HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-90-79 14 �.'',� • �'�A� , r. C ORFURAHON 0 111- TOWN OF NEWC-AST1T PLANNING AND DEVELOPMEN I DEPA€$TM ENT D. N. Smi_tla ,M.C.I.P., Director I ►I Ii HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB U O TEL. (416) 2612231 REPORT TO T 1 ' LAtiNi`G AND )C VsIOPrtN COMMITTEE AIEIJTII`IG OF June 11, 1979 . UPOhT NO. . P-90- 79 ;UBJBCT: Official Plan Amendment Application P'.il.c : 75-32/D/ND - Part Lot 7, Con. 1, former. Township of D,crlin£;tenn - Schic�kendanz Developments Ltd. I i I i l lIACKGROUND: ' ThO Subject- application was originally circulated to the i ��� � ► I I ' I 1 1p Town for cor,uce nt in October, l94„� :(n accordance with the procedures for processing there al)PlicaLlodIs ' at that time, furker requests were � � made of the applicant . Due to the applicant 's apparent neglect of these requests tho Planning Department considered the application abandoned I I I I � i ► rend recommended a new nlrpl tcat i.on bc. submitted prior to further ec>us i.d- oration. In ldov`mhct: 197ti the applicant requested that processing of I this application he continued. At that time, staff reviewed the file I I Ind recommundcd to Goan.i. t l.ue that t:he Region he advised that we have no objection to the further processing of the application, provided tint �I. the application was ruclu :ul"ted for revised or updated comments. In accordance with that ru( olam- n.l:ct t.ice Region has recirculated the r , L . application and now requests the Town's comments relative to this III MCIIENTS: The subject site is located north of Highway 2, east of the Super Creek, SOHLh of Concussion Street and west of the Darlington Third Line consi.sting ot approximately 45. 7 ha (113 ac.) . The Site is Presently designated "Permanent Agricultural Reserve" by Me Durham RegLunal officUnl Alan and, therefore, all amendment is required to permi.t the proposed Urban Residential and Commercial Uses . "he subject al)?livati011 was circulated to various concerned agencies; and a notice publi-shed to soLicit public input, The I.B , I . Group present ly preparin,,p, the BQw,"allvi I le Urban Area Plan were requested to review this applicac on du ill Wir preliminary investigations in order to ancertaLn its iot n : 0 71—IMAIlLcations relative to servicing and presently CUMNLud or doo[gnated are,, for urban growth, Th( le wu, 3 no to LhU public notice and the result oL the circulation are ouMnlod be Low. However, the review by the I ,B, I, group QdWnLos that while the area, may at Some time in the future form a logicaL extonsion to tha urban are", present cnnniumentg and dpsLqnntWn will adequately accounodate Bowmanvillu 's potential growth withLn the tim(: Of WS Man Area Mall. Approval of this proposal, therefore, may require addMonal rapLtal expenditures and redesign for servicing; unless a rcNilocatLon of plant capacity, away from presently designated li a reas , i. Town of Newcastle PAM Works no comment . Publkscho-&- .00ard- no objection, however, a school site: would be required within the area. Hoard - no objAy _,Separate- School C.L.O.C.A. - Concerned about the potential impacts upon the Soper Creek in a trout habitat. Require applicant to denonnMLP methods by AM impacts would be MitigNt-rd prior to Official plan amendment and feel Lhat: approval of proposed amendment would b premnlurp . -- lygionjI Wy-rks, Cannot support the application due to the fact that sanitary norvices are not available and the site in outside of the dusf ,awd drainage area of the Soper Creek trunk sewer system, Furthermore, Rejonn]. Works has no plans to extend sanitary services into this Nrea. Mi-ilistry of Mural Resources - No objection to the principle of development on this site; however they are concerned about- iNzard land areas and potential impactor up,u the ;;opc,r Cr(,,uk ,wy a frouL habitat. Mnist:ry and Fool'' Qbjuct to the proposal due cn the l-a(:-L th­.,iC -J-jj­e J :� prime agricultural land currently III pr"'hiction 1 , They also feel that Lhe Soper Crock is an ideal natural boundary between the Bowmanvible Urban Area and the adjaCenL rural areas. Our revLow or Lho comments received also indicate that anide from servicino tharo aro Privirnumental and agricultural co"curns Lo be considered. CONCLUS ION In vipw of the Kct t. rat large amounts of land have currently iii been designaL, For urban development within the Bow-manville area; and the fact that: this d0vOlopniVaL will arvur over a relntivejy long purLod of Linde; we a: c tillable Vj suppo"t, fhQ appl Vation at this time. I mq: jl That the PLan"Ing and Development Committee i II recommend to Council the foll,win,: That this report b eived; and that 2. The Region of Durhl jjj ��'!Ijndvised that the Town of Newcastle rucommends; Ch"al of Official Plan Amend- [""nt No. 75-32/D/ND; affecting Part of Lot 7, Concession 1 , former 1ywnHhjp of DuFlington, on the basis that It IS premature, Respectfully submitted, ATEMB Hay 30, 1.979 D. N. Smith, M.C. I.P. Director or Planning, al .............