HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-169-79CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416) 263-2231 i REPORT TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING of October 1, 19.79 REPORT NO.: P-169-79 SUBJECT: Official Plan Amendment 20 Part of Lots 28,29, 30 and 31, Concession 1 and B.F. Concession, former Village of Newcastle BACKGROUND: At the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of August 23, 1979, Committee considered staff report P-155-79 (attached) in respect of proposed Regional Official Plan Amendment 20. At the Committee Meeting the following resolution was adopted: PD -406-79 COMMENT: "THAT the Region be requested to defer consideration of Official Plan Amendment 20 until the Town of Newcastle has forwarded detailed comments". Subsequent to the August 23, 1979 Committee meeting staff met with Councilor Barr in respect of the proposed Official Plan Amendment. Staff noted that the Official Plan Amendment, if adopted by Regional Council represents Regional Councils' policy in respect ,;; - 2 - of the future development of the waterfront area of the Village. It was also noted that the Official Plan.Amendment represents a committment on the part of the Region and the Town that the Official Plan indicates the type of land uses felt to be appropriate for that area. Staff noted that development within the Amendment 20 Area could proceed by plan of subdivision, rezoning area for severances, in conformity with the provisions of the Regional Official Plan, as amended. Correspondence received in respect of Amendment 20 is attached to this report and the staff report in respect of Paramount Development Corporations' request for reconsideration of Council Resolution C-525-79. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning and Development Committee consider the recommendation contained in Report P-155-79 in respect of proposed Official Plan Amendment 20. Respectfully submitted, y DNS/cc D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P., encls. Director of Planning. L,wert, Mucar(gor '�zu-riu#erer x.YtD �uli.ci#ure' CHARLES C EWER1, B.A., LL.B. MONTY F FORDHAM, B.A., LL.B. J DAVID MaCGREGOR, B.A., LL.B. August 23, 1979 Tho Chairman of the Planning Committee of the Town of N(!wcjt:ltl.o 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L9C 3AG Attn : Mr,. D. Smith Director of Planning and Development Dear Ms. Cowman: TELAH w ON! (116) t1),1176 V/ COMMERCIAL BUILDING 351/2 KING STREET WEST BOX 9, NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO LOA t HO pe -2 �.� w Re: Proposod Official Plan Amondment 20 to the Official Plan for the Regional Municipality of Durham We are solicitors for 385429 Ontario Limited and Windsweep Farms (1905) Limited, owners of approximately Seventy -One in the Newcastle Waterfront area, including soe Eleven)Hundredhecte(11of 100)an meters fronting on Lake Ontario and Graham Creek. The following are specific technical comments in response to a brief received by Committee on this date, prepared by Ms. N. Jane Pepino, solicitor to Paramont Development Corporation Limited. 11'irstly, none of our clients' lands are under consideration by the Ontario Municipal Board at this time and therefore we suggest that thare is no impropriety in proceeding with an Amendment prior to the Boards disposition of objections to the Regional Plan. Historically, the Newcastle urban area was initiated by development surrouxiding the mouth of Graham Creek and proceeded northward. This natural harbour is a focus of the Newcastle Village area, and not an "add on" to the traditional settlement pattern. The proposed Amendment would provide the planning framework for a strongly recreationally oriented community, the presence of which would require upgrading of Mill Street. A mechanism to ensure that costs arising; to the Municipality as a consequence of such development is available in the form of levies and similar cash contributions by development interests. Tlie Town and/or Region have the power to ensure that no costs toward improving the grade separation are carried by e� isting residents. continued . . . . . . .