HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1.10 TEL. (416)263.2231
REPORT NO.: P-176-79
SUBJECT: Application for Plan of Subdivision Number 18T-76011
Part of Lot 9, Concession 2, Bowmanville
Penwest Developments Limited (Our File: S -A-2-6-2)
The subject application proposes the development of an 18.38
hectare parcel of land at the south-west corner of Concession Street
and Mearns Avenue in Bowmanville for 237 single family dwellings, 16
semi-detached units, and 2.20 hectares of park and open space.
The lands proposed for development are designated "Residential
Areas" in the Durham Official Plan; except that the floodplain portion
of the proposed park and open space block is designated "Hazard Lands".
The development of the tableland portion of the site for residential
purposes, on the basis of full municipal services, would be permitted
by the Official Plan Policies. It is the intent of the Durham Official
Plan that the land use designations and policies contained therein shall be
refined in the District Plans of the Area Municipalities.
In the absence of such a District Plan for Bowmanville, the detailed
land use policies contained in the Bowmanville Official Plan still pertain
to the subject lands.
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The site is designated "Low Density Residential" and "Hazard
Lands" in the Bowmanville Official Plan.
The proposed development of the "Hazard Lands" for park and
open space purposes would comply with the provisions of the Bowman-
ville Official Plan, provided that precautions are taken to restrict
the placement of structures or fill within the floodplain. The Plan
would permit the development of the "Residential" portion of the site
at a density of 9 units per acre; but requires that prior to the con-
sideration of development proposals in each of the Special Planning
Areas, Council shall "undertake planning studies delineating internal
road patterns, distribution of residential densities and the required
schools, parks and commercial facilities. These studies shall only
require the approval of both the Council of the Town of Newcastle and
the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham."
The Soper Creek Neighbourhood Plan, which is presently before this
Committee for approval, is presented in fulfillment of this requirement
of the Bowmanville Official Plan.
The road patterns and land use designation of the subject plan of
subdivision are in general conformity with the proposed Soper Creek Neigh-
bourhood Plan, but vary in the following respects:
1. Open Space
The Soper Creek Plan designates a site of approximately .75 acres
for a neighbourhood park. This park is not provided in the pro-
posed plan.
2. Density
The Soper Creek Plan stipulates a maximum 238 units on the sub-
ject site. The subdivision plan presently proposed 253 units.
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The proposed subdivision plan should be brought into conformity
with the Soper Creek Neighbourhood Plan.
The development of these lands for residential purposes would
require an amendment to the Bowmanville Zoning By-law, changing the
zoning of the tableland portion of the site from "Development" to an
appropriate residential zone.
In accordance with standard Town procedures, the subject appli-
cation was circulated to the following agencies for comments:
The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education
The Peterborough -Victoria -Northumberland and Newcastle Board
Separate School Board
The Durham Planning and Works Departments
Bell Canada
The Ministry of Natural Resources
The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authorit
Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission
The Newcastle Works Department
The Newcastle Fire Department
The Newcastle Community Services Department
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food
All of the above noted agencies responded to the circulation,
and their comments have been summarized below.
Neither of the school boards consulted objected to the application;
nor did they request school sites.
The Durham Planning and Works Departments advised as follows:
"The subject site is designated "Residential" in the Durham
Regional Official Plan with the presence of hazard lands on
a portion of the site. Proposal appears to conform.
In addition, the subject proposal is in the area affected
by Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan for the former
Bowmanville Planning Area. The Amendment requires the
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preparation of planning studies providing adequate develop-
ment policies and guidelines for consideration of plans of
subdivision and implementing restricted area by-law amend-
ments. The approval of such a study by Newcastle and Reg-
ional Councils is a prerequisite to development in the de-
fined area."
The Ministry of Natural Resources supplied the following
"This revised plan has been reviewed in this office.
Our only concern is the portion of the tributary of
Soper Creek which crosses the site. No lots are
affected by flooding, but it would be desireable to
minimize the adverse effects of siltation and erosion.
Based on the above we would recommend that this plan
be approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That the municipality's RA Zoning By-law contain
provisions which would have the effect of pro-
hibiting all buildings and structures in Block L
except those necessary for flood or erosion control.
2. That the owner agree in the Subdivider's agreement,
in wording acceptable to this Ministry:
(a) To neither place nor remove fill of any kind,
whether originating on the site or elsewhere;
nor alter any existing vegetation in Block L
without written consent of the Central Lake
Ontario Conservation Authority."
Bell Canada advised that there is an existing telephone ease-
ment on the southern portion of the site, which would have to be re-
located, at the applicant's expense, if the subdivision were to proceed.
The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority have stated that
they are in basic agreement with the proposed subdivision, but requested
the completion of an integrated storm water management study, encompassing
the lands owned by Penwest and Schickendanz in this neighbourhood, to be
completed at the expense of affected land owners before final approval is
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given to the subdivision.
They also requested the following conditions of approval:
1. That the municipality's Restricted Area Zoning By-law
contains provisions which will have the effect of pro-
hibiting buildings and/or structures of any kind other
than those necessary for flood or erosion control in
Block "L", as determined by the Town of Newcastle.
2. (a) That the Subdivider's Agreement between the owner
and the municipality contain provisions wherein the
owner agrees:
(i) not to oppose the by-law provision above;
(ii) not to alter that tributary of Soper Creek
which flows through Block "L" nor remove any
existing vegetation in these areas without the
written permission of this Authority;
(iii) to abide by the Fill, Construction and Alter-
ation to Waterways Regulations of the Central
Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and comply
with the conditions stated on any permits issued
under this regulation.
(b) That prior to initiating any grading or construction on
the site:
(i) to erect and maintain during all phases of develop-
ment, a suitable barrier along the boundaries of
Block "L" and along the rear of lots 130 to 133 in-
The Newcastle Works Department submitted the following requirements:
1. That the owner enter into a Subdivision Agreement, subject
to Public Works Department approval.
2. That any easement required by the Town be granted free and
clear of all encumbrances.
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3. That all services within the Subdivision be designed and
constructed in accordance with the Town of Newcastle's
Design Criteria and Standard Drawings.
4. The elimination of the intersection of Streets "A" and
"B" between Lots 29 and 30.
5. Various alternatives, relative to Storm Drainage, are to
be considered and resolved.
6. That all road widenings, as proposed be accepted by the
Town of Newcastle.
The Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission requested the pro-
vision of a site for a hydro transformer station within the limits of this
subdivision. A site dimensioned 80 feet by 150 feet and lying in the
north-west section of Block "L" was suggested.
Staff is in general agreement with the proposed plan of subdiv-
ision, provided that the following areas of concern can be resolved:
1. Lot Sizes
Many of the proposed single family lots have frontages of only
12 metres (39' 2") and lot areas of 360 square metres (3875 square
feet). This lot size is unacceptable to staff, both because of
potential problems in siting buildings and because the proposed
density of development exceeds that permitted in the Neighbour-
hood Plan. In addition, Lots 203 to 210 front on Concession
Street, and abut residential uses on large lots. It is noted
that Concession Street is designated a Type 'B' Arterial Road
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in the Durham Official Plan, and that new accesses to
the road should be limited.
For these reasons, it is suggested that the plan be re-
vised to provide a minimum frontage of 12.5 metres for
interior single family lots. The frontage of the lots
fronting on Concession Street should be increased to
15 metres.
Because of their configuration, lots 12 and 18 have in-
sufficient depth to accommodate buildings, and should be
reserved for development in conjunction with abutting
2. Open Space
The applicant proposes the dedication of Blocks "L" and "M",
comprising approximately 5 acres, for park and open space
purposes. A large portion of this site is creek valley land;
and, according to the Town's "Policy in respect of Parkland
Dedications', as detailed in By-law 79-69, this valley land
shall not form any portion of the 5% parkland dedication
permitted by the Planning Act. Similarly, the tableland portions
of Block "L", because of their location and configuration, are
not acceptable as part of the 5% dedication.
The Neighbourhood Plan proposes a park site in the block bounded
by Streets "A" and "C", corresponding with the proposed location
of Lots 55 to 58, and measuring approximately 160 feet by 230
It is recommended that Blocks "L" and "M" be accepted by
the Town for conservation and open space purposes, and that
the park site delineated in the Neighbourhood Plan be incor-
porated into a block, to form the 5% parkland dedication per-
mitted by the Planning Act.
A ten foot walkway is required between Lots "DD" and "EE",
to facilitate pedestrian movement.
3. Services and Utilities
As was noted in report P-172-79, all of the residual sewage
capacity in the Bowmanville Sewage Treatment Plant is required
for subdivisions which have already been recommended for approval
by the Town; and the development of subdivisions in the Soper
Creek Neighbourhood will be contingent on the completion of the
proposed Soper Creek Water Pollution Control Plant.
For this reason, final approval of the subject plan would be
withheld until sewage capacity is available to the site.
The Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission has requested a
site for a transformer station in the north-west corner of
Block "L". The plan should be revised to incorporate this site
as a separate block.
4. Roads
The Soper Creek Neighbourhood Plan has designated a small area
at the north-west corner of Block "L" for road purposes. The
subdivision plan will have to be revised to accommodate this
road allowance.
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The road access for Street "G", as well as lots 160 to 202,
will not be available until the lands to the west are dev-
eloped and Street "F" is completed. It is suggested that
the plan should proceed by two registrations so that develop-
ment of these lands will be contingent on the development of
the lands to the west.
The Town of Newcastle Works Department has expressed con-
cern regarding sight lines at the proposed intersection of
Streets "A" and "B". This is a valid concern, and Planning
Staff agree that this intersection should be eliminated. As
an alternative, staff is suggesting a revision whereby Street
"B" intersects with Street "C".
It is respectfully recommended:
1. That Draft Plan of Subdivision Number 18T-76011, dated March
26, 1979 and revised on June 1, 1979, be further revised as follows:
1. That sufficient lands to complete Road 'D', as proposed in
Draft Plan of Subdivision Number 18T-76038 be incorporated
into Block "A" and designated for road purposes.
2. That Lots 55, 56, 57, 58, 64, 65 and parts of Lots XX and YY
be incorporated into Block "E", measuring 130 feet by 230
feet, and designated for park purposes.
3. That Lots 203 to 210 be revised to provide minimum lot front-
ages of 15 metres.
4. That all other lots proposed for single family uses be revised
to provide minimum lot frontages of 12.5 metres.
5. That a 3 metre block be created between lots DD and EE,
to be used as a pedestrian walkway, and designated Block
6. That Block "K" be renamed "Street 'H'."
7. That Lots 12, 13, 17 and 18 be redesignated Blocks P, G,
H, and I, respectively, and designated for future develop-
8. That Street "B" intersect with Street "C" instead of Street
"A" and that the lotting be revised accordingly.
9. That Block 'P' be designated for future development.
10. That 0.3 metre parcels of the northern limit of Street "E",
the western limit of Street "H" and the widened limits of
Mearns Avenue be shown on the Plan as Blocks "C", "F" and "G",
2. That 5 copies of a revised plan of subdivision incorporating
these revisions be submitted to the Town of Newcastle Planning Department
for review.
3. That once these revised plans have incorporated the required
requested revisions, staff be authorized to inform the Minister of Housing
that the Town of Newcastle recommends approval of the application for plan
of subdivision Number 18T-76011, subject to the following conditions:,
1. That this approval applies to the draft plan, dated March 26,
1979, as revised on June 1, 1979 and further revised according
to the recommendations of Report P-176-79 of the Corporation
of the Town of Newcastle.
2. That the road allowances in this draft plan shall be dedicated
as public highways.
3. That Block "A" shall be conveyed to the Town of Newcastle
for road purposes.
4. That a 3 metre parcel of land abutting Mearns Avenue shall
be dedicated to the Town of Newcastle for road widening pur-
5. That a 3 metre parcel of land abutting Concession Street
shall be dedicated to the Town of Newcastle for road widening
6. That Blocks "C", "F" and "G" be deeded to the Town of New-
castle as 0.3 metre reserves.
7. That Blocks, N, 0, P, F, G, H, and I shall be reserved for
future development in conjunction with abutting lands.
8. That the Owners shall convey Blocks "L" and "M" to the Town
of Newcastle for conservation and open space purposes.
9. That Block "E" shall be conveyed to the Town of Newcastle for
park purposes, under the provisions of Section 33 (5) (a) of
the Planning Act.
10. That Block "B" shall be conveyed to the Bowmanville Public
Utilities Commission for an electrical substation.
11. That Block "D" be conveyed to the Town of Newcastle for public
12. That the existing Bell Telephone Easement on the site, and
associated cables thereon, shall be relocated, at the owner's
expense, to the satisfaction of Bell Canada.
13. That a temporary turning circle shall be provided adjacent to
the 0.3 metre reserve abutting Street "F".
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14. That the necessary amendment to the Restricted Area (Zoning)
By-law of the former Town of Bowmanville shall be approved
by the Ontario Municipal Board.
15. That the Plan proceed by two separate registrations; the
registration to be composed of Streets A, B, C, D, E, F and
H and the lots and Blocks abutting these streets and Concession
Street and the second to be composed of Street G and all re-
maining lots.
16. That the registration of the second portion of the plan be
permitted only when Street "F" is extended to Concession
17. That such easements as may be required for utility or drain-
age purposes shall be granted free and clear of all encumbrances,
to the appropriate authority.
18. That before final approval is given to the plan, adequate sewer
and water treatment facilities shall be available to service
the site, to the satisfaction of the Region of Durham.
19. That the owner agrees in writing to satisfy all the requirements,
financial and otherwise, of the Town of Newcastle and the Region
of Durham regarding the provision of roads, installation of ser-
vices, and drainage.
20. That the owners enter into a subdivision agreement with the
Corporation of the Town of Newcastle to include, in addition
to the usual requirements, the following provisions that the
owners agree:
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a) to neither place nor remove fill of any kind, whether
originating on the site or elsewhere, nor alter any
existing vegetation in Block "L" without the written
permission of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation
b) That Blocks F, G, H, I, N, 0 and P shall not be developed
except in conjunction with adjacent lands.
21. That the plan conform with the land use designations and
policies of the Soper Creek Neighbourhood Plan, as approved
by the Town of Newcastle and the Region of Durham.
22. That an appropriate storm water management study be prepared,
to the satisfaction of the Town of Newcastle and the Central
Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, and at the applicant's
4. That staff be authorized to change the lot and block numbers
cited in these conditions of draft approval to reflect the corresponding
lot and block numbers of the revised plan required by (2) above.
Respectfully submitted,
NJF:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P.
September 24, 1979 Director of Planning