HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-71-79 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416)263-2231 STATUS REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING, May 14, 1979 REPORT NO. : P-71-79 SUBJECT: Application for Plan of Subdivision 18T-76025 "One-Fourth Investments Limited" Lot 14, Concession 1, Bowmanville BACKGROUND: The above mentioned plan of subdivision was initially considered by Town Council on December 13, 1976. At that time, Council recommended that the proposed plan be draft approved subject to certain revisions and conditions (copies attached) . On February 8, 1978, the Ministry of Housing advised the appli- cant that it had suspended active review of the application and in fact had closed the file until sewage capacity was available for the site through expansion of the Bowmanville treatment plant. On March 13, 1979, the applicant submitted a revised plan of subdivision to the Town. The revised plan has re-circulated to various agencies for further comment. Upon completion of the circulation, staff will prepare a further report on the proposed subdivision. 3 i i i Staff note that the applicant has not yet submitted the i i revised plan to the Ministry of Housing and that the applicant may i expect approval to be conditional upon sewage capacity. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That the Planning and Development Committee receive this report for information, and 2. That a copy of this report be forwarded to the applicant. Respectfully submitted, DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. May 7, 1979 Director of Planning. i i i I I i I 2 . Conditions: a) That a berm of a height satisfactory to the Ministry of the Environment be placed along the northerly boundary of Block 'A' and thee open and c.)-.0sod portions of ------ subdivision. abutting the b) That the plans for all residential buildings erected within 300 feet of the centreline of the railway be subject to the approval of the Ministry of i-I-le Environment. That no residential building be located within 200 feet of the centreline of the railway and no bedroom window be directly exposed to the railway line. d) That Block 'C' be offerred to the Separate School Board at fli price to be based on the value of the site on the day before the granting of draft approval Plus � the cost of installation of roads and other services- immediately abutting Block ICI . E•) That final approval be granted only when the Regional Comm- issioner of Works has certified that water supply arld sewage disposal facilities are available to service the plan. f) That the owner agrees I. to develop lots 59 to 64 inclusive, and lots 82 and 83 according to site plans acceptable to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. that prior to the initiation of any grading and/or construction on the site the applicant shall .- (i) Prepare an engineering and drainage report acceptable to the Authority which will indicate the means whereby storm water will be conducted from the site and the means whereby erosion and siltation will be contained and minimized both during and after the construction period; and - (ii) provide information to the Authority which will indicate the proposed location of all storm water outfalls and the intended measures to be taken to minimize erosion and siltation in the area of those works. g) That the easement for electrical power supply now crossing tt-le site be removed from title. h) Vlat the owner agree to pay all required charges for ove:.r- Sizi:119 of regional and local services previously installed by other, developers. i) That the Owner agree to improve. Old Highway 2 to Town Stand- from the entrance to the Plan to Waverly Road. : � r ✓..}�..;.� J r Y.. ys �ri�a�s i '�. "'6s�1 .7,, ,} '�ir'�sx r 4 t' l {,v qis � t 1';, .� � th{:: devolopc>>= orcct a 6 ' along the riOrthc .rly limit Of thcfot high chain link fence Old highway 2 which abut t0 C.P. R.Opened closed portions of � z'ight-�of-way . k) That Block 'U ° btu cOnv^Ied to the Town at a }cased on the value of the land on the day before the to be Of draft approval. less 59 Of. tho devalopcctvalue ofe Within the plan, granting all lands l) That if the Separate School Board do not for school purposes, it be conveyed to the Townronath .Asame �Oo Iaa:ri�s as Block the same I i I i i I .d j Itf AWN '1;