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L3.LiMF'TON,LvNTA.RiO LOS-�jJ TEL (416) 2W223I
REPORT 10 THE P?AINI G & DEi.E°OP ME 1 1 COrLHI T`S`EE I-METING, April li, 1979
REPORT NO. ; P-51-79
SUBJECT: japanese Canadian Cu lLural Centre - Official Plan Amendment
79-7%D -- Pars of Lon_. 17, 13 and 19, Concession 5, former
Townskip of Clarke
in November of 1978, the municipality was approached by the Japanese
Canadian Cultural Centre with n proposal to establish a cultural ceT_?tr
with associated recreational ,'Ad agricultural uses on a parcel of laa--
located on lots 11 , 18 and 19, Concession 5, former 4'Jdv'it,ship of Clarke,
The proposed uses,, while Lung compatible with adjacent uses, re--
quires both an amendment to th a Durham Regional Official Plan and the
Ta n✓hip of Clarke. The applicants ants have. applied for these amendments
and the processing of these has been dealt with under the
.h ure fo7_=c'zi=
subject headings.
Amendment 79-70 to the D_°.:,-,a,L, Regional Official Plan
The present designation of the site, within the Durham Regional
Official ficial Plc n, is for >g;,i `lt'ure and Permanent Agriculture Reserve
which basically permits agzlculture and farm related uses. inasmuch,
as this proposal contains �2ses which are not deemed
to b-- far.
relate(! and notwiths'--anding `--I-e proposed agricultura-1 uses,
it requires an Official Flr=.n amendment to permit Facreationai
Existing Zoning - By-law 1.553. Former To�,--nshl-p of Clarke
Me present zoning of the sit-e peimits Agricultural uses, -Jnci ing
a provision for t12e est-ablis-nment of Community Centres, among other
non-residentiall uses.
No-twithstandIng the I-Cact the proposal conforms to the zoning
in that respect, the provisions of the zone do not coin-form to the
present designation within the Dur'nam Regional Official Plar., nor
do they permit the propoScr.j recreational uses,
thus necassitatfn--,
a re-zcp.irg.
In that regard, the aDpli%--artts have submitted an -application for
re-zoning, which is being -,.-,rocessed concurrent to the app-,i cat-;Gn
to amend the Durham Regional Officiai 1)1 an
Results of Circulation..
Ihe proposed amrendmen? to L•:,e Durham laelgjLonal Official lian has
been forwardad to various agencies for comi-,).ent and their
responses are summarized
ta) Town Cif .Newsastle-Public Wlorks - no objection subject to.
The applicant ent,,--ring into an agreement regarding accaSs
roads, garbage snow removal, etc. ;
Closure of road allm,,,ance bet-.Teen Lots 13 and 19, Concession
5, from the north limit of the forced road ta the Sixth
Concession; and
3. The applicant detailed Glans indicaz-iing the
various conce-ts and effects upon abulting properties.
(b) 1'own, of Newzastle Services - no objection si- ject
to the proposed L tieing open to -Ouj_,C uza.
(C) To,,.m of Newcastle F4--
DtDartment - no ObJection subjecL
to the following:
1. Suitable access fire fighting equip:-,ient to all areas
Cif the site;
2. Compliance with safety and fire equipment require-
ments within all i I 'inlgs;
3. The provision of suitable reserve supply of water for
fire fig"'i-Itinc, pi.I; ses;
4. The provis.-T-on ar_ti'. maintenance of a central garbage receptacle.
(d) fur Gam 2,
_�4onal Work , e2arr-r-ant - no objection.
(e) Durham Regional HealL', Unit - no objection to pri-inc-iple of
proposal subject to of further data'-d info=ation
at the appropriate
f) The Can araska Conser'_7,,-_,tion Authority - no Objection smlbjacl
to compliiance with tli:z., authority's regulations gov_-r-. 4-ng t"`e
"flood plai-ns", "fi I and cons trucrilon limits" and
in areas with slopes greater than 15%, only the wr— t.aT
consent of the Autl-Lcr._.,-
(9) iRt3niStry of ASricult,,iLc and Food - no ob?ectionr sinc° proocsal
is considered a non-r_�_!,ated compatible use -�ithlzn a rural_ area;
subject to t_-he Minisrrv's concern over the location of pro r,_-Sad
campsites and conflicts with norumal farmi,Tg acti- 4tjes.
Me results of the circulat�'_on indicate no major objections
subject to comiDliance with the -.,Tarious require.r-ents of the individ-i.1al
The proposed amendment was also publicly advertised on M'.arch
')B, 1979 in the Orono Weekly, Na-,,castle Reporter and the Newcastle
Independent in order to solicit Dublic comment. The result of this
advertisement was the receipt c LE z-v,,-`o Written -objections. These being
a letter from an individual, reEicient ip thy' area and the other a
Petition containing seventy-one si—natures representing a lesser number
of households in the area. Bot-I of-_ tnese objections address various
aspects of the proposal as su=,marized below and request further care-
f-L:1 consideration of the proposaj_-
1. Access to the site ane, potential increases in traffi',Z
volume necessitating roal& and increased
2. The creation of lakes cnd ponds affecting, t1fte riparian
rights of property 341i S along the Stalker Creek;
3. The apparent adequacy f existing recreational facilities
within the municipalir:-v.;
4. The depletion of reserves wi:yin the munici-
5. ?he s-,:,i't ab i14 t of
�L 17� the c for the various proposed uses.
Staff... Comments
Upon review of our circulat-Lon and the public input received, we
feel that the major concerns related to this proposal involve
access, effects upon tine i,,.,ater course, and the physical layout
of the various components c)f the proposal it relation to adjacent
Addressing each of these c icerns, we are of !--he opinion that
they can most adequately lo�, resolved within the context of a
site plan agreeme,_nt and through cenditions attached to the zoning
approval to be negotiated '.1ith the applicant. Specifically, we
suggest that a site plan a::--_eame-nt be entered into regarding On-
site issues zo be include--l. vith=-L the zoning by-law and a second
agreenant with regard to 1,,.-SS4 le improvements to tine Site's
access road, necessitated ..,y increased traffic to the site. The
extent of the necessary I rGvements has not been determi-ned at
this -lime, however, we brii-,U ft to your attention due to t7ae poten-
tial costs associated with it, and the possibility of the munici-
pality becoming involved c such improvement. Mail- these suggestions
will satisfy the technical requirements of the concept, it remains
a poin't- of concern to the _-,2isidants that this proposal depletes the
available farmiand and th 7-1_ existing recreational facilities wit"'An
the municipality are adeq�!ate. In response to these points, T need
only refer to the fact than:. -.he concept proposes the retentiDr, of
the best agricultural land JI-n production and the fact that --his con-
cept provides a recreat-ion<,.1 alternative not found within: the munici-
pality of a u-niqualy cultural nature.
(a) '111.e Region of Durham IDe advised that the To,t!n of '-qe-v;casl:le
has no objection to p-.-,_, ,osed aTrendment 79-7/D to the :Durham,
Regional Official Pia.?- -for part of Lots 17, 18 and 19, Concession
5 of tne former Townsh4p of Clarke; and that-
(b) Tbe necessary restriczas! area (,zoning) by-1,@.v,,, implementing
this amend-nent, shall include the specific terms, of the site
plan agreement and shall be conditional upon the resol-ut-Lon
of all matters re .ate,-'L ?vo the road improvements necessitated
by this propcsa--' .
Respectfully submitted,
TTE.,lb Donald Smith, M.C.I.-P.
April 12, 1979 Director of Plannimz,
{END 7T7,,,,
771711 "P7
...... .I.....
Olt go!
CLENN R. Cl ,gin RK,
Business:(416) 869-0351 Residence: (416) 983-5137
'p- Niarch 9-6, 97 9
IManning Department
--ov.,Fn of Newcastle
apanese Ca-,-.-adian Cultural Centre
7 o�s ire, i8, J Clarke Twp.
0ea-1- Sir;
T have at hand a ccpy of proposal put for wa-rd to the -�rrn
Coiancil by Mr, Ayukawa on behalf ` -Ie Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre.
I -
'-f'h-*'Ls copy was sent to me by the at nny request, I have Lscussed
i:he comments I am to make T:,`,Ir, Avukawa and -Mayor .Rickard,
T am making these com--r *-ents as a concerned party. I have
� 1 77) for the past eleven years an-di 1 pla-n
ived-, on the adjoining property (S-1 Lu�
, 2
Dn living there for the rest of my 11fe..
It is my hype and tiliat. of my neighbours that this pro'�ect will be
properly examined befo,--e any dec4sions are made on
whether the Tov-!-IA should welcome a development of this
whether this sit- is suitable for -11-ie project the group I-las
The question of whethei- this is a development- the Town wants
should be considered in a Cost, - Be-'-iefl Stud v and an En-vironmental Study ,-
taking into account the extra traffic, -,,ossible inconvenience to the people in,
the area, changes to the water res3t-- ces as well as tJ--e socla') and recreational
benefits for the people of tIne area. I certainly do not have the tirr-le to go
into these, nor do I nave enoi-iah data -to really comment on them fairly.
The ciuestlon as to thAs site is suitable for the proIect- as
planned is something I. would like to ;. _Scuss'
My first impression w!-ien T looker' at the conceptual plan was
that it' seerned reasonably conceived, keeping the disruptive activities as far
as possible from the people already ];J-�,ri',ng in the area, it also kept the land
that was reasonable for cultivwtion it agriculture. Ho,,ve-ver, as I looked
at the plan further, 1 realized that the concept as presented is far from the actual
:scheme that will likely be built if the proper site investigations are carried out.
To me there are three malcr iten-is that are Likely to change the
plan considerably.
The Recreational Lak-e
The recreational lake at the north end. of the property has some
deficiencies as c3rawn.
As it shows on the plan ring north end of the Jake is 100 feet higher
in elevation than the south end, Tc, create a lake under ties: conditions will
require massive excavations and/or =ge dams to contain the water. Neitner
of these items are shown or even hinted at on the plan although they 'krill make
major disruptions to the existing site,
The south -end of the lake is sorne 125 feet in elevation higher than
the existing houses in the valley, Should a lake be built there it would be.
necessary to build a superior dam to protect the people living in the valley from
flood. Experience recently in the TU". S, A. suggests that on -Ehe long term it
is difficult to predict -the reliability earth dam structures,
This concern regardin, til,-ie lake may be without grounds, The
dwainage through this area of the pla-r-I ned lake is really qui-ce smalli ai~d ui,,-iless
strong springs are enccuiVered it is hard to cw eive that mere oe sufficient
water available to --naintain a lake oP P0nd of this size at the chosen site.
The Athletic Fields
It is my recollection thj,-at the area designate ,! for the 3-1 �iletic fiejds
is not particularly suitable, it is hard to confirm at this time of year, however
I z;G,ould suggest that the hillside is from springs most of the year a-if] tnat
athletic fields could only be b-,Hlt wits-i tiling and a lot cc-f filling, Something tiriat
should be avoided if better alternatives are available.
The Swimming and Skating Pond
.A nice swimming area -,;:.ju1ld be most v,,elcome, Judq
ging from
the experience of the people do-,N,n 1 would guess that 95,'/,, of t,-.,e adults in
Ontario would only use the pond on 17ottest of days if the vrater f--,-,cm the
streams is to to used for this pond. The -,A,ater is very col, as a lot of
the water comes fr=n nearby springs,
The criticisms of the plan are to poinnit out -t'-iat
consideration should go into the layout of the proposal before there is
acceotance of the concept I think eacn of the items ', have mentioned
can be moved to more favourable sites but this can only be confirnao]
witla additional on site irrvestigations,
It is my opinion that the Town of 2vlevicastie should not consider
any action until a workable plan, is, presented,
Yours truly;
I- "I I'll I- /," 'i
14 ,, J:
Ci]enn R. Clark
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e I as ratepayers are op?b5d to the amendment #79-4—the intent of which
s to amend the Durham aegional Official Plan for part of Lots 17, 18 and
9, Concession 5 , former Clarke Township, from "Agriculture and Permanent
gricufture." to nRecreation" to permit the creation of a recreational
VuYal centre.
toy .
4 rl
A 0 C?14 T-
e �s ratepayers are oppon "79 ed to the amendment T OD the intent of which is
amend the Durham Regional Official Ilan for part of Lots 17, 18 and 19 ,
)ncossion 5 , former 713rke Township, from "Agricalture and Permanent
:ulture" to "RecreAtion" to permit the creation of a re Creational
. 1tiral centre.
as ratepayers are oppos. d. to the imendment 179-7/D the intent of which
. o amend the Durham Region :1 Official "Lan for part of Lots 17, 18 and
7oncession 5 , former Clarke Township, from "Agriculture and "ermynent
-iculoure" to "Recreation" to permit the cre =ation of a recreational
Aural centre.
/7 74�r