HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-178-79_..�. �s`('� �I' N I _X',' 01 1 I — ! ( )VVI! CW NLY/C_ ASTF1 — PLANNiNG AND W,'_V1-L0PP,/lf NT DEF'ARI-P.1�� NT D,N. SMffH, M.C.I.P., DIrector I [AMPTON, ONTARICS LOB 1.10 TEL (AM20.2231 REPORT TO THE PI ANN LNC AND DEVEI.t)PMENT COMMITTEE MEET LNC (1F October 1. , 1 9 79 , REPORT NO.: P--1.7(>.-- 79 c_ SUBJECT: Application for Subdivisinn Number 188--72556 Part of Lot 8, (:once:;i; f.ou I , fo ruin r 141WH OF Bowmanyi_ le Schickendaa;z Developments Ltd. -- Our File 5--A-2-6---'3 Iirlt:l:(�Rt)11;Jll: An application for plan of nuhdfvLsinn Ims been Hub,tted r,- rpuWing t1w YveIopmoH1 of N 4/.1 WI -0 pr WoI of burl qoaath and Past OF Collco s i on rind Hoa rns Avoll, a III fiowmaaiav i I lo. The p l ;ua p ropor,e;; 184 single family dwellings, 38 somi.--detached units and an 8.7 acre open apace block, comprised of lands in the LLoodp1ai_n of Chu Sopor Creel:.. The tableland portion of the site is designated "Residential Areas" Areas" .in the Region of Durham l_) f f Cci a l P Lan , and res i -den tia l de ve. Lop-- went, on Che basis of CHIT munilcipal :;rrWus, is perm!Ltai by this; designation. Simi IrarCy, the IiowmNnvCl1_e official Plan designa aw the develop-- ablp portion of Cho ,;l -te "JAM Wn:;ily ROWdOntial -- Stage l". Kai- deiti.al developnunat, at a din sl.ly of nott, more than 9 "Hits per acro, would eranform 10 the provision:; of the flan, subject. to the approval, a of a subsequent development plan, delineating "the internal. road patterns, distribution of residential densities and the required schools, park„ ;incl commercial facilities", by the Town of Newcastle Lind the Region of Durham. The Soper Creek Neighbourhood Plan, which is the subject of Report P--'12.109, has been prepared in ful.Mlmont. of this requirpmom. The pt'opo:;r,d plan of rsnidi.vision i;; in conformity with the provisions of the Soper Creek NeLghbourhood flan, except in the following respects ]_. Open Sirrrcc The Neighbourhood plan proposes a neighbourhood park in the block bounded by Streets "A" and "C", corresponding to the I =tion of Court "C", Ad Lots 1.30 to 138 on the proposed plan of subdivision. The subdivision plan will- have to be rUVISUd Lo provide this park site, as wol_l as the associated pecks;(-r'iall wall:way;;. 2. Den.> L_ty The Soper Creek Plan Wipulate., a maximum population of 787 persons, or 208 uni Ls, for the proposed development, The subdi vis ion plan propuomoN 222 units, providing a popeLnt: ion yield of 861 pursons. The subdivision plan should be rovi.s ed to comply with the density requirements of the Soper Creel, PIan. Thr+ 1 l "odp l a i n o f the Soper Crook, which is i_urI udod in Block "All on the subdivision plan, is duslMrinted "Haznrd Lauds" in the 13owm;_rnvil e cud Durliam official plans, and "(open Spiro" in the Soper Crack Wi ghbourhood Plan. `f'he development of Block "A" for open space ,cull conservation purposes would comply with the policles of all Woe documents, pro- vidud that precautions :.are taken to restrict the pl;acemunt of buildings, structures, and Lill within the floodplain. rhe siLe Ls presently zoned "Development" in Lhe Iilwmnnvii_le Zoning By-law, Thedevelopment of these lands for residential_ purposes would require Lhe rezoning of the tableland portion of the site to all appropriate residential_ roue. men Ls: Thu ,a.ppli-cati-ou was circulated to the following; ;.agencies for Com -- Northa_imborland and Newcastle Board of Educ_ition PoLurbointWh-.Victoria-Northumbvrinnd and N air,ra.;I lu Scl>_iraLc Schoo-L Bo,u•d Durham Work:_ -and P L nin [iq, Dc�h�u lnicn is Central Lake Ontario Conservation Atutiori-t.y Mini:;Lry of 1!_itaat.tL„Ret;ourceWs Newcastl-e Works lle�iarCaaaerat_ Ne�;�c_a;;t.ir-_l�ia_e Uep_sa�lmenC The Northunihcrrland and NewcNstle Board of Education, the feLorbounri>h- Vi-cLo ci_t _No r t h umbo r l__and and Nowcas L l_e Board OF Education, the Newcastle Community Servic-un WIT UtmenL and NewcrastIc 1�-i-r�� Dc�irarbm nt advised thrat they had uo obj('c!Liuu.; Lo 1 -he pl'ciposed subd1vi_sl0na. The Deultram Works -;and 1'Iruiu_ita}; Dclirarlmen-(-zsubmitted the f:ollowiny, COMMODES: "With ret.pee L- to the revised plan I o r Chu SeUckendanz lands east of Warns Avenue, our Design Divi.s-ion is presently pre- paring duLnUed comments on Chu servicing of the plan which will foam part of our response to the Region and Town Planning, Dep;arLnu•ntr; within the ne.-tr luture. However, we wish to advise you at: this Lime that there appears to be no problems with ser- vicing er- vicing; the lands Lo Che services proposed for Mearns Avenue. In addition, the plan, from gine point OF view OF the population, t Al density, appears to be compatible WELL the Rug i_onaI Suwcraf;c Plan data for the area. It should be noted that a sanitary sewer ensement, between Jots in the vicinity of the southwest cornor of the plan, will be required in order to provide for con- nection of the subdivision to the future trunk sewer. on Mearns Avenue. Thu Elinis;l.a,y ol_ Nat:ural Kcsource_s oa:igLnal_Ly submitted the following comments: "Briefly, we have three concerns with the present version of Ms plan. i. Most of the logs bordering; on Block A still encroach on the 1-Loodpla.i.n. This was a red l .i.ne revision recon -- mended to the Ministry of Housing .in our 1976 continents, and will has not been changed. 1 n koi s; 16 22 and 10-14, the plan shows a moil U i coat. fon to the fLoodplain based apparently on a cut and fill pro- cedure. We know of no engineering; work to explain the feasibility or acceptability of this procedure. We also nota that: even after Cho modification, the proposed lots still_ extend into the floodpl,aLn. 3. As a c+)ndi_ti.on of approval we are ;also concerned that erosion and s li ntion Ent" the Soper Creek should he minimized. We would hes: i to to to recowtiend d ra I f_ aapp rove 1 "F this plan unt i. 1 this I,rublelm; in points I and above have been rc!s.olv(.sd. Wu attach for your inform allon a copy of our February 23, 1976 comments. l eb i uaa ry 23, J976 comments Follow) The Modified Floodi.i.nu shown on the Malan refers to discussions between the developers and the Central Lake Ontario Conser- va.at.i.on. Authority. A cut and fill technique. is proposed to adjust the existing floodLine to this location. This is acceptable; however, most of the Front lots J74-231 are shown extending; below even the modified flood Level, and would be affected by flooding. An nddi.ti.onal concern is the possibility of erosion of the outer bunk of the meander of the Soper Creek near lots 197-200 and 180- 18/1. I,;rossi_on and stroana bank prot,ccticna s 1n)uld be prov_i_d-d to prevent this problem. Rr�comnu�ndaat i_uns: 13ns od on the above we would recommend that this; plana be approved subject to Cho following conditions: I. That- the plan be redesigned as shown :in Red on the attached copy of the draft plan. No part of any residential lot should extend into the floodploin. 2. That the muni_c_i-pal:it:y's IM Zoa_Ln}; By-law contain pr.ov_Lsi_onr; which would have the effect of prohibiting a.l.L buildings and structures in Block. A except those necessary for flood or erosion control., or snwil recreational structures with the approval of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. 3. That the owner agree in the Subdivider's agreement, in wording acceptable to this Ministry: (a) To comply with the Fill., Construction and ✓11tcra(:ion to Waterways Regulation of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Aul:.hor.it.y as it applies to Lhi_s site and to comply with any conditions made on any permit which may be issued under these rcgulat-i_ ons . (b) 10 ne.i-t-hcr p0ro nor remove Lill of any kind, whether Originitl-ng on the site or elsewhere; not" alter any existing vegetation in Block A without. written consent of the Central. Lake 0111ario ConscrvaLlon Authority. (c) That prior to ini t Latin}; any grading or construction oil the site, to prepare a detailed engineering report rend grade contr"I Plan ncceptable t" I& Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority which will ;show (1) The means whereby the site will be re -graded to a occcpt-able cicv• t -ions and slopes; and the present calcu- lated volume or flood storage capacity maintained on the site during ruglonal. design storm condi-tions. (11) The means whereby erosion and siltation and their effects, wi.Ll be contained and minimized on the site both during and after the construction period. (Ill) The means whereby suitable vegetation and ground cover is re-established on the site after excavation and grading. (1V) The extent of any bank erosion problems which may exist c,u the creek in Block A, and rho means whereby those problems will, be contained and miuinii_zed. (d) `y carry out, or cause to he carried out, the works descrihud in 1I1e aho�no 1'c,p, l " rtt, It is noted tint the revinod plan prr.soorly under considoratic,n by tlri_s Depammunt has totally ul imi-nated all rho proposed lots from uc 1-11 - 'tIVIHL`Y .. )UMWd Lilat La, l.d cuu and Fill- procedure roqui red to nwdi_fy the floodptaiu l.&iK of tate Soper Crack in the vicinity of lots 16 to 22 and 152 to 157 be subject to Further negotiations with the: Ministry and Central Lake Ontario Con- servat:i-on Authority. The Central- Lake Ontario Conservation Authority has advised thatt, they are in basic agreement with the proposed subdivision, provided that the fill IOWIH9 matters can be resolved to t1100 Hnti-;;fnctlon: 1.. A St:Orm Water Mru. agement Study to be completed for the whole wNtercourse, which w! 11 address both quality and Ment: qurur t i ty aspects. ?. '1110. submission and implementation of a :;nti inc Lary cut and Fill l_l. nw thodo Logy for: the mod i t i.ca t l.on of the Flood - Plain on Lots 16--22 and LoCs 153-L57. 3. No part of any residentit1l_ Lot shall extend into the Soper. Cr"`!� h' l uodp La i.n as do Le rm i-ned by the Cen t ua l Lake Ontario Conservation Aut_hori.ty. 4. The nicaus of controlling the proposed development to pre -- vent. .increased erosion and sedimentation to preserve the high q"al i ty of the Soper Creek. The Newcastle lJorl;r_ ll�artnu'lrt outlined the following require - .t L) lb"L all bulbs be constructed to the Town's Standard No. 0221. 2) ML ,Ill- cut -de --sacs; he constructed to the Town's Standard 3) That the walkway bempon proposed Lour, 1.13 and 116 not-. be all}roved in its present: .location buL rather between Lots 106 and L05. 0) That the cul--de--sac on Lhe mortar aide of Street "C" no t be approved and that different arrangements be used to provide access to this area. 5) That Lots 155 to 158 not be approved as proposed (with access out(:, Concussion Street) and that other arrange - meats he made for provision to these Lots. CU*DMNTS The proposed plan is in general compliance with all applicable Planning documents, and is, therefore, acceptable to AAs Department, provided that the following matters can be resolved: l.. Ulcera _)pa('(I Block "A" is to tal ly comp r_i.sed o f C reek AI Ley Land, and therefore, according; Lo the 'town's "Par:-ktand Dedication Policy", is not acceptable as part of the 5% parkland dedi- cation permMed by the Planning Ac V . The neighbourhood park in the block bounded by. Streets "A" and "C" would fulfill. dais A requirement, and the plan should be revised accordingly. Tell Vt (q are required between Lots LO!a and 3) That the walkway bempon proposed Lour, 1.13 and 116 not-. be all}roved in its present: .location buL rather between Lots 106 and L05. 0) That the cul--de--sac on Lhe mortar aide of Street "C" no t be approved and that different arrangements be used to provide access to this area. 5) That Lots 155 to 158 not be approved as proposed (with access out(:, Concussion Street) and that other arrange - meats he made for provision to these Lots. CU*DMNTS The proposed plan is in general compliance with all applicable Planning documents, and is, therefore, acceptable to AAs Department, provided that the following matters can be resolved: l.. Ulcera _)pa('(I Block "A" is to tal ly comp r_i.sed o f C reek AI Ley Land, and therefore, according; Lo the 'town's "Par:-ktand Dedication Policy", is not acceptable as part of the 5% parkland dedi- cation permMed by the Planning Ac V . The neighbourhood park in the block bounded by. Streets "A" and "C" would fulfill. dais A requirement, and the plan should be revised accordingly. Tell 1 cot_ pedesMian walkways are required between Lots LO!a and 105, 11.6 and 117, L76 and 177, and 159 and 160. A 20 foot access to Block "A" ;:should be located between Lots 24 and 25 to ,accommodate a sCorm wmor orrWLL and pedestrian walkway. �. L,oI Lint; Lots 76, 77 and 87 are Lou narrow to provide for the usual emLcrior and interior sideynrd setback. It in suggested that these lots have minimum I rou Lages of 5l) ren. L. I t may bw iwcessar ry to comb i np Lots 76 and 17 as a semi -de Lached Lot , b'_�cause of the proposed road patLorn. the subdivision plan also proposes semi-detached Lots fronting on Concession Street.. As with the Penwest Sub- dlvl s.Lon plan, .Li: is sril gusLed that. 10 loot. frontage si.ugLu- fami.Ly Iota would be more compatible with existing re.st- dcnLial. uses on Concession St reeL, and would reduce the number of access points oil Conc("ssion ;7l reet, which i deOgnated a "Type 'B' Arterial hoard" Ln the Durham Offi.ci-al Plan. 1t is noted that these suggested revisions to the subd.i_vilb on wou [d reduce the dens i. t.: i es of the proposed development to ar more acceptable level, In rel-atilon to the provisions of Lhe, Neighbourhood Plan. 3. Floodhla i -n La: ndS Lots 153 to 157 and Lots lG to 22 lie Whin the fl.00dplai-ra of the Soper Creek. The applicants propose ar cut and fill scheme to raise the s"bject lands out of the floodplain, while retaining the staged storage capacity of the floodplain. The mo thodo 1 ogy for this cut and FLLL scheme :should he rev Lewed and approv(_!d by Centrad We OntarrLo Conservation AuLhorHy and the Ministry of Mural KesoHrrps before final n1provaL Ls granted to the plan. y __ /i. ;;toren W;I( o r N;1 11, m 1t. The Central Lake: Ontario Conservation Authority has re- quested the preparation of a comprehensive storm water mAinyemcnt study for the. Sober Crack Neighbourhood, to determine: "design criteria for temporary and permancat faclUt:Les required for quantity and quality control., the maximum aLlownhle :impact on the ruceivLng watercourses, requLrcd erosion pr.otucti_on works, erosion control measures that are to be employed within the development sites, land and easement'requirements, and cost -apportionment pro- cedures for external facilities.'' It is recommended that this study be required as a c_ouditi.on ol_ draQ approvNL of the proposed subdi.v-Ls.ion, and also that the developer he required to provide all H to rm d ra Wagn and flood control works proposed by the study. RKCOi`11.11?NDAT 1 ON: Lt Ls respectfully recommended drat App Ontion fur PInn of SubdivLslou Number 188-72556 be recommended to the Mister of Housing for draft approval, Subject to the following revisions and conditions: Revisions 1. That Court D and Lots _L30 to 138 he incorporated .into a Block designated for park purposes. 2. That 3 metre pa rce 1 s of land between .Lots L04 and L05, L LG and 117, 1.76 and 177, and L59 and L60 be incorporated into BLocks For pedestrian walkwnys. 3. That the G metre access to Flock "A" be deleted and that a 6 muLre strip of land between Lots 25 and 26 Corm part of Block "A" /i. That IMLH 199 Lo 203 he rolottod as single family Lots, with a minim"m frontngq of 15 moLress. 5. That the minimum lot: i rrnslNge for all corner luta; sha[I he 15 metres. Conditions 1. 1111 this approvnL shall NppLy Lo a Plan by sMr:shatI, Mack liii, illon:ighan, dated Pobrunry 2, 1979, and revised ori August 2, 1979, t" he Cnrlher revised according, Lo Lhe re-- commendations e--comm ndati.on:s of Report P-178-79. 2. 7_'hA 0.3 metre reserve nbuLtiug f; outs "C", "F", and Warns Avenue, as shown on the Draft: Plan, be deeded Lu the Town of Nowca:sLlc. 3. That- the road Y l owruiuc s in Ws d ra t t_ plan :sha I I he dod i-- cated as puhLic highways. 4. That: n 3 metre parcel of land ahul-ting; Mourn s Avenue ;shall_ he dedirnted to the 'Town of Nuwcamle for road widening;, p"r-- po ses . 5. That a 3 mrt_ro parcel of land ab"Wrig Concession Wool -- shall : hall be ded.i ca Lcd tip the 'Gown of Newcastle for road w i den Lng; purposes. 6. That- Mocks B, C, and D :shrill he reservud for future develop- mpnL in conjunction NO abutting; lands. 7. That the Owners sha l I convey Block "[i" Lo the Town of Newcastle for conservation, and upon dace purposes. JI ('i 8. That the Park Block shown on the revised flan :,hall he conveyed to the Town of Newcastle for park purposes, under the (provisions of Section 13 (5) (a) of the HannLng Act. 9. That. the 3 metre blocks between Lots 104 and 105, .11.6 and 117, 176 and 177, and 159 and 160 shu L L be conveyed Lo the 'Gown of NewcrasLIo for Kuhl is purpose;;. 10. That temporary turning circles sh atl be provided at the northern end of Street "C" and the western end of Street F 11. 'ih aL the necessary amendment to the RuSLricLed Area (Zoning) By-law of the roa mer Town of Bowmnnv i_ l l p shall be approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. I P. That such unsomonLs as may be requ i red f or ut 1 i ty or dr ai n - age purposes shall be granted free and clear o f all encum-- branches, to the appropriate auLhorLty. 13. That before final approval is given to the plan„ adequate sewer and water treatment facilities shall be available to survOu the site, to the saL.i_sfaeLLon of the Region of Durham. 14. That the owner agrees, in writing to satisfy all die requLre- ments, HrinneWl. and otherwise, of the Town of Newcastle and the Region of Durhnm regarding the provision of roads, iuswi laLion of services, and drainage. 15. `Chat the owners enter Into a subdivision agreement wLth the Corporation of the Tonna of nuwcastlu to Lnclude, In addi.tLon to Lho usual requirements, the following provisions that the owners agree: (a) to neither place icor remove fill of any kind, whether originating on the site or elsewhere, nor alter any existing vegetation in Block "A" without the written permission of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. (b) That Blocks B, C, and D shall not be developed except in conjunction with adjacent .lands. (c) To undertake all necessary conservation and drainage. works as ralui.red by the 'Corny of Newcastle and the Central lake Ontario Conservation Authority. 16. That the plan conform with the land use designations and policies of the Soper Creek Ne Lghbourhood plan, as approved by the Town of NewcasLlc and the Ruglon of Durham. 17. That an appropriate storm water management study be prepared, to the satisFaction of the Town of Newcastle and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, and at the applicant's expense. 18. That the development of Lots 152 to 1.57 and 16 to 2.2 shalt be contingent on the approval of an engineering report, prepared by the Owner at: his expense, Waiting the proposed cut and till methodology for the modification of the Soper Creek floodplain limits, and that the rear lot lines of Lots L6 to 22 be fixed as a result of the Findings of this study. '1'ir?s rcpurt shall he subject to the approval of both rho Central fake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Min - Wry of Natural Rosourcos. 19. That: AL works to service these lands be designed to the Town of Newcastle's Design Criteria and Standard Drawings. NJ F: lb September 25, 1979 Respectfully submitted, ,l ,r i�r i • - N. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning a, l.. 0 T 0 CONCESSION L 0 -C r STRU, T tAr