HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-89-79 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D. N. Smith,M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416)263-2231 INFORMATION REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING of June 11, 1979. REPORT NO. : P-89-79 SUBJECT: Deferred Section 3 and 16:10 of the Official Plan for the Region of Durham Planning Area. BACKGROUND: Upon approval of the Durham Regional Official Plan by the Minister of Housing in 1976, certain portions of the Plan were "referred" to the Ontario Municipal Board for consideration on the basis of objections filed, other portions were "deferred" for further consideration prior to approval. Sections 3 and 16.10 of the Durham Regional Plan were deferred for further consideration on the basis of concerns expressed by the City of Oshawa and others, over the amount, timing and sequence of develop- ment and the financial capacity of the Region and local municipalities to accommodate further development. The attached letter sets out the terms of reference for a Provincial-Regional Committee to review Sections 3 and 16.10 of the Regional Official Plan. The Planning Directors of all the local I municipalities are identifed as playing an important role in the review process. i - 2 - RECOMIENDATION: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council that the attached letter regarding Sections 3 and 16.10 of the Durham Regional Official Plan be received for information. Respectfully submitted, 44�( 4 DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. May 30, 1979 Director of Planning. Ontario Ministry Plans Administration Division 56 Wellesley St.West of 6th Floor 965-6418 Toronto, Ontario Housing M7A 21<4 i � N May 11, 1979 Mr. C.W. Lundy rl 1 N!G 1)cr.n Regional Clerks>Y"u ( ;r C 3 : Regional Municipality of Durham --- 605 Rossland Road E. Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Subject: Deferred sections 3 and 16 . 10 of the Official Plan for the Region of Durham Planning Area, Our File:. OPC-0010 Dear Mr. Lundy: Enclosed with this letter are the terms of reference which have been prepared for the establishment of a regional provincial technical committee to review deferred sections 3 and 16 . 10 of Council' s Official Plan. These have been prepared by us in close consult- ation with Dr. M. Michael, Regional "Planning Commissioner who endorses their terms and content. Dr. Michael. and I are confident that these guidelines will successfully ensure a careful review of the Region' s Economic Development and Capital Works and Staging policies in a way which will be satisfactory both to Council and the area municipalities. It is our intention to work closely with each of the area municipality Planning Directors on an on-going basis to facilitate the work of the committee and to ensure the results of the review meet the expectations of all. concerned. In addition, provision has been made to allow represent- atives of interest groups such as the UDI Durham Liaison Committee, who were among the major r_equestors of referral, to attend meetings on an invitational basis so their concerns may be properly aired at the work stage. Added assistance will also be called upon on this basis from other wings of the government such as the Ministry of Industry and Tourism as the need arises . i Copies of this letter and the recommended terms of reference have been forwarded to each of the area Planning Directors so they will be aware of the important role we would like them to serve . 2/. . . 2 Mr. C.W._Lundy (Cont' d) Please advise me when Regional Council has endorsed the guidelines in their final form so that the necessary arrangements can be made for our first meeting. If Planning Committee would like us to do so, my staff would be happy to speak on the guidelines . Yours truly, ORWIWAI, Slc;�,Irn _ Ry LIJ Mrs . D. Santo, M.C. I .P . Director Official Plans Branch C .C. Planning Director Dr. M. Michael , Planning Commissioner Regional. Municipality of Durham Mr. R.G. Madziya, City of Oshawa Mr. R. Martindale, Town of Ajax Mr. Don Smith, Town of Newcastle Mr. R. Tsao, Town of Pickering Mr. K. Tunney, Town of Whitby Mr. S. Rickard, Township of Brock C. C. Clerks Mr. R.A. Henderson, City of Oshawa Mr. A.T. Hodges, Town of Ajax Mr. J.M. McIlroy, Town of Newcastle Mr. Bruce Taylor, Town of Pickering Mr. W.H. Wallace, Town of Whitby Mr. G.J. Graham, Township of Brock Ms . D.M. Van Camp, Township of Scugog Mr. Walter Taylor, Township of Uxbridge SuUgestad Guidelines for the Review ,Of Sections 3 and 16 . 10 of the Durham Rogional official Plan A. 02arational Guidelines 1 . The rOviOw will bo cOmploted by the Region within 6 months of the Onto when the dotailed guidelines are MOW to by the Province and tho Region. 2. Regional staff will prepare a dotailod work program and time schodulo for tho review, to be concurred with by the provincial-ragion&l technical committac. 3. A provincial-regional technical committee will h h established with staff f reprnontatives from the e Region of Durham (to be appointed by Regional Council) , Ministry of Treasury and Economics (Economic Dovolopment Branch) , and the Ministry of Housing (Official Pl,Irxs Branch) . Tho aroas of "POnOibilities of the conujjittc_�G are atj follows ; (a) to detarmino which mattors aro to be considered in the roviow of Sections 3 and 16 . 10; (b) to decide on as "work Program" for the review; (c) to provide available information to Rogional otaff for the review; and (d) to conaider and comment on technical reports prepared by Rogional staff on thO Possible revisions of Sections 3 and 16. 1o . 4 . The provincial-rogional technical committoo will operate in the following manna., (a) tho committee will bo co-chairod by the I'lanning COrtunicsioner of the Region of Durham and tho Director of the official Plano Branch. Tho area planner of tho Official Plans Branch will act no secretary, responsible for correspondence and meeting minutes . i 1 (b) prior to the date of a meeting, Regional staff will forward an agenda of the meeting , along with any technical reports or papers to be discussed, to members of j the committee and the Planning Directors � of the area municipalities . (c) Planning Directors of the area municipal items who wish to provide input on au-iy items of the agenda, should make written or verbal submissions to one of the committee chairpersons , before the meeting . ;I (d) The chairpersons of the liaison committee may invite any representatives of the area municipalities or other provincial or regional. Id staff or other interested persons or groups such as the UDI Durham Liaison Committee to attend committee: meetings . The committee wishes to work closely with the area municipal- ities in this review. (e ) the Ministry of (-lousing will distribute the i minutes of meeting , to members of the committee and the Planning Directors of the area munici- palities as soon as these are available . ( f) the area municipalities , if they wish to respond to the minutes, can submit comments following the procedures outlined in point (c) , _..____ 5 . During the course of the Committee ' s work programme, progress .reports will be made at key points in time to the Planning Committee of Council and to the Minister of Housing. When the review is completed, the Committee ' s final report and recommendations will be presented to the Planning Committee for its review and endorsement. The recommendations of the Technical Committee and those of the Planning Committee will be forwarded to Regional Council. Regional Council will review these sections of the official plan and make their recommendations to the Minister . These recommendations will be reviewed by the Minister, in consultation with the area municipalities , and other concerned parties , in accordance with normal. procedures for deferred official plan reviews . i