HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-62-78 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 263-2231 - HAMPTON, ONTARIO, LOB 1JO TO: Cliairnan a-lal. itiember,-, of the ),,-.6"-7!, 111.a,nnina and Develo.[.uent Co)-.,nittee SUBJECT: Report on Bowbrool-. 1-nvestmento Dcr%rc10-oment Pi-oposal - Lot 11I., DV. Concesoion, 01" July 10, 1978, Tilr. He=j Joseph of Investments, re- 1 -)oenting 13owbrook Investments, presented 1XI) to (1a.".c plans fox the develorffaent of the property, bounded by Baseline Roa/lt llioh- VDT 1[01 , Waverley Road and Ilartin Road which incluCLed n­rcsti[�c induntria-1 , commercial, a r=icipal comp-lej: and. a hotel, 14-r. David. Scott of Bre8nien and Hanam Arcl-j.tects presented aesity..s for the property including the nwiicipal complex.. '1',o:UowinC disc-oussion the following motion was passed, Resolution ;PD4,111-78, Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Yayl.oa?, Mat the matter be referred to Staff for a proliraLn=y report back to the Committee. 2. Development_ 1-t-oi.)osal The proposed development comprises approximatel.y `35 oproo' in total, it is proposed to develop a Shopping,, Centre -- Civic AdraL--�Cul- tration Centro on approxinately 12'; acres. '�!ho of the site is proposed for a presti,-,c indix9trioa pox?- an(I a, hotel.. 3. Me Region of Doxhan Official !'Ian Jesi,,�natoo the enti'lle ri-'U-e as a Parpose Commercial ATea.". SpocitLl N-TTose Commercial Areas az deoipaaated in -'U'lo )(,�-,,ional 0.fficq.,-,7_ Dii.an axe Latended- to serve the n})eciaai7mC' noo(ln of the -,_-esiJcnt-s on an occasional basin with se-(!irjcoq D�rld 3,-,n"cUitior, larger parcels of land. and. -ooquire, (,,"Q)orn-Lre to tmpffic, suo'h -! n"J-I(l ,3L ilax J-1a Jl-i�rld to automotive nalon ana qn-r,--vi,con, 0 m�ve-J-yi r) 't ( r f:� Motels, hotels, luj:iber era; (In furniture aid. najor 7�?iplipnco s21-on. Thin dosiEnation would not n7)17onx to pe-ti,ii I, ny ,, of -tIqe o( uses except the hotel. It should be notoCi. 'Giiat the of the subject land- (i.e. the W acres) Ann boon reformed to the Ontario 1-hi nicipal. BOOK at the Owne--,cls -coe-Lior"C', 'u-11crof0:1'o Lilo, fina,,. designation of it in subject to the Board's accinion, it should also be noted that section provides that Regional Council in co- operation with -the Toi•n-i of lTawcuBtla nhall. in:vos`uj(�a,-'Go -,dho, loca,-L,-,io)r. of 0. Coyj,nUjitr Central Aron within the jqeciP-1 ',,'�ytposo ol 1-mci p U ar 0_ _1_ Aron located. at Wavo-rloy Rond and Baseline aond the Your of Nowenatle. He such invostian,tion has yet boon narrieC� out. T;ie nubject area lion '"nod'atcly "t Of Special US! Area NO-13 in tho Regional Official loan. Regional PlonaJ,31c" have 0/1viru,"l us that the ntudy is still underway -tn(l -1,oLe nome tj-rnp to coy�pinte. j.I:Iow.tna the !)-f"enont net' ac-,o capacity probTe,,,,is in Ate foo) that both. Re,-�J'-onal and Toin-.l playminc ntaffn shonl(I otud,,,r ,his axon, in more detail to me reconjonintionn to Council come time lato :Ln 1)78. If it in developed at all-, the land in ,x,ci,al �-;16110-y Area 13 'rhiell, in adjacon-11; to the subject In.nd, wiTT 'bo (,-ovolopod for industrial purposes. 1in.D.L7r 'JtUdir The Town Of Newcantle study of the development proposal and onme to the follol -'-nrl c-onol nion- 1. "le, wo-LO-J hi(,hly the devoloynnnt of the Drontig Injuntrial Park and PIT steps nl-tolj.(] be •t a7-n)l I),;- R000nal Council to Slow the devnlopnent to proceed a!- soon an ponnible. 2. We NO that the hotel. in a, _Loll, te-x-,,fj and it w?-).T Sho ton to fifteen yonra for thin Lynn of Oevolopment to be juntifica. ',,To -recoruiend t3ial-, the Wel not be dovolopeo % the proDoned loo"Unn, but a Motor hotel Q 3 )rO units should be built at the col.-Iler of Wrnvorley Ron'll. and. Dancline Road haxinp, direct access from Baseline Road. 3. We firmly believe that there if; nO need for a ooprn,ornia,l shopping facility and we alnQ bolieve, VI'V't I-,Nn_-(' in no j"otification for f). not Chboi)-rhood f acil.i t, in this area. Commercial development should be limited to a moximum. of 4 acres and nhould onl-,,, 1 Ir provide services ancillax DXII to the industrial development on the site and such other Odustrial dove I opraent, which onboo(Iiiently oconr to the writ of the site. 4. it believe that the proposal to relocate tj)o civic of the Toi-m to the subject site is not acceptable and should not- be further considered since thin Pito in not centrally locatki for the major urban centre in the Toi,n-i of 3Tow(',,,).,AJe anal_ nlic'n relocation would destroy the conneRcial o:tl the ()olm town area of Bowmarivillo. G. Recommendation Tt is recoi-,v)onded that the Region of lklxhn!-I 0f icJ,,.O. be amended. to permit the development of a prentiqu inAntrial parr: on the cite together with a motor hotel to be located at the corner of Wavorley Row]. and. Dwnclino Road tend up -to fOIIP 11VIr0s of ancillary commercial unos all to be dovolopoJ in accordance with a detailed site plan to be submitted to and approved by the Toiaa of Howca.itle. Renpoctfli-Ily subi-attod, 1_,eslic T',a?J,ntof,!iCII.-,,I DiTeoi;or of Piid _Dnve.lo,?1nont.