this in view, Regional Council on October 27, 1976 resolved Lhat the sanitary sewe.tge otjt-C,,jj.l sewer and the water supply intake be sized for a p'OPulation of.&52 , 500 plus the allowance for' the " development of 937 a(:!---es of industriil land. The Provision of additional employment opportunities in `owmanville would tand to reduce out-commuting providing social benefits and reducing transportation costs. In order to maintain the "higher Profile" desirable for BoNrmanville, the attraction of employment C)PPOrt.ulli ties, industry and cominerce wi-1.1 b(. the most significant factor, far more important and diffi larger population -:,Ult to achieve than a Every e�fort should be made to assist job- producing developments. THE RE(;IONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM DEPARTMENT OF PLANNINC, AND DE-VFLOPMENT 800 66 2- RR ,ommissionL,r's ReporT 78-23 P 3. Bowmanvil.Le Major Urban A-rea cont ',J It is noted that the "New Darlington Mills,, report proposes no shopping centre as such in the development, and intends that its development will Support the dc:-WTI--tC)Wll commercial are,-I . Local. plawitng controls should ensure that this is carried out. Advantage should be taken of the massive nearby FTEPC generating station project in developing the "industrial oar,,-, a ' ,"he housing and staging Ing component. Local aciruement's shculd also ensure that the opportunity for utilization of reject heat from the Darli',Igton station is not jeopardized. Previously submitted studies show the econcmy of transportation and services in this area and agreealer.ts should ' developers carry any excess costs '* j ensure that the Occasioned. H. McAdams , M.c. I .p . COrmaissioner of Planning Attachinellts IF V, Commissioner ' s Retort 7n•-232-p r f,e 3 r ' �. • .: �� 800 67 IM T. REGIONAL '.grip- ('�: _> — • STRUCTURE • •Fr�OM SPECIAL STUDY r:. .i(�f)I1.71'1Y',��•�6.e• To r�AaaR AREA rEO. 1.3 _ . 0�'EN SPACE I OFFICIAL A=LAN :,•. „;.�J�pc� �•a 4,,.p, OF THE \ •.1•L, Y I F y REGIO NAL tv1UNlC1PAUIT'Y OF DURHAM I• Jt q w.- t—�.'.'. 11 I LEGEND :.----. 4, .�F ;:° ► ,° , SET T LE•MENT AREAS fT": D4 SPECIAL STl1DY AREA NO~ TO RISIDENT?AlT i L ___ RESIDEN 71AL AREAS INS71TUTIONAL AREAS ,� _Y•t•*` %"' = � MAIN RA °.k. � �`�=;,?.��?:` �:;�`.. :.... .:.••,':°� � .• k•:...'�� CENT' L A R ( ,I s "fir i7 AN � - - __ _ '` •_ • ...� � c.N tlB i R "C ALA AREA S OUNDARY .. „�. TU INCLUDp, r'c"-`*'• _?-- . � I, �tZc A y' k?ESSJ1 am=:. COMMUNITY CENTRAL AREAS T IAL A21D -STRIA t,• •. SPECIAL PURPOSE gg COMMiERCIAL. AREAS ��'• .� INDUSTRIAL AREAS UT'I1.1TIES r.aw•ax Yw"":'� `^ !\'�� fix C'�\\�\����tG.ti•��wx,y .\\�\\•"'° M43.t� w .,..vaw•vl, a � '`:�\.\ \ ..,..^.. ���..�• �, ��\ W.F. y.=.. < �f EC IAI" STUDY . A G P 1 �° IN s. AREA N0. I3 CULTURAL ArE ^ S AL \� �\\:�\\� ��� ��� ,.�\\�\� PERMANEN AGRICUI.i \ T'\� ?.. , +� ? RESERVE AR URA! RESERVE _ a EAS \. . •n-� N v AREAS AGRICULTURAL FOR FUTURE DEVO-opmeIrr {4 -• 3 A NXTxaw r t a a n y s o, iK +r m 4: MAJ0R OPEN SPACE SYSTE°tlf r MA40R OPEN SPACE OAKRI OGES MORAINE C �a I1AL2F�0 LANDS LANDS AFFF-C E.:ri u A It �� ��� ' --� SY SECTION 12.3.3 E_r�Y :.�c-C7AL STUDY AREAS 1Xtl l.A%rflG Lie.°.c--+n , _ HIGHWAY S CH E D UTL F, ' 3 To Commissioner' s :Re,-.arz No. 78-232-P 000 6 � T I POPULA MAP 2 OFFICIAL FLA N CF .THE._ REGIGNAL MUNIC:P,"LJTY Cf:' DURHAM L E G EN 0 "A-4MN 5UCELNO nIURE3 4Af SU&IX_ 4✓ AS qEMPW ?"MAX3 W100POA. 5aA90 LRW Zuuq*a .HOER sm-r-N a(3) CO -6< KVO4**. AC' 1407-t POPVLAT10h F%(UjPES -CR ;;"Ec:.%, MOY 4PEM S).AL, !a 4C,,.0Ei) —8.0WMANVILL!: CNC m _NOM"T -0 '*5 P-'Ntq AS A t ')-A"f ESE AAIEA.5 -AVE lF.E.1i 13,900 INVEn. Ulrm. 4 %r couRTICZ, 4OTLr: %wq are for W%,vm-o Pau**" "Y 8doo Nf,!, R61 800 69 ATTACHMENT TO T'G C�Mt'fISaZ00IF,R r S":2E�GR�' NO. 78— 232—P MINCES of ;nr Pxrbl iC �attinq Of cSe Planning C )evtloxaant C.:4rntiC'e3 its ;tte 'ot., of 'sm•cas;!a on Tuesd.ty, 4ovemuer :3, 1377 » Public reatinq .41 'tald in the ^ovn of 4ge eaacla Council ChanCars, ie`.ranville cn 1°uea�av, vctvemvar ,y, 1377 At 7:30 �..m, for- jreycntst�on C,aneaAC f0» t.ne Area Of a Jevela:r..Mt .est 0P 34'a�+anvil ;e Stuoy :rea 1:3;. n�531oQr4 . Prta�r+e: C;r�nei t for OYkxtra Ae•gicnAl Ctai:.�an 3eatn Isf At ?:CO J..�. p i`0 r'rasane: Ccunciflor "Avlor ( Caunc;ilor dicrard left ac 3:CO P.m, to at;snu +notner .°esci-i stir= P^rient: J,r'. !, ctdaast, .Ortsni ttioner of Plannirq ; gkveloe::nan^ �. Katxoff, "anager, Stracagi¢ 'tanning 3ramrI J. Stair, Savior Plan nar, $trat21i: 1t-inn inq 3rancrt V. Evans, Oasign ,4ansGer, '.'o r'<x 0aCir°Y7flC 1. Uymen, d171'scant Ga+:frci I Tars :e t"e 'cwev of �e1u AgC I® ..*,.a 4110 in 4c. CouncII1'yr 7y41;ra cal lad the meeting c9 oraar And foilcw.ir.r, int' CuC: c:- cf flat! and tlee:aJ rsoreaencativaf 'te rwie+aa Sar:•ion t.`'+f Q!fiCldl Plan micm -itli c: ;a iJe<ial St::CY area a13• the C.7tralt�iCner CcawaenCrd �n tAR rtatOn Che Arra wag ?egi.rtaCl4 iJlCial at.yv' Jrttf .Zer exolainel :8t ClmCesi Of Che aPfigiai Plan ane ")a :ur_07e of ;1a QQMti", t0 baCain remc:lrn :0 A aevtlnoer't rrocugal ax 'rt9ent N :7 Cnt ry a CJro t. The "anager, Stratrr,ir, 71anninq, rtrn procraced +rit.y this areseneac;on• I•r first rw ic+•rd ;ne ort ;o data by peyior.al stAff anC :^cn :^r aciona!a 'cr it"•�til 4a4C Jf t.`.e Ot,1A�V/'119i a7i l i tbY Arta. 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'.;.-_ '.•a .•.••'__ � MA? 3 IF COM:` TSSI.ONER'S R.NPORT 478•'•232-'•P IF I i l i //Af 7 800 73 PROPOSFD MODIFICATION NO. 52 TO THE DUPUL-um REGIONAL O.t,r.,:Z:LU, pL;,N -0 DU 2 _rfIC""ICN. or of this mod i f j a t; on '-s The Purpose thin the ar-a shown as 0ef 13) PURPOSE desj-19na-e- w L c4l Study F,t ea No. land ,p,xea NO. 23 (SPe (400 acres)� ly 162 ha,, pczes) or av,prc))LjmatP- Axea 0 43 ha ,_qt "Residential 14 , an,-! 405 ha MOO A-rea. thereby land as 1V1L4a-)Or Open Sp ace Ma-;0 r,own anvil' P acres) of land a oe the extend Inq the limits - cornmunitl ri 7.-b an Are' to include a r OnI, 3-T',d all industrial of apprOXIM atP-1Y 7 ,500 Pe par', . '., - 5 i tLi at e a 1 : 's 1-0 those lands modifi.cat,ion ap? --' This '.T��411ship 04 Darlingtca , nvv, the fc)rmer arts at L 1,4 L- - located on parts in the TOwl, of Newcastl-t� , 0 Lots 15- -oken FrOrIt COnc""on' -13 , Lots, 1.3-18 B7 arid pa--t5 Of Lots Is attached.it Ccnce:5Sj-ori 1 , - )C)wll 0I, SCtj-d%1le- ' A' as jndust-ej 3' land Ceoncession II al ajij ,rhe additional Of t-ho ed for ,,,,,dar.ce is '.Cealair Urban A_rea Lc 3wm3 ma- Or n,7i 11 e ,,,,,harn pegional -,IV e W..L the objec, Pl an- ial plan 15 here-b'-'/ 7'C'n;�-L Tl CN Durh'3M aeq.ional zn�adi.fied by fteg canal Stv are by Area 23t Defer changIng Mar.) I %=e a" I., are a designat-i"(9 t-(2 4 1. ;,r e a,, " 'Indust=1a "Resident- it , as shCVn, on --n SoaCe and "Major Cc-n ; and Schedul.e ' A, att-Ached V111a tending the BOw-man 2) changing Map N 5 by ex nc ludet*-e a-°' o ' Urban Area aondar'! arc, indust r a s hown a Q.0 ,%, attached. Ar a a 11 on SChed . on 14ap as S,'10"'n On 3) Changing the POPulatl- Schedule al Study Area Deletilla the to 13 in e tetit (Se(::-d-on 900 75 IMP LaME_Z`ITATI CN Modification No . 52 will be ;mnlemented t.1-1--ouqh t-he "Imuro"'LIJ of PI: Of Sutdi'lision under Section 33 of The Planning Act and in accordance wit-h the Policies Of the Durham Rcq onaj official Plan, and the passing Of resl:ricted area (zoning) by-law amendment under Section 35 of :.'he Plannina Act. INTMRP�17ATION The provisions set Or , in'I the 04,,:icial Plan, as annended, regar:IiII9 the intel-Pretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this 40dificaticn. r. 800 .. SCHEDULE. 'A' 4 47 REGIONAL STRUCTURE FROM SPECIAL STUDY AREA '10. 13 ,,e1 ✓ _ ;f TO !AuOR OPEN SPACE D. `1c� w.o a ra. _� ;+ .6' OFFICIAL PLAN (d) of THE ��;�c� REGiCNAL MUNICIPAUTY CF OURHAM •� . lit,:x _ LEGEND AREAS 5 Y �' %- '�'";`1 Ai aCR URBA,V AREAS FRGi P ..:aL STlJUY AREA RESIDENTIAL AREAS IN J"ITUTIONA L. 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