HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-188-79CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N. SMITH, M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF October 15, 1979. REPORT NO.: P-188-79 SUBJECT: Proposed Official Plan Amendment Part of Lot 7, Concession 1, former Township of Darlington - File: 75-32/D/ND Schickedanz Developments Limited R A (TI f R (1T TNT1 On June 11, 1979 Committee considered staff report P-90-79 which dealt with the above noted application. Said report recom- mended denial of the amendment, however, the matter was tabled, at the request of the applicant, by Resolution PD -268-79. On July 5, 1979, staff submitted report P-108-79 which recommended that this matter be lifted from the table and dealt- with. Committee Resolution PD -302-79 again deferred the matter at the applicant's request. On October 5, 1979 staff received the attached letter from Regional staff which suggests that a recommendation of denial will be submitted to Regional Planning Committee, notwithstanding the Town's failure to deal with the matter. The letter also requests that the Region be notified by October 16, 1979 if the Town has any difficulty with their evaluation. In light of our own evaluation of the proposal, 6 - 2 - as presented by staff report P-90-79, and the fact that the applicant has had ample time to respond, we therefore propose to reintroduce re- port P-90-79 for appropriate action. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend -to Coun- cil the following: 1) That this report be received; and that 2) Planning Report P-90-79 be lifted from the table and dealt with at this time. TTE:lb October 9, 1979 Respectfully submitted, d4444& D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK dQ 1TWITRAN(;I:: `iTRf 1-. 1' BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIIIO LIC3A6 October 4 1979 NW. L. Kotseff, M.C.Z.P. Manager Strategic Planning Branch The Region of Durham 105 Consmers Drive Whitby, Ontario UN GA3 Dear Mr. Kotseff: TELEPHONE 623.3,79 F�c — OCT 5 1979 PLANNING I)EPARTMENT TOWN OF M£'I<`JCA50,1E Re: Application SuUnitted by Schickedanz Developments Limited to amend the Durham Regional Official. Plan and the Official Plan for the former Planning Area of . the Township of Darlington File: 75-32,/D ND (ronner 'File OPA #73) Thank you for your letter dated October 2 1979. Your letter has been referred to the Director of Planning for a Report and recam-endation to the Planning and Development Committee. We shall advise you of action taken in due course. We would note, however, that the next meeting of the Planning and Development Committee is on October 15 1979. JAW: not � cc: Mr. D. allith Director of Pla>>1jisjg Yours vePy truly, c, Jo- )h M, troy, A,M.C,T. �'o C1erk The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department Box 623 105 Consumers Dr. Whitby, Ontario Canada, LIN 6A3 (416) 668-7731 Mr. J.M. McIlroy Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 File: 75--32/D/ND October 2, 1979 Dear Mr. McIlroy: DR. M. R. MICHAEL, M.C.I.P. Comntissionur of Planning Re: Application Submitted by Schickedanz Developments Limited to Amend The Durham Regional Official Plan and The Official Plan for the Former Planning Area of -the Township of Darlington. File: 75-32/D/ND (Former File O.P.A. #73) Our review of the above -noted file indicates that the subject application was forwarded to you on February 19, 1979 in order to obtain your Council's recommendation. Furthermore, copies of all comments received from the agencies to which the subject application was circulated, were forwarded to the Planning staff of the Town of Newcastle on May 22, 1979. In this connection, this Department is in receipt of a resolution of the Council of the Town of Newcastle, adopted at its meeting held on July 16, 1979, which stated that the report regarding same be held in abeyance pending a submission from Mr. Macklin. in light of the length of time which this application has been outstanding, this Department will be formulating a recommendation on same for the Planning Committee's consideration in the -near future. As a result of our evaluation of -tine subject application, we feel this application no merits. This is especially confirmed by comments made by your Planning staff, Regional h 1979 Works Department, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Also, we are of the opinion that, at this time, more than adequate lands have been 2 designitated for development within the Bowmanville Major Urban Area.. If you have any difficulty with our evaluation of the subject application, please n�-fy�thi.s Department within two weeks of the date of 1eZ: e� e Ot -r'w se, we will pt.h_roceed wwiformulating 7'74- a recommendation on this matter to the Region's Planning Committee on the basis of our evaluation. If you have any inquiries regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this Department. Fours very truly L. Kotseff, C.I.P.. Manager Strategic Planning Branch :CE J 2 designitated for development within the Bowmanville Major Urban Area.. If you have any difficulty with our evaluation of the subject application, please n�-fy�thi.s Department within two weeks of the date of 1eZ: e� e Ot -r'w se, we will pt.h_roceed wwiformulating 7'74- a recommendation on this matter to the Region's Planning Committee on the basis of our evaluation. If you have any inquiries regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this Department. Fours very truly L. Kotseff, C.I.P.. Manager Strategic Planning Branch :CE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLAN NINGAND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416) 263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF July 5, 1979. REPORT NO.: P-108-79 SUBJECT: Official Plan Amendment Application - Part Lot 7, Con. 1, former Township of Darlington - Schickendanz Developments Ltd. - File No. 75-32/D/ND BACKGROUND: At the Planning Committee meeting of June 11, 1979, staff sub- mitted Report P-90-79 dealing with the above noted subject matter. The report was tabled to the next meeting, at the applicant's request in order to permit them additional time to review the comments and re- commendations contained therein. The purpose of this report is, there- fore, to re -introduce Planning Report P-90-79 for appropriate action. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That this report be received; and that 2. Planning Report P-90-79 be lifted from the table and the recommendations within that report considered. TTE:lb June 19, 1979 Respectfully submitted, k r s . D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning k r CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D. N. Smith , M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1.10 TEL. (416) 263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF June 11, 1979. REPORT NO.: P-90-79 SUBJECT: Official Plan Amendment Application File: 75-32/D/ND - Part Lot 7, Con. 1, former Township of Darlington - Schickendanz Developments Ltd. BACKGROUND: The subject application was originally circulated to the Town for comment in October, 1975, in accordance with the procedures for processing these applications at that time, further requests were made of the applicant. Due to the applicant's apparent neglect of these requests the Planning Department considered the application abandoned and recommended a new application be submitted prior to further consid- eration. In November 1978, the applicant requested that processing of this application be continued. At that time, staff reviewed the file and recommended to Committee that the Region be advised that we have no objection to the further processing of the application, provided that the application was recirculated for revised or updated comments. In accordance with that recommendation, the Region has recirculated the Al) h�`b� - 2 application and now requests the Town's comments relative to this matter. COMMENTS: The subject site is located north of Highway 2, east of the Soper Creek, south of Concession Street and west of the Darlington Third Line consisting of approximately 45.7 ha (113 ac.). The site is presently designated "Permanent Agricultural Reserve" by the Durham Regional Official Plan and, therefore, an amendment is required to permit the proposed Urban Residential and Commercial Uses. The subject application was circulated to various concerned agencies and a notice published to solicit public input. The I.B.I. Group presently preparing the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan were requested to review this application during their preliminary investigations in order to ascertain its potential implications relative to servicing and presently committed or designated areas for urban growth. There was no response to the public notice and the result of the circulation are outlined below. However, the review by the I.B.I. group indicates that while the area, may at some time in the future form a logical extension to the urban area, present committments and designations will adequately accommodate Bowmanville's potential growth within the time frame of this Urban Area Plan. Approval of this proposal, therefore, may require additional capital expenditures and redesign for servicing; unless a reallocation of plant capacity, away from presently designated areas, is contemplated. - 3 - Town of Newcastle Public Works - no comment. Public School Board - no objection, however, a school site would be required within the area. Separate School Board - no objection. C.L.O.C.A. - Concerned about the potential impacts upon the Soper Creek as a trout habitat. Require applicant to demonstrate methods by which impacts would be mitigated prior to official plan amendment and feel that approval of proposed amendment would be premature. Regional Works - Cannot support the application due to the fact that sanitary services are not available and the site is outside of the designated drainage area of the Soper Creek trunk sewer system. Furthermore, Regional Works has no plans to extend sanitary services into this area. Ministry of Natural Resources - No objection to the principle of development on this site; however they are concerned about hazard land areas and potential impacts upon the Soper Creek as a trout habitat. Ministry of Agriculture and Food - Object to the proposal due to the fact that the site is prime agricultural land currently in production. They also feel that the Soper Creek is an ideal natural boundary between the Bowmanville Urban Area and the adjacent rural areas. Our review of the comments received also indicate that aside from servicing there are environmental and agricultural concerns to be considered. CONCLUSION: In view of the fact that large amounts of land have currently been designated for urban development within the Bowmanville area; and the fact that this development will occur over a relatively long period of time; we are unable to support the application at this time. - 4 - RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That this report be received; and that 2. The Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle recommends denial of Official Plan Amend- ment No. 75-32/D/ND; affecting Part of Lot 7, Concession 1, former Township of Darlington, on the basis that it is premature. Respectfully submitted, 1)44t TTE:LB D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. May 30, 1979 Director of Planning. ,WWW" � Ea' w�. (-ORPO ,ATION OF THF -F(--)'WN OF NEWZASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D. N. Smith M.Cl.p , Wedor ItAMPTON, ONTAR10 LOIS 1JO TEL. (416) 263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF June 11, 1979. REPORT NO.: P-90-79 SUBJECT: OfEicial Plan Amendment Application File: 75--32/D/ND -- Part Lot 7, Con. 1, former Township of Darlington -- Sc.hickendanz Developments Ltd. l.;ACKGROUND : The subject application was originally circulated to the Town for conrrnent in October, 1975, in accordance with the procedures for processing; these applications at that time, further requests were made of the applicant. Due to the applicant's apparent neglect of these requests the Planning Department considered the application abandoned and recommended a new application be submitted prior to further cons Ld- oration. In November 1976, the applicant requested that processing of this application be continued. At that time, staff reviewed the file and recommended to Committee that the Region be advised that we have no objection to the further processing of the application, provided that the application, was recirculated for revised or updated continents. In accordance with that recommendation, the Region has recirculated the I - 2 -- application and now :requests the Town's comments relative to this matter. COMMENTS: The subject site. is located north of Highway 2, east of the Soper. Creek, south of. Concession Street aril west of the Darlington Third Line cons.ist:ing, of approximately 45.7 ha (113 ac.). The site, is presently designated "Permanent Agricultural Reserve" by the Durlc<=cm Regional Official Plan and, therefore, an amendment is required to permit the proposed Urban Resident:ial and Commercial Uses. The subject ippl.i_cation was circulated to various concerned agencies and a notice published to solicit public input. '1'he I.B.I. Group presenti.y preparing the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan were requested to review this appl.ic.at:i.on during their preliminary investigations in order to ascertain its potential imp.1.1cations relative to servicing and presently comaritted or designated areas for urban growth. There was no response to the public notice and the result of the circulation are outlined below. However, the review by the I.B.I. group indicates that while the area, may at some time in the future form a logic cl ext o iun t u t.hu trb.ln II'c'a, present conunitt:ments nnd. will adequately accoimmodate Bowmanvil.le's potential growth within the timc_; f rarne of this Urban Ar<�a Plcrn. Approval of this proposal, therefore, may require additional capital expenditures and redesign for servicing; unless a real..location of plant capacity, away from presently designated. areas, is contemplated„ - 3 -- Town of Newcastle Public, Works - no continent. blic School Board - no objection, however, a school site would be _ required within the area. Separate_Scl_cool Board - no objection. C.L.O.C.A. - Concerned about the potential impacts upon the Soper Creek as a trout habitat. Require applicant to demonstrate methods by which impacts would be mitigated prior to official plan amendment and feel that approval of proposed amendment would be premature. RRee&ional Works -- Cannot support the application due to the fact that sanitary services are not available and the site is outside of the designated drainage area of the Soper Creek trunk sewer system. Furthermore, Regional. Works has no plans to extend sanitary services into this area. Ministry of -Natural Resources - No objection to the principle of development on this; site; however they are concerned about hazard land areas and potential impacts upon the Soper Creek as a trout habitat, i`ii.nist� of Al;ricult_urc and Food - Object to the proposal due to the fact that the site is prime agricultural land currently in production. They also feel that the Soper Creel: is an .ideal natural boundary between the Bowmanvil.le Urban Area and the adjacent rural areas. Our review of the comments received also indicate that aside .from servicing there are environmental and agricultural concerns to be considered. CONCLUSION: In view of the fact that large amounts of land have currently been designated for urban development within the Bowrnanville area; and the fact that this development will occur over. a :relatively long period Of time; we are unable to support the application at this time. -- 4 — RNCOM ENDATI'ON: That the P:Lan.ning and Development Committee recommend to CouuciA. the fo.l.lowing: 1. That Ellis report be received; and that 2. The Region of Durham be advised that the Town of TTE : LB May 30, 1.979 Newcastle recommends denial of Official Plan Amend -- merit No. 7.5-.32/D,/ND; affecting Part of Lot ;7, Concession 1, former Township of Da.1-lin8tort, on the basis that it is premature. Resp/ec� tfully submitted, X//® ~ Y D. N. Smith, M.C.7.P. Director of Planning. ..yd+ .�,.tiMlten �:�Y�• � Ila (.'-'O .P(---)RAr'1(--)N c Vii= ..� -� -0kVN OF NEWCASTLE 13I_ANNING AND DE.*HIE LOPME:NT DEPARTMENT D. N. Smith M,C.I.P., Director HAMPTON, ONTARIO I_OB 1JO "rEl_. (416) 2631231 Mr. L. Kotseff, Manager Strategic Planning Branch Durham Regional Planning 105 Consumers Drive WHITBY, Ontario Dear_ Sir: .July 20, 1979 Re: Official Plan. Amendment Application File: 75-32/ND - Schi.ckendanr Please be advised that on. July 16, 1979 the Council for the Town of Newcastle adopted the following resolution of the Planning Committee: "'That report P-108--79 be held in abeyance pending a submission from Mr. Macklin.'' This resolution has effectively tabled consideration of a staff recommendation and we, therefore, request an extension of the time limit: for commenting upon this application. Unfortunately, we are unable to specify when we shall again be dealing with this matter, but shall treat it as a priority item in order to expedite same. Yours ery truly, 17E:lb T. T. Edwards Long Range Planner c. c. -- G. Gray, Deputy Clerk,,''