HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-73-78 S CORPORATI6N OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 263-2231 - HAMPTON, ONTARIO, LOB 1JO TO: Chairman and Members of the REPORT NO. P-73-78 Planning and Development Committee DATE: September 25, 1978 SUBJECT: Report on application for Plan of Subdivision No. S-A-1-13-5 Part Lots 25 and 26, Concession 6, Darlington, 1 . APPLICATION: On May 26, 1978, an application was received for approval of a Plan of Subdivision comprising thirteen single family detached residential lots and a 6.2 acre parkland site on Part Lots 25 and 26, Concession 6, Darlington in June. The Planning and Development Committee authorized the circulation and detailed evaluation of the proposed plan. 2. OFFICIAL PLAN PROVISIONS: (a) Darlington Official Plan The site is designated "Residential-Suburban" and "Greenbelt" in the Darlington Official Plan. The devielopment of the portion designated "Residential-Suburban" for residential purposes is permitted at a density of ten persons per acre. The Plan states that i the predominant use of land in areas designated "Greenbelt" shall be for "Conservation and Recreational purposes". Development of lands totally within the "Greenbelt" or for residential purposes 1�' - 2 - would not be permitted. Amendment No. 10 to the Darlington Official Plan, which has been approved by Regional Council and is currently under review by the Minister of Housing, would delete the land use desi.gnati'on applied to Solina in the Darlington Official Plan and replace them with the land use designations and policies of the Solina District Plan. (b) Solina District Plan The western portion of the proposed Subdivision is designated "Area subject to development restrictions" in the Solina District Plan. No permanent structures or septic tanks are permitted within this area.. The north-east and south-east portions are designated "Area proposed for Expansion" and "Hamlet Plan Area" respectively. The Plan allocates a maximum of 14 residential units to Area B of the "Area proposed for Expansion", which includes the north-east quadrant of the subject lands and the Ashton Subdivision. Since the Town has recommended approval of a 12 lot Subdivision on the Ashton property, only two lots would be permitted on the north-eastern portion of the Davis property without an Official Plan amendment. Such an Official Plan amendment could only be considered once the 14 permitted lots have been developed. The portion of the site delineated as "Area for unfilling" may be developed on the basis of 3/4 acre lots and a li:mi.tation is placed on the number of units permitted annually. 3. ZONE PROVISIONS: The site is zoned "Deferred Development" , "R2" , and "Greenbelt" in the Darlington Zoning By-law. A rezoning will be required before development of this Subdivision would be permitted. i - 3 - 4. CIRCULATION OF APPLICATION: The application was circulated to the following agencies for their comments: 1 . Northumberland & Newcastle Board of Education 2. Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Newcastle Separate School Board 3. Durham Health Unit 4. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority 5. Ontario Hydro 6. Newcastle Works Department 7. Newcastle Building Department 8. Newcastle Fire Department 9. Newcastle Recreation Department 10. Ministry of Agriculture and Food 5. RESUME OF COMMENTS: 1 . The Northumberland & Newcastle Board of Education advised that a site for school purposes would not be required within the boundaries of the Subdivision and that they would have no objection to its approval . 2. Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Newcastle Separate School Board advised that they have no objections to this Subdivision. 3. The Durham Health Unit made the following comments: "There are problems associated with this proposal of concern to the Health Unit due to soil conditions, water tables, and usable areas on some lots . The following requirements I i - 4 - must thus be satisfied before any certificates of approval for private sewage systems can be issued: 1 ) The flood line negates usage of over 50% of lots 1 and 2, and thus these two lots should be combined to form one lot. When combined, much of the land area of the newly created lot will be unusable for tile beds due to excessive slope, so that the said tile beds will have to be located in the southeast corner of the lot. A test hole will have to be provided on the lot to ascertain if fill material will be required before issuance of a certificate of approval . 2) Usable land on lots 3 and 4 is restricted by the flood line and tide beds must be kept at least 50 ft. from surface water. Thus, lots 3 and 4 should be combined to form one lot. 3) Lots 5 and 6 and 8 will require totally raised weeping beds, which must contain at least five (5) feet of granular material . 4) Lots 7, 9, 10, 11 , 12, and 13 will require partially raised the beds composed of at least two (2) feet of imported granular material . Actual depth of fill on these lots will have to be determined prior to issuance of Certificates of Approval . 5) All imported fill must have a grain size no smaller than 0.1 mm. 6) Drilled wells must be provided. " 4. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority made the following comments: "Portions of block "B" and lots 1 to 4 exhibit coverage within the floodlines of the regional storm which is accurately shown on the submitted draft plan. In view of the above, a redesign is required to eliminate lot coverage from flood-susceptible areas. " 5. Ontario Hydro advised that electrical service could be supplied to the proposed Subdivision as and when it may be required. 6. The Newcastle Works Department submitted the following comments: 5 - "l . That the Owner must enter into a Subdivision Agree- ment with the Town of Newcastle, subject to the approval of the Public Works Department. 2. That the road design not be approved in it's present state. Access for a roadway onto the Sixth Concession will not be allowed; access to this Subdivision must be made from the proposed road of the William Ashton Subdivision, thus creating a 'T' intersection. The road for this section should commence from the 'T' intersection and proceed westerly and northerly and terminate by means of a cul-de-sac. Cost-sharing calculations for the construction of the access road (from the Sixth Concession to the 'T' inter- section) should be made between the two owners in question. All road works must meet the Town of Newcastle's Design Criteria and Standard Drawings. 3. That any easements as may be required by the Town, be granted to the Town free and clear of any encum- brances. 4. That all works required by the Public Works Department be constructed in accordance with the Town of Newcastle' s Design Criteria and Standard Drawings, and all costs pertaining thereto be the responsibility of the Owner. 5. That all lot grading along the creek area be conditional upon the approval of the Conservation Authority. " 7. The Newcastle Building Department advised that they had no comments. 8. The Newcastle Fire Department did not reply and were assumed to have no comments. 9. The Newcastle Recreation Department advises as follows : "With reference to Block "A" - Parkland 6.2 acres. On Tuesday, July 11th, the undersigned inspected the area for parkland use. I find this area excellent for a park due to the rural setting and can be made into a dual park of passive and active leisure time activities. Recommend that we accept it. " - 6 - 6. COMMENTS: Since the area proposed for subdivision lies within the "Hamlet Plan Area" of the Solina District Plan, we would support the approval of a residential subdivision on the site. However, because the proposed subdivision plan does not comply with the development policies of the Solina District Plan, and because of the comments of the Durham Region Health Unit and the Town of Newcastle Works Department, we have prepared a redesign of the proposed plan, which will be presented at the meeting. 7. RECOMMENDATION: It i's recommended that the subject application for plan of sub- division be approved by the Town of Newcastle, subject to the following con- e ditions: 1 . That the plan recommended for approval be as revised by the Town of Newcastle Planning Department and dated September 28, 1978. 2. That the owner enter into a subdivision agreement with the Town of Newcastle to include, in addition to the usual requirements, provision for architectural controls to ensure that the new housing i's compatible with the present character of the Hamlet. 3. That such easements as may be required for utility or drainage purposes shall be granted to the appropriate authority. 4. That the owner agrees in writing to satisfy all the require- ments, financial and otherwise, of the Town of Newcastle concerning the provision of roads, instalation of services and drainage. i - 7 - 5. Ontario Municpal Board approval of the necessary Zoning By-law amendment, 6. That the owner convey land in the amount of 5% of the land included in the Plan to the municipality for Park purposes pursuant to Section 33(5) (a) of the Planning Act. The land so conveyed shall comprise Block "A". Respectful y sub itted, Leslie. L.. Kristof, M.C. I .P. Director of Planning & Developme t 3`. t b p •. 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