HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-103-03 '_7..~."" ~ . \, , Cl~-!lJgtOn Meeting: Date: REPORT PLANNING SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE "'t).O'l.eoi'A .l.Oo3.oo3Gf'R- 3t..~-03 Monday, September 22,2003 1::>1't ,'-Sf>,. doo3.0\5 Report #: PSD-103-03 Files #: COPA 2003-003 & ZSA 2003-015 By-law #: Subject: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATIONS REGARDING COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN NORTH BOWMANVILLE HALLOWAY HOLDINGS LIMITED & TOWCHESTER DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED Part Lots 11 And 12, Concession 2, Bowmanville RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-103-03 be received; 2. THAT the application submitted by Sernas Associates on behalf of Halloway Holdings Limited and Towchester Developments Limited be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a further report following the receipt of all outstanding agency comments; and, 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Reviewed b[J~ Q )L{. Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer L/ Submitted by: D i J. rome, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P. Direct , Planning Services RH*DC*sh September 15, 2003 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 601 . REPORT NO.: PSD.103-03 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Halloway Holdings Limited and Towchester Developments Limited 1.2 Agent: Sernas Associates 1.3 Official Plan Amendment: Subject Site 1: To delete the "Local Central Area" designation and replace the 5,000 sq.m. of retail and office f100rspace with a "Medium Density Residential" designation for the development of 57 medium density residential units Subject Site 2: To reduce the amount of retail and office f100rspace from 3,500 sq.m. to 1,700 sq.m. space and to replace the high density residential units in the "Local Central Area" designation for the development of 66 medium density residential units Subject Site 3: To replace the high density residential units in the "Local Central Area" designation with 26 medium density residential units 1.4 Rezoning: Subject Site 1: Subject Site 3: To rezone the subject lands from "General Commercial (C1) Zone" to an appropriate zone to implement the proposed Official Plan Amendment To rezone the subject lands from "Holding - General Commercial (C1) Zone" and "Holding - Urban Residential Type Four ((H)R4) Zone" to appropriate zones to implement the proposed Official Plan Amendment To rezone the subject lands from "Holding - Urban Residential Type Four ((H)R4) Zone" to an appropriate zone to implement the proposed Official Plan Amendment Subject Site 2: 1.5 Site Area and Location (See Attachment 1): Subject Site 1: 1.43 hectare parcel at the northeast corner of Scugog Street and Middle Road Subject Site 2: 2.28 hectare parcel at the northwest corner of Liberty Street North and Longworth Avenue Subject Site 3: 0.72 hectare parcel at the southwest corner of Liberty Street North and Longworth Avenue 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 On April 10, 2003, Staff received an official plan amendment and rezoning application from Sernas Associates on behalf of Halloway Holdings Limited and Towchester Developments Limited for lands in north Bowmanville that proposes to replace 6,800 sq.m. of retail and office floors pace with medium density residential development. It also proposes to replace high density residential development with medium density residential development. 602 REPORT NO.: PSD-103-03 PAGE 3 3.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 3.1 Subject Site 1 The property is currently vacant and with gradual slope towards the intersection of Scugog Street and Longworth Avenue. Townhouse development has occurred along the site's eastern and northern perimeter. Surrounding Uses: East: Urban residential North: Urban residential and St. Stephen's Secondary School West: Vacant lands subject to draft approved plan of subdivision and stormwater management facility South: Vacant lands subject to draft approved plan of subdivision 3.2 Subject Sjte 2 The southern half of the property is currently vacant and flat with a gradual slope towards Liberty Street. The northern half of the site is used to store topsoil from other parts of subdivision. Surrounding Uses: East: Urban residential North: Vacant lands West: Urban residential South: Vacant lands (Subject Site 3) 3.3 Subiect Site 3 The property is currently vacant and flat with a gradual slope towards Liberty Street. Surrounding Uses: East: Urban residential North: Vacant lands (Subject Site 2) West: Urban residential South: Urban residential 4.0 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 4.1 Subiect Site 1 The Clarington Official Plan designates the northeast corner of Scugog Street and Longworth Avenue as a "Local Central Area". A total of 5,000 sq.m. of retail and office floors pace and 150 medium density residential units are planned in this location. A total of 68 townhouses have been developed to the north and east along Sommerscales Drive. The vacant lands to the south are draft approved for 84 townhouse units. Since the applicant wishes to delete the "Local Central Area" designation and replace the retail and office f100rspace allocation with a "Medium Density Residential" designation containing 57 603 '.. REPORT NO.: PSD-103-03 PAGE 4 medium density residential units, an amendment to the Clarington Official Plan was submitted for consideration. Subiect Site 2 The northwest corner of Liberty Street North and Longworth Avenue is part of a "Local Central Area" in Clarington Official Plan. The Plan allocates 3,500 sq.m. of retail and office f1oorspace, 50 medium density residential units, and 150 high density residential units for this Local Central Area. This site has been draft approved and zoned to permit retail commercial and high density residential development. Since the applicant wishes to reduce the amou'nt of retail and office floorspace allocation from 3,500 sq.m. to 1,700 sq.m. and replace the high density residential units with 66 medium density residential units, an amendment to the Clarington Official Plan was submitted for consideration. Subiect Site 3 The southwest corner of Liberty Street North and Longworth Avenue is part of the same "Local Central Area" as subject site 2. The Plan allocates 3,500 sq.m. of retail and office f1oorspace, 50 medium density residential units, and 150 high density residential units as part of this Local Central Area. This site has been draft approved and zoned to permit high density residential development. Since the applicant wishes to replace the high density residential units with 26 medium density residential units, an amendment to the Clarington Official Plan was submitted for consideration. Attachment 2 contains a proposed amendment to the Clarington Official Plan as prepared by the applicant. 5.0 ZONING BY-LAW CONFORMITY 5.1 Subiect Site 1 The property is zoned "General Commercial (C1) Zone", which does not permit medium density residential development. In order to permit the townhouse development, a rezoning application was submitted for consideration. Subiect Site 2 The property is zoned "Holding - General Commercial (C1) Zone" and "Holding - Urban Residential Type Four ((H)R4) Zone". Although the commercial zoning may accommodate the commercial proposal, the zoning does not permit medium density residential uses. In order to permit the townhouse development, a rezoning application was submitted for consideration. Subiect Site 3 The property is zoned "Holding - Urban Residential Type Four ((H)R4) Zone", which does not permit townhouse development. In order to permit the proposed townhouse development, a rezoning application was submitted for consideration. 604 REPORT NO.: PSD-103-03 PAGE 5 6.0 PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSION 6.1 Public notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the three subject sites and public meeting notice signs were installed along the road frontages of each property. 6.2 As of the writing of this report, one inquiry has been received from an area residents requesting that the residential density on Subject Site 3 be reduced from high density to low density. The following comments were made: . Low density residential uses would be more compatible with existing development to the south and west. Immediately south of the property is a large lot with an existing dwelling. The resident would prefer either 15 metre (50 ft) single detached or 9 metre (30 ft) semi-detached/link lots. He considers this form of development more compatible with the surrounding area. . The concept plan proposes a play area at the southwest corner property. Although day time activity would not be of concern, this area could become a hangout for teenagers in the evening, possibly resulting in loitering, littering, and/or excessive noise. The play area should either be removed or be relocated to the corner of Liberty Street and Longworth Avenue. 7.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 7.1 The Clarington Emergency Services Department has no objections to the proposal provided that necessary fire routes are designated through the site plan approval process. 7.2 The Clarington Engineering Services Department has no objections to the application provided that the following requirements are fulfilled. . All internal roadways must remain in private ownership. . All entrance locations are subject to approval by the Engineering Services Department. Entrances on Liberty Street will be subject to approval by Durham Regional Public Works Department. 7.3 Central Lake Ontario Conservation has no objections to the proposals. The suggested land use changes do not appear to adversely impact the drainage schemes previously approved through the Northwest Bowmanville Master Drainage Plan. The Bowmanville Creek realignment will facilitate the construction of the Longworth Avenue bridge and the installation of the stormwater outfall to the Bowmanville Creek. Development should not proceed until these necessary works are completed. 7.4 The Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board has raised concerns in regards to these applications. Their area school, St. Elizabeth Elementary School on Longworth Avenue, has experienced significant enrolment growth and is therefore over capacity. The 605 REPORT NO.: PSD- 103-03 PAGE 6 Board has requested that the commenting period be extended in order for the Board to examine further options. 7.5 Comments have not been received from the following agencies. . Durham Regional Planning Department . Durham Regional Public Works Department . Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board 8.0 COMMENTS 8.1 The applicant has submitted the proposal for the following reasons. Commercial Amendments . The applicant has indicated that an effort to market the commercial block designated within Subject Site 1 has been unsuccessful. It is their view that the format is not viable in today's commercial marketplace. It cannot compete with the larger commercial or big box centres located elsewhere within or adjacent to Clarington. Therefore, in the applicant's view, a residential designation is preferable. . Although the applicant believes there is opportunity for commercial development on Subject Site 2 due to its proximity to both the Elgin and Knox Neighbourhoods, it is not to the extent of the 3,500 m2 as designated in the Official Plan. The applicant has also submitted an application to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Bowmanville West Main Central Area (BWMCA) Secondary Plan to allow development of additional commercial floor area. The retail market impact study for the amendments to the BWMCA will consider the implication of the subject applications to Clarington's commercial structure. Residential Amendments . The has applicant indicated that high density residential development may be difficult to market along Liberty Street. During preconsultation discussions with the applicant, it was suggested that either seniors housing or low rise apartment buildings, similar to those being constructed in West Bowmanville, be reviewed as development options. The applicant has agreed to review these options. 8.2 Although low density development may be viewed as being more compatible with the surrounding area, Provincial Policy as well as the Durham Regional Official Plan requires that 20% and 10% of Clarington's housing stock respectively be provided in the form of medium and high density residential development. This provides for a greater variety of housing types by style, tenure, and affordability. Any reduction in residential density must be reviewed to ensure that these targets are still being fulfilled. 6D6 REPORT NO.: PSD-103-03 PAGE 7 8.3 Provincial, Regional and Municipal policies all support the greater utilization of transit and the development of land use patterns that support and can sustain transit operations. This includes higher density housing forms, destination areas like shopping facilities, school and community facilities. The current proposals reduce shopping services in this area but also propose to maintain at least medium density housing. 8.4 The application proposes an additional 57 townhouses at Scugog Road and Longworth Avenue. With the 68 existing townhouses on Sommerscales Drive and 84 townhouses proposed south of Longworth Avenue, there is potential for more than 200 units located in this area. Although the tenure of the proposed units would likely be condominium, staff will have to examine whether the concentration of townhouse units in this area is appropriate. 8.5 There would appear to be no servicing and infrastructure constraints for either existing or proposed land uses provided that the Longworth Avenue bridge and storm water outfall are completed. 9.0 CONCLUSIONS 9.1 As the purpose of this report is to satisfy the requirements of the Public Meeting under the Planning Act, and taking into consideration all of the comments received, it is respectfully recommended that this report be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Proposed Amendment to the Clarington Official Plan 607 REPORT NO.: PSD-103-03 PAGE 8 Interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Robert Hann Halloway Holdings Limited and Towchester Developments Limited 177 Nonquon Road 20th Floor Oshawa, Ontario L 1G 3S2 Sharon Dionne Sernas Associates 110 Scotia/Court Unit 41 Whitby, Ontario L 1 N BY? Marianne and Peter Zakarow 282 Liberty Street North Bowmanville, Ontario L 1C 2N1 608 i-... v ~ () \ ,......./ /- \' _ PkOCK Z9 >> '( ---,,'fH, \:~ V'I \' 3 \ V ////"\\ t Bl::OCK293/ a \ Ai f!/ 'I ^' ~ ~--\ ~ ' l.c.J l.c.J ct i-... I ), ~ 1& CJ FUTURE DEVELOPMENT BLOCK / J..Q;- BLOCK 300 I " t ~ (0810 ho - 200 00) I I/; ~ ~ : :t~u~mVE\ ~F:LAN i~~992~t V) 1~:=:=7 L--:r:--~ I;- I~---==i -- -- I ~-- ;'-?;l---r11TTTr IT 1 V) 1\'\< ~ scom;o ATTACHME~n 1 T'- rr r TITTr,-j :: : 'suw I . , , , , I I' I I I I I l' ,I ! I (j !v CT~ITE 2 I ~ 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 :::r:: i-... ~........ l.c.J l.c.J ct V) ).... i-... ~ ~~\ :/~ cS\'l\ SU ~ ct l.c.J Cl::l \'.. --- I--.J E~I COPA 2003-003 Clarington Official Plan Amendment ZBA 2003-015 Zoning By-law Amendment Owner: Halloway Holdings Ltd. & Towchester Developments Ltd. 6' q J / PURPOSE: BASIS: AMENDMENT: IMPLEMENTATION: INTERPRETATION: ATTACHME~IT 2 AMENDMENT NO. TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN The purpose of this Amendment is to replace the Middle RoadlLongworth Avenue Local Central Area designation with Medium Density Residential, and to allow for a re-distribution of the planned land uses within the Liberty Street/Longworth Avenue Local Central Area The basis of this amendment is as follows: 1. This amendment is based on an application by the property owners (refer to Planning Report) ~ The Clarington Off~~ebY amended as follows: 1, By amending ~ A3 - Land Use Bowmanville Urban Areas as shown on Schedule "A" 2. By amending Table 9-2 Housing Targets by neighbourhoods as shown on Schedule "B" 3, By amending Table 10-1 Local Central Areas as shown on Schedule "C" The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment 610 "SCHEDULE A" I ~- r I '00 "" _. =. r ~\ ~ ',,- ~ i:?;0; @@1 @ @ 1 ! -r----"'i- , , <' i \ I <ii' @ @ ,/ ------ To delete Local Central Area and replace with Medium Density Residential _.~~~.~...~_ifE;is~~~>. ,. "."',: -~ "", - -" "" ,_: -,:. Ir--c~ "', ':-\",::-- :' '. " - \\r; ::~~ -:':-,,'.'.:'.:.'.< ::~, r~\I~~ '\ .' 'SPWAC. ,,::' __. '_ -,T' '-, ~~"-"L ""*,~-- .". "P<)lI\':Y, .'A'.>'"~ ,Q~ W:'~~~::).i~'t,,~g:-X::i-\,'}":;"~/"-; " ~"1f 1< '.,1 ~:~'"' <e" ~:;~%::;";:::;\'/A>J7Jj - - fZLJ ;;:::,::"' :; ;:;::: ~:>~ .:." -::.-'--..:---- [I URBAN RESIDENTIAL Bi UTlUTY ~,.~,~.;...... L.-J- r7.":'\l UEOlU~ DENSITY II EJlMRQNIAENTAL ~ RESIDENTIAL L.-J PROTECTION AIlE/< QBIJ ~~=TY 11III GREEN SPACE .. MAIN CENTRAl AREA. F,,:::,--:,':j WATERfRONT GREENWAY .. LOCAl CENlRAL AREA. f~~l COt.llAUNllY PARK MAP A3 LAND USE BOWMANVILlE URBAN AREA '" 5 8 .. .!i o SEPARATE SECONONlY SCHOOL PRNATt SECO"lOARY SCHOOL p",,"c ELnlENfARY SCHOOL ""-'" ELOlENTARY SCHOOL PRIVATE Elo.lENTARY SCHOOl SECONDARY PLANNIN(;AREA LAKE ONTARIO OFFICIAL PLAN lAUNICIPAl!Ti' Of CLARINCTON DECE"BDl 4. 2000 1;:~~o'brn,~~~":;;~1 NElGHBOURHOOO COUIolERClAL @ lil .. TOURISM NODE NElGHBOIJRHOOO PARK ____ SPECIAl STUOY AREA OI$TRlCTPARK ~--~-_. SPECIAl POlicY AREA ~HIGHWAYCOMMERClAL h:/:;l~g:NAREA t= GO STATlON 611 "SCHEDULE B" Table 9-2 Housing Targets by Neighbourhooods , Housing Units , Urban Area , Residential Areas Central Areas Neighbourhoods Hiqh Hioh -j Low Medium Medium I Intensification Total Courtice - N1 Main Central Area I 0 0 0 0 250 ~ 350 N2 Sub Central Area 0 0 0 0 0 l~~ .,) 350 N3 Worden 1175 125 0 0 0 1400 N4 Highland 1225 100 0 0 ~ 11)'\>' 75 1400 N5 Glenview 550 425 0 110 ~ 50 1135 N6 Hancock 850 100 0 0 0 25 975 N7 Avondale 825 200 0 0 0 275 1300 N8 Emily Stowe 1475 275 0 0 0 550 2300 N9 Penfound 1075 75 0 0 I 0 75 1225 I N10 Darlington 450 25 0 0 0 383 858 Nl1 Bayview 1150 300 125 0 0 50 1625 N12 Farewell Heights - - - - - - Total 8775 1625 125 110 250 2033 12918 Bowmanville I N1 East Main Central Area 0 I 0 0 550 175 275 1000 N2 West Main Central Area 0 0 0 250 1500 0 1750 N3 Memorial 975 0 250 0 0 350 1575 N4 Central 425 125 75 0 0 75 700 N5 Vincent Massey 1025 400 0 0 0 175 1600 I N6 Apple Blossom 1250 275 0 25 0 125 1675 N7 Elgin 1025 50 175 50 ~ 25 75 150 44+a 1425 N8 Fenwick 1325 525 0 0 0 100 1950 N9 Knox 1450 ~ 250 0 125 ;r;; 0 125 WOO 1950 N10 Northglen 975 150 0 100 50 50 1325 N11 Brookhill 1325 350 0 0 0 75 1750 N12 Darlington Green 700 175 0 0 0 125 1000 N13 Westvale 1025 350 275 25 0 75 1750 N14 Waverly 1075 250 50 25 0 75 1475 N15 Port Darlington 550 450 175 0 0 25 1200 Total II 13125 3225 3475 875 122~ 1125 +1l;r;; 1800 1800 22400 - Newcastle Village N1 Main Central Area 0 0 0 100 50 I 75 225 N2 Graham 1075 100 0 I 0 0 100 1275 N3 Foster 1450 200 0 0 0 125 1775 N4 Port of Newcastle 500 325 0 0 250 0 1075 N5 North Village 1050 250 0 0 0 50 1350 N6 Wilmot 960 0 0 0 0 0 960 Total 5035 875 0 100 300 350 6660 *Potential housing units for Farewell Heights neighbourhood subject to the provision of Special Policy Area No_ 5 (See Section 17.6) 612 "SCHEDULE C" Table 10-1 Local Central Areas Housing Units Local Central Area Retail Floorspace Office Floorspace Medium High Public Square Locations (sq.m) (sq.m) Density Density Requirement BOWMANVILLE Uberty/Longworth JQOO 1700 500 W 150 1W 0 Yes ~qiggle'Lon~"'erth 4WQ 500 1W 0 'tes Concession/Mearns 2500 0 25 0 Yes WaverlyfQuinn 1200 350 25 0 Yes Martin/Hartwell 1200 1150 0 0 No Martin/3f Concession 2500 I 500 100 50 Yes , Coutice NashITrults 1650 0 110 0 No Courtice/King 3100 500 50 50 No Newcastle Village Port of Newcastle 2000 500 0 250 Yes Orono 3500 1000 50 0 Yes 613