HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-69-78 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 263-2231 - HAMPTON, ONTARIO, LOB 1JO I TO: Chairman and Members of the REPORT NO. P-69-78 Planning Development Committee September 12, 1978 SUBJECT: Report on letter from McPherson, Walker, Wright Associates regarding Durcourt Subdivision The subject letter requested that the 80 acre plan of sub- division proposed by Durcourt Developments Limited be "processed and circulated" and that the Town's evaluation of the proposal be completed prior to the preparation of a Secondary Plan for Courtice. In fact, circulation of the proposed Plan has already occurred, in accordance with Resolution P-165-77 of the Planning and Development Committee. To date, several of the agencies contacted have indicated their inability to comment on the proposal due to the absence of a comprehensive Secondary Plan for the Courtice area. Information required for an intelligent evaluation of development in the Courtice area, such as, projected school requirements, population densities and alignment of major arterial roads, will be dealt with in conjunction with the Secondary I Plan currently under preparation for the Courtice area. We would, therefore, recommend that Mr. Shiomi be advised that the preparation of staff comments on the _proposed__Plan_would be premature pending completion of the Courtice Secondary Plan. t , J ' Respectfully fabmi tted. �, a Leslie L. Kristof, M.C. I .P. Director of Planning & Develoent vA,�i'•'/�+ rI, 1 rl / Macpherson, Walker, Wright Associates Limited/Planning Consultants: 2 19 July , 1_J / ii , �4I The Town of Newcastle Planning Advisory Committee 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3A6 Attention: Mr. . V Dykstra Chairman Mr . Chairman and MenLurs of Lhu Commi LLL : In Light of the recent Ontario Municipal Board decision with respect to two subdivision proposals hy C"urtice Heights , we respectfully ro uest the CommiL.Lee once atain to process and circulate the Durcourt Deve1_opmr.nts Limi I —1 ral,i, 1 iI ! Vn fc,! :,ubdi.visicart . `.1'hu 80-acre Durc:our L proper Ly is i LUa Lud iMMediaWy West of tho draft.-approved 15-our­ CourLin, il('• II)hh; : hd ivi :Iinn and ad )-in-, its westerly bcound is ? . More than a year ago , all May 1 , 1 9 7 / app l i cNi Hom; k n_ sul.Ki%6 sio n were filed concurrently with th" 'l'l>wn Newcastle and the Ministry of Housing and on dune 13 , 1977 we w r, o f fnrdod l h- op1nrtun.iQ,, to present the Dur"c.ouct plan "" ! ro tht` Pl , nninil Advisory CommiLtee: . Subsequently , on ;.'ioptember 26 , 017 , the Committee ee accepted the PlanninCj Staff ' s reC'o"rmendatiop tl nt hr(.'p . Al being immediately adjacent Lo planno . servi ct - nd being within an area accepted by Council for initial developm nt in Court ice , be circulated and rovinwed In dt_`k i l in ic-oidanve w1th astahlished, u prucudur c, uLKm pil`�'Ilmol of L& iI 'I_':; khol it �_ t.li`hil .l - d r•::�I(ninatian . The fees as requested were pdic 11;lllh_`diaLuly Lh<"�1:I'aft_er in anticipation � of review of the plan . Since that l .i ,n,. circulation had virtually ceased - due to the re ferral of tilt' r. urL i re Heighi z applicaticn to the O.M.B . - and more recent:_1.7 , p uc , '.' I h n has been held in abeyance pending; a decision by the Board . Now that the lolly--tlWO i. L r d c i t`c'K i t r u I 1 �:; K I n issu('cl i t. is Hoped that_ you find it appropr i a L e to c•c>t K i t i i w i client ' s a p—1 i ca L..i on for subdivision to 'rrwv_II w and dp : i .l , tl An inotinn" ar your vary earliest convenlenct.. . -foronto/Ontario MeG 3C2/Phone 487-41I Mr . Chairman and j& 7 , 197P members of L h- CoTim IJan , as c. J-1 The subdivision "' A ''Criny of open bourhood ameniLies - NO together space , 6 , 2 acres for a 0"" ! arqa with an ti � with 493 low donsity ronidMinl attractive , aOd substant"ally 6 , �-ncre elementary In this regar& it must be "" I, )'' n -i-t s school site fol the who" "le 1._'O --t i' located tl�e 1)urcourt school has been entirety, by Voinipcl L'Inds , %-"ith centrally and in close PrOximity f A,ilit, Of accoss boinq qiv- w 10 this met with the Central LaU Prior to tile Plal' ' r' ' " - kcr lo resolve some of A5 Ontario Consurvation Autho . U; K ­ 11 - concerns on the subject proporty OnJ Dccordingly , endeavoured to design around the 031V iroriill(.7�;Ital. constraints imposed . The generous -t e-'' allotments to OPOn Mcc i n the locnHnn5 t to t he s incc ti efforts made in Lhis WOPL ' nn - Ilih, the Courit &P Huit1lik" prvqK),,z;al INK" tself in C,,017wity wiLh Lh, e is tinq TownSh "P " E Darlington Official Hall . sanitary and water �Ocvjcinq cap he achieved independently While lanl� ' iep� to th� "ame trunk, internal to Lho nuble" J 1 .1 _W1 He] �111 C-;ubd i vision systems must LOKP Ina( w ,, y,, injinp, nk Lnunk facilitK � -d ' the h�lrd'. In thiE7 addhKonal londs b, omi�whnt ease d A N into the syEtum, Lhat jWcUr" LlOr a socondary plan fGi It is "11 i, th, !,a,- future , however , it is Courtice will se undertaEon ': J)' ' (111." proc,nssinq or the state hoped that 00 will OOL 1 ", ':) "'i(')' ., il� of thi s OPIA i can ' 'Aarl . j , lace is dusirahlc while hDviPq swcondary Planv realizes that couratjocif n7v0VFkrJCZ3 p �nnning :12 an and should be er' yjanr& from time to tl--, ongoing process , LPPlica "wr mu" 1w in the absence Of such suMudlyY 1.hc plan in question had K-on designed in r-n--nV (J-1-F1 f t-,-I I,-!,170V ed Courtice HciYhts plan , wiKh rcsp"clh 01 uf unA types and land uses aq Wall road pattern it Would !4"Ur Ant V1105 W n U 1 oE 1,(, aforemuntionw(JI i 3 1"1r Ch zi and Pi Jit 1 - , -1 97;; Members of tho C())lui'-L L s ta t 011ie n t. Should -ou find i't of continued circulat-j-on of Hil to�"'ard drr'I.Ft Plan approval it would be orezit We remain sincc-r(.�-Iy yours , cc: Durcourt Dove lopnwncs ALt-ention : II . ',q(2j-L1lCJTlI