HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-45-79 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT L.L. KRISTOF,M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416)263-2231 TO: Chairman & Members of the REPORT N0. P-45-79 Planning & Development Committee DATE: March 13, 1979 SUBJECT: Special Study Area No. 11 - Durham Regional Official Plan Comments: We attach copies of correspondence received from the Region regarding the above noted subject matter and requesting our comments respecting the future land use designation of the study area. In that regard, we note that the major constraint to developing the area for any urban use is the provision of services which would be extremely expensive when compared to other potential development sites within the municipality. In terms of preferred use, it would seem that an industrial use is the most appropriate, given the site's relationship to adjacent uses, designations and accessibility. However such a use should be deferred or limited to dry industrial until such time as the servicing constraints can be overcome and other industrial sites which can be easily serviced have been largely developed. At the same time, there are lands north of Highway 401 and east of the existing Industrial designation which should also be considered for deferred or dry Industrial uses given their physical relationship to other uses, designations and accessibility. /V �r ov IV) i�,� - z - Recommendation: Based on the foregoing, we recommend the following: "That the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle prefers either a 'Deferred Industrial ' or 'Dry Industrial ' designation for Special Study Area 11 and for those lands North of Highway 401 , west of the north-south Hydro Corridor from Darlington and east of the existing Industrial designation as outlined on the attached map. " Respect lly ubmitted, TTE:lb Leslie L. Kristof, M.C.I.P. Encl . Director of Planning & Devel ment. i I i 0 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WM. F H. MCADAMS, M.C.I.P./Commissioner 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE/P.O.BOX 623-WHITBY,ONTARIO LlN 6A3 TEL.(416)668-7731 In reply,please refer to File Number February 15 , 1979 SSA#ll Mr. L. Kristof, V--; Director of Planning and Development, Town of Newcastle, Hampton Municipal Office, 2 190 Hampton, Ontario. DEPARTMENT Dear Mr. Kristof: I rj_� flEPURASTLI Re: Special Study Area No. 11 We are presently investigating alternative land uses for the area identified as Special Study Area No. 11 in the Durham Regional Official Plan in order to resolve the future land use issues for this area. We would like to present a report to our Planning Committee in March and accordingly, would be very grateful if you could send us any comments regarding the future land use of this area. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this Department. Yours very truly, L. Kotseff, Manager Strategic Planning Branch. 1-5 C C V! oOV 7 ON 700 University,,Aveaue-TLZQDIQ.C�niaLig M5G 1X6 DURHAM PLANN!NG DEPT. ------------------------------ R.- tobe -3 , 1978 CQ NOIE L PI,:pl I 6.. NK 8-79120 P PIES �'(Ov Mr. W.A. Evans Design Manager WV_ Regional Muni cip4ltty_ g_f_Durha OR 105 Consumers DrIve DEPT, P.O. Box 623 v WHITBY, Ontario LlN 1C4 FED Dear Sir: Darlington G.S. PLANNING DER I PRIM-INT TOWUN 07 Ida fZASALE Sewage Treatment Facilities In response to your letter of October 3, 1978, we note the following. At this time we cannot give any commitment to treatment of any off-site sewage in an on-site facility. The current situation is: (a) We are preparing our application to the ministry of the Environment for approval of the treatment works and are concerned that the introduction of such an issue and attempts to quantify date re same would complicate our submissions and perhaps jeopardize our approval. (b) Our current plans are to decommission any excess capacity after the peak construction period and use it to service future Ontario Hydro projects. The remaining equipment would handle station sewage only. We are not aware of your schedules nor requirements, but would suggest that perhaps the situation could be reviewed sometime in the future, when we are well into our program and both your plans for the area and our plans for decommissioning the treat- ment plant would be clearer and we have gained some experience with the equipment. Yours truly, J. MCGre die Pro�Ject Manager _.I Darlington G.S. REGIO AL- MUNICIPALITY G- -DURHA-M WORKS DEPARTMENT W.A.TWELVETREES,P.Eng./Commissioner of Works 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE,P.O.BOX 623,WHITBY,ONTARIO L1N 1C4 TELEPHONE:(416) 668-7721 March 10, 1977 Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. I Director of Planning 14- r� Regional Planning Department ' 105 Consumers Drive DUQHAIM PLAN. & DEW. P.O. Box 623 File Ref. . WHITBY, Ontario Dear Dr. Michael: Re: Servicing Information for Five Industrial Sites in Bowmanville Your File SI-30 As per your request of January 14, 1977 for servicing information for five proposed industrial designated areas in the Town of Newcastle (Bowmanville) , we have prepared servicing reports, showing sanitary sewers and waterworks schemes that, in conjunction with proposed capital works projects, may be capable of providing services to the areas. We have suggested the areas that we feel may be more desirable to service for industrial use, and we have given estimated costs of sanitary sewer and watermain extensions that, in conjunction with proposed capital works projects, could provide service to the industrial sites. Please bear in mind that these servicing schemes are preliminary only and are contingent upon Council approval of the proposed capital works projects and further engineering studies. Yours truly, i W. A. Evans, P. Eng. WAE/WM/vl Design Manager Encl. cc G. A. Crawford C. S. Lee, P. Eng. J. E. Durocher, P. Eng. I t f SERVICING I14FORMATION FOR FIVE INDUSTRIAL SITES IN,:THE_T£-Q;-r G.F-_NEWC STI.r_ _ Sewage Treatment (Existing Plant Capacity) The existing Soper Creek Water Pollution Control Plant has the capacity to service a population of 15,000 (1.5 M.G.D.) . Existing development within the Town of Bowmanville contributes average day flows of 1.35 M.G.D. and maximum day flows of 3.71 M.G.D. The existing W.P•C.P. is fully committed and no further development can procee anti anew lant is construe e . Waterworks (Existing Plant Capacity) i Water supply for the Town of Bowmanville is provided from surface I springs north of the Town, and from the Bowmanville Water Supply Plant. The springs are capable of yielding 0.35 M.G.D. while the water supply plant is rated at 2.0 M.G.D. The water supply plant is presently overcommitted on the basis of maximum daily w to requirements._and no _fu_rther_de_vel_opment_cann proceed until a_ new intake and plant=.moth( cations have been completed and put into operation by late 1978. Water Supply and Sewage Treatment Plant (Proposed Expansions) The 1975 Capital Budget (Item 75-S23) provided for an expansion to the existing Soper Creek W.P.C.P, and the construction of the outlet sewer into Lake Ontario. Due to the increased population now proposed in the Region' s Official Plan, the existing plant site is not sufficient to accommodate a plant expansion that would meet treatmept•demands for the ultimate population. On October 27, 1976, Regional Council considered Commissioner's Report to Works Committee, Item 389-76 and approved the following resolution: a) THAT the outlet sewer into Lake Ontario and the Bowmanville Water Supply Plant intake be sized in accordance with the Official Plan as required for future expansion in the Bowmanville area and the requirements of Ontario Hydro for the Darlington Generating Station. b) THAT a new location be purchased for the construction of a new water pollution control plant in Bowmanville and that a 1.0 million gallon per day module be constructed on that site. c) THAT the Region continue to operate the- existing Soper Creek Water Pollution Control Plant until such time as economics and/or obsolescence indicate that it should be phased out. The Commissioner' s Report to Works Committee recommended that the sanitary sewage outfall sewer and the water supply plant intake be sized for an ultimate population of 52,500 plus an allowance for the develop- ment of 937 acres of industrial land. 2 - PROPOSED SEWAGE WCIRKS - New S er Creek W ter' Poll ontrol Pll'alz E 1 The new Soper Creek W.P.C.P. (1.0 M.G.D.) will initially provide service for an additional population of 10,.000 thereby bringing the sewage treatment capability in Bowmanville up to a population equivalent of 25,000 (2.5 M.G.D.) . The plant is tentatively scheduled for completion by late 1979 or early 1980. The Region's Land Purchase Division is presently negotiating with St. Mary's Cement Company for the purchase of the water pollution control plant site and the Region's consulting engineer is now in the position to proceed with application to the Ministry of Environment for an Environmental Heating on the plant location. The Environmental Hearing and/or land acquisition activities may delay construction of the proposed plant and could possibly result in major changes to the overall sanitary servicing scheme. The following sanitary sewer servicing comments for the five 1 industrial sites assume that the new Soper Creek Water Pollution Control *,r Plant will be constructed on the site shown on the attached servicing plan. Relocation Of the proposed plant would greatly affect the results oi' •.� ,,� -emu_ t the servicing cgsts for each of the sites-wouTd hhav`e- i' , this study in tha - _ .� _. . to be re-assessed. i Pumping Station, Forcemains and Sanitary Trunk Sewers The 1977 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast proposes sanitary sewage works that will be capable of servicing development as proposed in the Region's Official Plan plus a 500 oversizing for development beyond the scope of the Official Plan. The proposed works as shown on the attached servicing plan are preliminary only,, and are subject to Council approval and further engineering studies. Any proposed development that would contribute flows to the sanitary sewage system above these guidelines cannot be accommodated. 'Bowmanville Water Supply•Plant' (Proposed 'Expansions) The 1976 Capital Budget (Item 76-:v56) provides for modifications to the existing Bowmanville Water Supply Plant which will increase its capacity to 4.0 M.G.D. It also provides for the construction of a new intake having sLfficient capacity for the ultimate rated plant output of 10.5 M.G.D. The new intake and plant modifications are tentatively scheduled for cc mpletion by 1978. 3 - Water Distribution system (Proposed Extensions) —T cZ Four yeah Forecast..proposect-the-- --- _ - -The,-Y977- Capital- Budg -- _ a large portio*i construction of a feedermain system capable of servicing 9 of the lands designated for development within the boundaries of the Official Plan. e proposed Capital Works Projects related to watermain construction are shown on the attached servicing plan and should be considered pre- liminary only. These projects are subject to Council approval and further engineering studies. Servicing Comments As requested, we have examined the feasibility of servicing the five proposed industrial sites located outside of the area covered by the Regional Official Plan, and we submit the following comments and preliminary servicing plans indicating possible methods of servicing these sites. It 'should be noted that the area for indusanitaryvsewereoutfaZlred in the Regional Plan is 625 acres, whereas the a pop ulation of and the water supply plant intake are sized to service 52,000 plus an industrial area of 937 acres. Therefore, an addition 312 acres of industrial area could_be servi ed over and ab cove the amount _ ._� -__ covered in the of=ic_Y al_Plan•-^Since Tould1betnecessary t osredesigntthel areas are greater--than 312 acres, it +� la intake in order to meet sanitary sewer outfall and the water supply p the increased ultimate demands of the Bowmanville area. This does not apply to Sites IV and V whose areas are�less than 312 acres. Cost estimates do not include the costs of proposed capital budget of the five proposed sites_ These item projects required to service any extensions and/or improvements estimates merely cover the cost of recsewe6s stems (excluding any internal to existing water su�plx and sanitary_All estimates are based on projected servicing or site connection costs) • and contingencies. 1978 construction costs and include engineering � Proposed Industrial Site I Site I is located in an area designate d as Special Study 645a acres ll in the Region' s official Plan. The total�SrCementSCompanysand 1,345 of which 767 acres belong to the St- Mary' site. Thus, only 531 acres acres to' the Darlington Generating p various capacities of the total site area would be available for developent of the sanitary other industries. However, the present design sewer outfall and water supply plant intake would restrict this value to 312 acres. i 4 -. -sanitary Servicing Comments Site I -frm t - ,.-xl -3L --sw }S�t -_--c-olPC remQt ness - --- Bow l y35an -n6SOSe� seWa� od�edti.oir-s ste,�c'fc _ area would require the construction of�a major trunk san.itary_sew zhand. a pumping station in order to service the site. Due to the anticipated high servicing cost, the development of this site does not appear to be economically feasible. Waterworks Servicing Comments - Site I This area cannot be serviced by extending watermains from the existing system. A new feedermain will be required from the_Bowmanvz7.le Water Supply Plant to the desired area of development west_ of th.t area_ owned__,by Ontgr�Q..xy ra, A 16 inch diameter watermain would be required for this purpose at an estimated cost of $1,282,000.00 and this value does not include the cost of land purchase or easements. An alternate method of servicing the site would consist of extending a 16 inch diameter watermain on Courtice Road from Highway No. 2 to the site. Estimated cost of this method is $852,000.00. However, this alternate method would only be feasible when a proposed feedermain from j Oshawa has been constructed to the intersection of Courtice Road and II; Highway No. 2. Construction of this main is not yet required and has not been authorized. i Industrial Site II Site II (approximately 1,525 acres) is located west of Regional Road No. 57 and north of Highway 401. The site is designated as Special Study Area No. 13 in the Regional Official Plan. As previously noted, only 312 acres of this total area could presently be serviced. Sanitary Servicing Comments -- Site II The majority of Site II can be serviced by a gravity sewer system, except for the area west of the drainage divide as shown on the attached map. This low area may require pumping. Servicing of this site would require a new trunk sanitary sewer i, from the south-east corner of the site, across Highway 401 a_nd easterly parallel to the C.N.R. The proposed sewer would outfall to the future ` Bowmanville Creek trunk sewer which is being proposed in the 1977 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast for construction in 1979. The estimated cost of providing sanitary sewers to service Site II, as set out above, is $638,000.00. I - 5 - Waterworks Servicing Comments - Site II _._ . 5ervzcing of this site is._complicated_by.the, fact that rcug ?lZ half of the area is located in Pressure Zone I, south of the 'C.P.R. tracks and the other half is north of the tracks in Pressure Zone II. In addition, extensive capital budget item works would be required to service 312 acres either in Zone I or Zone' II as shown on the drawing. In Pressure Zone I, it would be necessary to extend the existing 12 inch diameter watermain on Baseline Road at Waverly as far as Martin Road. In addition, it would be necessary to extend a 12 inch watermain along Scugog Street from Concession Street to the existing main on Queen Street. Then, the 12 inch main on Waverly would be extended north to the C.P.R. tracks and westward along the tracks to Martin Road. The,estimated cost of servicing Site II in Pressure Zone I is $156,000.00. To. service Pressure Zone II, it would be necessary to extend a 16 inch diameter watermain from the proposed Zone II pumping station along Jackmans Road to Regional Road No. 57. Design and construction of the Zone II pumping station has tentatively been scheduled for 1977. �I Additional supply to this area can be achieved in the future when a new Zone II reservoir and related watermains are constructed in North Bowmanville and a new watermain is constructed from the reservoir supply main to the subject area. This additional supply is not a requirement for servicing, but only a provision for a secondary feed for emergency purposes which will not be included in the servicing cost. The estimated cost of a 16 inch diameter watermain to supply this portion of Site II in Zone II is $170,000.00. SITE III Site III (approximately 555 acres) is located north of Nash Road adjacent to the northern limits of the Regional. Official Plan_ Sanitary Servicing Comments - Site III This site is within the gravity catchment area of the Soper Creek trunk sewer. Therefore, the site can be serviced by extending the I Soper Creek trunk sewer to the site. In accordance with your memorandum dated November 23, 1976, the Soper Creek trunk sewer has been designed allowing for a population contribution of 11,800 from Site III. In lieu_of_the population contribution, a maximum of 285 acres ondust Industrial lands could be developed within the boundaries of Site III. The Soper Creek trunk sewer extension from Highway 2 to Concession j Street is being proposed in the 1977 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast for construction in 1979. The estimated cost of the proposed extension is $270,000.00. I 6 - To service the subject- site, a further extension of_the-Sopex Cre°,i - — - trunk sewer from Concession. eo_ruash Road" would be r'q'=ire . The - estimated cost of .this. extension is $638,000.00. However, construction_ of this sewer extension is not planned in the 5 year capital budget period. The total estimated cost of extending the Soper Creek trunk sewer from Highway 2 to Nash Road is approximately $908,000.00. Servicing of this site will not be­economicall y� feasib unki� the �.na�°—a-r°a of the �r C er ek trunk sewer south of Nash Road is developed. .- -°-- Waterworks Comments - Site III The Site III area located north of Nash Road can only be serviced when the proposed Zone II pumping station, reservoir and feedermains are constructed sometime after 1981. The closest feedermain extension proposed in the 1977 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast reaches a point along Scugog Street approximately 1,300 ft. south of Nash Road. Any watermain construction along Nash Road would, therefore, be at the developer's cost. SITE IV Industrial Site IV (approximately 251 acres) is located between Highway 2 and Highway 401 east of the Town of Bowmanville. Sanitary Servicing Continents - Site IV Site IV could be serviced in conjunction with the development of Phase Two of the proposed industrial development south o%^Hichw-ay Ol. - A new sanitary gravity sewer would be constructed in a northerly direction from the proposed industrial road (tunneling under Highway 401) and then easterly, parallel to Highway 401 to service the subject property. In addition, the proposed sanitary sewer downstream would require oversizing from the point of connection to the proposed West Beach Road Pumping Station. The estimated cost of constructing the new sanitary sewer as set out above is $400,000.00. SITE V Industrial Site V (approximately 260 acres) is located east of Simpson Ave. and south of the C.N.R. right-=of-way. This area is presently designated as major open space in the Regional Official Plan. Sanitary Servicing Comments - Site V The majority of Site V can be serviced by gravity to the proposed sanitary sewer that will service the proposed industrial development south of Highway 401. An isolated low area located immediately west of the Highway 401 access road may require pumping. j I r - 7 - Sanitary sewage. from_ Site V would discharge to the proposed sanitary ---- "- - -- sewer at the intersection=-aE-Mest-Beach- Road and Simpson Avenue_ - In =- - . sewer_ aQ anstream would re uire e:-ersizin --- "_ -- addition-; the proposed sandy . q _ .. 9 from the point of connection to the proposed West Beach Road Pumping Station. The cost of servicing Site V as set out above is limited to the oversizing of the proposed sanitary sewer on West Beach Road. The cost of oversiz�ng is estimated at $30,000.00. Water Servicing Comments - Sites IV & V Based on a maximum developable area of 251 acres (Site IV) and 260 acres (Site V) , a 16 inch diameter watermain will be required to service these areas respectively. However, by revising the size and location of the proposed feedermain projects to extend easterly from the water supply plant to Lambs Road and north on Lambs Road to Hy ighway N�o. 2. ti it will be possible to service the proposed industrial development as well as Site IV and V. The cost of servicing these sites based on a 16 inch diameter watermain from the water supply plant to the site is $503,000.00 (Site IV) and $254,000.00 (Site V) . SU MMARY In regard to the above noted comments concerning servicing require- ments for the five proposed industrial designated sites in the Town of Newcastle (Bowmanville) , we offer the following summary of comments in respect to future development of those areas. Table 1 presents the estimated costs for servicing each of the proposed sites excluding the cost of approved or proposed Capital Works Projects. For the viewpoint of both timing and economics, Site V is the most appropriate from a servicing point of view. It is being proposed in the 1977 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast that provision be made for the construction of both sanitary sewers and watermains to service the existing industrial lands south of Highway 401 (tentatively scheduled for construction in 1979) . The design of the subject utilities will take place in 1977. The servicing of Site V will require the oversizing of both the proposed watermain and sanitary sewer. Any information r wed to additional land within Site V that is to be designated industrial would be required before design can proceed. T� SERVICING INFORMATION FOR FIVE INDUSTRIAL SITES IN THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE (BOWMANVILLE) Site Estimated Cost Estimated Cost dotal Estimated Comments Water Supply Sanitary Servicing Servicing Cost is Site I Servicing to Bowmanville $1,282,000.00 No E9timfttt Servicing to Courtice $852,000.00 ' Site II Area South of C.P.R. ($170 ,000.00+$638,000.00) Sanitary sew sing cost $156,000.00 is for the 4t-ruction of $638,000.00 = $808 ,000.00 sewers to Area North of C.P.R. corner of U1e .site. $170,000.00 Therefore, for the total estimated crest, the water supply cost fo:x7 the area south of tEn F,F.R. was used. Sanitary six' extension fron Site III $638,000.00 $638,000.00 Concession St. to Nash Rte. Site IV $503,000.00 $400,000.00 $903,000.00 Site V $254,000.00 $30,000.00 $284,000.00 Sanitary aerviz�ing cost is limited ttu cvyersizing the proposEm5 a�zlnitary sewer from �wt Beach Road and S*:LmU)s{mm Ave. to the propos'ecdi ' t Beach Road Pumpi!DiT , L4ktion. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Wm, F H. McADAMS, M.C.I.P./Commissioner 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE/P.O.BOX 623-WHITBY,ONTARIO L.lN 6A3 TEL. (416)668-7731 In reply,Please refer to File Number February 15 , 1979 SSA#ll Mr. L. Kristof, Director of Planning and Development, Town of Newcastle, Hampton Municipal Office, Hampton, Ontario. F r %��� 1979 Dear Mr. Kristof: ';'ARTWNT Re: Special Study Area No. 11 We are presently investigating alternative land uses for the area identified as Special Study Area No. 11 in the Durham Regional Official Plan in order to resolve the future land use issues for this area. We would like to present a report to our Planning Committee in March and accordingly, would be very grateful if you could send us any comments regarding the future land use of this area. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this Department. Yours very truly, L. Yo-1-seff, Manager Strategic Planning Branch. Of CC E 1,9 700 University,Auenuer_To.WD1Q,_Ontario M5G 1X6 D11RNAft'1 PLAiV{y',NG [DEPT. It hJ'I 10N ---.....- 1 Cale-Re ................ . Octobe _3 , 1978 e: NK t1 { -79120 F cohlr TC) - - -- -- _ Mr. W.A. Evans - f�- Design Manager ____ ~_ — Regional Municip4;lity of Durha �'VC�I�'t5 -- -- -- 1_-- 105 Cons wne rs Drive DEPT, - - --_- F.O. Box 623 � r WHITBY, Ontario lilt LIN 1C4 Dear sir: PLANNING DEP TJ,�INT Darlington G.S. �� a � XASILE Sewage 'lrcatnr_?nt Facili ties ._ In response to your letter of October 3, 1978, we note the following. At this time we cannot give any commitment to treatment of any off-site sewage in an on-site facility. The current situation is: (a) We are preparing our application to the Ministry of the PnvironnX-Lnt for approval of the treaturnt works and are concerned that the introduction of such an issue and attempts to quantify date re same would complicate our submissions and perhaps jeopardize our approval . (b) Our current plans are to decommission any excess capacity after the peak construction period and use it to service future Ontario Hydro projects. The remaining equipment would handle station sewage only. We are not aware of your schedules nor requirements, but would suggest that perhaps the situation could be reviewed sometime in the future, when we are well into our program and both your plans for the area and our plans for decommissioning the treat- ment plant would be clearer and we have gained some experience with the equipment. Yours truly, v � --�"--------�° . •--.+mod-e.._._,.d J. Mc(,redie Project Manager Darlington G.S. i pT Ir REGIONA-L- MUt-41CIPALITY Of E].URNA-M . _ �� .a,� /sit' WORKS DEPARTMENT W.A.TWELVETRFFS,P.Fng.1 Commissioner of Works 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE,P.O.BOX 623,WHITBY,ON rARiO LIN 1C4 IEI-EPHONE.1416) 66$•7721 March 10, 1977 FIVED i Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning r.• Regional Planning Department ' 105 Consumers Drive DUMArN% PU"I. & D,-VT, P.O. Box 623 WHITBY, Ontario File Ref. . Dear Dr. Michael: Re: Servicing Information for Five Industrial Sites in Bowmanville Your File SI-30 As per your request of January 14, 1977 for servicing information for five proposed industrial designated areas in the Town of Newcastle (Bowmanville) , we have prepared servicing reports, showing sanitary sewers and waterworks schemes that, in conjunction with proposed capital works projects, may be capable of providing services to the areas. We have suggested the areas that we feel may be more desirable to service for industrial use, and we have given estimated costs of sanitary sewer and watermain extensions that, in conjunction with proposed capital works projects, could provide service to the industrial sites. Please bear in mind that these servicing schemes are preliminary only and are contingent upon Council approval of the proposed capital works projects and further engineering studies. Yours truly, 11. A. Evans, P. Eng. WAE/WM/vl Design Manager Encl. cc G. A. Crawford C. S. Lee, P. Eng. J. E. Durocher, P. Eng. s SERVICING INFORMATION FOT2 FI VF' INUt1STRTAL ST'I'ES - - --�, IN THE- TAN.-_OF_ NEWC.c'-ST?.i: .(BOWMANVIMXX - Sewage Treatment (I�xisti_nq Plant Capacity) The existing Soper Creek Water Pollution Control Plant has the capacity to service a population of 15,000 (1.5 M.G.D.) . Existing development within the Town of Bowmanville contributes average day flows of 1.35 M.G.D. and maximum day flows of 3.71 M.G.D. _The existing W.P.C.P, is fully committed and no further development can procee unt anew �antis_.construc-te�C a "'-` �--"---�` Waterworks (Existing Plant Capaci_ty) Water supply for the Town of Bowmanville is provided from surface springs north of the Town, and from the Bowmanville Water Supply Plant. The springs are capable of yielding 0.35 M.G.D. while the water supply plant is rated at 2.0 M.G.D. The water supply plant is presently overcommitted on the basis of maximum daily water,-,requirements and no further development�can proceed until a_ new intake._..and_plant, -mo.di f-cations�have_ _ been completed and put into operation by late�1978. Water Supply and Sewage Treatment Plant (Proposed Expansions) The 1975 Capital Budget (Item 75-S23) provided for an expansion to the existing Soper Creek W.P.C.P, and the construction of the outlet sewer into Lake Ontario. Due to the increased population now proposed in the Region' s Official Plan, the existing plant site is not sufficient to accommodate a plant expansion that would r-,et treat.meh t demands for the ultimate population. On October 27, 1976, Regional Council considered Commissioner's Report to Works Committee, Item 389-76 and approved the following resolution: a) THAT the outlet sewer into Lake Ontario and the Bowmanville Water Supply Plant intake be sized in accordance with the Official Plan as required for future expansion in the Bowmanville area and the requirements of Ontario Hydro for the Darlington Generating Station. b) THAT a new location be purchased for the construction of a new water pollution control plant in Bowmanville and that a 1.0 million gallon per day module be constructed on that site. c) THAT the Region continue to operate the existing Soper Creek Water Pollution Control Plant until such time as economics and/or nbsolescence indicate that it should be phased out. The Commissioner' s Report to Works Committee recommended that the sanitary sewage outf_all sewer- and the water supply plant intake be sized for an ultimate population of 52,500 plus an allowance for the develop-- meet of 937 acres of industrial land. - 2 - PROPOSED SEWAGE %,11.,RKS �. ._... . _ New Soper Creek Cater I'0 117 t7rr Control T*7zznt The new Soper Creek W.P.C.P. (1.0 M.G.D.) will initially provide service for an ad-itional population of 10,.000 thereby bringing the sewage treatment capability in Bowmanville up to a population equivalent of 25,000 (2.5 M.G.D.) . The plant is tentatively scheduled for completion by late 1979 or e=.rly 1980. The Region's Land Purchase Division is presently negotiating with 1 St. Mary's Cement Company for the purchase of the water pollution control plant site and the Region' s consulting engineer is now in the position, to proceed with a-pplication to the Ministry of Environment for an i Environmental Healing on the plant location. The Environr^i?ntal Hearing and/or land acquisition activities may de lay_construction c,f tlle—?x9po';ed j1.pt and cojijq­possibly result in major changes to the overall sanitary servicing scheme The following sanitary sewer servicing comments for the five industrial sites assume that the new Soper Creek Water Pollution Control Plant will be con.st.ructed on the site shown on the attached servicing plan. Relocation of the roposed plant would greatly affect the results of'-., < this studv in tha.t the servicing costs for each of the sites would"have to be re-asse-sse 3. Pumping Station, Forcemains and Sanitary Trunk Sewers The 1977 Ca�::)ital Budget and Four Year Forecast proposes sanitary sewage works that will be capable of servicing development as proposed in the Region's Official Plan plus a 50% oversizing for development beyond the scope of the Official F'lan. The propose-3 works as shown on the attached servicing plan are preliminary only, and are subject to Council approval and further engineering stuc1es. Any proposed development that would contribute flows to the sanitary sewage system ah-ove these guidelines cannot be accommodated. 'Bowmanville Water Supply Plant (Proposed Expansions) The 1976 Capital Budget (Item 76-W56) provides for modifications to the existing ---lowmanville Water Supply Plant which will increase its capacity to 4.0 M.G.D. It also provides for the construction of a new intake having sr-fficient capacity for the ultirnate rated plant output of 10.5 M.G.D. The new intake and plant mod:if_i.cations are tentatively scheduled for ccr.ipletion by 1978. I - 3 - a Water Distribution Svstem (I'ro�osed F.t_tensions) The . 1977- Capital Budgat.,..-*� _-Four `_'`mow Forecast Proposed ,the - -- construction of a eec3erirraxn systr>n capable of servicing a large porti6n of the lands designated for development within the boundaries of the official Plan. <. The proposed capital Works Projects related to waterrnain construction are shown on the attached servicing plan and should be considered pre- liminary only. These projects are subject to Council approval and further engineering studies. Servicing_ icing Comments ` As requested, we have examined the feasibility of servicing the five proposed industrial sites located outside of the area covered by the Regional official Plan, and we submit the following comments and preliminary servicing plans indicating possible methods of servicing these sites. it 'should be noted that the area for industrial development covered in the Regional Plan is 625 acres, whereas the sanitary sewer outfall and the water supply plant intake are sized to service a population of 52,000 plus an industrial area of 937 acres. Therefore, an additio 312 acres of industrial area could _be serviced over and above the amount_ covered in the official Plan. Since the first three proposed industrial areas are greater than 312 acres, it would be necessary to redesign the sanitary sewer outfall and the water supply plant intake in order to meet the increased ultimate demands of the Bowmanville area. This does not apply to Sites IV and V whose areas are,less than 312 acres. Cost estimates do not include the costs of proposed capital budget o item projects required to service any of the five proposed sites_ These ` estimates merely cover the cost of_necessary extensions and/or improvements to existing water su 1 and sanitary_scw_nr_sXstems (excluding any internal servicing or site connection costs) . All estimates are based on projected 1978 construction costs and include engineering and contingencies. Proposed Industrial Site I Site I is located in an area designated as Special Study Area No. 11 in the Region' s Official Plan. The total area of Site I is' 2,645 acres of which 767 acres belong to the St. Mary's Cement Company and 1,345 acres to' the Darlington Generating Station site. Thus, only 531 acres of the total site area would be available for development by various other industries. Hoeiever, the present design capacities of the sanitary sewer outfall and ,cater supply plant intake would restrict this value to 312 acres. i 4 - . �anxtSanitary Servxca.ncr Common_ s Site_ _ _ _I_ remoteness of Sa to I from the caist.ing sewage. callPCt io^.� tr_� _s�stetz Irr_ 0urti c�- area would require the construction of a major trunk_sanitary_,se_we_r_and a pumping station in order to service the site. Due to the anticipated high servicing cost, the development of this site does not appear to be economically feasible. Waterworks Servicing Comments - Site I This area cannot be serviced by extending watermains from the existing system. A new feedermain will be required from the__Dowmanville Hater Supply_Plant to the desired_area of development west of-theaarea_ own�d� �ari,o. Hyc� o. A 16 inch diameter watermain would be required for this purpose at an estimated cost of $1,282,000.00 and this value does not include the cost of land purchase or easements. An alternate method of servicing the site would consist of extending a 16 inch diameter watermain on Courtice Road from Highway No. 2 to the site. Estimated cost of this method is $852,000.00. However, this alternate method would only be feasible when a proposed feedermain from Oshawa has been constructed to the intersection of Courtice Road and Highway No. 2. Construction of this main is not yet required and has not been authorized. Industrial Site II Site II (approximately 1,525 acres) is located west of Regional Road No. 57 and north of Highway 401. The site is designated as Special Study Area No. 13 in the Regional Official plan_ As previously noted, only 312 acres of this total area could presently be serviced. Sanitary Servicing Comments - Site II The majority of Site II can be serviced by a gravity sewer system, except for the area west of the drainage divide as shown on the attached map. This low area may require pumping. Servicing of this site would require a new trunk sanitary sewer from the south-east corner of the site, across Highway 401 and easterly parallel to the C.N.R. The proposed sewer would outfall to the future 13owmanville Creek trunk sewer which is being proposed in thie 1977 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast for construction in 1979. The estimated cost of providing sanitary sewers to service Site II, as set out above, is $638,000.00. i i x• Igip Waterworks Servicinq Comments - Site II r .0 Servicing of_.this .site, is _coriplicated.by the fact -that roug?zly half of the area is located in Pressure Zone I, south of the C.P.R. tracks and the other half is north of the tracks in Pressure Zone II. In addition, extensive capital budget item works would be required to sex-vice 312 acres either in Zone I or Zone II as shown on the drawing. In Pressure Zone I, it would be necessary to extend the existing 12 inch diameter watermain on Baseline Road at Waverly as far as Martin Road. In addition, it would be necessary to extend a 12 inch watermain along Scugog Street from Concession Street to the existing main on Queen Street. Then, the 12 inch main on Waverly would be extended north to the C.P.R. tracks and westward along the tracks to Martin Road. The.:estimated cost of servicing Site II in Pressure Zone I is $156,000.00. To. service Pressure Zone II, it would be necessary to extend a 16 inch diameter watermain from the proposed Zone II pumping station along Jackmans Road to Regional Road No. 57. Design and construction of the Zone II pumping station has tentatively been scheduled for 1977. Additional supply to this area can be achieved in the future when a new Zone II reservoir and related watermains are constructed in North Bowmanville and a new watermain is constructed from the reservoir supply main to the subject area. This additional supply is not a requirement for servicing, but only a provision for a secondary feed for emergency purposes which will not be included in the servicing cost. The estimated cost of a 16 inch diameter watermain to supply this portion of Site II in Zone II is $170,000.00. SITE III 1 _ Site III (approximately 555 acres) is located north of Vash Road adjacent to the northern limits of the Regional Official Plan. Sanitary Servicing Comments - Site III This site is within the gravity catchment area of the Soper Creek trunk sewer. Therefore, the site can be serviced by extending the Soper Creek trunk sewer to the site. In accordance with your memorandum dated November 23, 1976, the Soper Creek trunk sewer has been designed allowing for a population contribution of 11,800 from Site III. In _lieu_of the.populajion cotltributio_n, a maximum of 2£35 acres of�industrial. lands could be developed within the boundaries of Site III. -! The Soper Creek trunk sewer extension from Highway 2 to Concession Street is being proposed in the 1977 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast for construction in 1979. The estimated cost of the proposed extension is $270,000.00. I tension of the sopereek the,. subject. site, -A further ox i:­C To service The colicession Pot tr�lny. sewer from estimated cost of this extension I 3u.4ever, construction s $68,000-00. ii the capital ',budget period. of this sewer extension is not planned in t] 5 year capit The total estimated cost of extending the Soper Creek trunk sewer from Highway 2 to Nash Road is approximately--$908,000.00. Servicing of _this site will not be economicall. _1�1as ------- is developed. !E-e-soper Creek tjFu—nJZ sewer south of Nash Road Waterworks Comments_- Site III The Site III area located north of Nash Road can only be serviced when the proposed zone II pumping st ation, reservoir and feedermains are constructed sometime after 19BI. The closest feederipain extension proposed in the 1977 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast reaches a point along scugog Street approximately 1,300 ft. south of Mash Road. Any watermain construction along Nash Road would, therefore, be at the developer's cost. SITE IV a Industrial Site IV (approximately 251. acres) is located between Highway 2 and Highway 401 east of the Town of iwwmanville- Sanitary Servicing Continents - Site IV Site IV could be serviced in conjunction with the development of Phase Two of the proposed industrial development south oz 1c— A new sanitary gravity sewer would be constructed in a northerly direction from the proposed industrial road (tunneling under Highway 401) and then easterly, parallel to Highway 401 to service the subject property. In addition, the proposed sanitary sewer downstream would require oversizing from the point of connection to the proposed West Beach Road Pumping Station. The estimated cost of constructing the new sanitary sewer as set out above is $400,000-00. SITE V Industrial. Site V (approximately 260 acres) is located east of Simpson Ave. and south of the C.N.R. right-of-way. This area is presently designated as major open space in the 1"Ji"I'll Official. Plan. Sanitary Site V Servicing The majority of Site V can be serviced by gravity to the proposed sanitary sewer that will service the proposed industrial development south of Highway 401. An isolated low area located ii-,ii-iiediately west of the Highway 401. access road may require pumping. _ 7 Sanitary sewage from• Site V would cli�;char.ge to the prop<>sed sanitary sewer r'cach Road and ;irrpson Avenue. - In at the int(!r.section of~ West addition, the proposed san-L xy sewer. downstream would require o-:ei:sizing Y_� ";�•;�` from the point of connection to the proposed West Beach Road Pumping Station. The cost of servicing Site V as set but above is limited to the oversizing of the proposed sanitary sewer on West: Beach Road. The cost of oversizing is estimated at $30,000.00. Water Servicing Comments - -Sites :LV & V Based on a maximum developable area of 251 acres (Site IV) and 260 acres (Site V) , a 16 inch diameter watermain will be .required to service these areas respectively. However, by revising the size and location of the proposed feedermain projects to extend easterly from the water supply plant to Lambs Road and north _on Lambs Road to_Highway No..�2, t it will be possible to service the proposed d inustrial development as 'r well as Site IV and V. The cost of servicing these sites based on a 16 inch diameter watermain from the water supply plant to the site is $503,000.00 (Site IV) and $254,000.00 (Site V) . SUMMARY In regard to the above noted continents concerning servicing require- ments for the five proposed industrial designated sites in the Town of Newcastle (Bowmanville) , we offer the following summary of comments in respect to future development of those areas. Table 1 presents the estimated costs for servicing each of the proposed sites excluding the cost of approved or proposed Capital Works Projects. For the vielapoint of both timing and economics, Site V is the most appropriate from a servicing point of view. It is being proposed in the 1977 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast that provision be made for the construction of both sanitary sewers and watermains to service the existing industrial lands south of Highway 401 (tentatively scheduled for construction in 1979) . The design of the subject utilities will take place in 1977. The servicing of Site V will require the oversizing of both the proposed watermain and sanitary sewer. Any iinformation r �lyl to additiona land within Site V that is to be designated industrial would be required before design can proceed. M SERVICING IN ORMA ION FOR i I VZ INDUSTRIAL Sl•1GS IN i1 IMILN O �T"' .yT.l\K i4T Tn� b LV Ci W l.tiJ 11+1+ \✓ :a r� Site Estimated Cost Estimated Cost total Estimated Cornents Water Supply_ Sanitary Servicing_ Servicing Cost Site I Servicing to Bowmanville - $1,282,000.00 N8 ��tiID�t� - Servicing to Courtice $852,000.00 ' Site II Area South of C.P.R. ($170,000.00+$638,000.00) Sanitary servicing cost $156,000.00 is for the= �,*�.�t-ructio.^. of $638,000-00 = $808 ,000.00 sewers to tbk1 sputh-east Area North of C.P.R. corner of the site. . $170,000.00 Therefore, for the total estimated mss:, the water supply cost scar the area south of the F„P-R. was used. Sanitary sower extension fr' Site I11 $638,000.00 $638,000.00 Concession St. to Nash Site IV $503,000.00 $400,000.00 $903,000,00 Site V $254,000.00 $30,000.00 $284,000.00 Sanitary ser-,iz ng cost is limited 'tv cT-crsizing the proposcv�i :ritary sewer from iw 4x Dcach Road and Si:iA 5-+rz.1 rive. t0 the proposeed 'cCezt Beach Road Pumpir79 :Yl,W.�iosi- {.d .V ;'! �� )5�.�1 qj. / ; 4'`! ,!r Yr 1, .,/"� rGr. ♦ � 1. .x � n fir' .-U1'•1P�t 11'17W11f '�' ,I ... •.�' ..n' .� i01 Lt7T 17 LOT 16jLOY 15 F � ON'11 ' r R4 I HCGIONAL ROAD N4 22 e4&n+ �+ CON I REVISIONS No Date Initl. Item l !sPv:C'b'L STUDY kkir-k k\ -- I AVID C"kwc E v:urn I To I�c�usrcc���