HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-171-79qtr u uf= c3� CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N. SMITH, M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1.10 TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF October 1, 1979. REPORT NO.: P-171-79 SUBJECT: Soper Creek Neighbourhood Plan File: 2.1.2 BACKGROUND: On March 26, 1979 Council approved the Soper Creek Neighbour- hood Plan subject to agreement in principle by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority relative to flood lines and storm drainage. In accordance with this resolution, Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Authority was requested to provide written comments in order to clear this condition. As a result of this request, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority expressed a number of concerns which resulted in revisions to the neighbourhood plan. The revised plan was circulated to Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Durham Regional Works Department, both of which expressed agreement with the design concept. All other matters of concern can best be addressed as conditions of draft approval and do not affect the neighbourhood plan since they relate primarily to detailed engineering. - 2 - COMMENTS: Staff have reviewed the revisions to the Soper Creek Neigh- bourhood plan and are satisfied with them. We note that these revisions relate primarily to floodlines along the Soper Creek and Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority's concerns about the need for some form of storm water retention. In addition, the overall population for the neighbourhood has been reduced to more closely reflect the capacity to provide servicing for the subject area. We also note that the proposed lotting has been deleted, since the purpose of the neighbourhood plan is to identify densities, street patterns and land use with the actual sub- division of the lands to be determined by draft plans. Staff have also prepared a brief text to accompany the actual neighbourhood plan which outlines the relevant portions of the Soper Creek Background Study. It is our suggestion that this text and the land use schedule be adopted as the Soper Creek Neighbourhood Plan and that it be forwarded to Durham Region with all necessary background material for Regional Council approval in accordance with the provisions of the Bowmanville Official Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That this report be received; and that 2. The Soper Creek Neighbourhood Plan be adopted, as revised, and forwarded to Durham Region, with all relevant background material, for their approval; and that - 3 - 3. The draft plans of subdivision located within the Soper Creek Neighbourhood, and dealt with under separate reports, be considered for Draft Plan approval conditional upon the provision of services, and specifically of sewage capacity. Respectfully submitted, n TTE:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. September 18, 1979 Director of Planning N E I G H B O U R H O O D D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N for S 0 P E R C R E E K September, 1979 1. THE STUDY AREA 1.1 LOCATION: The study area is located immediately east and north of the existing built-up area of the Bowmanville Urban Area, north of Highway 2 and east of Liberty Street. The study area consists of approximately 232 acres and is bounded by Liberty Street on the west; Highway 2 on the south; Mearns Avenue, Soper Creek and the west limit of Lot 7, Con- cession II on the east; and Concession Street on the north. 1.2 LOCAL CONTEXT: The Durham Regional Official Plan establishes the general long term land uses for the Bowmanville Urban Area and identifies this area as Urban Residential, Main Central Area and Hazard Lands. The Bowmanville Official Plan provides more detailed land use designations and establishes policies for guiding urban development. Prior to development occurring within the subject area, it is necessary for Local and Regional Council to adopt planning studies which delineate internal road patterns, distribution of residential densities and required school, park and commercial facilities. Schedule 1 to this development plan provides a generalized land use plan which fulfills the above noted requirement. 1.3 WATER SUPPLY: The Background Report for the Soper Creek Neigh- bourhood which was undertaken by Marshall, Macklin, Monaghan Ltd. and Conroy Dowson Inc. indicated the following: "The existing water treatment plant was designed to treat 4.0 million gallons per day (MGD). However, because of the position of the water intake, the raw water is of such poor quality that the dependable production from the plant is only 2.0 M.G.D. A new deeper intake is about to be commissioned which will allow the plant to operate at its rated capacity. Other planned facilities are: 1) an expansion of the plant from 4.0 MGD to 6.0 MGD in 1980; 2) new feeder main from the plant to Highway 2 at Mearns Avenue in 1981 and 1982; 3) a 20 -inch water main on Mearns Avenue from Highway 2 to Concession Street in 1979; and 4) a 16 -inch feeder main on Concession Street west of Mearns Avenue in 1979. These planned facilities are adequate to permit develop - of the Soper Creek Neighbourhood." - 2 - 1.4 SEWAGE SYSTEM: All available capacity in the existing sewage treatment plant is being used or has been committed, to other developments. The proposed new treatment plant, which was planned for completion in 1981, was recently tendered, however, it is expected to be retendered due to proposed costs. The timing of plant construction is, therefore, uncertain and will have a definite bearing on the timing of development within the Soper Creek Neighbourhood. Notwithstanding the uncertainty surrounding the plant's completion date, draft plans could be recommended for approval, conditional upon the provision of services. 1.5 STORM DRAINAGE: Storm drainage for the study area will ultimately discharge into the Soper Creek, which is of prime concern to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. For this reason, it is essential that a detailed storm water drainage study be carried out prior to, or as a condition of, draft approval of development applications within this area. Said studies shall be subject to approval by the Town and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. 1.6 SCHOOLS: At the present time, the study area is served by an existing jznior elementary school and a high school, further edu- cational facilities are not envisioned or considered necessary at this time. 1.7 TRANSPORTATION: The study area is presently served by four arterial roads which bound the study area. Collector roads and local streets are detailed on Schedule 1. Minor variations to the location of these roads may be permitted without amending this development plan. Design standards for internal roads are as follows: Classficiation R.O.W. Width Ultimate Pavement Width Collector 66-86 ft. 32-36 ft. Local 66 ft. 28 ft. 2. DEVELOPMENT POLICIES 2.1 RESIDENTIAL Low density residential dwellings shall form the predominant housing type within the study area as designated on Schedule 1. - 3 - Areas which recognize existing medium density dwellings and for additional medium density housing have also been identified. Based on Regional Design Criteria and an evaluation of exist- ing and proposed development, the population for the study area should not exceed 3800 persons. (Appendices "B" and "C") 2.2 OPEN SPACE AND PARKLAND Parkland within the study area shall be provided in accordance with Section 12 of the Bowmanville Official Plan, as amended, from time to time and other Town policies for obtaining park- land, as adopted from time to time. 3. IMPLEMENTATION This neighbourhood development plan shall be implemented by the registration of Plans of Subdivision, subject to appli- cable Municipal and Regional Policies, Provincial statutes and the policies of any other agencies having jurisdiction. A P P E N D I X A SOPER CREEK NEIGHBOURHOOD SUMMARY OF LAND USES Gross Residential - existing and committed low density 29.06 ac. 12.5 Medium density 12.11 ac. 5.2 Residential - potential and proposed low density 120.04 ac. 51.75 Schools - existing high school & junior elementary 30.73 ac. 13.3 Commercial - existing 4.85 ac. 2.1 Open Space - proposed 35.19 ac. 15.15 TOTAL 231.98 ac. 100 A P P E N D I X B SOPER CREEK NEIGHBOURHOOD POPULATION YIELD (based on developable land) Existing Residential Area Population Low density (85 units) 29.06 ac. 323 Med. density (70 units) 3.56 ac. 245 Committed - Northdown Homes 8.55 ac. 504 School Complex 30.73 ac. - Commercial 4.85 ac. - Hazard Lands 22.34 ac. Sub -Total 99.09 ac. 1072 Gross Developable Land 132.89 ac. 2724 T 0 T A L 231.98 3796 * Durham Region uses 20.5 persons per gross developable acre for sewerage design purposes. Gross area is defined as all vacant lands minus hazard lands. A P P E N D I X C SOPER CREEK NEIGHBOURHOOD POPULATION YIELD (based on known proposals) Occupancy Pop. Existing Units Ratio Yield low density 85 3.8 p.p.u. 323 medium density 70 3.5 p.p.u. 245 Gross Developable Proposed & Potential Area (ac) low density 18T-75526 38.4 18T-76038 16.2 18T-76011 44.1 �e others 34.19 �* committed Northdown Homes Existing Total Permitted Density (p.p.a.) 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 proposed & potential total T 0 T A L 568 Pop. Yield 787 332 904 701 504 568 3228 -- 3228 Assumes low density housing *� A sewage capacity of 504 persons has been previously committed to Northdown Homes. 3796 A P P E N D I X D BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BACKGROUND STUDIES & CIRCULATION Background Report for Soper Creek Neighbourhood Plan, Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd., Conroy Dowson Inc. June 1978. Pre -Engineering Report for the Soper Creek Neighbourhood, Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd., Jan. 1979. Durham Regional Public Works Department. Durham Regional Planning Department. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Newcastle Northumberland Public School Board. Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland & Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Board. Ministry of Natural Resources. Bowmanville Public Utilities. Town of Newcastle Public Works Department. Town of Newcastle Community Services Department. Durham Regional Health Unit. LOW DEN! boper ureek MEDIUM C INSTITUTI eighbourhood OPEN SP/ 4 COMMERC Town of Newcastle O 100 150 0 50 100 200 300 400ft. COLLECT ARTERIAL NEIGHBOU SEPT. 18, 1979