HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-92-78 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING DEPARTMENT i TELEPHONE 263-2231 - HAMPTON, ONTARIO, LOB 1JO TO: Chairman and Members of the REPORT NO, P-92-78 Planning and Development Committee DATE: November 21 , 1973 SUBJECT: Official Plan Amendment, File: 75-32/D(-)ND(-) , Old File: O.P.A. 73 Our File Number O-A.-1-1-4 (.Schi,ckedanz Development Ltd. ) Comments: We attach, for your information, a letter dated November 9, 1978 from the Regional Planning Department requesting any available infor- mation regarding Council 's decision to consider the above noted application abandoned, as well as, any further input we might have. The application was originally submitted on October 5, 1975 and requested the redesignation of approximately 45.32 ha (112 ac. ) in Lot 7, Concession 1 , Darlington from 'Agricultural ' to `Urban Residential ' . Subsequently the subject land was designated `Permanent Agricultural Reserve' by the Region of Durham Official Plan. On May 30, 1977, Mr. H. Macklin of Schickedanz Development Ltd, was advised by letter that unless we received twenty (20) copies of the required drawing (as pre- viously requested on a number of occasions) within ten (10) days , we i would treat the application as abandoned. Inasmuch as the drawings were never received, it was recommended to the Planning Advisory Committee i on July 11 , 1977, that Regional Council be advised that the application vv . '�3'` J r - 2 - is considered abandoned, and that a new application would be re- quired prior to further consideration of the proposal . At that meeting, Mr. Macklin appeared on behalf of the applicant and advised that the application had been submitted as information only during preparation of the Durham Region Official Plan, and that the developer did not wish to proceed at that time. Based upon the Planning Depart- ment's recommendation and Mr. Macklin's presentation, the Committee passed Resolution No. P-126-77 concurring with the recommendation to consider the application abandoned. This was subsequently adopted by Council on September 6, 1977 and forwarded to the Region on September 8, 1977. At that time, Council was in a position to pass such a resolution, since the processing of the application had been referred to the Town by the Region and circumstances warranted such a move. However, under the present procedures for amending Official Plans, the Region is now responsible for processing all applications for amendment, with. the Town providing input in the form of comments to the Region. Furthermore, the Region advises that there is no time limit for proceeding with an application, meaning that the file for the subject application has been kept open, pending resolution or withdrawal of same. In that re- gard, and under the terms of the present amendment procedures, there is no justification for objecting to the processing of the application if the developer now wishes to proceed. There is, however, justification due to time elapsed and the procedural changes, for requesting that the application be recirculated for revised and updated comments based upon current policies related to the changes in planning context effected within the past three years. - 3 - Recommendation: Based upon the background information on file and discussions with Regional Planning staff, we recommend the following: 1 . That Regional Council be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the further processing of Official Plan Amendment number 75-32/D(-)ND(-) , Old File No. O.P.A. 73, provided that the application is recirculated to all internal departments, external agencies and this municipality for revised and updated comments. Respectylly submitted, TTE: lb Leslie L. Kristof, M.C. I .P. Director of Planning & Develop 'nt i THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WM- F 1-1. MCADAMS, M.C.I.P./Conil-nissionet 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE/P.O.BOX 623-WHITBY,ONTARIO LlN 6A3 TEL. (416)6687731 In reply, please refer to File Number November 9 , 1978 75-32/D ND Old file OPA Mr. J.M. McIlroy , A.M. C. T. Town Clerk, Town of Newcastle , �oA !2, 19"s 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville , Ontario, LlC 3A6 -ftr, 1,�,WCAS . Dear Mr. McIlroy: Re : Application submitted by Schicicedanz Development Limited to amend the Durham Regional. Official Plan and the Official Plan for the Former Planning Area of the Township of Darlington, File 75-32/D (-- ) .ND old File O.P .A. The Council of the Town of Newcastle , at it' s meeting held on September. 6 , 1977 , adopted the following recommendation of the Town of Newcastle Planning Advisory Committee with respect to the above-noted amendment application. "That Regional Council be advised that the application is considered abandoned, and that a new application would be required for further consideration of the proposal, " At the request of the applicant , the processing of the subject application is being continued by this Department. In this connection, would you please forward any available information regarding your Council' s decision to consider the subject application abandoned, as well as any additional comments and input which would assist the Region in the processing of the application. . _ 2 2 If You require any additional information , please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mr. George Lysenko Of this Department. Yours very truly, L. Kotseff, Manager Strategic Planning Branch. Septorhor Vh, 1977 HIr. G.D. Camoron, Mhnagev Current Oporations Branch Tho Regional Mnlie'ipalitY Of DMAam 105 Consumors Drive K0. Pog 623 Whitby, Ontario LIN IC4 Dear Mr. Canioron t Re: official Plan Awendment Application Schickedanz Developmonts Mitod Your File O.P.A. 73 I rofov to your letter doted DeeemboT TOM 1975 and to ny roply of January 7th, 197V This is to adviso you that ou Septowbor 6th, 1977 this Council adopted the Milawing recommendation of M Planning Advisory Committee:-, "'MAT Regional Council bu advisod that tho applIMIOn is considered abandoned, and that a now application would be Toquired for further considoration of the pmosal -'' Yours Vory truly, .Ter. njoi M. McHroy, AM.C.T. 700 Clerk C.a. H�R� Best, Secretary, planning Advisory Committee