HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-78-78 1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 263-2231 - HAMPTON, ONTARIO, LOB 1J0 TO: Chairman and Members of the REPORT NO: P-78-78 Planning and Development Committee DATE: September 28, 1978 SUBJECT: Report on Use of Town owned property in the Home-Smith Subdivision, Orono As you are aware, the Town now owns Blocks A, E, and F and Lot 21 in Plan 693. At a Public Meeting held in Orono on June 22, 1978, several alternative uses for these parcels were presented to the public for input. The Minutes of this Public Meeting were referred to staff for preparation of a report and recommendation. On the basis of the input received at this Meeting, and an inspection of the properties involved, we recommend that the land be disposed of as follows: 1 . Lot 21 - We recommend that a pedestrian walkway be established on Lot 21 and that the remainder of the site be developed as a tot lot. A fence should be erected by the Town on the eastern and western boundaries of the Lot to protect abutting land owners. 2. Blocks A and 15 - Because of topographic constraints, we would suggest that these Blocks remain in their natural state for use as passive recreational open space. i 3. Block F - We feel that the highest and best use of Block F is for residential purposes. It is, therefore, recommended 0 that Block F be divided and sold as two single family lots. However, before this is done the following steps should be followed at the Town's expense: (a) Commission a survey to delineate the limits of the proposed lots and to provide the 17 foot road widening allowance on the Taunton Road frontage requested by the Region. (b) Extend the one inch water main from the closest six inch water main to service both proposed lots. (c) Improve the portion of Robirr' s Road aboutting Block F by extending the curbs to Taunton Road thereby im- proving the turning radius at the intersection. (d) Commission an appraisal by a qualified appraiser to determine the current market .value of the pro- posed lots. Respectfully submitted, Leslie L. Kristof, M.C. I .P. Director of Planning & Development.