HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-78-79 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D. N. Smith M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1,10 TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING of June 11, 1979. REPORT NO. : P-78-79 SUBJECT: Official Plan Amendment Application 76-35/D Waverly Heights Subdivision Ltd. BACKGROUND: On September 3, 1975, the Town received a copy of application 75-28/D to amend the Official Plan of the former Clarke Township Plan- ning Area from "Rural" to "Mobile Home Park". On October 15, 1975, Regional Council passed a resolution which deemed the subject application unnecessary and refunded the application fee. In December 1976, a new application was submitted for an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan from "Major Open Space - Oak Ridges Moraine" to "Residential" to permit a mobile home park. In March 1979, the proposal was circulated and a public notice published to solicit public comment prior to making a recommendation to Committee. As a result of the public notice, the Department received sixteen letters of objection and one petition containing signatures representative of twenty-four persons (copies attached) . i f 4!� -cap - 2 - The results of the circulation are summarized below: 1. Town of Newcastle Public Works - If this proposal is approved road improvements would be necessary. At present, the area does not rate a high priority for winter maintenance. 2. Public School Board - no objection. 3. Separate School Board - no objection. 4. Regional Works - no objection subject to payment of development levies, health unit approval and developer assuming responsibility for operation and maintenance of proposed communal water and septic tank systems. 5. Ganaraska Conservation Authority - object due to the importance of the site as a major recharge area for ground water supplies and the water retention characteristics of the soils which would be adversely affected by intensive development and removal of forest cover. 6. Regional Health Unit - no objection subject to assurances with regard to legal control of population, an adequate supply of potable water and compliance with Health Unit standards for septic tank systems. 7. Ministry of Transportation & Communication - no objection, however, no access to Highway 35 would be permitted and property from this site may be required for future interchange construction. 8. Minister of Natural Resources - do not formally object, however, they expressed concern over potential aggregate supplies, existing hardwood woodlot, which has been included within the District's timber production target and the site's susceptibility to erosion. COMMENTS: Upon review of public input received and the comments of the various circulated agencies, we have the following comments: The proposal indicates that the site would be developed for approxi- mately 173 mobile home units with private roads and a communal water and septic tank system. The total area of the site is 18.9 hectares (46.9 ac.) and contains substantial forest cover. If approved, this proposal would result in extensive clearing of the land for the purpose of lots, roads - 3 - and the beds, which could result in erosion problems and adversely affect the water retention qualities and groundwater recharge capabil- ities of the site. The residents of the area have indicated their objection to the proposal on the basis of the intensity of this development and its potential impacts on groundwater, traffic and the existing character of the area. As indicated by the circulation, these were also among the concerns expressed by the various agencies and Departments. In light of these comments, we are of the opinion that such an intense develop- ment would have adverse impacts upon the local environment and would be an intrusion upon the rural character of the area. CONCLUSION: In light of the arguments against this proposal, we cannot re- commend support of the applicant's request. However, if Council should see merit in this proposal it is recommended that a public meeting be held. RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That this report be received; and that 2. The Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle objects to the proposed amendment (number 76-35/D) - 4 - to the Durham Regional Official Plan affecting Part of Lot 24, Concession 9, of the former Township of Clarke. Respectfully submitted, TTE:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. May 18, 1979 Director of Planning Encl. L -�N�0"1 4, 0 rn N 1:". 0 1. V.:l A, '.:•`,'-k�c'c:P I z I c 't F -4 A m -bo) r x I r 0 HOPE < ITOWNsHip OF CA N ✓ O5 P -r4� ly ion i �! �t P 1, I i �,, I1 a,y , 1 f !. 3l ��'i�s;!v. Ye!��, .J Lot 29 , Box 154 Orono., Conc. 6 Ontario April 7, 1979 Town c>f Newcastle Planning and Development Department Hampton, Ontario Attention: Mr. Terry Edwards ,d w FE�C�?9�NC DEPARTMENT, Re: Amendment No. 76-35/D Durham Regional Official Plan (3entlemen: As property owners in the former Clarke Township we would like to register our oi.)position to the proposed amendment for part of Lot 24 , Concession 9 , from "Oak Ridges Moraine" to "Residential" . Besides the adverse impact on the environment, schools and traffic in this i:trea we feel that approval of this type of change to the Official Plan would open the floodgates for similar changes and developments in the "Oak Pidges Moraine" and "Agricultural" areas of the Town of Newcastle. It is our opinion that most property owners in these areas are here for the privacy and scenery that makes this part. of the Town so attractive. A mobile home development would detract from this privacy and beauty and result. in lower property values for the permanent residents who have a large investment in their homes . `,evelopments for high density, inexpensive homes should be restricted to areas adjacent to existing residential locations where services are presently available . These could include apartment buildings, town houses, and semi-,J.etached homes . We feel that mobile homes do not provide the type of housing required in the T(--,wn of Newcastle and any request for rezoning for mobile home developments should be opposed. Marilyn Baarraball WillisC'lBarraball / ~ FELT{AI, LOCICIE, NIATTIIEWS & STIRLING FRI�NK G.FELKAI PET--R FZ.LOCKIE: RCHERT B.MATTHEWS ,JOHN D,STIRLING Town of Newcastle Municipal Offices Hampton, Ontario BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS r � J'.. ..r.... va z.; X79 APR 9 PIAN NG DEPARTMENT I 6Y 111MRASTLE__ Attention: Mr. T. Edwards Dear. Sirs : SUITE 800, FEDERAL BUILDING 85 RICHMOND STREET WEST TORONTO, CANADA MSH 2C9 TELEPHONE:(416) 364-1911 CABLE STIRLAW, "TORONTO April 5 , 1979 BEAUCAGE, Ruth L. and BEAUCAGE HOLDINGS LTD. - Official Plan Amendment 76-35/D Durham Regional Official Plan We are the solicitors for the above owners of lands comprising part of Lot 24 , half of Lot 25 and all of ]:got 26, in Concession 9 . We refer to the above application for an Official Plan Amendment to another part of Lot 24 , Concession 9 to permit the development of a mobile home park. Please record my clients ' firm objection to this proposal for the following reasons: 1. The subject lands are now in a rural state. The proposal would create a high density development which would destroy the rural character of the area. 2. The area is environmentally sensitive, in that it: is part of the Oak Ridges Moraine. The destruction of tree cover and an installation of septic tanks for such an intense development may have adverse effects on the water retention capabilities of the lands . 3. Such further and other matters as you may be advised after receipt of more detailed information as to the proposal. . . . 2/ Page 2 Town of Newcastle F'EL"I, LociLIE, MATTHEWS & STIRLING April 5 , 1979 We would request that you advise us of any meetings to consider this proposal and that you forward to us a copy of the application and of any Staff Planning Reports relating to the application. Your assistance is appreciated. Yours very truly, John D. Stirling JDS/rc cc: Mrs. Ruth L. Beaucage cc: Beaucage Holdings Ltd. �C�prer�i�#ea:, �ulicitar, �otur� `�#c. TELEPHONE 983-5007 Vrano, �nl�rrio LOB IMO APR (9: April 6, 1.979 PLAtrNNING DUAR?'9!:[IT Ton Town of Newcastle Planning and Development: Department Municipal Building Hampton, Ontario Dear Sirs: Re: Proposed Amendment to Durham Regional Official Plan for Part of Lot: 24, Concession 9 of the Geographic Township of Clarke now in the Town of Newcastle Number 76•-35/D. Responding to your Public Notice appearing in the March 28, 1979 edition of the Newcastle Reporter in respect of the above noted proposed amendment and being the owner in trust of a certain parcel of land in this Concession lot and the adjacent Concession lot to the west I hereby wish to lodge my objection to the said amendment which would allow a mobile home park to be established in this area for reasons which I would on behalf of my Principal voice before any hearing or Public authority having jurisdiction to make a decision in this matter. WKL:br c.c. Strathaven Nursing Home c/o Mrs. Ruth Beaur_age Yours truly, W. K. Lycett I f� r ,,--�,c,c�,-�•�,��-y ''''`may" �2���fy/ � ,�'�' �'v ).-7 741 ati� yyy 1" 04,1) A} i tly t, s ;y 1 �t!G� L' tr e f UdV h i ' I 1` � a / -w oo(q Vv LY / f � � r i 'j J ILA C I� 1 J e ?�.•;�rr;�U" � /Sri✓' 7•�r71r' � � j �/f ')T"^�'�l rcr•Z�-9y .1,7-1��/ '.�T-,3-1,-,/ rry,.,?- -�«T,-.,_YZ/ �;/ � „„r�� ,qi,/•,,..y •f 7'7!� ih/i' ii�'s�`/� .;T•h/`�,a�` rr'� ?1-7 rrs ?1,/� i��� !^1"'4�?[.L-� rf:!/r �z/,��,?_-1;r>•,g ��•r?,-7� -�.;� ?,9> �y--rs�•-,.�'3�..9;r• � ay n<.r P.! „z� 74�' �'�// Y1�71 �77� 7y�y ,Y ,f' f`��.cs�pU 19:' �i 2trn 7''�zL.✓�/ i st�fsfi; r 3m f ER- ON A vim! 1 �E a� t, t r c� a y b-S I-- v J-I 7 •� v Q , �,,,`�Y1.L(� yz✓rYY. �r jay:�z. y� iy7•,/,��• �._�• � ��9 ?J „r fi), ' iinrv't�� 7�LCO2 loom �"L!l'J �.7-.�1s•'L.�� � !/. t/ _ �43ir ��o-". .J�:3ti'�v^^°.����i on �r ,,�"7�?.7,��"�h,•rye �.� / �°'�'-/" '' I1 L rr�.7 -// n I TWO I I� , // rte/ � !� o- //. �1 f._• �j r`� , t i ���� � j + r� '2 { - � PPO 'l 5% Yoh./ ' i" >wo/ r '12 4WM.12 xc &7w Tpz�,,)rp�y �rT, Imf C.� ?� le 00! r d-Y n IrT ,a rte" /6�;79 r29 ,,, -0 bt �� o� �. , ux ppq {fit; i /''"';7,�-'7'°y^ -��-�,-�2r'G-^ !!�J�'Y 2���z-OC��tC-7''' .�l--z?--��7CG'•'� •J?'1G ,27� r�...7��'�-7-'p ,'-•'' 71 -'")Gi''"-' �'2G-'77"�7�-�,+'id��-'1 .•''"�'�-yj•2GG�" /77l -;��.sy�9��-fJ'2�',%-� :>'��2.Y"� /,f-1�--'/1tr��-zJ--1-Z Y'"� �j-�� �"` 2,2 ?r �,y�fJ;,'"2,1-' 7�/'2 •�!�°" /n��-rra'Y� -�,yy2�.p.--, v�%"' ��u�7--�''�y" ���a�1�-,�yY�' �r ,�',zr.�. �-_n----, /�� �,/"-7'7! .%r'.'"'tQ,.7�'7�'� �LYy?''T'1c'G�` ..-r'I'7"?�,�'�"_ /7j..`-. .�'Z.CG--aa..�_/-j�� ,��. -�•�--, �,.�.,��i�/_�/��y Vol, ��"`_.' i�f'��'�-aa�y' �?L-�"'., ar2r..�rtcli��'�'"����?�.�^ •�'v�y:�"-, -���'� -7���.�-'Ya'yc.%� -'�a2�-" 3--�/�'`--i �"yJ""7G'.?J�'��}";y"e�"�Ci�"l,c�...'.��✓-� �'��'n') I C�-�� J�'7,�'�`-y-Y" 7?G%7?J'?! 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L G 1�Y s r;y i .r rI t�l-U-1?1Y`✓-'✓i F'i',�.,i''' ,`�i;ri✓;��% .,.� /�//� /;���*;�Vii' ,f' // 6 /"-•�(")-) „>//'/j/'/y1>_)J � /1` , %� / ✓ I'v..fi ��,I'���� ,' lT��' /d%/�il(,lGl� '`�i t? i el, y,//✓/✓l�/(//I �f J'i / A G,/�'4,.�/ �'-�/ G� // 1�.�� �� y//(,l � .���✓ I t�� i �'�1 S j k��fgg f• i ` i a h I pg� In /��j/�'� '�' YID' °I✓"�%i�/ ;�•�f/-� �;��,y��i;� r l i �r� ��/'�'71�G� � ,�i% �_ � i s 1 44��K t t Y x0R.�P 0 Orono,Ontario, April 591979• `.Down of Newcastle Planning and Development Dept. , Hampton, 1� Ontario. Dear Sirs : Please do your best to stop the rezoning of Lot 24, Concession 9,from Oak Ridges Moraine to Residential. geld be so sad to see the resulting environmental changes soon to follow. 6i.ncerely, u,c�c�J qg'. - G).37 6 APR Ei 197a 'FL•ANiTN' ARTMENT ` V C°'. a: _N�_jc.4STLE f�""r>�>�;�-��_ -�.�fy—G��•l�s�,'�,.,.���:.' � `-��_J f.� ��4r� ��"s�,—ay.-:�.—o.= �'i r;y , ^� 7 y .•� J/ ` '`� fwd" t_.-, .1 a / "7;�"''�, ,/�6'i i�.�,> `./",/ y�> �"/-��7--;? �•'''��--yi�7�y_���1 G�7 --_'ir'�7�?�.? �J y �,�_t?`r•'- �-��yr�;r� .j C- :-'���,� ,Js' �. .. Nap . 4 do i 14 LUR �a J . i �✓� 7 %''"�� :"' .,l_..7 = "i� :%s�":`�~� =yam,, .Z"��-����o_ l� �.;E'C,.r- .�. , 71 7 } 'l� G' !, J �L--r� i-�._ � , ?�`�'',:i," ;>v�':1'L -;yam ;�•7 )' ,�' ,,�- , Ic- X it ef, e,L�Ilt—41- k r r � �,�7" .�` ...CJ..�,-Z�`d�" :'r-r.�•,:'1:7'•'..a'-:�...�'� -Y.r..�'J_ ,%...--, .��.,:.�,?.�r 9T —_-"'—'Y•-�y)�1,, .. 7�'°7�''ar'' r',?y;a-- ,,''1'p'-�-`" F� '- "�"".�Y",'�i/r✓'. ?,a••-,.!%'-'"--s "t_'.'3.s�•-(r"G� �'�".°--- ,,,•�'' t j�• �j.?.==ter. r •yj.. i% �, i '`� %` �'� '". ------ _-`;� ��if"_".—_ly,��-rj"�/;7'�,,'_" j�„ r-- _�a..y—.�• � i� '`_xa--i�:r"`-- --- _ �y �t y,r(;:;' _--�77�/� ---�r'`la" '�'�r arjs r ,r D, `� -- �/• j /� ,�. . •7,77 �''zx-Grp-�t.-�9��s'd�,tt3-.i.�' �'"�--t'�rp:.7'�`�,ir-`�j�-�%.I' .=� �(:•tF1'.n,� r..--�y.f ?'T�-'_o'i...�y—� __� �---�-- ----- -�- ---------- _.. l' r �'ii;P�l�l�h(d ;r°��-':';,��`•�';'' ddV C V M "�' �.,a,d a/.�� .' ,. ;F`f ��7" L'�'7' /r �r• 1.e._ 'o- z,'' - --- - ---- - , - r 0 r > -� / l' /ems//I�%- -�--'% %'f .'. /,�f'-1/'� —r -V�•�•- .j��'�%-/! ?�" >:%'�F>� � - l:a.:,e-�-fit�..�r_�`":YY- .-•'"'✓-'J/°/'' -'�✓•="3r__<+ f /i?y ',7 7 fi' �%%,� -�...�'-'-- - ---.�' --^_ 'l/"` _ ..-tea"��•y..f ;�, --. --,/�,--l.-/��r/� - /-��` - -���_�-> ---- �<_,r? - -- -—;-- —-- i —------------ /-'/� � Jr _yr-, �•v.�?'�%=%1- 'r-- :"/ _• '' i,� 7._ -j� _ �_ _-.;i __.._7/ J/'f _ _._ _/-. '.7 Fez. r r i / o r April 4, 19790 Town of Newcastle Kanning and Hampton, Development Dept, rfj� '°""'°"`� Ontario. c `.�L� IN Dear Sirs Wathe undersianed ei r v ,} strongly oppose the rezoning Mlication of Lot 24,Concession 9,in the former Clarke Township,from Oak Ridges Moraine to Residential. Consequently,we do not want a, Mobile Hoare F'arlc of any description,for the following reason. , We do not want this environmental are" changed and a natural resource destroycd.Wildlife would soon Us- appear and trees out down, 2,A hude septic tank Nystem•.,would be required for the Proposed site that pollution from sprina run-off would be a ;serious problem,The removal of trees would create even more run-Off.Lbentually,this all feeds into the Wilmot Creek,one of the last unpolluted creeks in this area, 3.Most wells in this area are already at a level of about 225 feet,so our water level would be seriously endangered with the addition of a water system for a trailer park, 4*The school VOW would be affected "s more schools and bussing would be required.0hen,inevitably,all taxes in the 'Town of Newcastle woula be increased, 5.The increase in traffic would Create a bio er problem to an already hazardous Porticn of hig hway at the 35-115 Junction-Whe Death Strip 6.4o are 41ready coPiar:. gravel pits, errd we i'ael1thel ��rPortea ndi �rotu ding to existinU problems, 7,01 of the above ro"80&0 would serve to dova,lue UUrT'OL1r1Ul.t"r�s; p:C'Uf)G:i't�C;,;. corltlnuec on pLt`;e; 2 I� r� 2. 8,A tr,;.ilur IVY,-- k. i;, cc,)Arx: ry to by-.jj,, :, ji()w in of'fect in the Town of Newcastle tend contr.,.ry to what the Town of idevjc: stle has been expoundin,, for yeas regar- dind ;..trip 9.1'rivacy would be lost jjost of us relocated from cities 1)ec": e of the rUr-J.J. yettirl,,wit)i the expectation that only sinCle family d.wellin,,;s would be allowed on ret,u- la.tion-si:�cd In closing,we feel thn.t this rezonin,; would have aerious repercussions fcr the fUtare of our comriunity, llopin,�; you will give this matter your utmost consideration, uincerely, L-C. Concerned Citizens. i c_. /..mot .� �_.�-�.�_. �_��� . ��/ �1��?� �\,•J ���__/ I �-y-- ! _^7 2 ��'ti.0�C�C-t/ 'mil d'_,U'�.n..e-� C.r�-Gc����v'• .